Check: TAG DER ARBEIT Das Spiel zum Revolutionären 1. Mai
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Heise: Der Euro als Wunderwaffe
Ein Umstieg vom Petro-Dollar zum Petro-Euro könnte die Weltordnung verändern
Die militärische und wirtschaftliche Hegemonie steht seit dem neuen Irak-Krieg außer Zweifel. Vor diesem Krieg gab es noch eine vage Hoffnung, die von vielen im Rest der Welt inzwischen als Schurken-Supermacht gesehenen USA mit den Mitteln der Diplomatie zumindest einzudämmen. Doch seither haben die Vordenker der Bush-Regierung entdeckt, dass sie einen Krieg auch ohne Deckung der Vereinten Nationen führen können und ihre eigene Wählerschaft dennoch bei guter Laune bleibt.
Heise: Der Euro als Wunderwaffe
Ein Umstieg vom Petro-Dollar zum Petro-Euro könnte die Weltordnung verändern
Die militärische und wirtschaftliche Hegemonie steht seit dem neuen Irak-Krieg außer Zweifel. Vor diesem Krieg gab es noch eine vage Hoffnung, die von vielen im Rest der Welt inzwischen als Schurken-Supermacht gesehenen USA mit den Mitteln der Diplomatie zumindest einzudämmen. Doch seither haben die Vordenker der Bush-Regierung entdeckt, dass sie einen Krieg auch ohne Deckung der Vereinten Nationen führen können und ihre eigene Wählerschaft dennoch bei guter Laune bleibt.
Heise: Die Fürsten des IV.Weltkriegs
US-Think Tanks und das Netzwerk der Neokonservativen, Teil 1
"Die meisten Stiftungen", sprach Roger Hertog, der reiche, konservative Mäzen und neue Miteigner des politischen Magazins The New Republic vor einer Handvoll ranghoher Repräsentanten amerikanischer Think Tanks, "geben ihr Geld für Backsteine und Mörtel aus. Für Museen, Hospitäler, Konzerthallen und Universitäten". Das sei alles sehr fein und gut , aber die anwesenden Vertreter von der Heritage Foundation, dem Cato Institute, dem Manhattan Institute und dem American Enterprise Institute hätten etwas sehr viel weiter Reichendes vollbracht: Sie hätten es geschafft, den Kurs der amerikanischen Politik radikal zu verändern. Und: Alle zusammen würden "nur" 70 Millionen Dollar im Jahr kosten. "Man erreicht eine ziemliche Hebelwirkung für seine Dollars", versicherte Hertog der erlesenen Runde; die Herren von den Ideen-Instituten lächelten zustimmend
Heise: Die Fürsten des IV.Weltkriegs
US-Think Tanks und das Netzwerk der Neokonservativen, Teil 1
"Die meisten Stiftungen", sprach Roger Hertog, der reiche, konservative Mäzen und neue Miteigner des politischen Magazins The New Republic vor einer Handvoll ranghoher Repräsentanten amerikanischer Think Tanks, "geben ihr Geld für Backsteine und Mörtel aus. Für Museen, Hospitäler, Konzerthallen und Universitäten". Das sei alles sehr fein und gut , aber die anwesenden Vertreter von der Heritage Foundation, dem Cato Institute, dem Manhattan Institute und dem American Enterprise Institute hätten etwas sehr viel weiter Reichendes vollbracht: Sie hätten es geschafft, den Kurs der amerikanischen Politik radikal zu verändern. Und: Alle zusammen würden "nur" 70 Millionen Dollar im Jahr kosten. "Man erreicht eine ziemliche Hebelwirkung für seine Dollars", versicherte Hertog der erlesenen Runde; die Herren von den Ideen-Instituten lächelten zustimmend
Heise: Die Kinder von Guantanamo
Auch Kinder unter 16 Jahren werden als "feindliche Kämpfer" vom Pentagon auf dem kubanischen Stützpunkt festgehalten, aber den "sehr, sehr gefährlichen Menschen" ginge es bestens
Letzte Woche erst wurde bekannt, dass das Pentagon im Gefängnislager Guantanamo auf Kuba auch Kinder unter 16 Jahren eingesperrt hat. Am 23. April räumte Oberstleutnant Barry Johnson ein, dass Kinder als "aktive Kämpfer gegen die US-Streitkräfte" festgenommen und nach Guantanamo gebracht wurden, um sie dort zu vernehmen. Insgesamt befinden sich noch über 660 "feindliche Kämpfer" in rechtlosem Zustand in dem amerikanischen Gefangenenlager. Auch der Status von Kriegsgefangenen wird ihnen verweigert, um sie im Prinzip unbegrenzt in den Zellen halten zu können.
