Indymedia: Aufruf zum WEF 2004
Aufruf, Demokonzept und Daten gegen das WEF
revolutionäres Bündnis gegen das WEF, 20.01.2004 15:57
Aufruf, Daten, Konzept, Infoabend usw.
Wie jedes Jahr trifft sich die Elite aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur zum Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos.
Wie jedes Jahr versuchen sie einen Lösungsansatz zu finden um das Kapital aus der Krise zu führen.
Wie jedes Jahr entwickeln sie zu diesem Zweck Strategien, welche für uns einmal mehr in verschärften gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen spürbar werden. Beispiele dafür sind Massenentlassungen und Angriffe auf soziale Errungenschaften der ArbeiterInnen, wie etwa die Sozialversicherungen, Lohnabbau, sowie Abbau der gesellschaftlichen Kinderbetreuung (Krippen, Horte). Existenzprobleme und soziale Unsicherheit sind die Folge davon.
Wie jedes Jahr versuchen sie das Ausbeutungsverhältnis in strategisch wichtigen Regionen neu zu etablieren. Gut sichtbar geworden ist dies anhand der imperialistischen Kriege im Nahen Osten.
Das WEF ist nicht zu trennen von den gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen, den Ausbeutungsverhältnissen des Kapitalismus. Für uns ist deshalb klar: Ein Dialog kommt nicht in Frage! Und zwar weder mit dem WEF, noch mit den Schergen des Kapitals oder dem Staat und den Behörden, die den Rahmen für ihre Ausbeutungsprojekte garantieren. Es ist für uns deshalb auch kein Thema, etwa eine Demokratisierung des WEFs zu fordern, vielmehr wollen wir das WEF als Werkzeug des internationalen Kapitals abschaffen. Einen Angriff auf das WEF verstehen wir als einen Angriff auf das kapitalistische System.
In diesem Sinne rufen wir auf zur Demo gegen das World Economic Forum in Davos, weil wir uns diesen politischen Raum zurückerobern wollen.
Treffpunkt 24.01.2004, 14:00 Uhr Bahnhof Davos Dorf
Treffpunkt Zürich: 10.30 Hauptbahnhof für auf den Zug
10.30 Carparkplatz für auf die Busse.
Treffpunkt Bern: 09.00h Bhf. Bern
Demonstrieren sonst Blockieren!
Smash WEF heisst Kapitalismus zerschlagen!
Kampf dem Kapital!
Für eine Gesellschaft ohne Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung!
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Guardian: Israeli fighter jets strike south Lebanon
Israeli fighter jets today attacked Hizbullah guerrilla targets in south Lebanon, Israeli military officials said.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officials said that Israeli warplanes hit Hizbullah bases in the Bekaa Valley, the area of south Lebanon that is closest to the Syrian border.
Israel's Channel Two TV said that at least four explosions were heard. There were two targets but no immediate reports of casualties, the report said. The air strike followed a border incident yesterday, in which Hizbullah guerrillas fired an anti-tank missile at a bulldozer clearing explosives. An Israeli soldier was killed and another seriously wounded.
The Israeli army today changed its account of the border incident to acknowledge that the soldier killed in the clash had actually been on Lebanese and not Israeli soil at the time.
"We deviated [from standard procedure] by going into Lebanon," Reuters reported Brigadier General Yair Golan as saying.
"From their [Hizbullah's] standpoint [the attack] is legitimate, although not from ours," Brig Gen Golan said. "It is very serious and an escalation ... it is a provocation by Hizbullah."
"Israel schickt Soldaten über die Grenze nach Libanon. Sie werden, was vorauszusehen war, attackiert. Israel nennt das eine Provokation und bombardiert im Gegenzug Hisbollah Stellungen im Libanon um nachher Syrien die Schuld für den Zwischenfall zu geben.?????"
Guardian: Israeli fighter jets strike south Lebanon
Israeli fighter jets today attacked Hizbullah guerrilla targets in south Lebanon, Israeli military officials said.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officials said that Israeli warplanes hit Hizbullah bases in the Bekaa Valley, the area of south Lebanon that is closest to the Syrian border.
Israel's Channel Two TV said that at least four explosions were heard. There were two targets but no immediate reports of casualties, the report said. The air strike followed a border incident yesterday, in which Hizbullah guerrillas fired an anti-tank missile at a bulldozer clearing explosives. An Israeli soldier was killed and another seriously wounded.
