Heise: Gegen milde Richter und Pornographie
Der christlich-fundamentalistische US-Justizminister Ashcroft will harte Strafen und ein keusches Amerika
Amerikas Justizminister John Ashcroft, der schon einmal inmitten seiner Mitarbeiter Kirchenlieder singt ( John Ashcroft l?sst den Adler segeln) oder nackte Statuen verhüllt ( USA führen Schleierzwang ein), geh?rt der radikalen christlichen Fraktion der Konservativen an ( Fliegendes Teleskop soll kosmischen Gral aufspüren). Mit seinem ?berwachungsplan TIPS, bei dem m?glichst alle Amerikaner ihre Nachbarn ausspitzeln sollten, ist der Justizminister gescheitert, bereitet aber klammheimlich schon einmal eine versch?rfte Version des Patriot-Gesetzes vor. Im Umgang mit den Gesetzen hatte sich Ashcroft stets als sehr flexibel erweisen, wenn es um angebliche Terrorverd?chtige ging ( Das Recht auf Willkür im Krieg). Jetzt will er aber zumindest st?rker gegen liberale Richter vorgehen, die für den Christen zu geringe Strafen verh?ngen und die Pornobranche eind?mmen
"Man werde weitere Anklagen vorbereiten, um Andere von abzuhalten, "obsz?nes Material herzustellen und verbreiten".
"Die Taliban haben sich neu formiert. Diesmal in Amerika"
Friday, August 08, 2003
Tagesanzeiger: Hamas droht mit Ende der Waffenruhe
Nach einem Einsatz der israelischen Armee gegen die Hamas in Nablus im Westjordanland, hat die radikalislamische Organisation mit der Aufkündigung ihrer Waffenruhe gedroht.
Mit dem Einsatz zur Festnahme eines Hamas-Aktivisten im Flüchtlingslager von Askar in Nablus habe die Armee gegen den Waffenstillstand verstossen, sagte Hamas-Anführer Ismail Abu Schanab am Freitag der Nachrichtenagentur AFP in Gaza.
Angesichts eines solchen Angriffs werde seine Organisation «nicht schweigen», für die Hamas sei damit eine «rote Linie» überschritten. Die Hamas hatte Ende Juni eine dreimonatige Waffenruhe mit Israel verkündet.
Reuters: Hamas Man Killed in Israeli Raid in West Bank Camp
NABLUS, West Bank (Reuters) - Israeli soldiers raided a West Bank refugee camp and killed a Hamas militant on Friday during fighting that rocked a month-old cease-fire.
Violence also erupted at the Israel-Lebanon border, where Hizbollah attacked for the first time in a year Israeli posts at Shebaa Farms, regarded by the guerrilla group as Lebanese territory and by the U.N. as Israeli-occupied Syrian land.
There were no immediate reports of casualties in the attack, and Israeli warplanes responded with heavy airstrikes on the eastern and southern edges of the nearby Lebanese border village of Kfar Shouba, witnesses said.
The violence came six days after a Hizbollah official was killed in a car bombing in Beirut which the Shi'ite Muslim organization blamed on Israel.
Tagesanzeiger: Hamas droht mit Ende der Waffenruhe
Nach einem Einsatz der israelischen Armee gegen die Hamas in Nablus im Westjordanland, hat die radikalislamische Organisation mit der Aufkündigung ihrer Waffenruhe gedroht.
Mit dem Einsatz zur Festnahme eines Hamas-Aktivisten im Flüchtlingslager von Askar in Nablus habe die Armee gegen den Waffenstillstand verstossen, sagte Hamas-Anführer Ismail Abu Schanab am Freitag der Nachrichtenagentur AFP in Gaza.
Angesichts eines solchen Angriffs werde seine Organisation «nicht schweigen», für die Hamas sei damit eine «rote Linie» überschritten. Die Hamas hatte Ende Juni eine dreimonatige Waffenruhe mit Israel verkündet.
Reuters: Hamas Man Killed in Israeli Raid in West Bank Camp
NABLUS, West Bank (Reuters) - Israeli soldiers raided a West Bank refugee camp and killed a Hamas militant on Friday during fighting that rocked a month-old cease-fire.
Violence also erupted at the Israel-Lebanon border, where Hizbollah attacked for the first time in a year Israeli posts at Shebaa Farms, regarded by the guerrilla group as Lebanese territory and by the U.N. as Israeli-occupied Syrian land.
There were no immediate reports of casualties in the attack, and Israeli warplanes responded with heavy airstrikes on the eastern and southern edges of the nearby Lebanese border village of Kfar Shouba, witnesses said.
The violence came six days after a Hizbollah official was killed in a car bombing in Beirut which the Shi'ite Muslim organization blamed on Israel.
Rense: Did US Have Advance Word On Indonesian Bombing?
US Embassy cancelled the booking of Marriott Hotel 4.5 hours before the explosion
Translation: US Embassy cancelled the booking of Marriott Hotel 4.5 hours before the explosion There was something interesting happened just hours before the explosion shocked the JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta. The US Embassy cancelled the booking of 10-20 rooms in that hotel. The cancellation was on 8.00 West Indonesian Time, Tuesday, or only 4.5 hours before the explosion. This information is from employee of Marriot Hotel who refused to be identified. He explained that the booking was made several days ago. The US Embassy's guests were planned to stay for 3 days. And the ceremony was planned on Wednesday. For information, when there was the explosion, the security of US Embassy directly came to the Marriot Hotel in Mega Kuningan. JW Marriot Hotel is known to be used frequently by US Embassy. On 4 July 2003, the Independent Day of US was celebrated on this hotel. Last year, it was also celebrated there.
Translation from website
Rense: Did US Have Advance Word On Indonesian Bombing?
US Embassy cancelled the booking of Marriott Hotel 4.5 hours before the explosion
Translation: US Embassy cancelled the booking of Marriott Hotel 4.5 hours before the explosion There was something interesting happened just hours before the explosion shocked the JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta. The US Embassy cancelled the booking of 10-20 rooms in that hotel. The cancellation was on 8.00 West Indonesian Time, Tuesday, or only 4.5 hours before the explosion. This information is from employee of Marriot Hotel who refused to be identified. He explained that the booking was made several days ago. The US Embassy's guests were planned to stay for 3 days. And the ceremony was planned on Wednesday. For information, when there was the explosion, the security of US Embassy directly came to the Marriot Hotel in Mega Kuningan. JW Marriot Hotel is known to be used frequently by US Embassy. On 4 July 2003, the Independent Day of US was celebrated on this hotel. Last year, it was also celebrated there.
Translation from website
the Guardian: Dr. Kelly & The Mysterious Chest Electrodes
Dr Kelly - the BBC's source for a report claiming the government altered the contents of a dossier about Iraq - had probably been wearing a 24-hour electro-cardiogram recorder, also known as a Holter monitor, medical experts said.
But it was odd that the pads that are connected to the device had not been removed by doctors and were left attached to his chest, they said.
"If I was in a morgue and his body was presented to me I would have thought it had come out of a coronary care unit or an operating theatre," said Professor Konrad Jamrozik, of Imperial College Hospital London.
"It would be unusual for someone to be walking around wearing these pads," he told the press association
the Guardian: Dr. Kelly & The Mysterious Chest Electrodes
Dr Kelly - the BBC's source for a report claiming the government altered the contents of a dossier about Iraq - had probably been wearing a 24-hour electro-cardiogram recorder, also known as a Holter monitor, medical experts said.
But it was odd that the pads that are connected to the device had not been removed by doctors and were left attached to his chest, they said.
"If I was in a morgue and his body was presented to me I would have thought it had come out of a coronary care unit or an operating theatre," said Professor Konrad Jamrozik, of Imperial College Hospital London.
"It would be unusual for someone to be walking around wearing these pads," he told the press association
Boston Globe: Defense Department funding brain-machine work
Even by Washington scandal standards, the "terrorism futures" scandal was strange and dramatic.
It started when two senators discovered an obscure military program designed to gauge the chances of various geopolitical developments, including terrorist attacks, by asking people to bet money on them. Within 48 hours -- or, more precisely, two news cycles -- the program was canceled and the man behind it, John Poindexter of Iran-contra fame, had tendered his resignation.
What most people don't know is that the Department of Defense is already funding a research program with far creepier implications.
The $24 million enterprise called Brain Machine Interfaces is developing technology that promises to directly read thoughts from a living brain -- and even instill thoughts as well.
The research, some of which is being done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is already surprisingly advanced. Monkeys in a laboratory can control the movement of a robotic arm using only their thoughts. And last year scientists in New York announced they could control the skittering motions of a rat by implanting electrodes in its brain, steering it around the lab floor as if it were a radio-controlled toy car
The terrorism futures idea, the subject of near hysterical media coverage, is rooted in well-established economic principles. The Brain Machine Interface program, which may well be next in the spotlight, could offer help to the paralyzed and is no more likely to bring about a virtual police state than technologies that already are available
"Enter the Matrix"
Boston Globe: Defense Department funding brain-machine work
Even by Washington scandal standards, the "terrorism futures" scandal was strange and dramatic.
It started when two senators discovered an obscure military program designed to gauge the chances of various geopolitical developments, including terrorist attacks, by asking people to bet money on them. Within 48 hours -- or, more precisely, two news cycles -- the program was canceled and the man behind it, John Poindexter of Iran-contra fame, had tendered his resignation.