Auf einer Pressekonferenz letzte Woche erklärte Stabschef Richard Myers dazu:
Die Kinder seien "trotz ihres Alters sehr, sehr gefährliche Menschen. Das sind Menschen, die hauptsächlich in Afghanistan festgenommen und einen sorgfältigen Verfahren unterzogen worden sind, um zu bestimmen, in welcher Art sie beteiligt sind. Einige wurden getötet. Einige haben gesagt, sie würden wieder töten. Sie können also Jugendliche sein, aber sie sind kein Schülerteam, sondern sie spielen in einem Erwachsenenteam, das ein Terroristenteam ist. Und sie sind in Guantanamo aus guten Grund - für unsere Sicherheit, für Ihre Sicherheit."
Heise: Die Kinder von Guantanamo
Auch Kinder unter 16 Jahren werden als "feindliche Kämpfer" vom Pentagon auf dem kubanischen Stützpunkt festgehalten, aber den "sehr, sehr gefährlichen Menschen" ginge es bestens
Letzte Woche erst wurde bekannt, dass das Pentagon im Gefängnislager Guantanamo auf Kuba auch Kinder unter 16 Jahren eingesperrt hat. Am 23. April räumte Oberstleutnant Barry Johnson ein, dass Kinder als "aktive Kämpfer gegen die US-Streitkräfte" festgenommen und nach Guantanamo gebracht wurden, um sie dort zu vernehmen. Insgesamt befinden sich noch über 660 "feindliche Kämpfer" in rechtlosem Zustand in dem amerikanischen Gefangenenlager. Auch der Status von Kriegsgefangenen wird ihnen verweigert, um sie im Prinzip unbegrenzt in den Zellen halten zu können.
Auf einer Pressekonferenz letzte Woche erklärte Stabschef Richard Myers dazu:
Die Kinder seien "trotz ihres Alters sehr, sehr gefährliche Menschen. Das sind Menschen, die hauptsächlich in Afghanistan festgenommen und einen sorgfältigen Verfahren unterzogen worden sind, um zu bestimmen, in welcher Art sie beteiligt sind. Einige wurden getötet. Einige haben gesagt, sie würden wieder töten. Sie können also Jugendliche sein, aber sie sind kein Schülerteam, sondern sie spielen in einem Erwachsenenteam, das ein Terroristenteam ist. Und sie sind in Guantanamo aus guten Grund - für unsere Sicherheit, für Ihre Sicherheit."
Heise: Wenn es den eigenen Interessen dient
Das Pentagon hat ein Abkommen mit einer iranischen Widerstandsorganisation im Irak geschlossen, die bislang als Terrororganisation galt
Der Feind des Feindes wird zum Freund. Dieser Devise sind die USA schon oft gefolgt. Man hätte annehmen sollen, dass nach den Erfahrungen mit den Taliban und Bin Ladin sowie mit Saddam Hussein langsam ein strategisches Umdenken erfolgen könnte. Jetzt aber hat die US-Regierung mit dem bewaffneten Arm der iranischen Volksmudschaheddin, die sich im Irak aufhalten und von dort aus die iranische Regierung bekämpfen, einen Waffenstillstand angeboten, nachdem die Organisation zuvor noch als Terrorgruppe galt.
Heise: Wenn es den eigenen Interessen dient
Das Pentagon hat ein Abkommen mit einer iranischen Widerstandsorganisation im Irak geschlossen, die bislang als Terrororganisation galt
Der Feind des Feindes wird zum Freund. Dieser Devise sind die USA schon oft gefolgt. Man hätte annehmen sollen, dass nach den Erfahrungen mit den Taliban und Bin Ladin sowie mit Saddam Hussein langsam ein strategisches Umdenken erfolgen könnte. Jetzt aber hat die US-Regierung mit dem bewaffneten Arm der iranischen Volksmudschaheddin, die sich im Irak aufhalten und von dort aus die iranische Regierung bekämpfen, einen Waffenstillstand angeboten, nachdem die Organisation zuvor noch als Terrorgruppe galt.
Harpers: Weekly Review
United States officials met in China with their North Korean counterparts and warned them that talks would cease if they did not stop issuing "bellicose" statements. The North Koreans admitted they already have nuclear weapons and may test, export, or use them depending on U.S. actions; Donald Rumsfeld thought this might present an opportunity for another "regime change." The U.S. warned Iran not to meddle in Iraq's political affairs and accused the country of sending agents into the south to promote an Iranian model of government; to counter the damage, troops and intelligence officers were asking Iraqi clerics to please issue fatwas in support of the American administration of the country. The U.S. warned Iraqis not to exploit their country's power vacuum by appointing themselves to political positions, and American soldiers arrested the former exile who announced that he was the mayor of Baghdad. Tariq Aziz, Saddam Hussein's foreign minister, negotiated a surrender to Diane Sawyer of ABC News but changed his mind and turned himself in to military officials, who were also holding the former liaison to U.N. weapons inspectors and a quarter of the 55 "most wanted" Iraqi fugitives...............
