Reuters: Iraqi Warheads Test Negative For Chemical Agents
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- U.N. arms inspectors have concluded that
122 mm chemical rocket warheads found in an Iraqi bunker earlier this
did not contain any chemical agents, diplomats said on Wednesday.
Friday, January 31, 2003
New York Times zum dritten: Bait and Switch
"President Bush has learned how to deliver a moving speech. But Tuesday night's State of the Union Message did not address the most important question facing the American people: What kind of nation are we becoming?
The president spoke passionately about bringing "food and medicines and supplies and freedom" to the Iraqi people. But he is leading a hard-right administration here at home that is seriously eroding the economic security, the access to health care, the civil rights and civil liberties and the environmental protections of the American people."
"Despite rising unemployment, the president's plan for the economy was simply a continuation of his tax-cut mania. There was nothing in the way of a job-creation program or a real economic stimulus"
"The Bush administration is changing the nation in fundamental ways. However one feels about a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, over the long term a bullying, go-it-alone foreign policy wedded to a military doctrine of pre-emption is a recipe for destabilization and paranoia around the world"
"..I doubt that this is the kind of country most Americans want"
"Behind the veil of rhetoric is a Darwinian political philosophy that, if clearly understood, would repel the majority of Americans. "
New York Times zum dritten: Bait and Switch
"President Bush has learned how to deliver a moving speech. But Tuesday night's State of the Union Message did not address the most important question facing the American people: What kind of nation are we becoming?
The president spoke passionately about bringing "food and medicines and supplies and freedom" to the Iraqi people. But he is leading a hard-right administration here at home that is seriously eroding the economic security, the access to health care, the civil rights and civil liberties and the environmental protections of the American people."
"Despite rising unemployment, the president's plan for the economy was simply a continuation of his tax-cut mania. There was nothing in the way of a job-creation program or a real economic stimulus"
"The Bush administration is changing the nation in fundamental ways. However one feels about a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, over the long term a bullying, go-it-alone foreign policy wedded to a military doctrine of pre-emption is a recipe for destabilization and paranoia around the world"
"..I doubt that this is the kind of country most Americans want"
"Behind the veil of rhetoric is a Darwinian political philosophy that, if clearly understood, would repel the majority of Americans. "
New York Times Op-Ed: A War Crime or an Act of War? By STEPHEN C. PELLETIERE
"It was no surprise that President Bush, lacking smoking-gun evidence of Iraq's weapons programs, used his State of the Union address to re-emphasize the moral case for an invasion: "The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured."
The accusation that Iraq has used chemical weapons against its citizens is a familiar part of the debate. The piece of hard evidence most frequently brought up concerns the gassing of Iraqi Kurds at the town of Halabja in March 1988, near the end of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. President Bush himself has cited Iraq's "gassing its own people," specifically at Halabja, as a reason to topple Saddam Hussein.
But the truth is, all we know for certain is that Kurds were bombarded with poison gas that day at Halabja. We cannot say with any certainty that Iraqi chemical weapons killed the Kurds. This is not the only distortion in the Halabja story.
I am in a position to know because, as the Central Intelligence Agency's senior political analyst on Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, and as a professor at the Army War College from 1988 to 2000, I was privy to much of the classified material that flowed through Washington having to do with the Persian Gulf."
"And the story gets murkier: immediately after the battle the United States Defense Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas. "
These facts have long been in the public domain but, extraordinarily, as often as the Halabja affair is cited, they are rarely mentioned
"We are constantly reminded that Iraq has perhaps the world's largest reserves of oil. But in a regional and perhaps even geopolitical sense, it may be more important that Iraq has the most extensive river system in the Middle East"
"Thus America could alter the destiny of the Middle East in a way that probably could not be challenged for decades — not solely by controlling Iraq's oil, but by controlling its water. "
Die New York Times schreibt Heute in zwei!! Op-Ed's die Wahrheit!! Sachen gibts...
New York Times Op-Ed: A War Crime or an Act of War? By STEPHEN C. PELLETIERE
"It was no surprise that President Bush, lacking smoking-gun evidence of Iraq's weapons programs, used his State of the Union address to re-emphasize the moral case for an invasion: "The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured."
The accusation that Iraq has used chemical weapons against its citizens is a familiar part of the debate. The piece of hard evidence most frequently brought up concerns the gassing of Iraqi Kurds at the town of Halabja in March 1988, near the end of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. President Bush himself has cited Iraq's "gassing its own people," specifically at Halabja, as a reason to topple Saddam Hussein.
But the truth is, all we know for certain is that Kurds were bombarded with poison gas that day at Halabja. We cannot say with any certainty that Iraqi chemical weapons killed the Kurds. This is not the only distortion in the Halabja story.
I am in a position to know because, as the Central Intelligence Agency's senior political analyst on Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, and as a professor at the Army War College from 1988 to 2000, I was privy to much of the classified material that flowed through Washington having to do with the Persian Gulf."
"And the story gets murkier: immediately after the battle the United States Defense Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas. "
These facts have long been in the public domain but, extraordinarily, as often as the Halabja affair is cited, they are rarely mentioned
"We are constantly reminded that Iraq has perhaps the world's largest reserves of oil. But in a regional and perhaps even geopolitical sense, it may be more important that Iraq has the most extensive river system in the Middle East"
"Thus America could alter the destiny of the Middle East in a way that probably could not be challenged for decades — not solely by controlling Iraq's oil, but by controlling its water. "
Die New York Times schreibt Heute in zwei!! Op-Ed's die Wahrheit!! Sachen gibts...
New York Times Op-ED: Flogging the French By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF
"for the halcyon days of a year ago, when we fretted about why Arabs hate us. Now the question is: Why does everybody hate us?
The European edition of Time magazine has been conducting a poll on its Web site: "Which country poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003?" With 318,000 votes cast so far, the responses are: North Korea, 7 percent; Iraq, 8 percent; the United States, 84 percent."
"The U.S. sees its role as the globe's SWAT team, but after we have ousted Saddam and whistled for the cleanup crew it's not clear that the allies will want to help. Nor will they pay the bill for this Iraq war as they did the last one. Each time Don Rumsfeld insults Europe, it costs us another $20 billion."
"It's also possible that if all your friends say you're making a mistake, they're not mendacious back-stabbers but simply right. As Kipling said: "trust yourself when all men doubt you / But make allowance for their doubting too."
New York Times Op-ED: Flogging the French By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF
"for the halcyon days of a year ago, when we fretted about why Arabs hate us. Now the question is: Why does everybody hate us?
The European edition of Time magazine has been conducting a poll on its Web site: "Which country poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003?" With 318,000 votes cast so far, the responses are: North Korea, 7 percent; Iraq, 8 percent; the United States, 84 percent."
"The U.S. sees its role as the globe's SWAT team, but after we have ousted Saddam and whistled for the cleanup crew it's not clear that the allies will want to help. Nor will they pay the bill for this Iraq war as they did the last one. Each time Don Rumsfeld insults Europe, it costs us another $20 billion."
"It's also possible that if all your friends say you're making a mistake, they're not mendacious back-stabbers but simply right. As Kipling said: "trust yourself when all men doubt you / But make allowance for their doubting too."
Independent: Robert Fisk: The wartime deceptions: Saddam is Hitler and it's not about oil
The Israeli writer Uri Avnery once delivered a
wickedly sharp open letter to Menachem Begin,
the Israeli prime minister who sent his army to
defeat in Lebanon. Enraged by Begin's constant
evocation of the Second World War – likening
Yasser Arafat in Beirut to Hitler in his Berlin
bunker in 1945 – Avnery entitled his letter: "Mr
Prime Minister, Hitler is Dead."
How often I have wanted to repeat his advice to
Bush and Blair. Obsessed with their own
demonisation of Saddam Hussein, both are now
reminding us of the price of appeasement. Bush
thinks that he is the Churchill of America,
refusing the appeasement of Saddam. Now the
US ambassador to the European Union, Rockwell
Schnabel, has compared Saddam to Hitler. "You
had Hitler in Europe and no one really did
anything about him," Schnabel lectured the
Europeans in Brussels a week ago: "We knew
he could be dangerous but nothing was done.
The same type of person [is in Baghdad] and it's
there that our concern lies." Mr Schnabel ended
this infantile parallel by adding unconvincingly
that "this has nothing to do with oil".
For we will be in occupation of a foreign land.