What most people don't know is that the Department of Defense is already funding a research program with far creepier implications.
The $24 million enterprise called Brain Machine Interfaces is developing technology that promises to directly read thoughts from a living brain -- and even instill thoughts as well.
The research, some of which is being done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is already surprisingly advanced. Monkeys in a laboratory can control the movement of a robotic arm using only their thoughts. And last year scientists in New York announced they could control the skittering motions of a rat by implanting electrodes in its brain, steering it around the lab floor as if it were a radio-controlled toy car
The terrorism futures idea, the subject of near hysterical media coverage, is rooted in well-established economic principles. The Brain Machine Interface program, which may well be next in the spotlight, could offer help to the paralyzed and is no more likely to bring about a virtual police state than technologies that already are available
"Enter the Matrix"
Oregonlive: 'We don't feel like heroes anymore'
I am a private first class in the Army's 671st Engineer Company out of Portland. I just wanted to let you know a little bit of what we are up to, maybe so that you can have another opinion of what's going on over here in Iraq.
"A lot is being said about poor morale. That seems to be the case all over the place. It's hot, we've been here for a long time, it's dangerous, we haven't had any real down time in months and we don't know when we're going home.
I think a big aspect has been the people here. When the war had just ended, we were the liberators, and all the people loved us. Convoys were like one long parade. Somewhere down the line, we became an occupation force in their eyes. We don't feel like heroes anymore"
"The task is daunting, and the conditions are frightening. We can't help but think of "Black Hawk Down" when we're in Baghdad surrounded by swarms of people. Soldiers are being attacked, injured and killed every day. The rules of engagement are crippling. We are outnumbered. We are exhausted. We are in over our heads"
Oregonlive: 'We don't feel like heroes anymore'
I am a private first class in the Army's 671st Engineer Company out of Portland. I just wanted to let you know a little bit of what we are up to, maybe so that you can have another opinion of what's going on over here in Iraq.
"A lot is being said about poor morale. That seems to be the case all over the place. It's hot, we've been here for a long time, it's dangerous, we haven't had any real down time in months and we don't know when we're going home.
I think a big aspect has been the people here. When the war had just ended, we were the liberators, and all the people loved us. Convoys were like one long parade. Somewhere down the line, we became an occupation force in their eyes. We don't feel like heroes anymore"
"The task is daunting, and the conditions are frightening. We can't help but think of "Black Hawk Down" when we're in Baghdad surrounded by swarms of people. Soldiers are being attacked, injured and killed every day. The rules of engagement are crippling. We are outnumbered. We are exhausted. We are in over our heads"
Chicago Tribune: U.S. holding Iraqis at notorious prison
Families are barred from Abu Ghraib and very few inmates have been allowed to see lawyers
ABU GHRAIB, Iraq -- Once one of Iraq's notorious prisons where Saddam Hussein had political prisoners tortured and hanged, Abu Ghraib has become a makeshift jail at the heart of the U.S. military's struggle to give Iraqis a new sense of justice.
About 500 Iraqis are detained here and, like detainees in U.S. prison camps across Iraq, none has been allowed family visits. Only one out of 10 has been allowed to see a lawyer.
The five compounds in the prison were ransacked after Hussein freed virtually all of Iraq's prisoners last October, so the detainees are penned in tents behind rolls of razor wire. On some days, the camp roasts under a midday sun that produces temperatures as high as 130 degrees
Chicago Tribune: U.S. holding Iraqis at notorious prison
Families are barred from Abu Ghraib and very few inmates have been allowed to see lawyers
ABU GHRAIB, Iraq -- Once one of Iraq's notorious prisons where Saddam Hussein had political prisoners tortured and hanged, Abu Ghraib has become a makeshift jail at the heart of the U.S. military's struggle to give Iraqis a new sense of justice.
About 500 Iraqis are detained here and, like detainees in U.S. prison camps across Iraq, none has been allowed family visits. Only one out of 10 has been allowed to see a lawyer.
The five compounds in the prison were ransacked after Hussein freed virtually all of Iraq's prisoners last October, so the detainees are penned in tents behind rolls of razor wire. On some days, the camp roasts under a midday sun that produces temperatures as high as 130 degrees
INDONESIA Washington and Canberra seize on Jakarta bombing to further justify “war on terror”
At least 14 people are dead and almost 150 injured after the blast from a large car bomb ripped through the ground floor of the luxury JB Marriott Hotel and surrounding buildings in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta at lunchtime on Tuesday. Those killed include two taxi drivers, hotel employees and a Dutch businessman. Not all of the bodies, some of which were severely burnt, have been identified.
At this stage it is not clear who was responsible. But this brutal murder of innocent people is a profoundly reactionary act, which will be seized upon by Jakarta to bolster its repressive apparatus and by Washington and its allies as a pretext for the “global war on terrorism”.
Within 24 hours, the Indonesian government announced plans to step up security measures throughout the country. Their anti-democratic character was indicated by top security minister Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who declared on Tuesday that people should be prepared to accept drastic new limits on their civil rights. “The government will impose these restrictions as we are determined to prevent the deaths of more victims,” he said. “Their lives are worth more than the price of human rights.”
"CHECK IT" Washington and Canberra seize on Jakarta bombing to further justify “war on terror”
At least 14 people are dead and almost 150 injured after the blast from a large car bomb ripped through the ground floor of the luxury JB Marriott Hotel and surrounding buildings in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta at lunchtime on Tuesday. Those killed include two taxi drivers, hotel employees and a Dutch businessman. Not all of the bodies, some of which were severely burnt, have been identified.
At this stage it is not clear who was responsible. But this brutal murder of innocent people is a profoundly reactionary act, which will be seized upon by Jakarta to bolster its repressive apparatus and by Washington and its allies as a pretext for the “global war on terrorism”.
Within 24 hours, the Indonesian government announced plans to step up security measures throughout the country. Their anti-democratic character was indicated by top security minister Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who declared on Tuesday that people should be prepared to accept drastic new limits on their civil rights. “The government will impose these restrictions as we are determined to prevent the deaths of more victims,” he said. “Their lives are worth more than the price of human rights.”
UPI: Army weighs vaccine link in troops' death
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 (UPI) -- The Army will consider whether the anthrax
or other vaccine could be causing a cluster of pneumonia cases among
soldiers in Iraq and southwestern Asia, an official said Wednesday. Col. Robert
DeFraites of the Army Surgeon General's office told United Press
International that the Pentagon would look into whether vaccines, among
other factors, might have triggered the pneumonia that has killed two
soldiers and sickened 100. "Among all of the possible causes or
contributing factors, we are looking at the immunizations that the
soldiers received as well," DeFraites told UPI Wednesday. "It is premature to
say that there is any relationship at all."
UPI: Army weighs vaccine link in troops' death
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 (UPI) -- The Army will consider whether the anthrax
or other vaccine could be causing a cluster of pneumonia cases among
soldiers in Iraq and southwestern Asia, an official said Wednesday. Col. Robert
DeFraites of the Army Surgeon General's office told United Press
International that the Pentagon would look into whether vaccines, among
other factors, might have triggered the pneumonia that has killed two
soldiers and sickened 100. "Among all of the possible causes or
contributing factors, we are looking at the immunizations that the
soldiers received as well," DeFraites told UPI Wednesday. "It is premature to
say that there is any relationship at all."
Clearinghouse: Wolfowitz: Iraq Was Not Involved In 9-11 Terrorist Attacks, No Ties To Al-Qaeda
08/06/03: (Information Clearing House) Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, one of the main architects for the war in Iraq, admitted for the first time that Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks, contradicting public statements made by senior White House and Pentagon officials whose attempt to link Saddam Hussein and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda was cited by the Bush administration as one of the main reasons for launching a preemptive strike in March against Iraq.
In an interview with conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham, Wolfowitz was asked when he first came to believe that Iraq was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
“I’m not sure even now that I would say Iraq had something to do with it,” Wolfowitz said in the interview, aired Friday, a transcript of which can be found
Clearinghouse: Wolfowitz: Iraq Was Not Involved In 9-11 Terrorist Attacks, No Ties To Al-Qaeda
08/06/03: (Information Clearing House) Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, one of the main architects for the war in Iraq, admitted for the first time that Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks, contradicting public statements made by senior White House and Pentagon officials whose attempt to link Saddam Hussein and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda was cited by the Bush administration as one of the main reasons for launching a preemptive strike in March against Iraq.
In an interview with conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham, Wolfowitz was asked when he first came to believe that Iraq was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks.
“I’m not sure even now that I would say Iraq had something to do with it,” Wolfowitz said in the interview, aired Friday, a transcript of which can be found
"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more
controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert
almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain
up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the
citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieve/review
by the authorities." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and founding
member of the TrilateralCommission, and National Security Advisor to five
"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more
controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert
almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain
up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the
citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieve/review
by the authorities." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and founding
member of the TrilateralCommission, and National Security Advisor to five
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Friendster has fucking exploded. As this goes to press, everyone you’ve ever known knows that it is simultaneously the most incredible communication invention since email (which was the most incredible thing since the telephone) and the most fun social Easter egg hunt since showing up at your own funeral as a ghost.
Find your friends, find old friends, new friends, enemies, people posing as famous people, and then communicate with them. Or just stare at them. Or send their profile to all your homies so everyone can stare and send messages back and forth about the person. And it’s free.