Harpers: Weekly Review
United States officials met in China with their North Korean counterparts and warned them that talks would cease if they did not stop issuing "bellicose" statements. The North Koreans admitted they already have nuclear weapons and may test, export, or use them depending on U.S. actions; Donald Rumsfeld thought this might present an opportunity for another "regime change." The U.S. warned Iran not to meddle in Iraq's political affairs and accused the country of sending agents into the south to promote an Iranian model of government; to counter the damage, troops and intelligence officers were asking Iraqi clerics to please issue fatwas in support of the American administration of the country. The U.S. warned Iraqis not to exploit their country's power vacuum by appointing themselves to political positions, and American soldiers arrested the former exile who announced that he was the mayor of Baghdad. Tariq Aziz, Saddam Hussein's foreign minister, negotiated a surrender to Diane Sawyer of ABC News but changed his mind and turned himself in to military officials, who were also holding the former liaison to U.N. weapons inspectors and a quarter of the 55 "most wanted" Iraqi fugitives...............
CAPITALISM Chronicle: USA: Bush Top Gun vs. S.F. Activist
Solicitor General Asks High Court to Toss Anti-Nike Suit
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration's top Supreme Court lawyer urged the high court Wednesday to toss out a San Francisco consumer activist's suit against Nike Inc. because it could discourage corporations from defending themselves in public against their critics.
Solicitor General Theodore Olson argued Wednesday that the court must quash the lawsuit or citizens seeking to "advance their own agendas" would repeatedly haul corporations into court to challenge their views.
"Anyone with a whim, a grievance and a filing fee can become a government- licensed censor," Olson told the justices.
Marc Kasky sued Nike in 1998 under the state's false advertising laws, accusing the world's largest shoemaker of making false and misleading public statements about its treatment of hundreds of thousands of workers at Asian factories that produce shoes and sportswear with the company's "swoosh" logo.
"Würde Bush auch seinen Staatsanwalt lossenden wenn Nike nicht so viel Geld an seinen Wahlkampf gespendet hätte? that's Democracy" Chronicle: USA: Bush Top Gun vs. S.F. Activist
Solicitor General Asks High Court to Toss Anti-Nike Suit
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration's top Supreme Court lawyer urged the high court Wednesday to toss out a San Francisco consumer activist's suit against Nike Inc. because it could discourage corporations from defending themselves in public against their critics.
Solicitor General Theodore Olson argued Wednesday that the court must quash the lawsuit or citizens seeking to "advance their own agendas" would repeatedly haul corporations into court to challenge their views.
"Anyone with a whim, a grievance and a filing fee can become a government- licensed censor," Olson told the justices.
Marc Kasky sued Nike in 1998 under the state's false advertising laws, accusing the world's largest shoemaker of making false and misleading public statements about its treatment of hundreds of thousands of workers at Asian factories that produce shoes and sportswear with the company's "swoosh" logo.
"Würde Bush auch seinen Staatsanwalt lossenden wenn Nike nicht so viel Geld an seinen Wahlkampf gespendet hätte? that's Democracy"
Counterpunch: Get the US Out of Iraq And Its Military Out of Our Mind by Ron Jakobs
So, the US is occupying Iraq. What does that mean? Does it mean that US
marines are shooting into crowds of Iraqis protesting the US presence
and killing some members of the crowd? Does it mean the reappearance of
death by cholera and typhoid in the city of Baghdad because the hospitals in
that city have been bombed, looted and burned and these hospitals don't have
the medicines to combat these diseases and others related to the
destruction wrought by years of US sanctions and days of bombing? Does it mean the
theft of priceless antiquities by organized gangs of criminals while US
marines stood guard at Iraq's oil ministry building? Does it mean the
death by cluster bombs and depleted uranium shell casings of more Iraqi
civilians? Does it mean the denial of entry into Iraq of UN weapons
inspection teams by the United States? Does it mean the construction of
US military bases on Iraqi soil? Bases constructed for the purpose of
maintaining US control of the country and to enable an easy attack on
any other nations or popular movements in the region who refuse to go along
with the US desire for global domination beginning in the Middle East?
Does it mean that anyone challenging the Americans and their plans is
subject to arrest by the US military? Does it mean incredible profiteering off the
Iraqi people's misery by corporations whose connections to the regime
in Washington DC are more than just coincidental? I wish I could
truthfully answer no to all these questions, but I can't. Unfortunately, the
answer to every single one of them is yes.
