Thursday, March 20, 2003


Spiegel: Bodenoffensive hat begonnen
Die alliierten Truppen haben offenbar mit der Invasion des Irak begonnen. Die US-Streitkräfte bestätigten, dass der Süden des Irak mit Artillerie und Kampfhubschraubern unter Beschuss genommen wurde.

Kuweit - Bei dem Angriff der 3. Infanteriedivision wurden Haubitzen und Raketensysteme mit Mehrfachsprengköpfen eingesetzt. Das teilte der US-Generalmajor Bufourd Blount mit, der die erste Phase der Bodenoffensive bestätigte.
Der US-Nachrichtensender Fox News meldete zugleich weitere Luftangriffe der USA und Attacken von Kampfhubschraubern im südlichen Irak. Die "New York Times" berichtet, US-Marinesoldaten seien in erste Kämpfe mit irakischen Truppen verwickelt worden. Amerikanische Panzer sollen demnach zwei irakische gepanzerte Truppentransporter zerstört haben.

Independent: US begins artillery barrage
US troops have launched an artillery barrage in what appears to be the first stage of the ground war in Iraq.
The US 3rd Infantry Division's artillery opened fire on Iraqi troops with Paladin self-propelled howitzers and multiple launch rocket systems shortly before 1700 GMT.
US Attack helicopters could also be heard apparently joining the battle.
Earlier, Donald Rumsfeld confirmed that Iraqi soldiers have set light to "three or four" oilfields near Basra.
I have seen indications and reports that the Iraqi regime may have set fire to as many as three or four of the oil wells in the south" said the US Defence Secretary.

NY Times: Border Fight Follows Iraq Firing Missiles at G.I.'s in Kuwait
March 20 — The first reported combat engagement of the United States war with Iraq occurred at 3:57 p.m. local time today, when a patrol of light armored vehicles from the Marine First Division encountered two Iraqi armored personnel carriers south of the border with Iraq.

The armored vehicles, called LAV-25's, engaged and destroyed the armored personnel carriers using 25-millimeter chain guns, a type of machine gun, and TOW guided missiles.

Earlier, Iraq fired four missiles toward American military bases in Kuwait. A Patriot battery shot down two, and another landed in the desert. Air sirens rang out and the American troops climbed into protective suits and put on gas masks.

The attacks followed an order by President Bush on Wednesday night to start the war. American forces poised on the country's southern border and at sea began strikes to disarm the country, including an apparently unsuccessful attempt to kill Saddam Hussein.

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