UPI: Shell cuts reserve estimates again
LONDON, March 18 (UPI) -- Europe's Royal Dutch/Shell Group has trimmed its reserves estimates once again, the energy company announced Thursday.
Shell cut estimates by 250 million barrels for reserves it had booked in 2002 in the Ormen Lange field in Norway. It also cut 220 million more barrels from reserves it had booked in 2003, on top of the 3.9 billion barrel cut in announced in January.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said it would investigate the company after the initial reserves cut in January.
Shell also said it would not publish its annual report, originally scheduled for release on Friday, until later this year, probably in late May.
Friday, March 19, 2004
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Heise: "Kristallnacht" im Kosovo
"Wir haben es geschafft, dass Mord, Vertreibung und Gewalt beendet worden sind." (Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping vor dem Bundestag ?ber die Lage im Kosovo, 20.3.2000)
"Ich freue mich, dass die Dinge so gut stehen." (Der fr?here US-Pr?sident William Clinton bei seinem Besuch in Pristina am 19. September 2003)
"Der Fortschritt ?berall in der Provinz ist offensichtlich." (EU-Au?en- und Sicherheitspolitik-Koordinator Javier Solana Ende Februar 2004)
Seit Mittwoch, 17. M?rz 2004, klingen diese Worte auch f?r jene wie Hohn, die vorher den sch?nen Worten der westlichen Politiker Glauben schenkten. Mindestens 30 Tote und ?ber 600 Verletzte (Stand Donnerstag, 22.00 Uhr) - das ist die vorl?ufige Bilanz der aktuellen albanischen Terroroffensive. Es ist der h?chste Blutzoll in der Provinz, seitdem UN und NATO dort im Juni 1999 das Kommando ?bernommen haben, um - angeblich - die Menschenrechte zu verteidigen ( Der vergessene Krieg).
Am Anfang eines Pogroms steht immer eine Pogroml?ge. So war es im Mittelalter, wenn der christliche Mob an den Juden Vergeltung ?ben wollte, weil die angeblich Hostien gesch?ndet oder Knaben ermordet hatten, und genauso geschah es jetzt auch den Serben. Am Mittwoch Mittag hatten sich etwa 3.000 Albaner in der Stadt Mitrovica zusammengerottet, um Rache f?r den Tod von zwei Buben zu nehmen. Beide seien, so albanische Sender am Dienstag Abend, von Serben in den eiskalten Fluss Ibar gehetzt worden und dann ertrunken. So konnte man es auch am Donnerstag noch in der ARD-Tagesschau.
Dabei war das b?se Ger?cht schon in der Nacht auf Donnerstag bestritten worden, und zwar von Derek Chappel, dem Sprecher der UN-Verwaltung im Kosovo, gegen?ber der Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta. Chappel bezog sich auf die Zeugenaussage eines dritten Albanerjungen, der ebenfalls in den Fluss gesprungen war, aber im Unterschied zu den beiden Ertrunkenen das gegen?berliegende Ufer erreicht hatte. Das Trio habe, so der ?berlebende, auf eigene Faust gehandelt, Serben seien nicht beteiligt gewesen.
"Der Westen hat beim "Nation-Building" mal wieder versagt"
Heise: "Kristallnacht" im Kosovo
"Wir haben es geschafft, dass Mord, Vertreibung und Gewalt beendet worden sind." (Verteidigungsminister Rudolf Scharping vor dem Bundestag ?ber die Lage im Kosovo, 20.3.2000)
"Ich freue mich, dass die Dinge so gut stehen." (Der fr?here US-Pr?sident William Clinton bei seinem Besuch in Pristina am 19. September 2003)
"Der Fortschritt ?berall in der Provinz ist offensichtlich." (EU-Au?en- und Sicherheitspolitik-Koordinator Javier Solana Ende Februar 2004)
Seit Mittwoch, 17. M?rz 2004, klingen diese Worte auch f?r jene wie Hohn, die vorher den sch?nen Worten der westlichen Politiker Glauben schenkten. Mindestens 30 Tote und ?ber 600 Verletzte (Stand Donnerstag, 22.00 Uhr) - das ist die vorl?ufige Bilanz der aktuellen albanischen Terroroffensive. Es ist der h?chste Blutzoll in der Provinz, seitdem UN und NATO dort im Juni 1999 das Kommando ?bernommen haben, um - angeblich - die Menschenrechte zu verteidigen ( Der vergessene Krieg).
