Friday, August 15, 2003


Spiegel: Blackout dauert an
Auch 18 Stunden nach Beginn des Stromausfalls im Norden der USA und in Kanada sind noch Millionen Menschen von der Energieversorgung abgeschnitten. In der Ostküstenmetropole New York liegt das Geschäftszentrum in Manhatten weiter lahm. Laut Bürgermeister Bloomberg wird es noch Stunden dauern, bis es dort wieder Strom gibt.

Independent: 50 million without power as huge blackout hits eastern US and Canada

Thursday, August 14, 2003


Spiegel: Bandenkrieg gegen Dr. Dean
Mit scharfen Attacken gegen George Bush, den Krieg und die "Feigheit" der eigenen Partei hat sich Howard Dean an die Spitze der demokratischen Pr?sidentschaftsbewerber gesetzt. Nun schl?gt das Partei-Establishment zurück

Seit ein paar Wochen gilt Dr. Dean, lange ein Nobody, als der ?berraschungsfavorit im Rennen um die Nominierung. Gerade prangte sein Gesicht zeitgleich auf den Titeln von "Time" und "Newsweek" - ein medialer Doppel-Coup. Für Dean reicht es nun nicht mehr, nur gegen Bush zu zürnen - er muss sich auch gegen die alte Garde der Demokraten verteidigen. Gegen Kongress-Veteranen wie Joe Lieberman, Dick Gephardt - und John Kerry, der sich wohl schon als Kandidat gesehen hatte.

Dean sei zu links, zu wütend, zu nah am Pazifismus, t?nt auch Senator Lieberman. Wer diesen Populisten nominiere, kaufe "eine Fahrkarte nach nirgendwo". Deans Ideen - eine offizielle Untersuchung der Kriegspropaganda, staatliche Gesundheitsversicherung für alle, ehe?hnliche Rechte für Schwule und Lesben - l?gen vielleicht demokratischen Parteiaktivisten am Herzen. Der Mainstream-W?hler werde sich abwenden.
"Oh Oh der Mr. Dean hat aber dunke Ideen...staatliche Gesundheitsversicherung für alle...der ist richtig Radikal, was sagt da bloss Corporate America dazu? Amerika gleicht sein System der Sowietunion an. Das es zwei Parteien gibt ist bloss ein Trick um dem Waehler vorzugaukeln er haette auch wirklich eine Wahl. Die Demokraten und die Republikaner koennten sich eigentlich auch gleich zusammen tun"

Time Magazine: The Dean Factor
He's got money, momentum, excitement. But is that enough to take him to the top?


Spiegel: Experten sprechen von bis zu 3000 Toten

Die Lage sei sehr ernst, und die Todeszahlen "werden hoch, sogar sehr hoch sein", sagte der französische Gesundheitsminister Jean-François Mattei. Besonders in der Hauptstadt Paris nimmt die Zahl der Hitze-Toten erschreckende Ausmaße an.


Reuters: Bush to Sidestep Muslim Groups, Senate on Scholar

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - Over objections from some Muslim American groups, President Bush plans to sidestep Congress and appoint a Middle East scholar who has been derided by critics as anti-Muslim to a federally funded think tank, congressional sources said on Tuesday.

Bush's expected recess appointment of Daniel Pipes could spark a backlash from some Muslim Americans and Democrats in Congress, who oppose his nomination to serve on the board of the U.S. Institute of Peace, which was created by Congress to promote peaceful solutions to world conflicts.
"link by Pedro"

MSNBC: Opposing Daniel Pipes
Bush’s nominee doesn’t belong at the U.S. Institute for Peace

Aug. 11 — When I read that Daniel Pipes had been nominated to the board of the United States Institute of Peace (a federally funded body whose members are proposed by the president and confirmed by the Senate), my first reaction was one of bafflement. Why did Pipes want the nomination? After all, USIP, a somewhat mild organization, is devoted to the peaceful resolution of conflict. For Pipes, this notion is a contradiction in terms.

I AM NOT myself a pacifist, and I believe that Islamic nihilism has to be combated with every weapon, intellectual and moral as well as military, which we possess or can acquire. But that is a position shared by a very wide spectrum of people. Pipes, however, uses this consensus to take a position somewhat to the right of Ariel Sharon, concerning a matter (the Israel-Palestine dispute) that actually can be settled by negotiation. And he employs the fears and insecurities created by Islamic extremism to slander or misrepresent those who disagree with him.