Onlyundiesclub is TWO GREAT things. It is the best place on the Internet for cute young emo kids to hook up and be friends AND it is the best place on the Internet for voyeuristic aging punks with teenager fetishes and old fags who like lanky boys.
Friendster has fucking exploded. As this goes to press, everyone you’ve ever known knows that it is simultaneously the most incredible communication invention since email (which was the most incredible thing since the telephone) and the most fun social Easter egg hunt since showing up at your own funeral as a ghost.
Find your friends, find old friends, new friends, enemies, people posing as famous people, and then communicate with them. Or just stare at them. Or send their profile to all your homies so everyone can stare and send messages back and forth about the person. And it’s free.
Onlyundiesclub is TWO GREAT things. It is the best place on the Internet for cute young emo kids to hook up and be friends AND it is the best place on the Internet for voyeuristic aging punks with teenager fetishes and old fags who like lanky boys.
Guardian: Arab Group Won't Recognize Iraqi Council
Arab League members will not recognize Iraq's U.S.-appointed Governing Council and instead will wait until post-Saddam Hussein Iraq is led by an elected government, league Secretary-General Amr Moussa said Tuesday.
``The Council is a start but it should pave the way for a legitimate government that can be recognized,'' Moussa said after a committee of league foreign ministers met to forge a unified stance on how to deal with Iraq after Saddam.
Guardian: Arab Group Won't Recognize Iraqi Council
Arab League members will not recognize Iraq's U.S.-appointed Governing Council and instead will wait until post-Saddam Hussein Iraq is led by an elected government, league Secretary-General Amr Moussa said Tuesday.
``The Council is a start but it should pave the way for a legitimate government that can be recognized,'' Moussa said after a committee of league foreign ministers met to forge a unified stance on how to deal with Iraq after Saddam.
Telegraph: Iraqis flock to Mahdi's Shia army
A militia of mostly Shia men is growing in response to a call to arms made by a maverick young cleric. Harry de Quetteville in Baghdad reports on Muqtader al-Sadr's army against US occupation.
As evening falls in the poor Shia suburb of Baghdad once known as Saddam City, dozens of volunteers queue under the watchful gaze of a local imam to sign up for the army.
But this is not the new Iraqi army sponsored and approved by the American-led administration. These soldiers will receive no monthly salary of £40. Here, prospective warriors are ready to serve, and die, for nothing.
Call to arms: volunteers sign-up at the Al-Ahrar Mosque
This is "Mahdi's army", a growing militia of mostly Shia men who have responded to the fiery call to arms made by a maverick young cleric, Muqtader al-Sadr, two weeks ago in the Shia holy city of Najaf.
Since then al-Sadr has led anti-US demonstrations and encouraged worshippers to resist the US "invaders" and Iraq's "Zionist" governing council, appointed by the coalition.
Now the ranks of this religious army, named after an ancient imam who Shias believe will return to save the world, have swollen into tens of thousands, perhaps more.
"On the very first day after the call, up to 1 million people signed," claimed Sheikh Hassan al-Zurgani, a Baghdad representative of the Hawza, a Shia seminary based in Najaf.
Telegraph: Iraqis flock to Mahdi's Shia army
A militia of mostly Shia men is growing in response to a call to arms made by a maverick young cleric. Harry de Quetteville in Baghdad reports on Muqtader al-Sadr's army against US occupation.
As evening falls in the poor Shia suburb of Baghdad once known as Saddam City, dozens of volunteers queue under the watchful gaze of a local imam to sign up for the army.
But this is not the new Iraqi army sponsored and approved by the American-led administration. These soldiers will receive no monthly salary of £40. Here, prospective warriors are ready to serve, and die, for nothing.
Call to arms: volunteers sign-up at the Al-Ahrar Mosque
This is "Mahdi's army", a growing militia of mostly Shia men who have responded to the fiery call to arms made by a maverick young cleric, Muqtader al-Sadr, two weeks ago in the Shia holy city of Najaf.
Since then al-Sadr has led anti-US demonstrations and encouraged worshippers to resist the US "invaders" and Iraq's "Zionist" governing council, appointed by the coalition.
Now the ranks of this religious army, named after an ancient imam who Shias believe will return to save the world, have swollen into tens of thousands, perhaps more.
"On the very first day after the call, up to 1 million people signed," claimed Sheikh Hassan al-Zurgani, a Baghdad representative of the Hawza, a Shia seminary based in Najaf.
Guardian: Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil
US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional ally and solve energy headache at a stroke
Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.
The plan envisages the reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.
Now, its resurrection would transform economic power in the region, bringing revenue to the new US-dominated Iraq, cutting out Syria and solving Israel's energy crisis at a stroke.
It would also create an end less and easily accessible source of cheap Iraqi oil for the US guaranteed by reliable allies other than Saudi Arabia - a keystone of US foreign policy for decades and especially since 11 September 2001.
US intelligence sources confirmed to The Observer that the project has been discussed. One former senior CIA official said: 'It has long been a dream of a powerful section of the people now driving this administration [of President George W. Bush] and the war in Iraq to safeguard Israel's energy supply as well as that of the United States.
James Akins, a former US ambassador to the region and one of America's leading Arabists, said: 'There would be a fee for transit rights through Jordan, just as there would be fees for Israel from those using what would be the Haifa terminal.
'After all, this is a new world order now. This is what things look like particularly if we wipe out Syria. It just goes to show that it is all about oil, for the United States and its ally.'
"I told you so"
Guardian: Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil
US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional ally and solve energy headache at a stroke
Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.
The plan envisages the reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.
Now, its resurrection would transform economic power in the region, bringing revenue to the new US-dominated Iraq, cutting out Syria and solving Israel's energy crisis at a stroke.
It would also create an end less and easily accessible source of cheap Iraqi oil for the US guaranteed by reliable allies other than Saudi Arabia - a keystone of US foreign policy for decades and especially since 11 September 2001.
US intelligence sources confirmed to The Observer that the project has been discussed. One former senior CIA official said: 'It has long been a dream of a powerful section of the people now driving this administration [of President George W. Bush] and the war in Iraq to safeguard Israel's energy supply as well as that of the United States.
James Akins, a former US ambassador to the region and one of America's leading Arabists, said: 'There would be a fee for transit rights through Jordan, just as there would be fees for Israel from those using what would be the Haifa terminal.
'After all, this is a new world order now. This is what things look like particularly if we wipe out Syria. It just goes to show that it is all about oil, for the United States and its ally.'
"I told you so"
6.8.1945 -- Japan: US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The B-29
Superfortress Enola Gay, eliminated 140,000 civilians from immediate effects of the
bombing; tens of thousands more in subsequent decades from radiation-
induced illnesses, including descendents. Nagasaki gets the same two
days from now.
""During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious
of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first
on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that
dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought
that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon
whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to
save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment,
attempting to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face'. . . ." ".the
Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them
with that awful thing." -- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"It always appeared to us that, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the
Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." -- General Henry "Hap"
Arnold, Commanding General of the US Army Air Forces during World War II
"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima
andNagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The
Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.. My own feeling
was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard
common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war
in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and
children.." -- Truman's Chief of Staff, Admiral William D. Leahy
6.8.1945 -- Japan: US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The B-29
Superfortress Enola Gay, eliminated 140,000 civilians from immediate effects of the
bombing; tens of thousands more in subsequent decades from radiation-
induced illnesses, including descendents. Nagasaki gets the same two
days from now.
""During his recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious
of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first
on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that
dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought
that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon
whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to
save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment,
attempting to surrender with a minimum loss of 'face'. . . ." ".the
Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them
with that awful thing." -- General Dwight D. Eisenhower
"It always appeared to us that, atomic bomb or no atomic bomb, the
Japanese were already on the verge of collapse." -- General Henry "Hap"
Arnold, Commanding General of the US Army Air Forces during World War II
"It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima
andNagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The
Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.. My own feeling
was that in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard
common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war
in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and
children.." -- Truman's Chief of Staff, Admiral William D. Leahy
Counterpunch: The Ghosts of Uday and Qusay by Robert Fisk
Still Haunting US Troops
The Americans have stripped the Iraqi flags from the graves of Uday and Qusay Hussein. The red, white and black banners were laid on the mounds of clay above their bodies at their funeral on Saturday, alongside the grave of Mustafa Hussein, Qusay's 14-year-old son, who also died when 200 American troops attacked the Mosul villa in which they were hiding two weeks ago. But the Americans have allowed only the child's remains to be honoured with his country's flag. Uday and Qusay have no memorial save for the footprints of US Army boots.
Even 34-year-old Felah Shemari who dug the graves was shocked, and he has no reason to love the brothers; he spent 10 years in prison on the orders of Saddam's half-brother for a murder he says he did not commit.
"When we dug the graves, we were told they were just for the brothers," he says. "But when the two ambulances arrived escorted by American Humvees, they took young Mustafa's body out of the second ambulance and we had to dig another grave in a hurry. Of course, we put our Iraqi flags over all three. This is a sign that they were martyred." But the Americans thought differently.
Counterpunch: The Ghosts of Uday and Qusay by Robert Fisk
Still Haunting US Troops
The Americans have stripped the Iraqi flags from the graves of Uday and Qusay Hussein. The red, white and black banners were laid on the mounds of clay above their bodies at their funeral on Saturday, alongside the grave of Mustafa Hussein, Qusay's 14-year-old son, who also died when 200 American troops attacked the Mosul villa in which they were hiding two weeks ago. But the Americans have allowed only the child's remains to be honoured with his country's flag. Uday and Qusay have no memorial save for the footprints of US Army boots.