Am Anfang eines Pogroms steht immer eine Pogroml?ge. So war es im Mittelalter, wenn der christliche Mob an den Juden Vergeltung ?ben wollte, weil die angeblich Hostien gesch?ndet oder Knaben ermordet hatten, und genauso geschah es jetzt auch den Serben. Am Mittwoch Mittag hatten sich etwa 3.000 Albaner in der Stadt Mitrovica zusammengerottet, um Rache f?r den Tod von zwei Buben zu nehmen. Beide seien, so albanische Sender am Dienstag Abend, von Serben in den eiskalten Fluss Ibar gehetzt worden und dann ertrunken. So konnte man es auch am Donnerstag noch in der ARD-Tagesschau.
Dabei war das b?se Ger?cht schon in der Nacht auf Donnerstag bestritten worden, und zwar von Derek Chappel, dem Sprecher der UN-Verwaltung im Kosovo, gegen?ber der Belgrader Nachrichtenagentur Beta. Chappel bezog sich auf die Zeugenaussage eines dritten Albanerjungen, der ebenfalls in den Fluss gesprungen war, aber im Unterschied zu den beiden Ertrunkenen das gegen?berliegende Ufer erreicht hatte. Das Trio habe, so der ?berlebende, auf eigene Faust gehandelt, Serben seien nicht beteiligt gewesen.
"Der Westen hat beim "Nation-Building" mal wieder versagt"
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
MOBILE PHONES AND POTS AND PANS (source unidentified)
Paul Laverty, 15.03.2004 19:51
Eyewitnes report from Madrid on the crucial Saturday before the Spanish
A five minute walk from where I live in the centre of Madrid is Atocha
station where two of the bombs exploded on Thursday. Last night one
hundred meters from my front door three Moroccans were arrested for
“involvement” in the crime; and from my kitchen window I can see the
queue of those waiting to vote in today’s general election.(14th
March.) I have just interviewed a fifty two year old resident called Shaaban,
who once worked in journalism, insisting the attack was still carried out
by ETA. This demonstrates how effective outgoing President Aznar and his
Popular Party government’s manipulation of the news has been. The
question on everyone’s lip is “Will the truth get out in time?” It
did for one Grandmother I spoke to who refused to give her name. “I
voted for the PP last time but I can’t vote for these thugs again who lead us
into a war nobody wanted. They lied about the weapons in Iraq, and
they’re lying again today. How dare they manipulate the dead? Many of
my friends think the same.”
Yesterday there was growing fury as more dirty tricks by the Minister
of Interior and Foreign Minister were exposed – all exacerbated by deep
frustration than none of this was being covered by the main TV
Stations, especially TV 1, Antena 3 and Tele-Madrid which are all pro Government.
Even after a van was discovered with detonators and tape with Koranic verses Aznar phoned
the editor of the biggest paper El Pais to say he still thought it was
ETA´s doing while the PP´s new Presidential candidate Mr Rajoy said he had
“the moral conviction” ETA were responsible. But tens of thousands of
mobiles were on the go flashing messages between friends. Have you seen
Bloomberg? Check article in New York Times. Check out Radio Ser – 95%
of police investigating Al Quaida and on it went all day contradicting the
Government line till I received a message – “Meet outside PP party
headquarters to demand the truth…..followed by a “cacerolada”
(literally, protest by banging of pots and pans) at 10pm wherever you
live………pass it on.”
By the time I arrived at the PP headquarters at 7 pm there were
hundreds streaming from the metro and the road was already closed off. I met a
woman Marisol who had been among the first to arrive. The police moved in and
demanded identification papers but backed off as hundreds more arrived.
Now there were around five thousand, and rising, chanting “We want the
truth before we vote”, “Our Dead – Your War” and then a continuous chant
of “Liars…..Liars…..Liars” followed by “Don´t play with the
Dead”. More mobiles flashing – there were demonstrations outside the PP
offices in all the big cities and spirits rose.