We will be in occupation of Iraq as surely as
Israel is in occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza. And with Saddam gone, the way is open
for Osama bin Laden to demand the liberation of
Iraq as another of his objectives
Independent: Robert Fisk: The wartime deceptions: Saddam is Hitler and it's not about oil
The Israeli writer Uri Avnery once delivered a
wickedly sharp open letter to Menachem Begin,
the Israeli prime minister who sent his army to
defeat in Lebanon. Enraged by Begin's constant
evocation of the Second World War – likening
Yasser Arafat in Beirut to Hitler in his Berlin
bunker in 1945 – Avnery entitled his letter: "Mr
Prime Minister, Hitler is Dead."
How often I have wanted to repeat his advice to
Bush and Blair. Obsessed with their own
demonisation of Saddam Hussein, both are now
reminding us of the price of appeasement. Bush
thinks that he is the Churchill of America,
refusing the appeasement of Saddam. Now the
US ambassador to the European Union, Rockwell
Schnabel, has compared Saddam to Hitler. "You
had Hitler in Europe and no one really did
anything about him," Schnabel lectured the
Europeans in Brussels a week ago: "We knew
he could be dangerous but nothing was done.
The same type of person [is in Baghdad] and it's
there that our concern lies." Mr Schnabel ended
this infantile parallel by adding unconvincingly
that "this has nothing to do with oil".
For we will be in occupation of a foreign land.
We will be in occupation of Iraq as surely as
Israel is in occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza. And with Saddam gone, the way is open
for Osama bin Laden to demand the liberation of
Iraq as another of his objectives
Independent hat es gewgat einen Cartoon über Ariel Sharon zu publizieren was zum gewohnten Antisemitismus!-Geschrei jüdischer Leser, des Israelischen Botschafters usw. geführt hat. Aber schaut euch den Cartoon an und überlegt euch ob selbst wer recht hat.
Independent hat es gewgat einen Cartoon über Ariel Sharon zu publizieren was zum gewohnten Antisemitismus!-Geschrei jüdischer Leser, des Israelischen Botschafters usw. geführt hat. Aber schaut euch den Cartoon an und überlegt euch ob selbst wer recht hat.
Independent: Mandela lambastes 'arrogant' Bush over Iraq
Nelson Mandela delivered a stinging personal attack on George Bush and his Iraq policy yesterday. Mr Mandela said the President was shortsighted and arrogant and implied he was a racist in his readiness to ignore the United Nations.
"the former South African president said Mr Bush was a leader "who has no foresight and cannot think properly". Mr Bush, he said, wanted "to plunge the world into a holocaust"."
"He went on to accuse Tony Blair of acting like "the foreign minister of the United States". He suggested the countries were acting in such as way "because the secretary general of the UN [Kofi Annan] is now a black man. They [the US and Britain] never did that when secretary generals were white".
But Mr Mandela went even further. Referring to the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945, he declared that "if there is a country which has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America".
Independent: Mandela lambastes 'arrogant' Bush over Iraq
Nelson Mandela delivered a stinging personal attack on George Bush and his Iraq policy yesterday. Mr Mandela said the President was shortsighted and arrogant and implied he was a racist in his readiness to ignore the United Nations.
"the former South African president said Mr Bush was a leader "who has no foresight and cannot think properly". Mr Bush, he said, wanted "to plunge the world into a holocaust"."
"He went on to accuse Tony Blair of acting like "the foreign minister of the United States". He suggested the countries were acting in such as way "because the secretary general of the UN [Kofi Annan] is now a black man. They [the US and Britain] never did that when secretary generals were white".
But Mr Mandela went even further. Referring to the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945, he declared that "if there is a country which has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America".
Guardian: US feels heat in Pakistan's tribal hinterland
Resentment of American operations intensifies in border areas where al-Qaida members travel freely
Pakistan's mountainous border, long a haven for gunrunners and smugglers, has become a vital base for fighters loyal to the Taliban and al-Qaida. It has rapidly become the most urgent and difficult target in US military operations around Afghanistan.
Guardian: US feels heat in Pakistan's tribal hinterland
Resentment of American operations intensifies in border areas where al-Qaida members travel freely
Pakistan's mountainous border, long a haven for gunrunners and smugglers, has become a vital base for fighters loyal to the Taliban and al-Qaida. It has rapidly become the most urgent and difficult target in US military operations around Afghanistan.
Guardian: Kandahar bomb kills 18
A powerful bomb destroyed a bridge outside the southern Afghan city of Kandahar today killing 18 people travelling on a bus, police said, with officers blaming al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives.
Guardian: Kandahar bomb kills 18
A powerful bomb destroyed a bridge outside the southern Afghan city of Kandahar today killing 18 people travelling on a bus, police said, with officers blaming al-Qaida and Taliban fugitives.
Tagesanzeiger: Gefängnis bedingt für Sprayer
Gefängnis bedingt für Sprayer
Ein 21-Jähriger hat 140 Hausmauern besprayt. Das Gericht hat ihn mit acht Monaten Gefängnis bedingt bestraft.
Es sei aus «Lust am Malen», «künstlerischem Trieb», «Aufklärungstrieb» und «angestauter Frustration» geschehen, erklärte der 21-jährige Dekorationsgestalterlehrling gestern vor dem Bezirksgericht Zürich. Zwischen November 2000 und Dezember 2001 muss er jede dritte Nacht zur Spraydose gegriffen haben. Die Anklageschrift listet 136 Fälle auf, in denen der junge Mann vor allem in den Kreisen 7 und 8 Mauern, Gartenzäune sowie Abfallkübel mit seiner Spraydose verziert hat. Er richtete dabei einen Schaden von 156 000 Franken an.
In einer dieser nächtlichen Aktionen erwischte ihn die Polizei. Die Ermittlungen waren aufwändig, weil nur wenige Geschädigte Anzeige erstattet hatten. Geholfen haben Fotos und Skizzen seines Markenzeichens, welche die Polizei bei einer Hausdurchsuchung beschlagnahmte und auf Grund deren sie sich in der Stadt auf Spurensuche machte.
Der zuständige Bezirksanwalt wollte den Sprayer mit zwölf Monaten Gefängnis bedingt bestrafen. Seine Verteidigerin bestritt nicht, dass ihr Mandant schuldig sei, argumentierte aber, der Schaden sei zu hoch beziffert. Das sahen die Richter anders und verurteilten den Sprayer zu acht Monaten Gefängnis bedingt. (ue)
"Mit einem bisschen Glück und einem leeren Vorstrafenregister kriegt man 8 Monate bedingt für eine Vergewaltigung oder Totschlag, ist das wirklich verhältnissmässig?"
Tagesanzeiger: Gefängnis bedingt für Sprayer
Gefängnis bedingt für Sprayer
Ein 21-Jähriger hat 140 Hausmauern besprayt. Das Gericht hat ihn mit acht Monaten Gefängnis bedingt bestraft.
Es sei aus «Lust am Malen», «künstlerischem Trieb», «Aufklärungstrieb» und «angestauter Frustration» geschehen, erklärte der 21-jährige Dekorationsgestalterlehrling gestern vor dem Bezirksgericht Zürich. Zwischen November 2000 und Dezember 2001 muss er jede dritte Nacht zur Spraydose gegriffen haben. Die Anklageschrift listet 136 Fälle auf, in denen der junge Mann vor allem in den Kreisen 7 und 8 Mauern, Gartenzäune sowie Abfallkübel mit seiner Spraydose verziert hat. Er richtete dabei einen Schaden von 156 000 Franken an.
In einer dieser nächtlichen Aktionen erwischte ihn die Polizei. Die Ermittlungen waren aufwändig, weil nur wenige Geschädigte Anzeige erstattet hatten. Geholfen haben Fotos und Skizzen seines Markenzeichens, welche die Polizei bei einer Hausdurchsuchung beschlagnahmte und auf Grund deren sie sich in der Stadt auf Spurensuche machte.
Der zuständige Bezirksanwalt wollte den Sprayer mit zwölf Monaten Gefängnis bedingt bestrafen. Seine Verteidigerin bestritt nicht, dass ihr Mandant schuldig sei, argumentierte aber, der Schaden sei zu hoch beziffert. Das sahen die Richter anders und verurteilten den Sprayer zu acht Monaten Gefängnis bedingt. (ue)
"Mit einem bisschen Glück und einem leeren Vorstrafenregister kriegt man 8 Monate bedingt für eine Vergewaltigung oder Totschlag, ist das wirklich verhältnissmässig?"