Guardian: Study of Bush's psyche touches a nerve

A study funded by the US government has concluded that conservatism can be explained psychologically as a set of neuroses rooted in "fear and aggression, dogmatism and the intolerance of ambiguity".
As if that was not enough to get Republican blood boiling, the report's four authors linked Hitler, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan and the rightwing talkshow host, Rush Limbaugh, arguing they all suffered from the same affliction.

All of them "preached a return to an idealised past and condoned inequality".

Republicans are demanding to know why the psychologists behind the report, Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition, received $1.2m in public funds for their research from the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

The authors also peer into the psyche of President George Bush, who turns out to be a textbook case. The telltale signs are his preference for moral certainty and frequently expressed dislike of nuance.

"This intolerance of ambiguity can lead people to cling to the familiar, to arrive at premature conclusions, and to impose simplistic cliches and stereotypes," the authors argue in the Psychological Bulletin.

One of the psychologists behind the study, Jack Glaser, said the aversion to shades of grey and the need for "closure" could explain the fact that the Bush administration ignored intelligence that contradicted its beliefs about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

"Als hätten wir es nicht gewusst"

"Link provided by pedro"

Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Independent: British soldiers face wrath of Iraqis as hatred festers on streets of Basra
By Justin Huggler in Basra

Burnt tyres and stones that were thrown at British soldiers trying to contain riots by Iraqis infuriated by constant power cuts and a fuel crisis still littered the streets of Basra yesterday.

Calm had been restored to the city after two days in which at least one Iraqi protester was killed - who fired the bullet is still unclear - and a Nepalese former Gurkha soldier was shot dead when his UN car was ambushed in the street. But you get the sense the British are sitting on a pressure cooker.

How serious the riots were depends on whom you speak to. Ask the British occupation authority which runs the south of Iraq, and it was all a storm in a teacup. Ask the Iraqis on the streets of Basra, and you hear a different story. There is anger seething on the streets.

IRAQ Spanish troops in Iraq to wear Christian badge

On first hearing that the new contingent of Spanish troops being sent to Iraq are wearing the Cruz de Santiago de Compostela (Cross of St. James of Compostela) on their arm badge, one could be forgiven for thinking the authorities in Spain had lost their minds. On reflection, however, and in the context of the prevailing world political atmosphere, more sinister conclusions can be drawn from this action.

The triangular top and arrow-like arms of the cross have become a symbol of the liquidation of the Muslims who were finally driven out of Spain after 800 years of fighting by the reconquest in 1492. This was also the start of the period of colonialist expansion by Spain’s Catholic monarchy.


AFP: US troops kill Iraqi police: witness

AFP - US soldiers in Baghdad on Saturday shot dead an Iraqi policeman they mistook for an attacker, killed another as he tried to surrender to them and beat a third, a survivor of the incident said.

The three Iraqi officers were firing from their unmarked car at a suspect vehicle they were chasing when the Americans opened fire on them in a western suburb of the capital, Sergeant Hamza Atiya Muhsen, who said he was driving the car, told AFP.


Asiatimes: Iran-Contra, amplified

WASHINGTON - A specter of the Iran-Contra affair is haunting Washington. Even some of the people and countries are the same. And the methods - particularly the pursuit by a network of well-placed individuals of a covert, parallel foreign policy that is at odds with official policy - are definitely the same.

Boiled down to its essentials, the Iran-Contra affair was about a small group of officials based in the National Security Council (NSC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that ran an "off-the-books" operation to secretly sell arms to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon.

They used the proceeds over the following years to sustain the Nicaraguan Contras - US-sponsored rebels fighting Managua's left-wing government - in defiance of both a congressional ban and of official US policy as enunciated by the State Department and then president Ronald Reagan. It was never clear whether Reagan understood, let alone approved, the operation.

The picture emerging from the latest reports about the manipulation of intelligence in the drive to war with Iraq, as well as efforts by administration hawks to deliberately aggravate tensions with Syria, Iran, and North Korea in defiance of official State Department and US policy, suggest a similar but much more ambitious scheme at work.