By the time I got home the neighbourhood of Lavapies was a cacophony of
unbelievable noise and my two month old son was beginning to look
overwhelmed. Balconies were full of protesting families. The square was
a throng of clinking kitchen implements. Africans, Moroccans, Latin
Americans, Spaniards, children and parents were banging their pots and
pans. Some had soup spoons and one old man, arthritic fingers gripping
an enormous ladle, pounded a plastic bin with all his might “ I want the
truth!……Liars!” he spat, “God damn those liars!” Beside him a six
foot African clanged a road sign with his umbrella as his friends held
up a sign, “Senegal for Peace”. It was overpowering; grassroot fury at the
manipulation suddenly given expression. Next, news filtered through
more mobiles, and it was as many suspected – Al Quaida sympathisers had been
Another spontaneous meeting was organised in Sol, the most famous
square in Spain right at the heart of the city. At midnight thousands more
arrived. More chants “Esto es el regalo del amigo Americano”. “This is a
present from our American friend”. On TV a Government spokesperson
condemned the spontaneous meetings and warned against participation.
There was speculation whither the riot police would take a heavy hand as they
did during the anti war demonstrations when peaceful marchers were battened
and fired upon with rubber bullets which forced us to rush into bars and
hotels for safety, or whither they would do anything to avoid more bad
publicity. It was the later; still more arrived in the square as more and more
inventive slogans proliferated. At 2 am the crowd decided as one to
head or Atocha station by the scene of the massacre. Suddenly the mood
Hushing sounds swept though an enormous crowd from the Atocha
roundabout to adjoining streets. Everyone sat down, held up their hands, and there
was a stunning silence apart from the police helicopter above. Some cried,
some cuddled, some prayed, and some were lost in private thoughts. After a
perfectly observed two minute silence there was a spontaneous applause
before they hung their banners and placed candles for the dead at the
station wall. Some made reference to the innocent lives taken in Madrid
and the ten thousand civilians killed in Baghdad. Some called for the end
to terror – of every kind. Some referred to the “three wise monkeys” of
Blair, Bush and Aznar and their infamous encounter in the Azores prior
to the war, and some mentioned names of loved ones. “Sergio, I love you.”
I laid mine – No more lies.
MOBILE PHONES AND POTS AND PANS (source unidentified)
Paul Laverty, 15.03.2004 19:51
Eyewitnes report from Madrid on the crucial Saturday before the Spanish
A five minute walk from where I live in the centre of Madrid is Atocha
station where two of the bombs exploded on Thursday. Last night one
hundred meters from my front door three Moroccans were arrested for
“involvement” in the crime; and from my kitchen window I can see the
queue of those waiting to vote in today’s general election.(14th
March.) I have just interviewed a fifty two year old resident called Shaaban,
who once worked in journalism, insisting the attack was still carried out
by ETA. This demonstrates how effective outgoing President Aznar and his
Popular Party government’s manipulation of the news has been. The
question on everyone’s lip is “Will the truth get out in time?” It
did for one Grandmother I spoke to who refused to give her name. “I
voted for the PP last time but I can’t vote for these thugs again who lead us
into a war nobody wanted. They lied about the weapons in Iraq, and
they’re lying again today. How dare they manipulate the dead? Many of
my friends think the same.”
Yesterday there was growing fury as more dirty tricks by the Minister
of Interior and Foreign Minister were exposed – all exacerbated by deep
frustration than none of this was being covered by the main TV
Stations, especially TV 1, Antena 3 and Tele-Madrid which are all pro Government.
Even after a van was discovered with detonators and tape with Koranic verses Aznar phoned
the editor of the biggest paper El Pais to say he still thought it was
ETA´s doing while the PP´s new Presidential candidate Mr Rajoy said he had
“the moral conviction” ETA were responsible. But tens of thousands of
mobiles were on the go flashing messages between friends. Have you seen
Bloomberg? Check article in New York Times. Check out Radio Ser – 95%
of police investigating Al Quaida and on it went all day contradicting the
Government line till I received a message – “Meet outside PP party
headquarters to demand the truth…..followed by a “cacerolada”
(literally, protest by banging of pots and pans) at 10pm wherever you
live………pass it on.”
By the time I arrived at the PP headquarters at 7 pm there were
hundreds streaming from the metro and the road was already closed off. I met a
woman Marisol who had been among the first to arrive. The police moved in and
demanded identification papers but backed off as hundreds more arrived.
Now there were around five thousand, and rising, chanting “We want the
truth before we vote”, “Our Dead – Your War” and then a continuous chant
of “Liars…..Liars…..Liars” followed by “Don´t play with the
Dead”. More mobiles flashing – there were demonstrations outside the PP
offices in all the big cities and spirits rose.