Thursday, January 30, 2003
Tagesanzeiger: Israelische Armee besetzt Hebron
Im Zuge einer gross angelegten Militäraktion im südlichen Westjordanland ist die israelische Armee mit Panzern in Hebron einmarschiert. Bei Militäraktionen im Gazastreifen starb laut unbestätigten Berichten ein Palästinenser.
Tagesanzeiger: Israelische Armee besetzt Hebron
Im Zuge einer gross angelegten Militäraktion im südlichen Westjordanland ist die israelische Armee mit Panzern in Hebron einmarschiert. Bei Militäraktionen im Gazastreifen starb laut unbestätigten Berichten ein Palästinenser.
Tagesanzeiger: Bin Laden baute an «schmutziger Bombe»
Die Organisation des moslemischen Extremisten Osama Bin Laden, al-Qaida, wollte nach Angaben der britischen Regierung Ende der 90er Jahre eine nukleare Bombe entwickeln.
Tagesanzeiger: Bin Laden baute an «schmutziger Bombe»
Die Organisation des moslemischen Extremisten Osama Bin Laden, al-Qaida, wollte nach Angaben der britischen Regierung Ende der 90er Jahre eine nukleare Bombe entwickeln.
Spiegel: Irak-Konflikt hebt Exxons Gewinne
Der mächtigste der mächtigen Öl-Multis, Exxon Mobil, profitiert von den Kriegsvorbereitungen der USA. Weil die Ölpreise steigen, kann der Konzern aus George W. Bushs Heimatstaat ein kräftiges Gewinnplus verbuchen.
ist zwar logisch aber wer hats vorausgesagt?
Spiegel: Irak-Konflikt hebt Exxons Gewinne
Der mächtigste der mächtigen Öl-Multis, Exxon Mobil, profitiert von den Kriegsvorbereitungen der USA. Weil die Ölpreise steigen, kann der Konzern aus George W. Bushs Heimatstaat ein kräftiges Gewinnplus verbuchen.
ist zwar logisch aber wer hats vorausgesagt?
Heise: The War goes on and we're winning
Bushs historische Rede zur Schräglage der Nation und zu allen übrigen Menschheitsproblemen
Wann ist eine Rede historisch? Wenn man Steine statt Brot, "blood, sweat and tears", verheißt? Das jedenfalls versagte sich Bush in der diesjährigen The State of the Union Address aus guten Gründen. Vor dem Irak-Konflikt bewegt viele Amerikaner inzwischen weitaus stärker die Frage, wie es wirtschaftlich in den USA weiter gehen soll. Bushs Steuersenkungspläne stehen schon länger im Fadenkreuz der Demokraten, die darin allein Steuergeschenke für Wohlhabende sehen. Auch das amerikanische Gesundheitssystem ist dringend restaurationsbedürftig.
In seiner Rede konzentrierte sich Bush daher zunächst auf diese ökonomischen und sozialen Probleme, die er selbstverständlich alle so gerecht wie effektiv lösen wird. Längst weiß er, dass die mittlerweile fragilere Stimmung gegenüber Krieg und Sieg im Irak nicht von der inneren Situation Amerikas abgekoppelt werden kann, wie es noch der 11. September gewährte. Und um den grassierenden Verdacht gegenüber dem amerikanischen Machthunger zu schwächen, versprach der US-Präsident unmittelbar vor der erneuerten Kampfansage gegen den Irak auch, den Kampf gegen Aids mit einem Budget von 15 Milliarden Dollar effektiver zu führen.
Heise: The War goes on and we're winning
Bushs historische Rede zur Schräglage der Nation und zu allen übrigen Menschheitsproblemen
Wann ist eine Rede historisch? Wenn man Steine statt Brot, "blood, sweat and tears", verheißt? Das jedenfalls versagte sich Bush in der diesjährigen The State of the Union Address aus guten Gründen. Vor dem Irak-Konflikt bewegt viele Amerikaner inzwischen weitaus stärker die Frage, wie es wirtschaftlich in den USA weiter gehen soll. Bushs Steuersenkungspläne stehen schon länger im Fadenkreuz der Demokraten, die darin allein Steuergeschenke für Wohlhabende sehen. Auch das amerikanische Gesundheitssystem ist dringend restaurationsbedürftig.
In seiner Rede konzentrierte sich Bush daher zunächst auf diese ökonomischen und sozialen Probleme, die er selbstverständlich alle so gerecht wie effektiv lösen wird. Längst weiß er, dass die mittlerweile fragilere Stimmung gegenüber Krieg und Sieg im Irak nicht von der inneren Situation Amerikas abgekoppelt werden kann, wie es noch der 11. September gewährte. Und um den grassierenden Verdacht gegenüber dem amerikanischen Machthunger zu schwächen, versprach der US-Präsident unmittelbar vor der erneuerten Kampfansage gegen den Irak auch, den Kampf gegen Aids mit einem Budget von 15 Milliarden Dollar effektiver zu führen.
Heise: Bagdad sehen und sterben
Menschliche Schilde gegen den Krieg
Fast alle wollen den Frieden. Die linke Monatszeitschrift Konkret zweifelt zu Recht, ob zusammen gehört, "was da alles zusammenwächst: Walser und Wecker, Gauweiler und Lafontaine, Brumlik und Schönhuber, Grass und Mahler, DKP und NPD... "
Heise: Bagdad sehen und sterben
Menschliche Schilde gegen den Krieg
Fast alle wollen den Frieden. Die linke Monatszeitschrift Konkret zweifelt zu Recht, ob zusammen gehört, "was da alles zusammenwächst: Walser und Wecker, Gauweiler und Lafontaine, Brumlik und Schönhuber, Grass und Mahler, DKP und NPD... "
Heise: Noch ein Geheimdienst
Nachdem das DARPA-Projekt "Total Information Awareness" nur noch eingeschränkt fortgeführt werden kann, richtet Präsident Bush im Weißen Haus ein ähnliches Programm ein
Wie bekämpft man etwas? Man schafft eine neue Behörde. Das ist nicht der politische Stil, wie man ihn vermutlich in Deutschland suchen würde, sondern die bewährte Losung von US-Präsident Bush. Nachdem er bereits ein neues Superministerium für die Überwachung geschaffen hat ( Und die Lösung ist: ein neues Ministerium), machte er in seiner Rede an die Nation dieser noch einmal klar, dass er auch gerne neben all den bestehenden Geheimdiensten ganz schnell noch einen Supergeheimdienst einrichten will - angesiedelt im Weißen Haus, gewissermaßen zur persönlichen Verfügung.
Heise: Noch ein Geheimdienst
Nachdem das DARPA-Projekt "Total Information Awareness" nur noch eingeschränkt fortgeführt werden kann, richtet Präsident Bush im Weißen Haus ein ähnliches Programm ein
Wie bekämpft man etwas? Man schafft eine neue Behörde. Das ist nicht der politische Stil, wie man ihn vermutlich in Deutschland suchen würde, sondern die bewährte Losung von US-Präsident Bush. Nachdem er bereits ein neues Superministerium für die Überwachung geschaffen hat ( Und die Lösung ist: ein neues Ministerium), machte er in seiner Rede an die Nation dieser noch einmal klar, dass er auch gerne neben all den bestehenden Geheimdiensten ganz schnell noch einen Supergeheimdienst einrichten will - angesiedelt im Weißen Haus, gewissermaßen zur persönlichen Verfügung.
Heise: Die Achse des neuen Europa konstituiert sich
Bedingungslos stellen sich 8 europäische Regierungschefs in einer als Mediencoup inszenierten Erklärung hinter die Position der US-Regierung
Offenbar hatte Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld, als er vom alten und neuen Europa im Hinblick auf die Position zur US-Regierung und zum Irak-Konflikt sprach, den Hebel richtig angesetzt. Mit allen Mitteln versucht die US-Regierung, für ihr Vorgehen, im Irak das Regime durch eine militärische Invasion aufgrund der Verletzung der UN-Resolution zu stürzen, die breite Allianz hinter sich zu sammeln, von der sie immer gesprochen hat. Jetzt haben 8 europäische Regierungspräsidenten eine gemeinsame Erklärung in der Medienschlacht der "strategischen Kommunikation" veröffentlicht, um mit dieser anscheinend nicht mit allen anderen europäischen Staaten diskutierten Aktion den Krieg gegen den Irak zu unterstützen, die Führung der US-Regierung anzuerkennen und wahrscheinlich einige Vorteile für sich einzuheimsen.