Counterpunch: Get the US Out of Iraq And Its Military Out of Our Mind by Ron Jakobs
So, the US is occupying Iraq. What does that mean? Does it mean that US
marines are shooting into crowds of Iraqis protesting the US presence
and killing some members of the crowd? Does it mean the reappearance of
death by cholera and typhoid in the city of Baghdad because the hospitals in
that city have been bombed, looted and burned and these hospitals don't have
the medicines to combat these diseases and others related to the
destruction wrought by years of US sanctions and days of bombing? Does it mean the
theft of priceless antiquities by organized gangs of criminals while US
marines stood guard at Iraq's oil ministry building? Does it mean the
death by cluster bombs and depleted uranium shell casings of more Iraqi
civilians? Does it mean the denial of entry into Iraq of UN weapons
inspection teams by the United States? Does it mean the construction of
US military bases on Iraqi soil? Bases constructed for the purpose of
maintaining US control of the country and to enable an easy attack on
any other nations or popular movements in the region who refuse to go along
with the US desire for global domination beginning in the Middle East?
Does it mean that anyone challenging the Americans and their plans is
subject to arrest by the US military? Does it mean incredible profiteering off the
Iraqi people's misery by corporations whose connections to the regime
in Washington DC are more than just coincidental? I wish I could
truthfully answer no to all these questions, but I can't. Unfortunately, the
answer to every single one of them is yes.
Counterpunch: Repeat After Me - Iraq is Weapons Free
Now that the Bush administration has realised that unless Iraq is certified as having no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) the UN sanctions cannot be permanently lifted and the Oil for Food Program will remain in force, the US President is changing his tune.
During a recent speech in Ohio, George W. Bush hinted for the first time that Iraq's infamous WMD might never be uncovered. "It's going to take time to find them, but we know he (Saddam Hussein) had them. And whether he destroyed them, moved them or hid them, we're going to find out the truth," he said.
"One thing is for certain," Bush added. "Saddam Hussein no longer threatens America with weapons of mass destruction." As if he ever did
Counterpunch: Repeat After Me - Iraq is Weapons Free
Now that the Bush administration has realised that unless Iraq is certified as having no weapons of mass destruction (WMD) the UN sanctions cannot be permanently lifted and the Oil for Food Program will remain in force, the US President is changing his tune.
During a recent speech in Ohio, George W. Bush hinted for the first time that Iraq's infamous WMD might never be uncovered. "It's going to take time to find them, but we know he (Saddam Hussein) had them. And whether he destroyed them, moved them or hid them, we're going to find out the truth," he said.
"One thing is for certain," Bush added. "Saddam Hussein no longer threatens America with weapons of mass destruction." As if he ever did
Canada: Israeli troops mark Palestinians with numbers
NABLUS, West Bank (AP) - Israeli soldiers have written numbers in ink
on the hands of hundreds of Palestinians waiting at a crowded West Bank
military checkpoint, several of the people marked said Monday. The army
confirmed the incident but said it was done by a lone soldier who acted
on his own and would face a disciplinary hearing. Palestinians with
three-digit numbers scribbled on their palms said they told the
soldiers they considered the practice degrading, but they were given a choice to
either turn back or submit to the marking. A similar incident happened
in March 2001 when soldiers marked numbers on the foreheads and forearms
of Palestinian detainees awaiting interrogation during an army sweep of a
West Bank refugee camp.
"gabs das nicht schon einmal?"
Canada: Israeli troops mark Palestinians with numbers
NABLUS, West Bank (AP) - Israeli soldiers have written numbers in ink
on the hands of hundreds of Palestinians waiting at a crowded West Bank
military checkpoint, several of the people marked said Monday. The army
confirmed the incident but said it was done by a lone soldier who acted
on his own and would face a disciplinary hearing. Palestinians with
three-digit numbers scribbled on their palms said they told the
soldiers they considered the practice degrading, but they were given a choice to
either turn back or submit to the marking. A similar incident happened
in March 2001 when soldiers marked numbers on the foreheads and forearms
of Palestinian detainees awaiting interrogation during an army sweep of a
West Bank refugee camp.
"gabs das nicht schon einmal?"