By the time I got home the neighbourhood of Lavapies was a cacophony of
unbelievable noise and my two month old son was beginning to look
overwhelmed. Balconies were full of protesting families. The square was
a throng of clinking kitchen implements. Africans, Moroccans, Latin
Americans, Spaniards, children and parents were banging their pots and
pans. Some had soup spoons and one old man, arthritic fingers gripping
an enormous ladle, pounded a plastic bin with all his might “ I want the
truth!……Liars!” he spat, “God damn those liars!” Beside him a six
foot African clanged a road sign with his umbrella as his friends held
up a sign, “Senegal for Peace”. It was overpowering; grassroot fury at the
manipulation suddenly given expression. Next, news filtered through
more mobiles, and it was as many suspected – Al Quaida sympathisers had been
Another spontaneous meeting was organised in Sol, the most famous
square in Spain right at the heart of the city. At midnight thousands more
arrived. More chants “Esto es el regalo del amigo Americano”. “This is a
present from our American friend”. On TV a Government spokesperson
condemned the spontaneous meetings and warned against participation.
There was speculation whither the riot police would take a heavy hand as they
did during the anti war demonstrations when peaceful marchers were battened
and fired upon with rubber bullets which forced us to rush into bars and
hotels for safety, or whither they would do anything to avoid more bad
publicity. It was the later; still more arrived in the square as more and more
inventive slogans proliferated. At 2 am the crowd decided as one to
head or Atocha station by the scene of the massacre. Suddenly the mood
Hushing sounds swept though an enormous crowd from the Atocha
roundabout to adjoining streets. Everyone sat down, held up their hands, and there
was a stunning silence apart from the police helicopter above. Some cried,
some cuddled, some prayed, and some were lost in private thoughts. After a
perfectly observed two minute silence there was a spontaneous applause
before they hung their banners and placed candles for the dead at the
station wall. Some made reference to the innocent lives taken in Madrid
and the ten thousand civilians killed in Baghdad. Some called for the end
to terror – of every kind. Some referred to the “three wise monkeys” of
Blair, Bush and Aznar and their infamous encounter in the Azores prior
to the war, and some mentioned names of loved ones. “Sergio, I love you.”
I laid mine – No more lies.
SF Chronicle: The truth leaks out
ONE YEAR LATER, the lies that led to the war in Iraq are coming unraveled. Last week, even CIA Director George Tenet admitted that he had privately disputed public statements made by top government officials who had twisted intelligence reports.
It's about time. One year ago, I watched as our nation's highest officials exploited the catastrophe of Sept. 11, 2001, by manipulating fears of terrorism and exaggerating the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
SF Chronicle: The truth leaks out
ONE YEAR LATER, the lies that led to the war in Iraq are coming unraveled. Last week, even CIA Director George Tenet admitted that he had privately disputed public statements made by top government officials who had twisted intelligence reports.
It's about time. One year ago, I watched as our nation's highest officials exploited the catastrophe of Sept. 11, 2001, by manipulating fears of terrorism and exaggerating the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
Daily Times: US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower
According to a stunning report posted by a retired Navy Lt Commander and 28-year veteran of the Defense Department (DoD), the Bush administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to “plant” WMDs inside the country. Nelda Rogers, the Pentagon whistleblower, claims the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by “friendly fire”, the Environmentalists Against War report.
Nelda Rogers is a 28-year veteran debriefer for the DoD. She has become so concerned for her safety that she decided to tell the story about this latest CIA-military fiasco in Iraq. According to Al Martin, “Ms Rogers is number two in the chain of command within this DoD special intelligence office. This is a ten-person debriefing unit within the central debriefing office for the Department of Defense.”
Daily Times: US tried to plant WMDs, failed: whistleblower
According to a stunning report posted by a retired Navy Lt Commander and 28-year veteran of the Defense Department (DoD), the Bush administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to “plant” WMDs inside the country. Nelda Rogers, the Pentagon whistleblower, claims the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by “friendly fire”, the Environmentalists Against War report.
Nelda Rogers is a 28-year veteran debriefer for the DoD. She has become so concerned for her safety that she decided to tell the story about this latest CIA-military fiasco in Iraq. According to Al Martin, “Ms Rogers is number two in the chain of command within this DoD special intelligence office. This is a ten-person debriefing unit within the central debriefing office for the Department of Defense.”