The Israeli army today changed its account of the border incident to acknowledge that the soldier killed in the clash had actually been on Lebanese and not Israeli soil at the time.
"We deviated [from standard procedure] by going into Lebanon," Reuters reported Brigadier General Yair Golan as saying.
"From their [Hizbullah's] standpoint [the attack] is legitimate, although not from ours," Brig Gen Golan said. "It is very serious and an escalation ... it is a provocation by Hizbullah."
"Israel schickt Soldaten über die Grenze nach Libanon. Sie werden, was vorauszusehen war, attackiert. Israel nennt das eine Provokation und bombardiert im Gegenzug Hisbollah Stellungen im Libanon um nachher Syrien die Schuld für den Zwischenfall zu geben.?????"
Monday, January 19, 2004
Guardian: Why The US Is Running
Scared Of Elections In Iraq
Washington's Plan To Transfer Power Without A Direct Vote Is A Fraud
The occupation of Iraq continues to get worse for George Bush and Tony Blair. The deaths of at least 20 people in a suicide bomb attack outside the coalition headquarters in Baghdad yesterday morning underlines the spiralling unrest in the country. The toll of US casualties since Saddam Hussein's capture is higher than in the same period before it. Angry protests over unemployment and petrol shortages have erupted in several cities in the south, in areas under British control.
Guardian: Why The US Is Running
Scared Of Elections In Iraq
Washington's Plan To Transfer Power Without A Direct Vote Is A Fraud
The occupation of Iraq continues to get worse for George Bush and Tony Blair. The deaths of at least 20 people in a suicide bomb attack outside the coalition headquarters in Baghdad yesterday morning underlines the spiralling unrest in the country. The toll of US casualties since Saddam Hussein's capture is higher than in the same period before it. Angry protests over unemployment and petrol shortages have erupted in several cities in the south, in areas under British control.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Washington Post: Clerics Urge Shiites to Protest
Call for Iraqi Elections Carries Hint of Violence
KARBALA, Iraq, Jan. 16 -- Preachers in Shiite Muslim mosques appealed to their followers Friday to prepare for demonstrations, strikes and possible confrontations with occupation troops to back up demands for elections in advance of a transfer of authority from a U.S.-led administration to Iraqis.
The calls increased pressure on the Bush administration and its handpicked Iraqi Governing Council to satisfy demands by Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the country's most influential cleric, for elections. President Bush's chief administrator for Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, and top Governing Council leaders are scheduled to meet in New York next week in hopes of enlisting U.N. help in changing Sistani's mind.
Washington Post: Clerics Urge Shiites to Protest
Call for Iraqi Elections Carries Hint of Violence
KARBALA, Iraq, Jan. 16 -- Preachers in Shiite Muslim mosques appealed to their followers Friday to prepare for demonstrations, strikes and possible confrontations with occupation troops to back up demands for elections in advance of a transfer of authority from a U.S.-led administration to Iraqis.
The calls increased pressure on the Bush administration and its handpicked Iraqi Governing Council to satisfy demands by Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the country's most influential cleric, for elections. President Bush's chief administrator for Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, and top Governing Council leaders are scheduled to meet in New York next week in hopes of enlisting U.N. help in changing Sistani's mind.
Informationclearinghouse: Exposed: The Carlyle Group
Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy.
I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government and the first family.
Note: The first one minute forty seven seconds of this program is in broadcast in Dutch, The remainder is in English
Informationclearinghouse: Exposed: The Carlyle Group
Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy.
I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government and the first family.
Note: The first one minute forty seven seconds of this program is in broadcast in Dutch, The remainder is in English
Rense: Video - Iraqi Farmers Slaughtered By US Apache Copter
In the video, the 'vehicle' on the left side of the frame is clearly a farm tractor...
"The clip was cut from a longer video obtained by ABC News last week and verified by a senior US army official." - WRH.com
Download the MPEG movie HERE
Rense: Video - Iraqi Farmers Slaughtered By US Apache Copter
In the video, the 'vehicle' on the left side of the frame is clearly a farm tractor...
"The clip was cut from a longer video obtained by ABC News last week and verified by a senior US army official." - WRH.com
Download the MPEG movie HERE
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