Heise: Die Achse des neuen Europa konstituiert sich
Bedingungslos stellen sich 8 europäische Regierungschefs in einer als Mediencoup inszenierten Erklärung hinter die Position der US-Regierung
Offenbar hatte Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld, als er vom alten und neuen Europa im Hinblick auf die Position zur US-Regierung und zum Irak-Konflikt sprach, den Hebel richtig angesetzt. Mit allen Mitteln versucht die US-Regierung, für ihr Vorgehen, im Irak das Regime durch eine militärische Invasion aufgrund der Verletzung der UN-Resolution zu stürzen, die breite Allianz hinter sich zu sammeln, von der sie immer gesprochen hat. Jetzt haben 8 europäische Regierungspräsidenten eine gemeinsame Erklärung in der Medienschlacht der "strategischen Kommunikation" veröffentlicht, um mit dieser anscheinend nicht mit allen anderen europäischen Staaten diskutierten Aktion den Krieg gegen den Irak zu unterstützen, die Führung der US-Regierung anzuerkennen und wahrscheinlich einige Vorteile für sich einzuheimsen.
Spiegel: Bush spaltet Europa
Europa teilt sich in zwei Lager: Mit einer diplomatischen Offensive ist es US-Präsident George W. Bush gelungen, eine einheitliche Antikriegsfront jenseits des Atlantiks zu verhindern. Wer nicht für die USA ist, so erweckt die Erklärung von acht europäischen Staaten den Anschein, der ist gegen sie.
Dokumentation: Erklärung der acht Regierungschefs
Spiegel: Ricard Perle: Deutschland ist irrelavant geworden
Der US-Verteidigungsexperte Richard Perle hält einen Krieg gegen den Irak für unausweichlich. "Die Idee, dass wir das einfach alles sein lassen, ist absurd," sagte er in einem Interview mit der "Süddeutschen Zeitung". Die europäischen Kritiker einer Militärinervention hält er für bedeutungslos.
"kleinen machtgeilen faschisten wie richard perle haben wir diese ganze scheisse zu verdanken"
Spiegel: Bush spaltet Europa
Europa teilt sich in zwei Lager: Mit einer diplomatischen Offensive ist es US-Präsident George W. Bush gelungen, eine einheitliche Antikriegsfront jenseits des Atlantiks zu verhindern. Wer nicht für die USA ist, so erweckt die Erklärung von acht europäischen Staaten den Anschein, der ist gegen sie.
Dokumentation: Erklärung der acht Regierungschefs
Spiegel: Ricard Perle: Deutschland ist irrelavant geworden
Der US-Verteidigungsexperte Richard Perle hält einen Krieg gegen den Irak für unausweichlich. "Die Idee, dass wir das einfach alles sein lassen, ist absurd," sagte er in einem Interview mit der "Süddeutschen Zeitung". Die europäischen Kritiker einer Militärinervention hält er für bedeutungslos.
"kleinen machtgeilen faschisten wie richard perle haben wir diese ganze scheisse zu verdanken"
Spiegel: Interview mit Kurtis Blow
Ich halte die Attitüde vieler Newcomer für obszön und unangebracht. Was haben dicke Autos und Champagner mit HipHop zu tun? Es ist ein bisschen wie mit dem Kommunismus - für Luxus und Geld wird eine ganze Idee verraten. Eine Idee, die in der Basis gut war und auch heute noch gut ist. WORD
Spiegel: Interview mit Kurtis Blow
Ich halte die Attitüde vieler Newcomer für obszön und unangebracht. Was haben dicke Autos und Champagner mit HipHop zu tun? Es ist ein bisschen wie mit dem Kommunismus - für Luxus und Geld wird eine ganze Idee verraten. Eine Idee, die in der Basis gut war und auch heute noch gut ist. WORD
Tagesanzeiger: Wie der Tagesanzeiger in der heutigen Druckausgabe berichtet hat sich der Gemeinderat hat sich für mehr Polizeipresänz und Videoüberwachung ausgesprochen in der Langstrasse ausgesprochen.
Frau Esther Maurer meint die Videoüberwachung sei gerechtfertigt und erforderlich um die Drogenszene zu stören, zudem können die Aufnahmen als Beweismittel gebraucht werden. Der Datenschutzbeautragte der Stadt Zürich lehnt eine Videoüberwachung ab. Das Recht auf Privatheit werde verletzt. Auch SP, Grüne und Alternative lehnen eine Videoüberwachung ab. Die Gesetlich Grundlage fehle und Persönlichkeitsrechte würden verletzt.
es wird Zeit eine "Anti-CCTV- Miliz" zu bilden die die Kameras kurz und klein schlägt. Wehret den Anfängen!
Tagesanzeiger: Wie der Tagesanzeiger in der heutigen Druckausgabe berichtet hat sich der Gemeinderat hat sich für mehr Polizeipresänz und Videoüberwachung ausgesprochen in der Langstrasse ausgesprochen.
Frau Esther Maurer meint die Videoüberwachung sei gerechtfertigt und erforderlich um die Drogenszene zu stören, zudem können die Aufnahmen als Beweismittel gebraucht werden. Der Datenschutzbeautragte der Stadt Zürich lehnt eine Videoüberwachung ab. Das Recht auf Privatheit werde verletzt. Auch SP, Grüne und Alternative lehnen eine Videoüberwachung ab. Die Gesetlich Grundlage fehle und Persönlichkeitsrechte würden verletzt.
es wird Zeit eine "Anti-CCTV- Miliz" zu bilden die die Kameras kurz und klein schlägt. Wehret den Anfängen!
ZNET: Confronting Empire by Arundhati Roy
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they
selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their
their notion of inevitability."
I've been asked to speak about "How to confront Empire?" It's a huge
question, and I have no easy answers. When we speak of confronting
"Empire," we need to identify what "Empire" means. Does it mean the
U.S. Government (and its European satellites), the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and multinational
corporations? Or is it something more than that? In many countries,
Empire has sprouted other subsidiary heads, some dangerous byproducts -
nationalism, religious bigotry, fascism and, of course terrorism. All
these march arm in arm with the project of corporate globalization. Let me
illustrate what I mean. India - the world's biggest democracy - is
currently at the forefront of the corporate globalization project. Its
"market" of one billion people is being prized open by the WTO.
Corporatization and Privatization are being welcomed by the Government
and the Indian elite.
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
—Arundhati Roy
Porto Alegre, Brazil
January 27, 2003
ZNET: Confronting Empire by Arundhati Roy
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they
selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their
their notion of inevitability."
I've been asked to speak about "How to confront Empire?" It's a huge
question, and I have no easy answers. When we speak of confronting
"Empire," we need to identify what "Empire" means. Does it mean the
U.S. Government (and its European satellites), the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and multinational
corporations? Or is it something more than that? In many countries,
Empire has sprouted other subsidiary heads, some dangerous byproducts -
nationalism, religious bigotry, fascism and, of course terrorism. All
these march arm in arm with the project of corporate globalization. Let me
illustrate what I mean. India - the world's biggest democracy - is
currently at the forefront of the corporate globalization project. Its
"market" of one billion people is being prized open by the WTO.
Corporatization and Privatization are being welcomed by the Government
and the Indian elite.
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
—Arundhati Roy
Porto Alegre, Brazil
January 27, 2003
Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix
Original Statement von Hans Blix 27.01.2003
Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, Dr. Hans Blix
Original Statement von Hans Blix 27.01.2003
Guardian: Counting The Death
In the event of war, how many Iraqi civilians will die? And how many will starve, or be displaced? In secret, the UN has been doing the sums
"But a newly leaked report from a special UN taskforce that summarises the assessments calculates that about 500,000 people could "require medical treatment to a greater or lesser degree as a result of direct or indirect injuries", according to the World Health Organisation"
"The nutritional status of some 3.03 million people will be dire and they will require therapeutic feeding," says the UN children's fund. About four-fifths of these victims will be children under five. The rest will be pregnant and lactating women."
The leaked un-report can be found at: casi.org.uk
Guardian: Counting The Death
In the event of war, how many Iraqi civilians will die? And how many will starve, or be displaced? In secret, the UN has been doing the sums
"But a newly leaked report from a special UN taskforce that summarises the assessments calculates that about 500,000 people could "require medical treatment to a greater or lesser degree as a result of direct or indirect injuries", according to the World Health Organisation"
"The nutritional status of some 3.03 million people will be dire and they will require therapeutic feeding," says the UN children's fund. About four-fifths of these victims will be children under five. The rest will be pregnant and lactating women."