Washington Times: Iraqis target Gen. Franks for war crimes trial
Iraqi civilians are preparing a complaint to present in court in Belgium accusing allied commander Gen. Tommy Franks and other U.S. military officials of war crimes in Iraq, according to the attorney representing the plaintiffs. Top Stories
The complaint will state that coalition forces are responsible for the indiscriminate killing of Iraqi civilians, the bombing of a marketplace in Baghdad, the shooting of an ambulance, and failure to prevent the mass looting of hospitals, said Jan Fermon, a Brussels-based lawyer
Washington Times: Iraqis target Gen. Franks for war crimes trial
Iraqi civilians are preparing a complaint to present in court in Belgium accusing allied commander Gen. Tommy Franks and other U.S. military officials of war crimes in Iraq, according to the attorney representing the plaintiffs. Top Stories
The complaint will state that coalition forces are responsible for the indiscriminate killing of Iraqi civilians, the bombing of a marketplace in Baghdad, the shooting of an ambulance, and failure to prevent the mass looting of hospitals, said Jan Fermon, a Brussels-based lawyer
Grace News, By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
The U.S. government this week launched its Arabic language satellite TV
news station for Muslim Iraq. It is being produced in a studio -- Grace
Digital Media -- controlled by fundamentalist Christians who are
rabidly pro-Israel. That's Grace as in "by the Grace of God." Grace Digital
Media is controlled by a fundamentalist Christian millionaire, Cheryl Reagan
Grace News, By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
The U.S. government this week launched its Arabic language satellite TV
news station for Muslim Iraq. It is being produced in a studio -- Grace
Digital Media -- controlled by fundamentalist Christians who are
rabidly pro-Israel. That's Grace as in "by the Grace of God." Grace Digital
Media is controlled by a fundamentalist Christian millionaire, Cheryl Reagan
Times of India: Russia, former Soviet republics launch military-political bloc
MOSCOW: Russia and five former Soviet republics on Monday launched a
new military-political bloc in the East, similar to NATO of the US-led
western nations. At a summit near Dushanbe, leaders of Russia, Armenia,
Belorus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan formalised their collective
security pact into Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) with a charter
containing an article similar to the article 5 of NATO when an act of
aggression on one member-nation would be considered as an aggression on
all the member-nations, state-run 'Rossia" channel reported. "At Monday's
session we finally agreed on military and military-political
mechanisms, decided to set up a joint headquarters and a rapid deployment force,
and made a decision on coordinating political approaches," Russian
President Vladimir Putin said in his televised statement at the end of the CSTO
summit. "The purpose of the Collective Security Treaty Organization is
to guarantee the security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of its
member-countries," he said.
Times of India: Russia, former Soviet republics launch military-political bloc
MOSCOW: Russia and five former Soviet republics on Monday launched a
new military-political bloc in the East, similar to NATO of the US-led
western nations. At a summit near Dushanbe, leaders of Russia, Armenia,
Belorus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan formalised their collective
security pact into Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) with a charter
containing an article similar to the article 5 of NATO when an act of
aggression on one member-nation would be considered as an aggression on
all the member-nations, state-run 'Rossia" channel reported. "At Monday's
session we finally agreed on military and military-political
mechanisms, decided to set up a joint headquarters and a rapid deployment force,
and made a decision on coordinating political approaches," Russian
President Vladimir Putin said in his televised statement at the end of the CSTO
summit. "The purpose of the Collective Security Treaty Organization is
to guarantee the security, territorial integrity and sovereignty of its
member-countries," he said.
Reuters: Israeli Calls for 'Regime Change' in Iran, Syria
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Israeli ambassador in Washington called for "regime change" in Iran and Syria on Monday through diplomatic isolation, economic sanctions and what he called "psychological pressure."
Ambassador Daniel Ayalon said the U.S. invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein helped create great opportunities for Israel but it was "not enough."
"It has to follow through. We still have great threats of that magnitude coming from Syria, coming from Iran," he told a conference of the pro-Israeli Anti-Defamation League.
"Amerika würde sich besser mal einen "regime change" in Israel überlegen"
Reuters: Israeli Calls for 'Regime Change' in Iran, Syria
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Israeli ambassador in Washington called for "regime change" in Iran and Syria on Monday through diplomatic isolation, economic sanctions and what he called "psychological pressure."
Ambassador Daniel Ayalon said the U.S. invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein helped create great opportunities for Israel but it was "not enough."
"It has to follow through. We still have great threats of that magnitude coming from Syria, coming from Iran," he told a conference of the pro-Israeli Anti-Defamation League.
"Amerika würde sich besser mal einen "regime change" in Israel überlegen"
Spiegel: US-Soldaten schießen wieder auf Demonstranten
Nach dem Blutbad, das US-Soldaten gestern unter Demonstranten in der irakischen Stadt Falludscha angerichtet hatten, gab es jetzt irakischen Angaben zufolge in derselben Stadt bei einer Protestaktion gegen das Vorgehen der Amerikaner mindestens zwei Tote
Independent: US troops open fire again on Fallujah crowd
US troops opened fire today on anti-American demonstrators for the second time this week, during a march to protest about the previous shootings. At least one person was reported to have been killed and 16 wounded.
The gunfire came less than 48 hours after a shooting during a demonstration on Monday night that hospital officials said killed 13 Iraqis.