Even 34-year-old Felah Shemari who dug the graves was shocked, and he has no reason to love the brothers; he spent 10 years in prison on the orders of Saddam's half-brother for a murder he says he did not commit.
"When we dug the graves, we were told they were just for the brothers," he says. "But when the two ambulances arrived escorted by American Humvees, they took young Mustafa's body out of the second ambulance and we had to dig another grave in a hurry. Of course, we put our Iraqi flags over all three. This is a sign that they were martyred." But the Americans thought differently.
Independent: 'Key player' in Bali bombings sentenced to death
An Indonesian court today convicted and sentenced to death a key player in the Bali bombings that killed 202 people.
Amrozi bin Nurhasyim was found guilty of planning and helping execute the bombings, the deadliest since the 9-11 attacks in the US.
"The accused is found guilty in a legal and convincing manner of carrying out an act of terrorism," said Judge I Made Karna.
After the verdict was read, Amrozi took off his Islamic skull cap, raised his arms and gave his lawyers the thumbs-up sign. Hundreds of people, including survivors of the bombings, cheered when the judge read the sentence.
As he was led out of the courtroom, Amrozi smiled broadly at Australian survivors, some of whom shouted back angrily. Australia lost 88 people in the attack.
Independent: 'Key player' in Bali bombings sentenced to death
An Indonesian court today convicted and sentenced to death a key player in the Bali bombings that killed 202 people.
Amrozi bin Nurhasyim was found guilty of planning and helping execute the bombings, the deadliest since the 9-11 attacks in the US.
"The accused is found guilty in a legal and convincing manner of carrying out an act of terrorism," said Judge I Made Karna.
After the verdict was read, Amrozi took off his Islamic skull cap, raised his arms and gave his lawyers the thumbs-up sign. Hundreds of people, including survivors of the bombings, cheered when the judge read the sentence.
As he was led out of the courtroom, Amrozi smiled broadly at Australian survivors, some of whom shouted back angrily. Australia lost 88 people in the attack.
Spiegel: Autobombe toetet zwoelf Menschen
Eine gewaltige Detonation vor der jordanischen Botschaft in Bagdad hat bis zu zw?lf Menschen in den Tod gerissen. 52 Personen wurden verletzt, einige von ihnen schwer. Aufgebrachte Iraker stürmten nach der Explosion in das Gebaeude und zerstoerten Bilder des jordanischen Herrscherhauses.
Zum ersten Mal seit Freitag wurden am Mittwochabend wieder zwei US-Soldaten in Irak get?tet. Nach Angaben des Zentralkommandos in Florida kamen sie bei einer Schie?erei in Bagdad ums Leben. Damit stieg die Zahl der von Guerillakaempfern getoeteten US-Soldaten auf 55. Am Mittwoch erschossen US-Soldaten einen Iraker, der sie mit einer Granate angreifen wollte.
Independent: 'Many dead' as blast rocks Jordanian embassy in Baghdad
Two American soldiers killed in gun battle in Iraqi capital
A massive bomb exploded outside the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad today. A nearby hospital said between seven and 12 people were killed, with more than 50 wounded, but paramedics said 12 bodies had been taken from the wreckage.
Spiegel: Autobombe toetet zwoelf Menschen
Eine gewaltige Detonation vor der jordanischen Botschaft in Bagdad hat bis zu zw?lf Menschen in den Tod gerissen. 52 Personen wurden verletzt, einige von ihnen schwer. Aufgebrachte Iraker stürmten nach der Explosion in das Gebaeude und zerstoerten Bilder des jordanischen Herrscherhauses.
Zum ersten Mal seit Freitag wurden am Mittwochabend wieder zwei US-Soldaten in Irak get?tet. Nach Angaben des Zentralkommandos in Florida kamen sie bei einer Schie?erei in Bagdad ums Leben. Damit stieg die Zahl der von Guerillakaempfern getoeteten US-Soldaten auf 55. Am Mittwoch erschossen US-Soldaten einen Iraker, der sie mit einer Granate angreifen wollte.
Independent: 'Many dead' as blast rocks Jordanian embassy in Baghdad
Two American soldiers killed in gun battle in Iraqi capital
A massive bomb exploded outside the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad today. A nearby hospital said between seven and 12 people were killed, with more than 50 wounded, but paramedics said 12 bodies had been taken from the wreckage.
Tages Anzeiger: "Der wirtschaftliche Aufschwung kommt bestimmt. In den USA sind davon alle überzeugt, seit letzte Woche bekannt geworden war, dass das Bruttoinlandprodukt zwischen April und Juni dieses Jahres um 2,4 Prozent gestiegen ist. Irgendwann wird die amerikanische Dynamik auch die Konjunktur in Europa beflügeln."
"Neuigkeiten aus der Finanzbranche: Die Massenmedien melden bereits wieder Aufschwung. Leider wird ausser Acht gelassen dass die Steigerung des Bruttoinlandproduktes von 2.4% zu zwei dritteln auf Staatliche Rüstungsauftraege die infolge des Irakkrieges vergeben wurden zurückzuführen ist. Darüberhinaus ben?tigen die USA mindestens eine Steigung von drei Prozent um neue Jobs zu schaffen. Vorsichtiger Optimismus ist angebracht"
Tages Anzeiger: "Der wirtschaftliche Aufschwung kommt bestimmt. In den USA sind davon alle überzeugt, seit letzte Woche bekannt geworden war, dass das Bruttoinlandprodukt zwischen April und Juni dieses Jahres um 2,4 Prozent gestiegen ist. Irgendwann wird die amerikanische Dynamik auch die Konjunktur in Europa beflügeln."
"Neuigkeiten aus der Finanzbranche: Die Massenmedien melden bereits wieder Aufschwung. Leider wird ausser Acht gelassen dass die Steigerung des Bruttoinlandproduktes von 2.4% zu zwei dritteln auf Staatliche Rüstungsauftraege die infolge des Irakkrieges vergeben wurden zurückzuführen ist. Darüberhinaus ben?tigen die USA mindestens eine Steigung von drei Prozent um neue Jobs zu schaffen. Vorsichtiger Optimismus ist angebracht"
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Center for research on Globalisation: FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan
31 July Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs 2003
" The FBI conducted a detailed financial investigation/analysis of the19 hijackers and their support network, following the September 11th attacks. This investigation initially identified the Al Qa'ida funding sources of the 19 hijackers in the UAE and Germany. The financial investigation also provided the first links between Ramzi Binalshibh and the 9/11 operation. A continuing investigation, in coordination with the PENTTBOMB Team, has traced the origin of the funding of 9/11 back to financial accounts in Pakistan, where high-ranking and well-known Al Qa'ida operatives played a major role in moving the money forward, eventually into the hands of the hijackers located in the U.S. (Senate Committee Statement by FBI'S John Pistole, 31 July 2003.
Center for research on Globalisation: FBI acknowledges 9/11 was financed out of Pakistan
31 July Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs 2003
" The FBI conducted a detailed financial investigation/analysis of the19 hijackers and their support network, following the September 11th attacks. This investigation initially identified the Al Qa'ida funding sources of the 19 hijackers in the UAE and Germany. The financial investigation also provided the first links between Ramzi Binalshibh and the 9/11 operation. A continuing investigation, in coordination with the PENTTBOMB Team, has traced the origin of the funding of 9/11 back to financial accounts in Pakistan, where high-ranking and well-known Al Qa'ida operatives played a major role in moving the money forward, eventually into the hands of the hijackers located in the U.S. (Senate Committee Statement by FBI'S John Pistole, 31 July 2003.
Truth out/L.A Times: Afghans on Edge of Chaos
As opium production and banditry soar, the country is at risk of anarchy, some warn, and could allow a Taliban resurgence
WARDAK, Afghanistan - Two months after a gun attack, the bullet holes in the Datsun sedan have been patched and it runs beautifully. But water engineer Asil Kahn walks with a limp and he still has two bullets in his body, one of them half an inch from his spine.
The vehicle's humanitarian logo made him a victim in the battle for Afghanistan's future, where water engineers, mine-clearers and humanitarian workers - people the country needs most - are prime targets for militants trying to destabilize President Hamid Karzai's interim government.
Already the signs are there - a boom in opium production, rampant banditry and huge swaths of territory unsafe for Western aid workers. The central government has almost no power over regional warlords who control roads and extort money from truck drivers, choking commerce and trade.
If the country slips into anarchy, it risks becoming a haven for resurgent Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. And the point of U.S. military action here could be lost - a major setback in the war against terrorism.
Humanitarian agencies, calling for a big boost in international funds for security and reconstruction, contend that the commitment to Afghanistan is relatively low. A CARE International paper in January stated that postwar international aid spent in Bosnia-Herzegovina was $326 per capita, compared with $42 promised for Afghans up to 2006. For every peacekeeping soldier there were 48 Bosnians, compared with one for every 5,380 Afghans, the paper said. Yet Bosnia poses no appreciable terrorist threat.
Truth out/L.A Times: Afghans on Edge of Chaos
As opium production and banditry soar, the country is at risk of anarchy, some warn, and could allow a Taliban resurgence
WARDAK, Afghanistan - Two months after a gun attack, the bullet holes in the Datsun sedan have been patched and it runs beautifully. But water engineer Asil Kahn walks with a limp and he still has two bullets in his body, one of them half an inch from his spine.