Dailytimes Pakistan: US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower

-“CIA people were supposed to be handling it. They had a special
‘black’ aircraft to fly it out. But none of that happened because the
regular US Army showed up, stumbled onto it and everyone involved had
to scramble...." -The problem became evident when “the operation in Iraq
involved 100 people, all of whom apparently are now dead, having
succumbed to so-called ‘friendly fire’. The scope of this operation included the
penetration of the Central Bank of Iraq, other large commercial banks
in Baghdad, the Iraqi National Museum and certain presidential palaces
where monies and bullion were secreted.”

According to a stunning report posted by a retired Navy Lt Commander
and 28-year veteran of the Defense Department (DoD), the Bush
administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to “plant”
WMDs inside the country. Nelda Rogers, the Pentagon whistleblower,
claims the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by
“friendly fire”, the Environmentalists Against War report.

Nelda Rogers is a 28-year veteran debriefer for the DoD. She has become
so concerned for her safety that she decided to tell the story about this
latest CIA-military fiasco in Iraq. According to Al Martin, “Ms
Rogers is number two in the chain of command within this DoD special
intelligence office. This is a ten-person debriefing unit within the
central debriefing office for the Department of Defense.”

Tuesday, August 12, 2003


CHeck My Dog is Polite

Very nice Streetart and Graffiti Pics from Barcelona


ZMAG: Sleepwalking To Extinction by George Monbiot

Something about the human mind appears to prevent us from grasping the reality of climate change

We live in a dreamworld. With a small, rational part of the brain, we recognise that our existence is governed by material realities, and that, as those realities change, so will our lives. But underlying this awareness is the deep semi-consciousness which absorbs the moment in which we live then generalises it, projecting our future lives as repeated instances of the present. This, not the superficial world of our reason, is our true reality. All that separates us from the indigenous people of Australia is that they recognise this and we do not.

Our dreaming will, as it has begun to do already, destroy the conditions necessary for human life on earth. Were we governed by reason, we would be on the barricades today, dragging the drivers of Range Rovers and Nissan Patrols out of their seats, occupying and shutting down the coal-burning power stations, bursting in upon the Blairs' retreat from reality in Barbados and demanding a reversal of economic life as dramatic as the one we bore when we went to war with Hitler. Instead, we whine about the heat and thumb through the brochures for holidays in Iceland. The future has been laid out before us, but the deep eye with which we place ourselves on earth will not see it.

Of course, we cannot say that the remarkable temperatures in Europe this week are the result of global warming. What we can say is that they correspond to the predictions made by climate scientists


ZMAG: Preventive War 'the Supreme Crime' by Noam Chomsky
Iraq: invasion that will live in infamy

SEPTEMBER 2002 was marked by three events of considerable importance, closely related. The United States, the most powerful state in history, announced a new national security strategy asserting that it will maintain global hegemony permanently. Any challenge will be blocked by force, the dimension in which the US reigns supreme. At the same time, the war drums began to beat to mobilise the population for an invasion of Iraq. And the campaign opened for the mid-term congressional elections, which would determine whether the administration would be able to carry forward its radical international and domestic agenda.




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OldSchool Update @ RAZHIA


Tages Anzeiger: Erneut Anschläge im Irak

Bei einem Bombenanschlag in der irakischen Stadt Baakuba nordöstlich von Bagdad sind in der Nacht auf Montag ein US-Soldat getötet und zwei weitere verletzt worden.

Auch in der Hauptstadt Bagdad waren zuvor zwei Bomben detoniert, wie der arabische Fernsehsenders al-Arabija berichtete. Die Explosionen hätten sich in der Nähe der britischen Botschaft im Stadtteil Salhija ereignet.
Augenzeugen sagten, es habe kurz nach Mitternacht zwei Explosionen gegeben. Dabei sei ein Iraker verletzt worden. Die britische Botschaft sei aber nicht das Ziel gewesen.


Spiegel: Hamas und Aksa-Brigaden bekennen sich zu Terroranschl?gen

Sowohl die radikalislamische Hamas als auch die Arafat-nahen Aksa-Brigaden haben sich zu den Selbstmordanschl?gen auf eine jüdische Siedlung im Westjordanland und ein Einkaufszentrum bei Tel Aviv bekannt. Israel hat unterdessen die Freilassung von 76 pal?stinensischen H?ftlingen verschoben.