The leaked un-report can be found at: casi.org.uk
Guardian: Counting the dead
In the event of war, how many Iraqi civilians will die? And how many will starve, or be displaced? In secret, the UN has been doing the sums
"The assessments are dramatic, though for reasons of internal diplomacy or because of American pressure the UN is unwilling to go public with the figures. But a newly leaked report from a special UN taskforce that summarises the assessments calculates that about 500,000 people could "require medical treatment to a greater or lesser degree as a result of direct or indirect injuries", according to the World Health Organisation."
""The nutritional status of some 3.03 million people will be dire and they will require therapeutic feeding," says the UN children's fund. About four-fifths of these victims will be children under five. The rest will be pregnant and lactating women"
the leaked un-report can be found at: casi.org.uk
Guardian: Counting the dead
In the event of war, how many Iraqi civilians will die? And how many will starve, or be displaced? In secret, the UN has been doing the sums
"The assessments are dramatic, though for reasons of internal diplomacy or because of American pressure the UN is unwilling to go public with the figures. But a newly leaked report from a special UN taskforce that summarises the assessments calculates that about 500,000 people could "require medical treatment to a greater or lesser degree as a result of direct or indirect injuries", according to the World Health Organisation."
""The nutritional status of some 3.03 million people will be dire and they will require therapeutic feeding," says the UN children's fund. About four-fifths of these victims will be children under five. The rest will be pregnant and lactating women"
the leaked un-report can be found at: casi.org.uk
Yahoo News: U.S. Economic Aid Found to Subsidize More than Half of Israeli Settlements Costs
WASHINGTON, D.C. Jan 24 (OW-US) - The Israeli government spent well
over US$533 million in sustaining Jewish settlements in the occupied
territories in 2001, more than half the amount provided it by the United States as
direct economic assistance during the same year, according to a report
released Thursday by the Israeli Peace Now movement. The report, which
was based on publicly available data, said that the total amount of
government support for the settlements in the Gaza Strip (news - web sites ) and
West Bank, including the costs of providing military protection for the
settlers, is actually significantly higher. But how much higher cannot
be determined because a breakdown of the defense budget, for example, is a
state secret.
Yahoo News: U.S. Economic Aid Found to Subsidize More than Half of Israeli Settlements Costs
WASHINGTON, D.C. Jan 24 (OW-US) - The Israeli government spent well
over US$533 million in sustaining Jewish settlements in the occupied
territories in 2001, more than half the amount provided it by the United States as
direct economic assistance during the same year, according to a report
released Thursday by the Israeli Peace Now movement. The report, which
was based on publicly available data, said that the total amount of
government support for the settlements in the Gaza Strip (news - web sites ) and
West Bank, including the costs of providing military protection for the
settlers, is actually significantly higher. But how much higher cannot
be determined because a breakdown of the defense budget, for example, is a
state secret.
Mirror: PILGER: BLAIR IS A COWARD by John Pilger
John Pilger: His most damning verdict on Tony Blair. William Russell,
"In 1946 the judges at Nuremberg who tried the Nazi leaders for war crimes left no doubt about what they regarded as the gravest crimes against humanity.
The most serious was unprovoked invasion of a sovereign state that offered no threat to one's homeland. Then there was the murder of civilians, for which responsibility rested with the "highest authority".
Blair is about to commit both these crimes, for which he is being denied even the flimsiest United Nations cover now that the weapons inspectors have found, as one put it, "zilch".
"the embodiment of the most dangerous appeasement humanity has known since the 1930s. The current American elite is the Third Reich of our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they have merely accelerated more than half a century of unrelenting American state terrorism: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on Japan as a signal of their new power to the dozens of countries invaded, directly or by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American "interests", such as a voracious appetite for the world's resources, like oil."
"Last week the Pentagon in Washington announced matter of factly that it intended to shatter Iraq "physically, emotionally and psychologically" by raining down on its people 800 cruise missiles in two days.
This will be more than twice the number of missiles launched during the entire 40 days of the 1991 Gulf War"
Mirror: PILGER: BLAIR IS A COWARD by John Pilger
John Pilger: His most damning verdict on Tony Blair. William Russell,
"In 1946 the judges at Nuremberg who tried the Nazi leaders for war crimes left no doubt about what they regarded as the gravest crimes against humanity.
The most serious was unprovoked invasion of a sovereign state that offered no threat to one's homeland. Then there was the murder of civilians, for which responsibility rested with the "highest authority".
Blair is about to commit both these crimes, for which he is being denied even the flimsiest United Nations cover now that the weapons inspectors have found, as one put it, "zilch".
"the embodiment of the most dangerous appeasement humanity has known since the 1930s. The current American elite is the Third Reich of our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they have merely accelerated more than half a century of unrelenting American state terrorism: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on Japan as a signal of their new power to the dozens of countries invaded, directly or by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American "interests", such as a voracious appetite for the world's resources, like oil."
"Last week the Pentagon in Washington announced matter of factly that it intended to shatter Iraq "physically, emotionally and psychologically" by raining down on its people 800 cruise missiles in two days.
This will be more than twice the number of missiles launched during the entire 40 days of the 1991 Gulf War"
Guardian: Stronger Than Ever by George Monibot
"Mr Bush and Mr Blair might have a tougher fight than they anticipated. Not from Saddam Hussein perhaps - although it is still not obvious that they can capture and hold Iraq's cities without major losses - but from an anti-war movement that is beginning to look like nothing the world has seen before. "
"Whether we are noticed or not is no longer relevant. We know that, with or without the media's help, we are a gathering force which might one day prove unstoppable."
Guardian: Stronger Than Ever by George Monibot
"Mr Bush and Mr Blair might have a tougher fight than they anticipated. Not from Saddam Hussein perhaps - although it is still not obvious that they can capture and hold Iraq's cities without major losses - but from an anti-war movement that is beginning to look like nothing the world has seen before. "
"Whether we are noticed or not is no longer relevant. We know that, with or without the media's help, we are a gathering force which might one day prove unstoppable."
Guardian: No Beginning or End to War by Günter Grass
"War is looming. Once again war looms. Or is war only being threatened so as to stop war coming? Does the limiting word "only" mean that this is just a mock threat, this staged build-up of US and British troops and ships on the Arabian peninsula and in the Red sea, with its supply of pictures to the media of overwhelming military might? As soon as one of the world's two dozen dictators has crumbled into exile or preferably is dead, will this all turn out to be a show of force which brought peace and can vanish away again? "
"I don't know if the United Nations will be resolute enough to resist the US's clenched drive for power. My experience tells me this wanted war will be followed by other wars with the same drive behind them. I hope my country's citizens and government will give convincing proof that we Germans have learned the lesson of the wars we have caused and will say no to the oncoming madness, called war. "
Guardian: No Beginning or End to War by Günter Grass
"War is looming. Once again war looms. Or is war only being threatened so as to stop war coming? Does the limiting word "only" mean that this is just a mock threat, this staged build-up of US and British troops and ships on the Arabian peninsula and in the Red sea, with its supply of pictures to the media of overwhelming military might? As soon as one of the world's two dozen dictators has crumbled into exile or preferably is dead, will this all turn out to be a show of force which brought peace and can vanish away again? "
"I don't know if the United Nations will be resolute enough to resist the US's clenched drive for power. My experience tells me this wanted war will be followed by other wars with the same drive behind them. I hope my country's citizens and government will give convincing proof that we Germans have learned the lesson of the wars we have caused and will say no to the oncoming madness, called war. "
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Time Magazine: The CIA's Secret Army
The U.S. is not yet at war with Saddam Hussein. Not officially. But
quietly, over the past few months, some of its savviest warriors have
sneaked into his country. They have been secretly prowling the
Kurdish-controlled enclave in northern Iraq, trying to organize a
force that could guide American soldiers invading from the north,
for targets that U.S. warplanes might bomb, setting up networks to hide
U.S. pilots who might be shot down and mapping out escape routes to get
them out. And they are doing the same in southern Iraq with dissident
Time Magazine: The CIA's Secret Army
The U.S. is not yet at war with Saddam Hussein. Not officially. But
quietly, over the past few months, some of its savviest warriors have
sneaked into his country. They have been secretly prowling the
Kurdish-controlled enclave in northern Iraq, trying to organize a
force that could guide American soldiers invading from the north,
for targets that U.S. warplanes might bomb, setting up networks to hide
U.S. pilots who might be shot down and mapping out escape routes to get
them out. And they are doing the same in southern Iraq with dissident
ZNET: The USA Is At War
Times of fear.
The world is living in a state of terror, terror in disguise: some say it comes from Saddam Hussein, now tired of being enemy number one, or from Osama bin Ladin, professional fear merchant.