The vehicle's humanitarian logo made him a victim in the battle for Afghanistan's future, where water engineers, mine-clearers and humanitarian workers - people the country needs most - are prime targets for militants trying to destabilize President Hamid Karzai's interim government.
Already the signs are there - a boom in opium production, rampant banditry and huge swaths of territory unsafe for Western aid workers. The central government has almost no power over regional warlords who control roads and extort money from truck drivers, choking commerce and trade.
If the country slips into anarchy, it risks becoming a haven for resurgent Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. And the point of U.S. military action here could be lost - a major setback in the war against terrorism.
Humanitarian agencies, calling for a big boost in international funds for security and reconstruction, contend that the commitment to Afghanistan is relatively low. A CARE International paper in January stated that postwar international aid spent in Bosnia-Herzegovina was $326 per capita, compared with $42 promised for Afghans up to 2006. For every peacekeeping soldier there were 48 Bosnians, compared with one for every 5,380 Afghans, the paper said. Yet Bosnia poses no appreciable terrorist threat.
Financial Times: Halliburton Employee Killed In Iraq
First US Government Contractor Killed In Iraq
An employee of Halliburton, the Houston-based oilfield service company, became the first US government contractor to be killed in Iraq on Tuesday when the truck he was riding in struck an anti-tank mine north of Tikrit.
The death highlighted the continued instability of Iraq and the dangers it poses for the civilian contractors the US military is relying on to rebuild the country and support its own operations.
Financial Times: Halliburton Employee Killed In Iraq
First US Government Contractor Killed In Iraq
An employee of Halliburton, the Houston-based oilfield service company, became the first US government contractor to be killed in Iraq on Tuesday when the truck he was riding in struck an anti-tank mine north of Tikrit.
The death highlighted the continued instability of Iraq and the dangers it poses for the civilian contractors the US military is relying on to rebuild the country and support its own operations.
Reuters: German Firm Probes Final
World Trade Center Deals
PIRMASENS, Germany (Reuters) - German computer experts are working round the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center on September 11.
Were criminals responsible for the sharp rise in credit card transactions that moved through some computer systems at the WTC shortly before the planes hit the twin towers?
Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert at the company, said illegal transfers of more than $100 million might have been made immediately before and during the disaster.
"There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million," Wagner said. ""They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed."
Reuters: German Firm Probes Final
World Trade Center Deals
PIRMASENS, Germany (Reuters) - German computer experts are working round the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed into New York's World Trade Center on September 11.
Were criminals responsible for the sharp rise in credit card transactions that moved through some computer systems at the WTC shortly before the planes hit the twin towers?
Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert at the company, said illegal transfers of more than $100 million might have been made immediately before and during the disaster.
"There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million," Wagner said. ""They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed."
electronicintifada: Is it a Fence? Is it a Wall? No, it's a Separation Barrier
Israel's Separation Barrier, dubbed the "Apartheid Wall" or "Berlin Wall" by Palestinians, has increasingly attracted international media attention, largely due to the hard-to-ignore scale of the project.
The most obvious historical parallel to the barrier is the Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles long (155 kilometers). Israel's barrier, still under construction, is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length (650 kilometers). The average height of the Berlin Wall was 11.8 feet (3.6 metres), compared with the maximum* current height of Israel's Wall -- 25 feet (8 metres).
[*it is not clear whether the shorter fence sections, about 6 meters in height, are first or final stages in Israel's construction of the barrier.]
Israel's barrier is therefore planned to be four times as long and in places twice as high as the Berlin Wall.
electronicintifada: Is it a Fence? Is it a Wall? No, it's a Separation Barrier
Israel's Separation Barrier, dubbed the "Apartheid Wall" or "Berlin Wall" by Palestinians, has increasingly attracted international media attention, largely due to the hard-to-ignore scale of the project.
The most obvious historical parallel to the barrier is the Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles long (155 kilometers). Israel's barrier, still under construction, is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length (650 kilometers). The average height of the Berlin Wall was 11.8 feet (3.6 metres), compared with the maximum* current height of Israel's Wall -- 25 feet (8 metres).
[*it is not clear whether the shorter fence sections, about 6 meters in height, are first or final stages in Israel's construction of the barrier.]
Israel's barrier is therefore planned to be four times as long and in places twice as high as the Berlin Wall.
Spiegel: Gefangen in der Matrix
In der Folge der Terroranschläge des 11. September 2001 ging der Datenschutz zum Teufel. Heute wird im "land of the free" hemmungslos gelauscht und überwacht. Jetzt soll eine neue gigantische Datenbank mit Informationen über Millionen von Amerikanern gefüttert werden. Ihr Name: Die Matrix.
Das erklärte Ziel der "Matrix" ist das schnelle Erkennen von Verhaltensmustern und Querverbindungen zwischen Menschen. Damit ähnelt es frappierend dem vom Senat ausgebremsten "Terrorism Information Awareness"-Programm - auch wenn es in kleinerem Maßstab, nämlich nicht weltweit, operieren soll.
Die Geschwindigkeit und Leichtigkeit, mit der die "Matrix" Informationen über alle möglichen Personen zugänglich macht, löste nicht nur Proteste von Bürgerrechtsgruppen aus, sondern sorgt selbst unter Beamten für Unbehagen. Ein ranghoher Regierungsmitarbeiter, der die Entwicklung des Systems begleitet, räumte gegenüber der "Washington Post" ein, dass die "Matrix" tief in die Privatsphäre der Bürger eindringen könnte. "Ich kann alles über jemanden herausfinden", sagte Phil Ramer, Geheimdienstler in Florida. "Es ist beängstigend, und es könnte missbraucht werden." Das größte Problem sei derzeit, dass "jeder, der davon hört, das System haben will".
Spiegel: Gefangen in der Matrix
In der Folge der Terroranschläge des 11. September 2001 ging der Datenschutz zum Teufel. Heute wird im "land of the free" hemmungslos gelauscht und überwacht. Jetzt soll eine neue gigantische Datenbank mit Informationen über Millionen von Amerikanern gefüttert werden. Ihr Name: Die Matrix.
Das erklärte Ziel der "Matrix" ist das schnelle Erkennen von Verhaltensmustern und Querverbindungen zwischen Menschen. Damit ähnelt es frappierend dem vom Senat ausgebremsten "Terrorism Information Awareness"-Programm - auch wenn es in kleinerem Maßstab, nämlich nicht weltweit, operieren soll.
Die Geschwindigkeit und Leichtigkeit, mit der die "Matrix" Informationen über alle möglichen Personen zugänglich macht, löste nicht nur Proteste von Bürgerrechtsgruppen aus, sondern sorgt selbst unter Beamten für Unbehagen. Ein ranghoher Regierungsmitarbeiter, der die Entwicklung des Systems begleitet, räumte gegenüber der "Washington Post" ein, dass die "Matrix" tief in die Privatsphäre der Bürger eindringen könnte. "Ich kann alles über jemanden herausfinden", sagte Phil Ramer, Geheimdienstler in Florida. "Es ist beängstigend, und es könnte missbraucht werden." Das größte Problem sei derzeit, dass "jeder, der davon hört, das System haben will".
Spiegel: "Die Liste ist ein Witz"
15.000 Palästinenser hat Israel während der Intifada in Gefängnisse gesperrt. 1500 warten noch heute auf einen Prozess. Jetzt kommen rund 330 Gefangene frei. Doch die Palästinenser fühlen sich betrogen: Israel entlässt nur die ganz kleinen Fische
Fast 6000 Palästinenser sitzen derzeit noch in israelischer Haft. Die meisten von ihnen wurden bei groß angelegten Militärrazzien während der Intifada im vergangenen Jahr verhaftet - darunter auch 350 Minderjährige. Ingesamt über 15.000 Palästinenser hatten die Iraelis in ihrem Kampf gegen den palästinensischen Terror festgesetzt unter dem Verdacht, sich an Gewalttaten gegen Israel beteiligt zu haben. Mitunter genügte es für eine Festnahme, ein Mann unter 50 zu sein. Bisweilen wurden halbe Dörfer abgeführt - mit Augenbinde und auf dem Rücken gefesselten Händen.
Dem Palästinenser-Premier, der dringend darauf angewiesen ist, der Bevölkerung Fortschritte vorweisen zu können, erschwert Israel den Job jedenfalls gefährlich. Derzeit verhandelt er mit den Terrorgruppen über eine Verlängerung des Waffenstillstandes. Sie präsentierten ihm eine einfache Rechnung: Seit dem Beginn der Waffenruhe vor mehr als einem Monat hat Israel fast so viele Palästinenser festgenommen, wie jetzt freikommen.
Spiegel: "Die Liste ist ein Witz"
15.000 Palästinenser hat Israel während der Intifada in Gefängnisse gesperrt. 1500 warten noch heute auf einen Prozess. Jetzt kommen rund 330 Gefangene frei. Doch die Palästinenser fühlen sich betrogen: Israel entlässt nur die ganz kleinen Fische
Fast 6000 Palästinenser sitzen derzeit noch in israelischer Haft. Die meisten von ihnen wurden bei groß angelegten Militärrazzien während der Intifada im vergangenen Jahr verhaftet - darunter auch 350 Minderjährige. Ingesamt über 15.000 Palästinenser hatten die Iraelis in ihrem Kampf gegen den palästinensischen Terror festgesetzt unter dem Verdacht, sich an Gewalttaten gegen Israel beteiligt zu haben. Mitunter genügte es für eine Festnahme, ein Mann unter 50 zu sein. Bisweilen wurden halbe Dörfer abgeführt - mit Augenbinde und auf dem Rücken gefesselten Händen.