Common Dreams: Liars Lose -- The Lessons of Regime Change in Spain
"Political shock in Spain!" blared ABC News on Sunday night, as
regime change came to Madrid. Along with Tony Blair, Spain's conservative
Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar had been the staunchest of Bush allies. One
down, two to go.
The deciding issue in Spain's election was government deceit over war
in Iraq and terrorism at home, especially the bomb blasts that rocked
Madrid three days before the balloting. In a country (like ours) where major
TV channels routinely echo government propaganda, grassroots activists
defeated Aznar's Popular Party by reaching swing voters and young
voters through mobile phones, the Internet and creative, nonviolent protests.
Common Dreams: Liars Lose -- The Lessons of Regime Change in Spain
"Political shock in Spain!" blared ABC News on Sunday night, as
regime change came to Madrid. Along with Tony Blair, Spain's conservative
Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar had been the staunchest of Bush allies. One
down, two to go.
The deciding issue in Spain's election was government deceit over war
in Iraq and terrorism at home, especially the bomb blasts that rocked
Madrid three days before the balloting. In a country (like ours) where major
TV channels routinely echo government propaganda, grassroots activists
defeated Aznar's Popular Party by reaching swing voters and young
voters through mobile phones, the Internet and creative, nonviolent protests.
infowar: Prior Knowledge?
Spanish Interior Ministry was making security preparations for a terrorist attack, days before the blasts
By Mario Andrade
Spanish Newspaper Source: La Rioja
The Spanish Ministry of Interior was on maximum alert, just days prior to the terrorist attack in Madrid. The ministry deployed over 200 agents, heavily-armed and equipped with riot gear. Officials stated that the reason for the security alert was to protect the nation's capitol against a possible terror attack from the Basque ETA terrorist group.
infowar: Prior Knowledge?
Spanish Interior Ministry was making security preparations for a terrorist attack, days before the blasts
By Mario Andrade
Spanish Newspaper Source: La Rioja
The Spanish Ministry of Interior was on maximum alert, just days prior to the terrorist attack in Madrid. The ministry deployed over 200 agents, heavily-armed and equipped with riot gear. Officials stated that the reason for the security alert was to protect the nation's capitol against a possible terror attack from the Basque ETA terrorist group.
Guardian: Power balance blown apart
Spain's voters have sent a series of dramatic messages that will resonate far beyond Spain, affecting relations within Europe, with the US and in terms of the "war on terror".
They reminded the world that regime change is best achieved through the ballot box; and that violence must not be allowed to win. Sunday's high poll turnout, after the mass demonstrations last Friday, reflected participatory democracy at its best - courageous, robust and unintimidated.
They also served a warning that politicians who flout public opinion, as the outgoing prime minister José María Aznar did over Iraq, may pay a heavy price.
The bombs were a brutal reminder of that unpopular war. Many in Spain and more widely, in Europe, saw them as the Islamist terrorists' long predicted payback - and a direct result of Mr Aznar's stance.
Voters also objected strongly to perceived attempts by the People's party to manipulate or "spin" opinion over whether Eta or terrorists linked to al-Qaida were responsible for the bombings.
Guardian: Power balance blown apart
Spain's voters have sent a series of dramatic messages that will resonate far beyond Spain, affecting relations within Europe, with the US and in terms of the "war on terror".
They reminded the world that regime change is best achieved through the ballot box; and that violence must not be allowed to win. Sunday's high poll turnout, after the mass demonstrations last Friday, reflected participatory democracy at its best - courageous, robust and unintimidated.
They also served a warning that politicians who flout public opinion, as the outgoing prime minister José María Aznar did over Iraq, may pay a heavy price.
The bombs were a brutal reminder of that unpopular war. Many in Spain and more widely, in Europe, saw them as the Islamist terrorists' long predicted payback - and a direct result of Mr Aznar's stance.
Voters also objected strongly to perceived attempts by the People's party to manipulate or "spin" opinion over whether Eta or terrorists linked to al-Qaida were responsible for the bombings.
Guardian: Aristide back in the Caribbean
The deposed Haitian president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, flew back to the Caribbean yesterday, bringing hope to his supporters and objections from US and Haitian officials, who believe his presence in the region will increase the tension in the country.