Jerusalem - In der Internet-Erkl?rung r?umte die Hamas erstmals offiziell einen Bruch des am 29. Juni verkündeten Waffenstillstands ein. An der Einfahrt zur Siedlung Ariel hatte sich am Morgen ein Attent?ter an einer Bushaltestelle in die Luft gesprengt. Nach Angaben des Rettungsdienstes kam ein 18-j?hriger Israeli ums Leben, zwei weitere Personen wurden schwer verletzt. Nur eine Stunde zuvor war ein Selbstmordanschlag auf ein Einkaufszentrum im Tel Aviver Vorort Rosch Haajin verübt worden. Neben dem Attent?ter wurde ein Israeli get?tet, neun weitere wurden verletzt.

Independent: Suicide bombers rock Middle East ceasefire
Palestinian suicide bombers blew themselves up in a shopping centre in Israel and a bus stop at a Jewish West Bank settlement today, killing at least two Israelis and raising doubts about the shaky Middle East ceasefire.

The bombings in the Tel Aviv suburb of Rosh Haayin and the West Bank settlement of Ariel, less than an hour apart, in which at least 10 people were also injured, marked the most serious violations of the truce called by the main militant groups at the end of June.

Haaretz: Cry, the beloved two-state solution

As negotiations with the Palestinians lurch forward and the separation wall snakes its way through the West Bank, two veteran leftists have reached a startling conclusion: There cannot be two states for two peoples in this land.

1. The groundwater

Meron Benvenisti and Haim Hanegbi did not exchange views.
Benvenisti lives in Jerusalem, on the edge of the desert, and
is trying to write a last book, a summing up. Hanegbi lives in
Ramat Aviv, not far from the sea, and is trying to formulate
a last, definitive, manifesto. Yet this summer both Benvenisti and Hanegbi reached an intriguing point in their conceptual development. They both reached
the conclusion that there is no longer any prospect of ending the conflict by means of a
two-state solution.



Stuff: Israel hits back in Lebanon

SHLOMI: Israeli warplanes have bombed an anti-aircraft battery on the edge of a south Lebanon village in retaliation for shelling by Lebanese guerrillas that killed an Israeli teenager, the army says.

Israel called the air raids a "warning signal" after the 16-year-old Israeli was killed and four others were wounded when rockets fired by Hizbollah Shi'ite Muslim guerrillas hit a shopping centre in the northern border town of Shlomi.

It was the first fatality from Hizbollah shelling of northern Israel since the Jewish state withdrew its forces from southern Lebanon in May 2000 after a 22-year occupation under daily guerrilla attacks by Hizbollah forces.


Zmag: Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Biggest Rogue Of All?
by Richard Du Boff

1. Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty, 1996. Signed by 164 nations and ratified by 89 including France, Great Britain, and Russia; signed by President Clinton in 1996 but rejected by the Senate in 1999. The US is one of 13 nonratifiers among countries that have nuclear weapons or nuclear power programs. In November 2001, the US forced a vote in the UN Committee on Disarmament and Security to demonstrate its opposition to the Treaty, and announced plans to resume nuclear testing for development of new short-range tactical nuclear weapons.

2. Antiballistic Missile Treaty, 1972. In December 2001, the US officially withdrew from the landmark agreement--the first time in the nuclear era that the US renounced a major arms control accord.

3. 4. 5......



globeandmail: Glaciers melting in Europe
Castel Gandolfo, Italy — Britain sweltered through its hottest day on record Sunday and Alpine glaciers melted as the heat wave that has baked much of Europe for days sizzled on relentlessly.

"It is just miserable. You can't get any respite from it," says Londoner Ranald Davidson, squinting in the late afternoon sun as Britain surpassed 37.7 C for the first time.

The national weather service recorded 37.9 Celsius at Heathrow Airport, near a parched and baking London. Northern parts of the country were cooler, and torrential rain created problems in North Yorkshire.

Germans, too, have had record heat. In the Bavarian city of Roth, the temperature hit 40.4 C on Saturday. The previous record of 40.2 C was also in Bavaria, set in 1983

Independent: Heat threatens safety of nuclear reactors as France girds for
electricity rationing

The French government is considering national electricity rationing
after engineers warned that they can no longer guarantee the safety of the
country's 58 nuclear power reactors because the heatwave is defeating
efforts to cool them. A crisis meeting this morning at the Prime
Minister's office will be told that France - which depends more heavily
on atomic energy than any other European country - faces the prospect of
shutting down half its power grid.

Sidney Morning Herald: Druid focuses Earth's energy on road toll

Druids have been brought in to reduce the number of accidents on Austria's worst stretch of autobahn.