Dem Palästinenser-Premier, der dringend darauf angewiesen ist, der Bevölkerung Fortschritte vorweisen zu können, erschwert Israel den Job jedenfalls gefährlich. Derzeit verhandelt er mit den Terrorgruppen über eine Verlängerung des Waffenstillstandes. Sie präsentierten ihm eine einfache Rechnung: Seit dem Beginn der Waffenruhe vor mehr als einem Monat hat Israel fast so viele Palästinenser festgenommen, wie jetzt freikommen.
Spiegel: "Schiesst auf mich, damit ich nach Hause komme!"
Selbstgebastelte Bomben in Getr?nkedosen, im Schleier versteckte Granaten, Angriffe aus Krankenh?usern und Schulen: Die US-Soldaten im Irak fürchten t?glich um ihr Leben. Sie fühlen sich verraten und verkauft. Ihre Wut richtet sich gen Washington.
Ein Soldat, der seinen Namen nicht bekannt geben wollte, sagte den Reportern von ABC unter Verweis auf die an die Soldaten ausgeh?ndigten Kartenstapel, die die Bilder der am meistgesuchten irakischen Führer enthalten, dass "ich meine eigene 'Liste der Meistgesuchten' habe. In meinem Kartenstapel sind Paul Bremer, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush und Paul Wolfowitz die Asse."
Spiegel: "Schiesst auf mich, damit ich nach Hause komme!"
Selbstgebastelte Bomben in Getr?nkedosen, im Schleier versteckte Granaten, Angriffe aus Krankenh?usern und Schulen: Die US-Soldaten im Irak fürchten t?glich um ihr Leben. Sie fühlen sich verraten und verkauft. Ihre Wut richtet sich gen Washington.
Ein Soldat, der seinen Namen nicht bekannt geben wollte, sagte den Reportern von ABC unter Verweis auf die an die Soldaten ausgeh?ndigten Kartenstapel, die die Bilder der am meistgesuchten irakischen Führer enthalten, dass "ich meine eigene 'Liste der Meistgesuchten' habe. In meinem Kartenstapel sind Paul Bremer, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush und Paul Wolfowitz die Asse."
Guardian: A matter of life and death
The Uday and Qusay Hussein photograph incident, planned as a surgical media strike, has backfired because no one had the sense to think through the PR implications
Guardian: A matter of life and death
The Uday and Qusay Hussein photograph incident, planned as a surgical media strike, has backfired because no one had the sense to think through the PR implications
New Republic: 28 Pages
Since the joint congressional committee investigating September 11 issued a censored version of its report on July 24, there's been considerable speculation about the 28 pages blanked out from the section entitled "Certain Sensitive National Security Matters." The section cites "specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers," which most commentators have interpreted to mean Saudi contributions to Al Qaeda-linked charities. But an official who has read the report tells The New Republic that the support described in the report goes well beyond that: It involves connections between the hijacking plot and the very top levels of the Saudi royal family.
This week, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal flew to Washington for a hastily convened meeting with President Bush. Faisal publicly demanded that the 28 pages be declassified, but he had to have known in advance, and welcomed the fact, that his request would be denied--ostensibly friendly nations don't normally send their foreign ministers to meetings halfway around the world to be surprised
The official who read the 28 pages tells The New Republic, "If the people in the administration trying to link Iraq to Al Qaeda had one-one-thousandth of the stuff that the 28 pages has linking a foreign government to Al Qaeda, they would have been in good shape." He adds: "If the 28 pages were to be made public, I have no question that the entire relationship with Saudi Arabia would change overnight."
New Republic: 28 Pages
Since the joint congressional committee investigating September 11 issued a censored version of its report on July 24, there's been considerable speculation about the 28 pages blanked out from the section entitled "Certain Sensitive National Security Matters." The section cites "specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers," which most commentators have interpreted to mean Saudi contributions to Al Qaeda-linked charities. But an official who has read the report tells The New Republic that the support described in the report goes well beyond that: It involves connections between the hijacking plot and the very top levels of the Saudi royal family.
This week, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal flew to Washington for a hastily convened meeting with President Bush. Faisal publicly demanded that the 28 pages be declassified, but he had to have known in advance, and welcomed the fact, that his request would be denied--ostensibly friendly nations don't normally send their foreign ministers to meetings halfway around the world to be surprised
The official who read the 28 pages tells The New Republic, "If the people in the administration trying to link Iraq to Al Qaeda had one-one-thousandth of the stuff that the 28 pages has linking a foreign government to Al Qaeda, they would have been in good shape." He adds: "If the 28 pages were to be made public, I have no question that the entire relationship with Saudi Arabia would change overnight."
Statesman: White House: Better PR can reverse anti-American sentiment
WASHINGTON — With anti-American sentiment rising worldwide, Bush administration officials say they are stepping up efforts to market America throughout the world.
Polls indicate that international opinion of the United States has plummeted in the last year, and worldwide sympathy for the United States after Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has all but dissipated.
The Bush administration spent more than $70 million after the attacks to expand broadcasts of U.S.-sponsored international news services, but such expenditures have returned to previous levels and critics say they are not enough to counter the growing tide of anti-American sentiment
"Clearly the Arab world is so wrought up I can't imagine any kind of public diplomacy-making that palatable," Silverman said, adding that the United States' recent Madison Avenue branding techniques are too simplistic to be effective in other cultures.
Statesman: White House: Better PR can reverse anti-American sentiment
WASHINGTON — With anti-American sentiment rising worldwide, Bush administration officials say they are stepping up efforts to market America throughout the world.
Polls indicate that international opinion of the United States has plummeted in the last year, and worldwide sympathy for the United States after Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has all but dissipated.
The Bush administration spent more than $70 million after the attacks to expand broadcasts of U.S.-sponsored international news services, but such expenditures have returned to previous levels and critics say they are not enough to counter the growing tide of anti-American sentiment
"Clearly the Arab world is so wrought up I can't imagine any kind of public diplomacy-making that palatable," Silverman said, adding that the United States' recent Madison Avenue branding techniques are too simplistic to be effective in other cultures.
Daily Telegraph: MoD tried to burn Kelly 'media plan'
Ministry of Defence officials were preparing to destroy a "media plan" about Dr David Kelly three days after his death, The Telegraph learned yesterday.
It is not clear whether the papers were burned, but MoD officials admitted last night that ministry security guards called the police after finding the "media plan" relating to the Kelly affair in a sack of classified waste being prepared for incineration.
Officially, the MoD continued to insist last night that it was an insignificant document that had no importance for the inquiry and that security guards had "over-reacted" in calling the police.
Das ist ja wie bei der UBS mit dem Meili
Daily Telegraph: MoD tried to burn Kelly 'media plan'
Ministry of Defence officials were preparing to destroy a "media plan" about Dr David Kelly three days after his death, The Telegraph learned yesterday.
It is not clear whether the papers were burned, but MoD officials admitted last night that ministry security guards called the police after finding the "media plan" relating to the Kelly affair in a sack of classified waste being prepared for incineration.
Officially, the MoD continued to insist last night that it was an insignificant document that had no importance for the inquiry and that security guards had "over-reacted" in calling the police.
Das ist ja wie bei der UBS mit dem Meili
PR Week: Pentagon makes moves to contain complaints from US troops in Iraq
WASHINGTON: After several troops made some highly publicized negative comments to the media about the war effort in Iraq, the Pentagon has taken steps to keep the frustrations of both soldiers and their families out of reports.
According to a story in the July 25 edition of Stars and Stripes, the military appears to be curtailing its much-touted embedded-journalist program, which has allowed reporters almost unfettered access to military units throughout the war and occupation.
The 3rd Infantry Division, from where many complaints have arisen, has expelled many of its embedded reporters, and its troops are no longer allowed to talk to the media outside of pre-approved news features.
PR Week: Pentagon makes moves to contain complaints from US troops in Iraq
WASHINGTON: After several troops made some highly publicized negative comments to the media about the war effort in Iraq, the Pentagon has taken steps to keep the frustrations of both soldiers and their families out of reports.
According to a story in the July 25 edition of Stars and Stripes, the military appears to be curtailing its much-touted embedded-journalist program, which has allowed reporters almost unfettered access to military units throughout the war and occupation.
The 3rd Infantry Division, from where many complaints have arisen, has expelled many of its embedded reporters, and its troops are no longer allowed to talk to the media outside of pre-approved news features.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Spiegel: Der Terror ist zurück
Vor dem Marriott-Hotel in Jakarta riss eine gewaltige Bombenexplosion mindestens 14 Menschen in den Tod - darunter einen Holländer. 149 Personen wurden verletzt, viele von ihnen schwer. Der Bombenanschlag weckt schreckliche Erinnerungen an den Terroranschlag auf Bali, bei dem 202 Menschen getötet wurden.
Spiegel: Der Terror ist zurück
Vor dem Marriott-Hotel in Jakarta riss eine gewaltige Bombenexplosion mindestens 14 Menschen in den Tod - darunter einen Holländer. 149 Personen wurden verletzt, viele von ihnen schwer. Der Bombenanschlag weckt schreckliche Erinnerungen an den Terroranschlag auf Bali, bei dem 202 Menschen getötet wurden.