The clashes in Fallujah, a conservative Sunni Muslim city and Baath Party stronghold 30 miles west of Baghdad, reflect the area's increasing tensions as American troops try to keep the peace in Iraq.
Protesters started throwing rocks and shoes at the compound and troops opened fire about 10:30 a.m. (0630 GMT), scattering the demonstrators. Demonstrators then returned to pick up the wounded.
Spiegel: US-Soldaten schießen wieder auf Demonstranten
Nach dem Blutbad, das US-Soldaten gestern unter Demonstranten in der irakischen Stadt Falludscha angerichtet hatten, gab es jetzt irakischen Angaben zufolge in derselben Stadt bei einer Protestaktion gegen das Vorgehen der Amerikaner mindestens zwei Tote
Independent: US troops open fire again on Fallujah crowd
US troops opened fire today on anti-American demonstrators for the second time this week, during a march to protest about the previous shootings. At least one person was reported to have been killed and 16 wounded.
The gunfire came less than 48 hours after a shooting during a demonstration on Monday night that hospital officials said killed 13 Iraqis.
The clashes in Fallujah, a conservative Sunni Muslim city and Baath Party stronghold 30 miles west of Baghdad, reflect the area's increasing tensions as American troops try to keep the peace in Iraq.
Protesters started throwing rocks and shoes at the compound and troops opened fire about 10:30 a.m. (0630 GMT), scattering the demonstrators. Demonstrators then returned to pick up the wounded.
10.30 Uhr: 1. Mai Umzug Besammlung zum revolutionären Block an der Tramhaltestelle Helvetiaplatz
Anschliessend ca. 13.30 Uhr Nachdemo zur schweizerisch-amerikanischen Handelskammer, Besammlung Tramhaltestelle Bürkliplatz :-) let's riot
Anschliessend Fest, Treffpunkt Helvetiaplatz:
Ab 19.00 Uhr Konzerte mit
dj la bombe (ZH)
os replicantes (HC, Brazil)
tempo al tempo (Hip-Hop, BS)
work?ubat (HC Hip-Hop, LU)
10.30 Uhr: 1. Mai Umzug Besammlung zum revolutionären Block an der Tramhaltestelle Helvetiaplatz
Anschliessend ca. 13.30 Uhr Nachdemo zur schweizerisch-amerikanischen Handelskammer, Besammlung Tramhaltestelle Bürkliplatz :-) let's riot
Anschliessend Fest, Treffpunkt Helvetiaplatz:
Ab 19.00 Uhr Konzerte mit
dj la bombe (ZH)
os replicantes (HC, Brazil)
tempo al tempo (Hip-Hop, BS)
work?ubat (HC Hip-Hop, LU)
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Mediamomitor: The economics behind the Iraqi invasion
In October 2000, as a political gesture, Saddam Hussein converted
Iraq's foreign currency reserves from US dollars to Euros and announced all
Iraq's future oil trades will be conducted in Euros. At the time, Iraq made a
substantial loss on the conversion, but the continuing improvement of
the Euro against the US dollar has recouped that loss and, in fact, made a
profit of 25% on the overall transaction. It was a lesson that did not
go unobserved internationally. At a recent OPEC meeting the cartel
seriously considered trading oil in Euro contracts. There was enormous pressure
from the US to prevent this and so the idea was shelved. However, Iraq,
Iran, North Korea (all 'axis of evil nations surprisingly), Venezuela, China
and Russia have all recently stated an intention to conduct oil (and other
international transactions) in Euros. FROM: Media Monitors, 17 Apr
Indymedia: Dollar vs. Euro
The upcoming war in Iraq war is mostly about how the ruling class at
Langley and the Bush oligarchy view hydrocarbons at the geo-strategic
level, and the overarching macroeconomic threats to the U.S. dollar
from the euro. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration
goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil
transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to
gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil
reserves. FROM: DC IndyMedia, 15 Apr
Sidney morning Herald: Muslims eye euro as new oil currency
Since 1901, when drillers unleashed a Texas gusher and created the
modern oil industry, barrels of oil have been sold for greenbacks. Whether
they buy oil in Alaska, Norway or Bahrain, today's customers pay in US
dollars. But when the United States launched its military attack against Iraq
last month, many Muslim clerics began demanding that Arab countries sell oil
for euros, not US dollars. That move could send shock waves through the
world oil market and the US economy. Newspaper columnists and antiwar
activists in countries from Morocco to Indonesia have rallied behind the
sentiments shouted in a Nigerian street protest witnessed by a Wall Street Journal
reporter this week: "Euro yes! Dollar no!" FROM: The Sydney Morning
Herald,22 Apr EURO "BIN LADEN" ....How the Euro will Finish What Osama Couldn’t Achieve
What would happen if the euro were to become "the" oil currency of OPEC? The US dollar would crash, the euro’s already-underway march toward world reserve-currency status would be vastly accelerated, and the US’ legendary economy would burn to the ground in sudden hyper-inflation.