The Druids have put up huge roadside monoliths to restore the natural flow of "earth energy". After the one tonne pillars of white quartz were erected beside a notorious stretch of road during a secret two-year trial, the number of fatal accidents fell from an average of six a year to zero.

Harald Dirnbacher, an engineer from the motorway authority, admitted that they turned to Mr Knobloch as a last resort.

"We had put up signs to reduce speed, renewed the road surface and made bends more secure but we still kept getting accidents," he said. "At that point we couldn't think of anything else to do and decided we might as well try anything.

"I admit when we first looked at it [energy lines] we were doubtful. We didn't want people to know in case they laughed at us, so we kept the trial secret and small-scale. But it was really an amazing turnaround."


Toronto Star: Jakarta oil offices on hit list

JAKARTA—The Jemaah Islamiyah extremist network, already accused of bombing nightclubs in Bali and the Marriott hotel in Jakarta, is suspected of planning attacks on U.S. oil companies and other targets in the Indonesian capital.

A confidential document reviewed by the Los Angeles Times indicated that among the targets on the group's list are the Jakarta headquarters of Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil and Unocal.

unknownnews: Mystery pneumonia is being caused by America's weapons of mass destruction: A theory by Steve Hesske

Could America's mainstream media be any more perfidious and derelict in its so-called reporting of the current so-called pneumonia epidemic among U.S. service personnel in Iraq and a few nearby countries? A quick, informal survey of this week's coverage of the pneumonia story by our bastions of truth and enlightenment — CNN, Fox, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post — shows that while all covered the story, none mentioned Gulf War Syndrome which befell maybe as much as 20% of the 700,000 Americans who served in the 1991 Persian Gulf War (PGW) or depleted uranium (DU) a radioactive weapon of mass destruction (WMD), outlawed by international treaty and world courts, that was used exclusively and extensively by the United States during the PGW and that was used by the U.S. during the recent invasion of Iraq at 10 times its PGW rate.


islamonline: Iraqi Group Vows Anti-U.S. Attacks, Denies Saddam Links

BAGHDAD, August 10 ( & News Agencies) - Four masked men identifying themselves as Iraqi resistance group warned Sunday, August 10, of more anti-U.S. resistance operations in Iraq, while denying any link with Saddam Hussein's ousted regime.

"This increasing resistance has no link with what remains of the former regime," said one of the four men pictured in a videotape broadcast by Qatar's Al-Jazeera satellite news channel.

"Because they have neither values nor principles, the ousted regime are not capable of taking part in anti-U.S. resistance and could not sacrifice their sons and wives; otherwise Baghdad would not have fallen with such easiness," he added.

"Iraqi resistance is legal and justified by all international laws and resolutions. How come that we should not resist as thousands of Iraqis are being detained, our land occupied and our honor violated" he said.


Sidney Morning Herald: Braced for an onslaught in Iraq

The United States-led administration in Iraq has received intelligence reports that hundreds of Islamic militants who fled Iraq during the war have returned and are planning terrorist attacks.

The top civilian administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, said fighters from Ansar al-Islam, a militant organisation that the US had sought to eliminate during the war, had escaped to Iran and then slipped back across the border. Hundreds of them were now in Iraq, preparing to attack the occupation forces or administration.

"The intelligence suggests that Ansar al-Islam is planning large-scale terrorist attacks here," he said. "So as long as we have, as I think we do, substantial numbers of Ansar terrorists around here, I think we have to be pretty alert to the fact that we may see more of this."


" The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what
Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda
accomplishments of the dominant political mythology. " -- Michael

Monday, August 11, 2003


Islamonline: At Least 20,000 Iraqis Injured In War: Report

CAIRO, Aug 10 ( & News Agencies) – At least 20,000 Iraqi civilians were injured in the U.S.-led war with 8,000 of these injuries reported in the Baghdad area alone, according to the first report of its kind prepared by an Anglo-American-European group of anti-war peace activists.

In its report entitled "Adding Indifference to Injury," the Iraq Body Count (IBC) underlined that the need to investigate and assess the war civilian deaths and injuries is urgent "for many of the injured may still be suffering and their condition may be improved if we act promptly."

CAIRO, Aug 10 ( & News Agencies) – At least 20,000 Iraqi civilians were injured in the U.S.-led war with 8,000 of these injuries reported in the Baghdad area alone, according to the first report of its kind prepared by an Anglo-American-European group of anti-war peace activists.