Independent: Israel Imposes 'Racist' Marriage Law
JERUSALEM -- Israel's Parliament has passed a law preventing Palestinians who marry Israelis from living in Israel. The move was denounced by human rights organisations as racist, undemocratic and discriminatory.
Under the new law, rushed through yesterday, Palestinians alone will be excluded from obtaining citizenship or residency. Anyone else who marries an Israeli will be entitled to Israeli citizenship.
"Israel, die einzige "Demokratie" des Nahen Ostens"
AFP: US Struggles Over Israeli
Marriage Law As Discriminatory
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States on Monday struggled to express its opposition to a new Israeli law that blocks Palestinians from acquiring Israeli citizenship through marriage, describing the legislation as discriminatory in all but name.
State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said the law, adopted by parliament on July 31, clearly applied "only to non-Israeli residents of the West Bank and Gaza, the vast majority of whom are Palestinian." "In this regard, the new law singles out one group for different treatment than others," he told reporters.
Despite that assessment -- which appears to match the dictionary definition of "discriminatory" -- Reeker declined to use the word, noting that an Israeli human rights group was mounting a court challenge to the legality of the law.
Independent: Israel Imposes 'Racist' Marriage Law
JERUSALEM -- Israel's Parliament has passed a law preventing Palestinians who marry Israelis from living in Israel. The move was denounced by human rights organisations as racist, undemocratic and discriminatory.
Under the new law, rushed through yesterday, Palestinians alone will be excluded from obtaining citizenship or residency. Anyone else who marries an Israeli will be entitled to Israeli citizenship.
"Israel, die einzige "Demokratie" des Nahen Ostens"
AFP: US Struggles Over Israeli
Marriage Law As Discriminatory
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States on Monday struggled to express its opposition to a new Israeli law that blocks Palestinians from acquiring Israeli citizenship through marriage, describing the legislation as discriminatory in all but name.
State Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said the law, adopted by parliament on July 31, clearly applied "only to non-Israeli residents of the West Bank and Gaza, the vast majority of whom are Palestinian." "In this regard, the new law singles out one group for different treatment than others," he told reporters.
Despite that assessment -- which appears to match the dictionary definition of "discriminatory" -- Reeker declined to use the word, noting that an Israeli human rights group was mounting a court challenge to the legality of the law.
Rense: The Gulf War Story
No One Would Publish
Operation Black Dog
It was a sunny day and our encounter was in a seamy pub somewhere in the countryside of England. I had watched my back the entire journey - just in case. The meeting followed a story I had written on Gulf War Illness, when I had cautiously been told about a top secret US mission known as "Black Cat." This, I was told, involved a "black" US B52 bomber launching from Offut AFB in Nebraksa, and flying a round-trip to the Persian Gulf.
The hulking bomber carried one bomb packed with VX nerve agent, the most potent chemical weapon in the US CW armoury. The bomb was dropped on elements of the Republican Guard in Southern Iraq, I was informed. Heavy casualties apparently resulted. The operation, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency, was a counter-strike, following an Iraqi Scud that fell on Israel. The missile had contained Sarin and drove the Israeli government almost apoplectic with rage. Fuming, the Israeli's had readied to detonate a nuclear warhead high above Baghdad. Only the swift intervention of President George Bush forestalled what would have been a cataclysmic move destined to unravel the carefully wrought Arab backed Coalition lined-up against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Rense: The Gulf War Story
No One Would Publish
Operation Black Dog
It was a sunny day and our encounter was in a seamy pub somewhere in the countryside of England. I had watched my back the entire journey - just in case. The meeting followed a story I had written on Gulf War Illness, when I had cautiously been told about a top secret US mission known as "Black Cat." This, I was told, involved a "black" US B52 bomber launching from Offut AFB in Nebraksa, and flying a round-trip to the Persian Gulf.
The hulking bomber carried one bomb packed with VX nerve agent, the most potent chemical weapon in the US CW armoury. The bomb was dropped on elements of the Republican Guard in Southern Iraq, I was informed. Heavy casualties apparently resulted. The operation, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency, was a counter-strike, following an Iraqi Scud that fell on Israel. The missile had contained Sarin and drove the Israeli government almost apoplectic with rage. Fuming, the Israeli's had readied to detonate a nuclear warhead high above Baghdad. Only the swift intervention of President George Bush forestalled what would have been a cataclysmic move destined to unravel the carefully wrought Arab backed Coalition lined-up against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Gulfnews: U.S. officials see deep rift between Islam and West
A former U.S. White House official and two other Western scholars have concluded a deep rift exists between Islam and the West because of Western misunderstanding of the religion, and argued dialogue and joint research are needed to bridge the gap.
What compounds the problem is that policy makers in the West have been influenced in their dealing with Muslims by anti-Islam ideas presented by Western intellectuals despite widespread endeavours by some Muslim scholars to present the real face of Islam, said Abdul Aziz Said, a member of the White House Commission on the Islamic World during the Administration of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Gulfnews: U.S. officials see deep rift between Islam and West
A former U.S. White House official and two other Western scholars have concluded a deep rift exists between Islam and the West because of Western misunderstanding of the religion, and argued dialogue and joint research are needed to bridge the gap.
What compounds the problem is that policy makers in the West have been influenced in their dealing with Muslims by anti-Islam ideas presented by Western intellectuals despite widespread endeavours by some Muslim scholars to present the real face of Islam, said Abdul Aziz Said, a member of the White House Commission on the Islamic World during the Administration of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Guardian: World hunger needs a simple solution rather than hi-tech GM food
The sound of one hand clapping should greet the behaviour of "rational" scientists, businessmen and politicians in the debate on the future of genetically modified food.
One member of the government's review panel resigned because of the its "naive" and unbalanced approach. Another formally complained that he was threatened with the loss of research funding if he was critical of GM technology. In the most staggering example of a conflict of interest in recent times, a Monsanto employee was reportedly commissioned to write the first draft of the panel's report concerning GM safety issues
Guardian: World hunger needs a simple solution rather than hi-tech GM food
The sound of one hand clapping should greet the behaviour of "rational" scientists, businessmen and politicians in the debate on the future of genetically modified food.
One member of the government's review panel resigned because of the its "naive" and unbalanced approach. Another formally complained that he was threatened with the loss of research funding if he was critical of GM technology. In the most staggering example of a conflict of interest in recent times, a Monsanto employee was reportedly commissioned to write the first draft of the panel's report concerning GM safety issues
Sidyney Morning Herald: Bloody retribution
The shame of the father ... tribal sheiks forced Salem Kerbul, above, to kill his son Sabah, whom they accused of collaborating with the Americans. Photo: Jason South
The thousands of Iraqis working for the US administration have been declared collaborators. When they're caught by the resistance, the punishment is unthinkable. Paul McGeough reports.
Sabah Kerbul's executioners were his father and his brother. Most were in their beds when he was killed. But all members of the 27-year-old's extended family, living in adjoining properties on this remote bend in the Tigris, 120 kilometres north of Baghdad, knew the hideous tribal drama unfolding in a corner of their orange grove when they heard five sharp shots being fired from AK47s shortly after 2am.
Sidyney Morning Herald: Bloody retribution
The shame of the father ... tribal sheiks forced Salem Kerbul, above, to kill his son Sabah, whom they accused of collaborating with the Americans. Photo: Jason South
The thousands of Iraqis working for the US administration have been declared collaborators. When they're caught by the resistance, the punishment is unthinkable. Paul McGeough reports.
Sabah Kerbul's executioners were his father and his brother. Most were in their beds when he was killed. But all members of the 27-year-old's extended family, living in adjoining properties on this remote bend in the Tigris, 120 kilometres north of Baghdad, knew the hideous tribal drama unfolding in a corner of their orange grove when they heard five sharp shots being fired from AK47s shortly after 2am.
Sidney Morning Herald: US baffled as troops in Iraq hit by killer virus
The United States Army has dispatched a team of medical experts to Iraq to investigate a serious outbreak of pneumonia among US troops, with two dead and more than 100 ill.
Lieutenant-General James Peake, the army's surgeon general, has sent a team of six to Iraq and two more doctors to Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre in Germany, where some of the troops were treated after being flown from Iraq, officials said on Friday.
Army Medical Command spokeswoman Lyn Kukral said: "It is pneumonia. The question is: what is the cause?"
"You've got a healthy population and a young population [of US troops], and you have two soldiers who have died, and that's a concern."
Sidney Morning Herald: US baffled as troops in Iraq hit by killer virus
The United States Army has dispatched a team of medical experts to Iraq to investigate a serious outbreak of pneumonia among US troops, with two dead and more than 100 ill.
Lieutenant-General James Peake, the army's surgeon general, has sent a team of six to Iraq and two more doctors to Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre in Germany, where some of the troops were treated after being flown from Iraq, officials said on Friday.
Army Medical Command spokeswoman Lyn Kukral said: "It is pneumonia. The question is: what is the cause?"
"You've got a healthy population and a young population [of US troops], and you have two soldiers who have died, and that's a concern."
Globeandmail: French anti-GMO militant gets early release
Villeneuve-les-Maguelone, France — French anti-globalization activist José Bové walked free from prison Saturday several months ahead of schedule, after a court replaced his term for destroying genetically modified crops with community service.
To the cheers of supporters waiting outside the prison in southern France, Mr. Bové declared himself unrepentant.
"Being in prison has not changed my convictions," he told reporters. "For me, it is clear that the fight must continue."