The real cause of this planetary panic is called the Market. This individual has nothing to do with your friendly local grocers where you're used to picking your fruit and vegetables up. This is a faceless all-powerful all-present terrorist acting as god, and just like god, the Market thinks it's eternal. Its many disciples cry, "the Market is nervous" and warn, "don't upset the Market".
The criminal record of this Market strikes fear into the hearts of many. It has spent its entire life robbing food, destroying jobs, holding countries hostage and starting wars.
To sell war, the Market spreads fear
ZNET: The USA Is At War
Times of fear.
The world is living in a state of terror, terror in disguise: some say it comes from Saddam Hussein, now tired of being enemy number one, or from Osama bin Ladin, professional fear merchant.
The real cause of this planetary panic is called the Market. This individual has nothing to do with your friendly local grocers where you're used to picking your fruit and vegetables up. This is a faceless all-powerful all-present terrorist acting as god, and just like god, the Market thinks it's eternal. Its many disciples cry, "the Market is nervous" and warn, "don't upset the Market".
The criminal record of this Market strikes fear into the hearts of many. It has spent its entire life robbing food, destroying jobs, holding countries hostage and starting wars.
To sell war, the Market spreads fear
Observer: US buys up Iraqi oil to stave off crisis
Facing its most chronic shortage in oil stocks for 27 years, the US has
this month turned to an unlikely source of help - Iraq. Weeks before a
prospective invasion of Iraq, the oil-rich state has doubled its
exports of
oil to America, helping US refineries cope with a debilitating strike
Observer: US buys up Iraqi oil to stave off crisis
Facing its most chronic shortage in oil stocks for 27 years, the US has
this month turned to an unlikely source of help - Iraq. Weeks before a
prospective invasion of Iraq, the oil-rich state has doubled its
exports of
oil to America, helping US refineries cope with a debilitating strike
During the first war in the Persian Gulf, U.S. citizens saw mostly
sanitized images of smart bombs hitting non-human targets. Images
of death and suffering were kept to a minimum, thanks in part to
the military's pool system which controlled the movements and
activities of most journalists. Photographer Peter Turnley refused
to participate in the pool system and managed to get pictures that
few people have seen. "Many people have asked the question 'how
many people died' during the war with Iraq and the question has
never been well answered," he writes. "Most of the photographs I
made of this scene have never been published anywhere and this has
always troubled me." Now a collection of his photographs is
available on the web.
During the first war in the Persian Gulf, U.S. citizens saw mostly
sanitized images of smart bombs hitting non-human targets. Images
of death and suffering were kept to a minimum, thanks in part to
the military's pool system which controlled the movements and
activities of most journalists. Photographer Peter Turnley refused
to participate in the pool system and managed to get pictures that
few people have seen. "Many people have asked the question 'how
many people died' during the war with Iraq and the question has
never been well answered," he writes. "Most of the photographs I
made of this scene have never been published anywhere and this has
always troubled me." Now a collection of his photographs is
available on the web.
Seattlepi: "MADE IN (DELETED)"
When President Bush gave a speech at a St. Louis warehouse
announcing his new tax plan, he stood against what appeared to be a
backdrop of cardboard boxes stamped "MADE IN U.S.A." The backdrop,
however, was actually a painted facade. Bush's advance team had
used pieces of white paper to cover over the "Made in China" stamps
on hundreds of real boxes in the warehouse.
Seattlepi: "MADE IN (DELETED)"
When President Bush gave a speech at a St. Louis warehouse
announcing his new tax plan, he stood against what appeared to be a
backdrop of cardboard boxes stamped "MADE IN U.S.A." The backdrop,
however, was actually a painted facade. Bush's advance team had
used pieces of white paper to cover over the "Made in China" stamps
on hundreds of real boxes in the warehouse.
As it prepares for war with Iraq, the new White House Office of
Global Communications (OGC) is "revving up a global effort to
defuse its image as arrogant and overbearing," reports Randall
Mikkelsen. The State Department is creating an Islamic media center
in London to manage U.S. communications with the al Jazeera
satellite television network. The OGC is also organizing "daily
telephone conference calls to coordinate foreign policy messages
among U.S. government agencies and representatives of British Prime
Minister Tony Blair. This is supplemented by a 'Global Messenger'
e-mail of talking points sent almost daily to administration
officials, U.S. embassies, Congress and others." The Bush
administration's effort to overcome its arrogant image suffered a
blow recently when Europeans responded negatively to Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's dismissal of French and German
opposition to U.S. war talk as an example of "old Europe" out of
touch with the world.
As it prepares for war with Iraq, the new White House Office of
Global Communications (OGC) is "revving up a global effort to
defuse its image as arrogant and overbearing," reports Randall
Mikkelsen. The State Department is creating an Islamic media center
in London to manage U.S. communications with the al Jazeera
satellite television network. The OGC is also organizing "daily
telephone conference calls to coordinate foreign policy messages
among U.S. government agencies and representatives of British Prime
Minister Tony Blair. This is supplemented by a 'Global Messenger'
e-mail of talking points sent almost daily to administration
officials, U.S. embassies, Congress and others." The Bush
administration's effort to overcome its arrogant image suffered a
blow recently when Europeans responded negatively to Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's dismissal of French and German
opposition to U.S. war talk as an example of "old Europe" out of
touch with the world.
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Guardian: Israelis detain hundreds without trial
Kafkaesque nightmare awaits arrested Palestinians
Heute sind in Israel Wahlen, Sharon musste vorher noch kurz allen zeigen was für ein harter Hund er doch ist
Guardian: Israelis detain hundreds without trial
Kafkaesque nightmare awaits arrested Palestinians
Heute sind in Israel Wahlen, Sharon musste vorher noch kurz allen zeigen was für ein harter Hund er doch ist
Guardian: 12 killed in Israeli raid on Gaza Strip
The army killed 12 Palestinians and injured dozens more - eight critically - as about 50 tanks, armoured vehicles and helicopters swooped on the Zaitoun district of Gaza city, a Hamas stronghold. 1. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention, Gaza City ist das dichtest Besiedelte Gebiet der Welt
Mr Sharon's cabinet yesterday also ordered the immediate closure of Palestinian cities and access to Israel from the occupied territories until after tomorrow's ballot. The move prevents about 4 million Palestinians from leaving the towns and villages in which they are resident, and from crossing the 1967 border. The army said curfews may also be imposed in some areas. 2. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention
More than 100 buildings were flattened during the raid 3. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention
Hours later, a six year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by the Israeli army in another part of Gaza, the latest of more than 100 children killed by the army since the start of the intifada. His five year-old brother was wounded.
The military said the two were among a group that walked into a no-go area for Palestinians near an army post next to Rafa refugee camp, and the soldier who opened fire did not see the children. 4. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention
Hours later, a six year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by the Israeli army in another part of Gaza, the latest of more than 100 children killed by the army since the start of the intifada. His five year-old brother was wounded.
Abdel-Aziz al-Rantisi, a Hamas spokesman threatened a bloody retaliation. "Our reaction will include mass death," he said.
The US secretary of state, Colin Powell, yesterday said that a future Palestinian state must be contiguous and viable, not the patchwork of islands the Palestinians have theoretical control of today.
"A Palestinian state, when it's created, must be a real state, not a phoney state that's diced into a thousand different pieces," he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Bla Bla Bla, wenn die USA mit dem Vorgehen der Israelis nicht zufrieden wären würde Israel anders vorgehen.
Guardian: 12 killed in Israeli raid on Gaza Strip
The army killed 12 Palestinians and injured dozens more - eight critically - as about 50 tanks, armoured vehicles and helicopters swooped on the Zaitoun district of Gaza city, a Hamas stronghold. 1. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention, Gaza City ist das dichtest Besiedelte Gebiet der Welt
Mr Sharon's cabinet yesterday also ordered the immediate closure of Palestinian cities and access to Israel from the occupied territories until after tomorrow's ballot. The move prevents about 4 million Palestinians from leaving the towns and villages in which they are resident, and from crossing the 1967 border. The army said curfews may also be imposed in some areas. 2. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention
More than 100 buildings were flattened during the raid 3. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention
Hours later, a six year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by the Israeli army in another part of Gaza, the latest of more than 100 children killed by the army since the start of the intifada. His five year-old brother was wounded.