You see, the US dollar’s status as the world ‘s only reserve currency since the Bretton Woods agreement in 1945 gave it (and the US) certain advantages other countries didn’t have.
The dollar underpinned the domestic currency of every country in the entire world. All of their respective central banks hold dollars "on reserve" to bolster their own currency’s value.
Mediamomitor: The economics behind the Iraqi invasion
In October 2000, as a political gesture, Saddam Hussein converted
Iraq's foreign currency reserves from US dollars to Euros and announced all
Iraq's future oil trades will be conducted in Euros. At the time, Iraq made a
substantial loss on the conversion, but the continuing improvement of
the Euro against the US dollar has recouped that loss and, in fact, made a
profit of 25% on the overall transaction. It was a lesson that did not
go unobserved internationally. At a recent OPEC meeting the cartel
seriously considered trading oil in Euro contracts. There was enormous pressure
from the US to prevent this and so the idea was shelved. However, Iraq,
Iran, North Korea (all 'axis of evil nations surprisingly), Venezuela, China
and Russia have all recently stated an intention to conduct oil (and other
international transactions) in Euros. FROM: Media Monitors, 17 Apr
Indymedia: Dollar vs. Euro
The upcoming war in Iraq war is mostly about how the ruling class at
Langley and the Bush oligarchy view hydrocarbons at the geo-strategic
level, and the overarching macroeconomic threats to the U.S. dollar
from the euro. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration
goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil
transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to
gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil
reserves. FROM: DC IndyMedia, 15 Apr
Sidney morning Herald: Muslims eye euro as new oil currency
Since 1901, when drillers unleashed a Texas gusher and created the
modern oil industry, barrels of oil have been sold for greenbacks. Whether
they buy oil in Alaska, Norway or Bahrain, today's customers pay in US
dollars. But when the United States launched its military attack against Iraq
last month, many Muslim clerics began demanding that Arab countries sell oil
for euros, not US dollars. That move could send shock waves through the
world oil market and the US economy. Newspaper columnists and antiwar
activists in countries from Morocco to Indonesia have rallied behind the
sentiments shouted in a Nigerian street protest witnessed by a Wall Street Journal
reporter this week: "Euro yes! Dollar no!" FROM: The Sydney Morning
Herald,22 Apr EURO "BIN LADEN" ....How the Euro will Finish What Osama Couldn’t Achieve
What would happen if the euro were to become "the" oil currency of OPEC? The US dollar would crash, the euro’s already-underway march toward world reserve-currency status would be vastly accelerated, and the US’ legendary economy would burn to the ground in sudden hyper-inflation.
You see, the US dollar’s status as the world ‘s only reserve currency since the Bretton Woods agreement in 1945 gave it (and the US) certain advantages other countries didn’t have.
The dollar underpinned the domestic currency of every country in the entire world. All of their respective central banks hold dollars "on reserve" to bolster their own currency’s value.
The Scotsman: Israeli court refuses to outlaw army's use of deadly dart shells
ISRAEL’S supreme court yesterday threw out a bid to bar the army’s use
of flechette shells against Palestinians. The use of the weapons, which
explode in the air and spread thousands of small metal darts over a
wide area, did not contravene international law, the court said. Two human
rights groups had argued that use of the shells in residential areas is
against international law and asked the court to outlaw their use in
the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and the Tel Aviv
branch of Physicians for Human Rights had cited evidence of two recent
incidents that killed six Palestinians.
"Das höchste Isrelische Gericht hat auch die Folter von Palästinensern und den Mord an politischen Führern legitimiert."
The Scotsman: Israeli court refuses to outlaw army's use of deadly dart shells
ISRAEL’S supreme court yesterday threw out a bid to bar the army’s use
of flechette shells against Palestinians. The use of the weapons, which
explode in the air and spread thousands of small metal darts over a
wide area, did not contravene international law, the court said. Two human
rights groups had argued that use of the shells in residential areas is
against international law and asked the court to outlaw their use in
the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and the Tel Aviv
branch of Physicians for Human Rights had cited evidence of two recent
incidents that killed six Palestinians.
"Das höchste Isrelische Gericht hat auch die Folter von Palästinensern und den Mord an politischen Führern legitimiert."
Moscow Times:
"Military authorities at the U.S. Naval Base on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
have discovered that 'fewer than a half dozen' detainees are juveniles. ...