In its report entitled "Adding Indifference to Injury," the Iraq Body Count (IBC) underlined that the need to investigate and assess the war civilian deaths and injuries is urgent "for many of the injured may still be suffering and their condition may be improved if we act promptly."


Independent: Iraq: 100 days of 'peace'
On 1 May, President Bush declared war over after six weeks. Mission accomplished?

The US Administrator: Paul Bremer, head of US-led civilian administration
"We believe that the attacks against the coalition forces are coming from a number of areas, some of which will be, I think, reduced if we can kill or capture Saddam. Those are attacks that are coming to us from desperados, from the Baathist party, the trained killers of the Fedayeen Saddam and the trained killers of many of the intelligence services which Saddam had.....

The Café Owner: Burhan Gharib, Baghdad
Many bad things have happened, such as the looting. There is no electricity, the security situation is unstable. If you compare them with Saddam Hussein, the Americans have done nothing for us. They came to Iraq and said, 'We came to protect you' but the only place they protected from the looters was the Ministry of Oil.....

The British Politician: Robin Cook MP
I'm astonished that the coalition have put little thought into what to do after the capture of Iraq. The military preparation was meticulous, but the preparations for how to reconstruct the country are being made up as we go along....



Rense: Dead Microbiologists Linked To Ethno-Specific BioWeapons
From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello, Jeff - Note the following exerpt from the article enclosed. I remember when I first read each news report about the death of separate microbiologists. Absolutely no one considered the fact that the deaths of the various microbiologists, especially the first five - Dr. Que, Wiley, Schwartz, Paschnek and Dr. Nguyen - were related. The press simply reported each death as it occurred and did not put the deaths together. In essence, no one connected the dots until you and I discussed the connection on your program.
It would appear that Dr. Kelly is related to the microbiologist deaths phonomenon. Please note the excerpt below. In the scheme of things, I wonder where Ken Alibek fits in? He is definitely one dot that I believe (allegedly) connects to, not only the microbiologist deaths, but the Anthrax attacks of 2001. I also believe that (allegedly) Don Rumsfeld is another dot.
If you remember, when we connected the dots i.e. put the deaths together, I discussed the possibility that each scientist had a "piece of the puzzle" in regard to a "target specific" bioweapon. I am wondering if SARS, somehow fits into the puzzle? Was SARS developed in China, or Israel? Does make one wonder.

"The two American scientists he had worked with were Benito Que, 52, and Don Wiley, 57. Both microbiologists had been engaged in DNA sequencing that could provide "a genetic marker based on genetic profiling." The research could play an important role in developing weaponized pathogens to hit selected groups of humans"identifying them by race. Two years ago, both men were found dead, in circumstances never fully explained."


Washington Times: Bush documents progress in Iraq

One hundred days after he declared an end to major combat in Iraq,
President Bush yesterday said coalition forces have achieved great
progress toward improving security, restoring vital services and fostering
democracy in that nation. Citing the reopening of banks, a return of water and
electrical service to many parts of Iraq and a shifting mentality
toward democracy, the president said Iraq is well on its way to enjoying the
fruits of freedom.

"Believe whatever you like"

Sidney Morning Herald: New, improved and more lethal: son of napalm

The Pentagon no longer officially uses the brand-name 'Napalm', but a similar sticky, inflammable substance known as 'fuel-gel mixture', contained in weapons called Mark-77 fire bombs, was dropped on Iraqi troops near the Iraq-Kuwait border at the start of the war.

"I can confirm that Mark-77 fire bombs were used in that general area," Colonel Mike Daily of the US Marine Corps said.

Colonel Daily said that US stocks of Vietnam-era napalm had been phased out, but that the fuel-gel mixture in the Mark-77s had "similar destructive characteristics."

"Many folks (out of habit) refer to the Mark-77 as 'napalm' because its effect upon the target is remarkably similar," he said.

Napalm was banned by United Nations convention in 1980, but the US never signed the agreement. Use of Mark-77 fire bombs is considered legal by the US military.


Guardian: Cheney firm's rival is forced to drop oil bid

One of the main bidders for the lucrative contract to rebuild the Iraqi oil industry has dropped out of the race, amid concerns that the tender process unfairly favours Halliburton, the company with close ties to the US vice-president, Dick Cheney.
The construction giant Bechtel, one of the biggest engineering companies in the world, now plans to sidestep Washington and apply directly to the Iraqi oil ministry for work.