Scores of police and soldiers were sent to meet him when he landed in Jamaica yesterday after two weeks of exile in the Central African Republic. Mr Aristide insists he was "abducted" by the US and forced to leave Haiti. The US denies the accusation.
Before boarding the plane in Bangui, the capital of CAR, Mr Aristide made it clear that he had not given up hope of returning to lead his country.
Guardian: Aristide back in the Caribbean
The deposed Haitian president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, flew back to the Caribbean yesterday, bringing hope to his supporters and objections from US and Haitian officials, who believe his presence in the region will increase the tension in the country.
Scores of police and soldiers were sent to meet him when he landed in Jamaica yesterday after two weeks of exile in the Central African Republic. Mr Aristide insists he was "abducted" by the US and forced to leave Haiti. The US denies the accusation.
Before boarding the plane in Bangui, the capital of CAR, Mr Aristide made it clear that he had not given up hope of returning to lead his country.
Guardian: Spanish leader accuses Bush and Blair
Threat to pull troops out of Iraq as row over election result escalates
Spain's new prime minister, the Socialist José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, yesterday followed his dramatic election triumph with a pledge to bring troops home from Iraq and accusations that Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the war.
"Mr Blair and Mr Bush must do some reflection _ you can't organise a war with lies," he said in his first radio interview after ousting the ruling conservative People's party in a Sunday election dominated by the terror attacks on trains that killed 200 Madrid commuters last week.
"The Spanish troops will come back," he added.
His stinging comments caused political shockwaves across Europe and in the US. Sunday would go down in history as "the day when Islamist fundamentalism was seen as dictating the outcome of a European election", said Wilfried Martens, the head of the European People's party, an umbrella group for European conservative parties.
Jonathan Eyal, the director of studies at the London-based Royal United Services Institute, said if al-Qaida were responsible for last week's bombs, Spain had become the first country "to have a prime minister owing his position to Bin Laden".
"Der Vorwurf der Konservativen, kann so nicht ganz gelten. Die Leute scharen sich im Normalfall nach solchen Anschlägen um die aktuelle Regierung. Herr Aznar hat, als er in den Irakkrieg gezogen ist die Meinung von 98% der Bevölkerung ignoriert. Am Sonntag erhielt seine Partei dafür die Quittung."
Guardian: Spanish leader accuses Bush and Blair
Threat to pull troops out of Iraq as row over election result escalates
Spain's new prime minister, the Socialist José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, yesterday followed his dramatic election triumph with a pledge to bring troops home from Iraq and accusations that Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the war.
"Mr Blair and Mr Bush must do some reflection _ you can't organise a war with lies," he said in his first radio interview after ousting the ruling conservative People's party in a Sunday election dominated by the terror attacks on trains that killed 200 Madrid commuters last week.
"The Spanish troops will come back," he added.
His stinging comments caused political shockwaves across Europe and in the US. Sunday would go down in history as "the day when Islamist fundamentalism was seen as dictating the outcome of a European election", said Wilfried Martens, the head of the European People's party, an umbrella group for European conservative parties.
Jonathan Eyal, the director of studies at the London-based Royal United Services Institute, said if al-Qaida were responsible for last week's bombs, Spain had become the first country "to have a prime minister owing his position to Bin Laden".
"Der Vorwurf der Konservativen, kann so nicht ganz gelten. Die Leute scharen sich im Normalfall nach solchen Anschlägen um die aktuelle Regierung. Herr Aznar hat, als er in den Irakkrieg gezogen ist die Meinung von 98% der Bevölkerung ignoriert. Am Sonntag erhielt seine Partei dafür die Quittung."
NY TIMES: U.S. Videos, for TV News, Come Under Scrutiny
Federal investigators are scrutinizing television segments in which the Bush administration paid people to pose as journalists praising the benefits of the new Medicare law, which would be offered to help elderly Americans with the costs of their prescription medicines.
The videos are intended for use in local television news programs. Several include pictures of President Bush receiving a standing ovation from a crowd cheering as he signed the Medicare law on Dec. 8
NY TIMES: U.S. Videos, for TV News, Come Under Scrutiny
Federal investigators are scrutinizing television segments in which the Bush administration paid people to pose as journalists praising the benefits of the new Medicare law, which would be offered to help elderly Americans with the costs of their prescription medicines.
The videos are intended for use in local television news programs. Several include pictures of President Bush receiving a standing ovation from a crowd cheering as he signed the Medicare law on Dec. 8
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