The military said the two were among a group that walked into a no-go area for Palestinians near an army post next to Rafa refugee camp, and the soldier who opened fire did not see the children. 4. Verstoss gegen die Genfer Konvention
Hours later, a six year-old Palestinian boy was shot dead by the Israeli army in another part of Gaza, the latest of more than 100 children killed by the army since the start of the intifada. His five year-old brother was wounded.
Abdel-Aziz al-Rantisi, a Hamas spokesman threatened a bloody retaliation. "Our reaction will include mass death," he said.
The US secretary of state, Colin Powell, yesterday said that a future Palestinian state must be contiguous and viable, not the patchwork of islands the Palestinians have theoretical control of today.
"A Palestinian state, when it's created, must be a real state, not a phoney state that's diced into a thousand different pieces," he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Bla Bla Bla, wenn die USA mit dem Vorgehen der Israelis nicht zufrieden wären würde Israel anders vorgehen.
Spiegel: B-1-Bomber gegen Hekmatjar
Es war die größte Schlacht in Aghanistan seit vergangenem März. Milizen des Warlords Hekmatjar haben US-Kampfhubschrauber angegriffen. Die US Air Force reagierte mit heftigen Bombardements. 18 Rebellen wurden getötet.
"Es wird Frühling in Afghanistan und der Guerillakrieg beginnt (siehe dazu das Posting des Artikels der Asia Times von letzter Woche). Dabei hat doch CNN berichtet es herrsche jetzt Frieden und Demokratie"
Spiegel: B-1-Bomber gegen Hekmatjar
Es war die größte Schlacht in Aghanistan seit vergangenem März. Milizen des Warlords Hekmatjar haben US-Kampfhubschrauber angegriffen. Die US Air Force reagierte mit heftigen Bombardements. 18 Rebellen wurden getötet.
"Es wird Frühling in Afghanistan und der Guerillakrieg beginnt (siehe dazu das Posting des Artikels der Asia Times von letzter Woche). Dabei hat doch CNN berichtet es herrsche jetzt Frieden und Demokratie"
"As the military buildup continues in the Persian Gulf, another
conflict is brewing at home, among MSNBC, CNN and the Fox News
Channel. ... Recalling how CNN made its name during the gulf war,
each channel is trying to distinguish itself and outdo its rivals.
... As a result, the reports are taking on a hypercharged tone as
the cable networks try to persuade viewers ahead of time that they
are the ones to watch should war break out. ... The networks now
generally use a 'whooshing' sound to precede an on-screen headline.
There is far more frequent use of the words 'Breaking News' or
'News Alert,' even for events that in the past would not have
called for urgent treatment. ... At the very least, Graham T.
Allison, a professor at the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard, said the competition among the networks is adding to a
public sense that war is inevitable."
"As the military buildup continues in the Persian Gulf, another
conflict is brewing at home, among MSNBC, CNN and the Fox News
Channel. ... Recalling how CNN made its name during the gulf war,
each channel is trying to distinguish itself and outdo its rivals.
... As a result, the reports are taking on a hypercharged tone as
the cable networks try to persuade viewers ahead of time that they
are the ones to watch should war break out. ... The networks now
generally use a 'whooshing' sound to precede an on-screen headline.
There is far more frequent use of the words 'Breaking News' or
'News Alert,' even for events that in the past would not have
called for urgent treatment. ... At the very least, Graham T.
Allison, a professor at the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard, said the competition among the networks is adding to a
public sense that war is inevitable."
Washington Post: Muzzling the Media in Wartime
"If you put the First Amendment up for a nationwide vote, we're not
so sure it would pass," reports Howard Kurtz. "When war breaks out,
many folks believe that the people with pens and microphones should
just get out of the way and let the soldiers do their jobs."
According to a recent opinion poll, two-thirds of the public
believes the government should have the right to stop the media
from disclosing military secrets, and 56% say news organizations
are more obliged to support the government in wartime than to
question the military's handling of the war.
Washington Post: Muzzling the Media in Wartime
"If you put the First Amendment up for a nationwide vote, we're not
so sure it would pass," reports Howard Kurtz. "When war breaks out,
many folks believe that the people with pens and microphones should
just get out of the way and let the soldiers do their jobs."
According to a recent opinion poll, two-thirds of the public
believes the government should have the right to stop the media
from disclosing military secrets, and 56% say news organizations
are more obliged to support the government in wartime than to
question the military's handling of the war.
Howard Kurtz reports that the New York Times has spiked a "My Job"
column by Jeff Barge, a Manhattan public relations executive who
described planting stories in major newspapers and blasted the PR
industry as "a deceptive business" in which newspapers are fed
"quotes that are just plain fabricated by the PR people." According
to Times editor Judith Dobrzynski, Barge's piece was "too
self-promotional." (The mention of Barge appears in the bottom half
of Kurtz's column, under the subhead, "Unfit to Print.")
"Rumsfeld and company are also planning to wage a public relations war against Saddam Hussein, "the same way you try to wipe out his air defenses," Clarke says. She's working on having spokesmen available, around the clock and in the war zone, to respond to Iraq's propaganda blasts"
Howard Kurtz reports that the New York Times has spiked a "My Job"
column by Jeff Barge, a Manhattan public relations executive who
described planting stories in major newspapers and blasted the PR
industry as "a deceptive business" in which newspapers are fed
"quotes that are just plain fabricated by the PR people." According
to Times editor Judith Dobrzynski, Barge's piece was "too
self-promotional." (The mention of Barge appears in the bottom half
of Kurtz's column, under the subhead, "Unfit to Print.")
"Rumsfeld and company are also planning to wage a public relations war against Saddam Hussein, "the same way you try to wipe out his air defenses," Clarke says. She's working on having spokesmen available, around the clock and in the war zone, to respond to Iraq's propaganda blasts"
"It looks like the Bush Administration is astroturfing, trying to
artificially create the appearance of a grassroots movement
supporting their policies," writes Jules Agee. "A Google search on
the phrase 'demonstrating genuine leadership' returns a number of
nearly identical letters sent to the editors of various newspapers
and publications this month, each one with the name of a different
individual attached." Some alert bloggers traced the letters to a
Republican party website that offers gifts such as coolers, tote
bags and mouse pads in exchange for sending letters to the editor.
When asked about the form letters, one newspaper editor commented,
"The practice of mass submitting letters is old. We have been
receiving these types of letters for some time. ... I'm just
shocked that it has taken so long for others to expose it. This fad
begun over three years ago." But some newspapers liked the letters
so much that they published them more than once, over the
signatures of different local residents.
"It looks like the Bush Administration is astroturfing, trying to
artificially create the appearance of a grassroots movement
supporting their policies," writes Jules Agee. "A Google search on
the phrase 'demonstrating genuine leadership' returns a number of
nearly identical letters sent to the editors of various newspapers
and publications this month, each one with the name of a different
individual attached." Some alert bloggers traced the letters to a
Republican party website that offers gifts such as coolers, tote
bags and mouse pads in exchange for sending letters to the editor.
When asked about the form letters, one newspaper editor commented,
"The practice of mass submitting letters is old. We have been
receiving these types of letters for some time. ... I'm just
shocked that it has taken so long for others to expose it. This fad
begun over three years ago." But some newspapers liked the letters
so much that they published them more than once, over the
signatures of different local residents.
Das Wef2003 ist zuende. Die Polizei hat gewonnen und die "anti-wef Bewegung" hat ein PR-Problem.
um 10 Uhr errichten die ersten 2 Züge mit ca 1000 Leuten Landquart. In Fidris gingen zu dem Zeitpunkt ca. 300 Leute durch die Polizeischleuse.
um 11 Uhr erreicht der Zug des Oltener Bündnisses sowie Busse der Gewerkschaften und JUSO Fidris. Die Leute weigerten sich aus dem Zug auszusteigen und durch die Schleuse zu gehen. Alle Zug und Strassen Verbindungen im Graubünden sind blockiert.
um 11:30 sitzen ca. 4000 Demonstranten im Bahnhof Landquart fest der vollständig von der Polizei eingekesselt ist.
um 12 Uhr kommt es in Fidris zu ersten Ausschreitungen als mehrere hundert Leute von den Bussen zu den Zägen gelangen wollen. Um diese Uhrzeit sind ca. 1000 Leute in Fidris und 5000 in Landquart.
um 13 Uhr erreicht das Oltener Bündniss in Fidris einen Kompromiss. Die Leute müssen nicht durch die Schleuse, dafür gehen 3 Flughafen Polizisten durch den Wagen und machen stichprobenmässige Gepäckkontrollen. Diese Abmachung sollte auch für die nachfolgenden Züge gelten
um 14 Uhr erreichen der erste Zug und etwa 1000 Leute die mit Bussen angereist sind Davos
um 14:30 Uhr stoppt die Polizei den nächsten Zug in Fidris und verlangt trotz der anderlautenden Abmachung das die Leute aus dem Zug aussteigen und durch die Schleuse gehen. Das wird von den Demonstranten verweigert. In Landquart steigen die Leute wieder aus den wartenden Zügen.
um 15 Uhr blockieren ein paar Leute in Landquart die Autobahn. Die Mehrheit harrt immer noch am Bahnhof aus.
um 16 kommen die Züge aus Fidris wieder in Landquart an. Die Polizei versucht die Gruppen zu trennen und nebelt den ganzen Bahnhof mit Tränengas ein.
um 17 Uhr fahren die ersten Züge aus Landqaurt nach Zürich. Derwil demonstrieren in Davos ca 2000 Leute. Sie ziehen vors Ratshaus um die Demobewilligung zu verbrennen.