The growing disquiet over cronyism in George Bush's administration was further stirred yesterday when it emerged that a friend of the president who helped his election campaign had been hired as the director of private development in Iraq.

Thomas Foley, 51, befriended Mr Bush when they attended Harvard. He will be in charge of 200 state-owned enterprises including mining, chemical, cement and tobacco production, and report directly to the top US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer.

A Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root, was quietly awarded a contract without tendering in the spring to perform immediate repairs to Iraq's oil infrastructure, and extinguish oil fires. The Army Corps of Engineers said the work, which could be worth up to $7bn (£4.3bn), was part of a wider contract signed last year.


Sidney Morning Herald: More than 100,000 join Bove at anti-WTO rally

More than 100,000 people have flocked to a rally to welcome the release from prison of French eco-warrior Jose Bove and to protest against the agenda for World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks next month, organisers said yesterday.

"We had already allocated lay-bys and campsites for 100,000 people, but we had to open up new ones during the night," said a spokesman for Bove's Small Farmers' Confederation.


The Nation: Member of an Islamic Terrorist Group Now Heads 'Liberated' Iraq!

Iraq has its first temporary president....Ibrahim Jafari. (He'll hold
the job for a month: It's a rotating presidency, handed off like a relay
baton between nine 'chairmen'....chosen by a USDA-approved 25-member
Governing Council.) Jafari hails from the Shiite fundamentalist party Al Dawa...
Would that be the same Dawa that carried out a series of Reagan-era
bombings in Kuwait of....the American and French embassies and the
residential housing of American Raytheon employees -- bombings that
killed five people and injured 80? The same Dawa that took inspiration from
the Iranian Islamic Revolution and the Ayatollah Khomenei? The same Dawa
that founded and set up Hezbollah... ? Why yes, it would. Only now, after
three decades of guerrilla and terrorist violence, they've surfaced to demand
a share of ruling post-Saddam Iraq...claiming they now believe in
democracy and rule of law. And we trust them on this because...well...who can
keep track of all these guys anyway?
IRAQ Bush Administration is Hiding the Truth about the 'Mystery
Pneumonia' Striking Troops in Iraq

Mark Neusche, father of US soldier Josh Neusche who died recently in
Iraq from "mystery pneumonia" says that while visiting his comatose son at
Landstuhl Hospital, he overheard the nurses say they were expecting
many sick troops to be brought in "all at one time. In fact, the father
actually witnessed approximately 55 other troops being received by the hospital
after they were transported by a military ambulance (bus)," according
to a report at the American Gulf War Veterans site... "[T]he transported
troops were exhibiting varying degrees of the illness. Some walked, some were
in wheelchairs and others were on respirators. In the commotion, a doctor
reported to the father that his son was suffering from a 'toxin.' No
mention of pneumonia was ever made to him, nor was it ever reported in
the medical record."

Pakistan Dawn: Anti-British riots break out in Basra

BASRA, Aug 9: Riots broke out on Saturday in the southern port of Basra as tensions exploded over the British control of Iraq's second largest city, leaving seven soldiers and four Iraqi civilians injured.

Residents hurled rocks and burned tires in all the city's main streets as Iraqis raged in the blistering summer heat over the tortoise-like pace of the coalition force's reconstruction efforts.

The rioting started minutes after witnesses said a grenade was hurled at a British military truck near a gasoline station, where fed-up Iraqis waited in a long line for fuel, angered by the fact they were queuing for hours in a country with the world's second largest oil reserves

Independent: Family shot dead by panicking US troops
Firing blindly during a power cut, soldiers kill a father and three children in their car

The abd al-Kerim family didn't have a chance. American soldiers opened fire on their car with no warning and at close quarters. They killed the father and three of the children, one of them only eight years old. Now only the mother, Anwar, and a 13-year-old daughter are alive to tell how the bullets tore through the windscreen and how they screamed for the Americans to stop.

"We never did anything to the Americans and they just killed us," the heavily pregnant Ms abd al-Kerim said. "We were calling out to them 'Stop, stop, we are a family', but they kept on shooting

Doctors said the father and his two daughters would have survived if they had received treatment quicker. Instead, they were left to bleed to death because the Americans refused to allow anyone to take them to hospital.