Globeandmail: French anti-GMO militant gets early release
Villeneuve-les-Maguelone, France — French anti-globalization activist José Bové walked free from prison Saturday several months ahead of schedule, after a court replaced his term for destroying genetically modified crops with community service.
To the cheers of supporters waiting outside the prison in southern France, Mr. Bové declared himself unrepentant.
"Being in prison has not changed my convictions," he told reporters. "For me, it is clear that the fight must continue."
Independent: Blair and Bush join forces to spin away weapons issue
The British and US governments are drawing up a controversial new strategy to convince the public that Saddam was developing weapons of mass destruction - an admission that they have so far failed to make a convincing case.
The "big impact" plan is designed to overwhelm and silence critics who have sought to put pressure on Tony Blair and George Bush. At the same time both men are working to lower the burden of proof - from finding weapons to finding evidence that there were programmes to develop them, even if they lay dormant since the 1980s.
Independent: Blair and Bush join forces to spin away weapons issue
The British and US governments are drawing up a controversial new strategy to convince the public that Saddam was developing weapons of mass destruction - an admission that they have so far failed to make a convincing case.
The "big impact" plan is designed to overwhelm and silence critics who have sought to put pressure on Tony Blair and George Bush. At the same time both men are working to lower the burden of proof - from finding weapons to finding evidence that there were programmes to develop them, even if they lay dormant since the 1980s.
Independent: Whistleblower on Niger uranium claim accuses White House of launching 'dirty-tricks campaign'
The former American diplomat who exposed false claims that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium from Niger has accused members of the Bush administration of a dirty tricks campaign against him.
The revelation of Joseph Wilson's investigation in the African state forced President George Bush to retract claims about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium made in his State of the Union speech two months before the war began.
The Administration is alleged to have leaked the name of Mr Wilson's wife, an undercover CIA operative in the field of weapons of mass destruction, with the aim of discrediting him. It is said that Mr Wilson was selected to go on the trip to Niger last year only after his wife, Valerie Plame, suggested him.
US intelligence officials and the Democrats are furious about the move, arguing that it jeopardises Ms Plame's work and undermines her husband. They have called for an inquiry
Independent: Whistleblower on Niger uranium claim accuses White House of launching 'dirty-tricks campaign'
The former American diplomat who exposed false claims that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium from Niger has accused members of the Bush administration of a dirty tricks campaign against him.
The revelation of Joseph Wilson's investigation in the African state forced President George Bush to retract claims about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium made in his State of the Union speech two months before the war began.
The Administration is alleged to have leaked the name of Mr Wilson's wife, an undercover CIA operative in the field of weapons of mass destruction, with the aim of discrediting him. It is said that Mr Wilson was selected to go on the trip to Niger last year only after his wife, Valerie Plame, suggested him.
US intelligence officials and the Democrats are furious about the move, arguing that it jeopardises Ms Plame's work and undermines her husband. They have called for an inquiry
Guardian: The unreported cost of war: at least 827 American wounded
US military casualties from the occupation of Iraq have been more than twice the number most Americans have been led to believe because of an extraordinarily high number of accidents, suicides and other non-combat deaths in the ranks that have gone largely unreported in the media.
Since May 1, when President George Bush declared the end of major combat operations, 52 American soldiers have been killed by hostile fire, according to Pentagon figures quoted in almost all the war coverage. But the total number of US deaths from all causes is much higher: 112.
Guardian: The unreported cost of war: at least 827 American wounded
US military casualties from the occupation of Iraq have been more than twice the number most Americans have been led to believe because of an extraordinarily high number of accidents, suicides and other non-combat deaths in the ranks that have gone largely unreported in the media.
Since May 1, when President George Bush declared the end of major combat operations, 52 American soldiers have been killed by hostile fire, according to Pentagon figures quoted in almost all the war coverage. But the total number of US deaths from all causes is much higher: 112.
SF Gate: Iraq buries Hussein brothers
Funeral ignites anti-American frenzy among mourners, calls for Saddam's return
Al-Uja, Iraq -- The brothers Hussein were buried on Saturday here in their hometown 11 days after they were killed by U.S. soldiers. The funeral touched off an outpouring of nostalgia for their fugitive father and was filled with angry calls to rid Iraq of its U.S. occupiers.
SF Gate: Iraq buries Hussein brothers
Funeral ignites anti-American frenzy among mourners, calls for Saddam's return
Al-Uja, Iraq -- The brothers Hussein were buried on Saturday here in their hometown 11 days after they were killed by U.S. soldiers. The funeral touched off an outpouring of nostalgia for their fugitive father and was filled with angry calls to rid Iraq of its U.S. occupiers.
"The people in power will not disappear voluntarily, giving flowers to
the cops just isn't going to work. This thinking is fostered by the
establishment; they like nothing better than love & nonviolence. The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high
window." -- William Burroughs
"The people in power will not disappear voluntarily, giving flowers to
the cops just isn't going to work. This thinking is fostered by the
establishment; they like nothing better than love & nonviolence. The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high
window." -- William Burroughs
Monday, August 04, 2003
New Zealand News: Robert Fisk: US fostering sinister sort of democracy
Paul Bremer's taste in clothes symbolises "the new Iraq" well. He wears a business suit and combat boots. As the pro-consul of Iraq, you might have thought he'd have more taste.
The result? Iraq, with the world's second-highest reserves of oil, is now importing fuel.
Then comes Baghdad airport. Sure, it's going to reopen. But it just happens that the airport, with its huge American military base and brutal US prison camp, comes under nightly grenade and mortar attack.
No major airline would dream of flying its aircraft into the facility in these circumstances.
The Iraqis are told, for example, that the first flights will be run by "Transcontinental Airlines" (a name oddly similar to the CIA's transport airline in Vietnam), which is reported to be a subsidiary of "US Airlines", and the only flight will be between Baghdad and - wait for it - the old East Berlin airport of Schonefeld.
Health services? Well, yes, the new Iraqi health service is being encouraged to rehabilitate the country's hospitals and clinics. But a mysterious American company called Abt Associates has turned up in Baghdad to give "Ministry of Health Technical Assistance" support to the US Agency for International Development and "rapid response grants to address health needs in-country".
It has decreed that all medical equipment must accord with US technical standards and modifications - which means that all new hospital equipment must come from America, not from Europe.
Inevitably, it has been one of the American commentators from the same failed lunatic right as Wolfowitz - Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum think tank, which promotes American interests in the region - to express this in its most chilling form.
He now argues that "democratic-minded autocrats can guide [Iraq] to full democracy better than snap elections". What Iraq needs, he says, is "a democratically minded [sic] strongman who has real authority", who would be "politically moderate" but "operationally tough" (sic again).
Of course, it's difficult to resist a cynical smile at such double standards, although their meaning is frightening enough. What does "operationally tough" mean, other than secret policemen, interrogation rooms and torturers to keep the people in order - which is exactly what Saddam set up when he took power, supported as he was at the time by the US and Britain?
What does "strongman" mean other than a total reversal of the promise of "democracy" which Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair made to the Iraqi people?
Democracies are not led by autocrats, and autocrats are not led by anyone but themselves.
New Zealand News: Robert Fisk: US fostering sinister sort of democracy
Paul Bremer's taste in clothes symbolises "the new Iraq" well. He wears a business suit and combat boots. As the pro-consul of Iraq, you might have thought he'd have more taste.
The result? Iraq, with the world's second-highest reserves of oil, is now importing fuel.
Then comes Baghdad airport. Sure, it's going to reopen. But it just happens that the airport, with its huge American military base and brutal US prison camp, comes under nightly grenade and mortar attack.
No major airline would dream of flying its aircraft into the facility in these circumstances.
The Iraqis are told, for example, that the first flights will be run by "Transcontinental Airlines" (a name oddly similar to the CIA's transport airline in Vietnam), which is reported to be a subsidiary of "US Airlines", and the only flight will be between Baghdad and - wait for it - the old East Berlin airport of Schonefeld.
Health services? Well, yes, the new Iraqi health service is being encouraged to rehabilitate the country's hospitals and clinics. But a mysterious American company called Abt Associates has turned up in Baghdad to give "Ministry of Health Technical Assistance" support to the US Agency for International Development and "rapid response grants to address health needs in-country".
It has decreed that all medical equipment must accord with US technical standards and modifications - which means that all new hospital equipment must come from America, not from Europe.
Inevitably, it has been one of the American commentators from the same failed lunatic right as Wolfowitz - Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum think tank, which promotes American interests in the region - to express this in its most chilling form.
He now argues that "democratic-minded autocrats can guide [Iraq] to full democracy better than snap elections". What Iraq needs, he says, is "a democratically minded [sic] strongman who has real authority", who would be "politically moderate" but "operationally tough" (sic again).
Of course, it's difficult to resist a cynical smile at such double standards, although their meaning is frightening enough. What does "operationally tough" mean, other than secret policemen, interrogation rooms and torturers to keep the people in order - which is exactly what Saddam set up when he took power, supported as he was at the time by the US and Britain?
What does "strongman" mean other than a total reversal of the promise of "democracy" which Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair made to the Iraqi people?
Democracies are not led by autocrats, and autocrats are not led by anyone but themselves.
FAHRENHEIT451 update @ Ekosystem
FH451 is also covered in Print in the August Issue of Juice Magazine
FAHRENHEIT451 update @ Ekosystem
FH451 is also covered in Print in the August Issue of Juice Magazine
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