17.30 Uhr Der erste Zug von Davos ist nun in Landquart angekommen, während der zweite von Landquart Richtung Zürich/Bern abgefahren ist. Die Polizei hat sich in Landquart mehr oder weniger zurückgezogen. Zürich ist dagegen voll mit Polizei. Vorallem am Bahnhof Wollishofen, der ersten Haltestelle wartet ein riesiges Aufgebot auf die Zurückkommenden. Die Seestrasse Richtung Zürich wird abgesperrt
18 Uhr Der erste Zug ist im Bahnhof Zürich-Wollishofen angekommen. Die Polizei hat einen grossräumigen Ring um die Rote Fabrik gezogen. Der dritte Zug von Landquart ist auf dem Weg nch Zürich.
19 Uhr Der zweite Zug (Richtung Bern) steht immer noch im Bahnhof Wollishofen. Ein Teil der Leute aus dem ersten Zug sind in diesen zugestiegen
19.15 Uhr Der Zug nach Bern ist abgefahren. Der dritte Zug ist im Hauptbahnhof Zürich angekommen. Der ganze Bahnhof ist von Polizei umzingelt
20 Uhr Die Polizei hat in Bern die Strassen um den Bahnhof abgesperrt.
21 Uhr Die zwei Züge sind in Bern angekommen. Ca. 1500-2000 Leute aus diesen Zügen haben sich nun ausserhalb des Bahnhofs versammelt. Wasserwerfer im Einsatz. Scheiben gehen zu Bruch.
23.15 Uhr Die Reithalle Bern ist von der Polizei "umstellt"; Gaseinsatz und Wasserwerfer stehen bereit
Bilder: Landquart/Davos Archiv, Fidris 1, Fidris 2,
Fidris 3, Fidris 4, Reitschule under attack, Davos 1, Davos und Fidris, Landquart,
Video: Tageschau Kurt Wasserfallen Polizeichef von Bern bezeichnet nach Ausschreitungen in Bern alle Demonstranten als "TERRORISTEN".
Tagesanzeiger 27.01.03: Grosser Knatsch nach kleiner Demo
Tagesanzeiger 27.01.03: In Landquart ging nichts mehr
Tagesanzeiger: 28.01.03: Die Gewerkschaften reden von Wortbruch, die Polizei von Fehlinfo
Sonntagzeitung: Chronik einer Demonstration die nie stattgefunden hat
Sonntagszeitung: Ausschreitungen in der Berner Innenstadt
Sonntagszeitung: Man hat uns in die Falle gelockt
Sonntagsblick: Chaotenzug durch die Schweiz
NZZ: WEF Dossier
Das Wef2003 ist zuende. Die Polizei hat gewonnen und die "anti-wef Bewegung" hat ein PR-Problem.
um 10 Uhr errichten die ersten 2 Züge mit ca 1000 Leuten Landquart. In Fidris gingen zu dem Zeitpunkt ca. 300 Leute durch die Polizeischleuse.
um 11 Uhr erreicht der Zug des Oltener Bündnisses sowie Busse der Gewerkschaften und JUSO Fidris. Die Leute weigerten sich aus dem Zug auszusteigen und durch die Schleuse zu gehen. Alle Zug und Strassen Verbindungen im Graubünden sind blockiert.
um 11:30 sitzen ca. 4000 Demonstranten im Bahnhof Landquart fest der vollständig von der Polizei eingekesselt ist.
um 12 Uhr kommt es in Fidris zu ersten Ausschreitungen als mehrere hundert Leute von den Bussen zu den Zägen gelangen wollen. Um diese Uhrzeit sind ca. 1000 Leute in Fidris und 5000 in Landquart.
um 13 Uhr erreicht das Oltener Bündniss in Fidris einen Kompromiss. Die Leute müssen nicht durch die Schleuse, dafür gehen 3 Flughafen Polizisten durch den Wagen und machen stichprobenmässige Gepäckkontrollen. Diese Abmachung sollte auch für die nachfolgenden Züge gelten
um 14 Uhr erreichen der erste Zug und etwa 1000 Leute die mit Bussen angereist sind Davos
um 14:30 Uhr stoppt die Polizei den nächsten Zug in Fidris und verlangt trotz der anderlautenden Abmachung das die Leute aus dem Zug aussteigen und durch die Schleuse gehen. Das wird von den Demonstranten verweigert. In Landquart steigen die Leute wieder aus den wartenden Zügen.
um 15 Uhr blockieren ein paar Leute in Landquart die Autobahn. Die Mehrheit harrt immer noch am Bahnhof aus.
um 16 kommen die Züge aus Fidris wieder in Landquart an. Die Polizei versucht die Gruppen zu trennen und nebelt den ganzen Bahnhof mit Tränengas ein.
um 17 Uhr fahren die ersten Züge aus Landqaurt nach Zürich. Derwil demonstrieren in Davos ca 2000 Leute. Sie ziehen vors Ratshaus um die Demobewilligung zu verbrennen.
17.30 Uhr Der erste Zug von Davos ist nun in Landquart angekommen, während der zweite von Landquart Richtung Zürich/Bern abgefahren ist. Die Polizei hat sich in Landquart mehr oder weniger zurückgezogen. Zürich ist dagegen voll mit Polizei. Vorallem am Bahnhof Wollishofen, der ersten Haltestelle wartet ein riesiges Aufgebot auf die Zurückkommenden. Die Seestrasse Richtung Zürich wird abgesperrt
18 Uhr Der erste Zug ist im Bahnhof Zürich-Wollishofen angekommen. Die Polizei hat einen grossräumigen Ring um die Rote Fabrik gezogen. Der dritte Zug von Landquart ist auf dem Weg nch Zürich.
19 Uhr Der zweite Zug (Richtung Bern) steht immer noch im Bahnhof Wollishofen. Ein Teil der Leute aus dem ersten Zug sind in diesen zugestiegen
19.15 Uhr Der Zug nach Bern ist abgefahren. Der dritte Zug ist im Hauptbahnhof Zürich angekommen. Der ganze Bahnhof ist von Polizei umzingelt
20 Uhr Die Polizei hat in Bern die Strassen um den Bahnhof abgesperrt.
21 Uhr Die zwei Züge sind in Bern angekommen. Ca. 1500-2000 Leute aus diesen Zügen haben sich nun ausserhalb des Bahnhofs versammelt. Wasserwerfer im Einsatz. Scheiben gehen zu Bruch.
23.15 Uhr Die Reithalle Bern ist von der Polizei "umstellt"; Gaseinsatz und Wasserwerfer stehen bereit
Bilder: Landquart/Davos Archiv, Fidris 1, Fidris 2,
Fidris 3, Fidris 4, Reitschule under attack, Davos 1, Davos und Fidris, Landquart,
Video: Tageschau Kurt Wasserfallen Polizeichef von Bern bezeichnet nach Ausschreitungen in Bern alle Demonstranten als "TERRORISTEN".
Tagesanzeiger 27.01.03: Grosser Knatsch nach kleiner Demo
Tagesanzeiger 27.01.03: In Landquart ging nichts mehr
Tagesanzeiger: 28.01.03: Die Gewerkschaften reden von Wortbruch, die Polizei von Fehlinfo
Sonntagzeitung: Chronik einer Demonstration die nie stattgefunden hat
Sonntagszeitung: Ausschreitungen in der Berner Innenstadt
Sonntagszeitung: Man hat uns in die Falle gelockt
Sonntagsblick: Chaotenzug durch die Schweiz
NZZ: WEF Dossier
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