The juveniles, described as between the ages of 13 and 15, were declared
'enemy combatants' when they were arrested fighting against U.S. troops in
Central Asia. ... After a detailed medical examination, they were determined to
be youngsters." -- Los Angeles Times, April 23
"Teenagers younger than 16 being held at Guantanamo Bay are 'not
children' and pose a lethal danger that justifies detention, U.S. military chiefs
insisted yesterday." -- The Guardian, April 26
WASHINGTON -- The most startling thing about the U.S. government's
admission it is holding children among the "enemy combatants" at its
prison camp in Cuba is what a non-story it is here.
"Die USA foltert Kinder in Guantanamo. Aber laut USA sind das gar keine Kinder sondern stellen eine tödliche Gefahr??? dar. Ist man kein Kind mehr wenn man Gefährlich ist? Was ist die amerikanische Definition von Kind? Wie weit kann man die Heuchelei eigentlich noch treiben?"
Moscow Times:
"Military authorities at the U.S. Naval Base on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
have discovered that 'fewer than a half dozen' detainees are juveniles. ...
The juveniles, described as between the ages of 13 and 15, were declared
'enemy combatants' when they were arrested fighting against U.S. troops in
Central Asia. ... After a detailed medical examination, they were determined to
be youngsters." -- Los Angeles Times, April 23
"Teenagers younger than 16 being held at Guantanamo Bay are 'not
children' and pose a lethal danger that justifies detention, U.S. military chiefs
insisted yesterday." -- The Guardian, April 26
WASHINGTON -- The most startling thing about the U.S. government's
admission it is holding children among the "enemy combatants" at its
prison camp in Cuba is what a non-story it is here.
"Die USA foltert Kinder in Guantanamo. Aber laut USA sind das gar keine Kinder sondern stellen eine tödliche Gefahr??? dar. Ist man kein Kind mehr wenn man Gefährlich ist? Was ist die amerikanische Definition von Kind? Wie weit kann man die Heuchelei eigentlich noch treiben?"
Thememoryhole: US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public
On 25 April 2003, the newspaper Dagbladet (Norway) published photos of armed US soldiers forcing Iraqi men to walk naked through a park.
On the chests of the men had been scrawled an Arabic phrase that translates as "Ali Baba - Thief."
A military officer states that the men are thieves, and that this technique will be used again.
No word yet from the newly liberated Iraqi people about some of them being summarily found guilty of theft, forced at gunpoint to strip, having a racist phrase written on their bodies, and then made to walk naked in public. No doubt the Arab/Muslim world is impressed by this display of "democracy," "freedom," "due process," and "no cruel or unusual punishment."
We wonder if the soldiers will be using this technique on their comrades who stole $13.1 million in Iraq. Or the journalists who looted Iraq's art.
Das versteht Amerika unter Demokratie. Menschenrechte für US-Soldaten. Entwürdigung für die Anderen.
Amnesty International: "If these pictures are accurate, this is an appalling way to treat prisoners. Such degrading treatment is a clear violation of the responsibilities of the occupying powers," Amnesty International said today.
Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly states that "Protected persons are entitled in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manner and customs. They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity
Thememoryhole: US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public
On 25 April 2003, the newspaper Dagbladet (Norway) published photos of armed US soldiers forcing Iraqi men to walk naked through a park.
On the chests of the men had been scrawled an Arabic phrase that translates as "Ali Baba - Thief."
A military officer states that the men are thieves, and that this technique will be used again.
No word yet from the newly liberated Iraqi people about some of them being summarily found guilty of theft, forced at gunpoint to strip, having a racist phrase written on their bodies, and then made to walk naked in public. No doubt the Arab/Muslim world is impressed by this display of "democracy," "freedom," "due process," and "no cruel or unusual punishment."
We wonder if the soldiers will be using this technique on their comrades who stole $13.1 million in Iraq. Or the journalists who looted Iraq's art.
Das versteht Amerika unter Demokratie. Menschenrechte für US-Soldaten. Entwürdigung für die Anderen.
Amnesty International: "If these pictures are accurate, this is an appalling way to treat prisoners. Such degrading treatment is a clear violation of the responsibilities of the occupying powers," Amnesty International said today.
Article 27 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly states that "Protected persons are entitled in all circumstances, to respect for their persons, their honour, their family rights, their religious convictions and practices, and their manner and customs. They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof and against insults and public curiosity
Times of India: UN calls for steps to provide safe water in Iraq
UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations has called for urgent steps to
provide safe drinking water to the people in Iraq after a diarrhoeal illness
broke out in one of Baghdad's poorest neighbourhood and some 300 people, many
of children, were hospitalised within a span of three hours. The recent
incident, a spokesman said, highlights the need for providing safe
drinking water throughout Iraq. "We are faced with a very real possibility that
in the South of the country, water treatment plants will very soon run out
of supplies of chemicals needed to make raw water safe to drink".
Times of India: UN calls for steps to provide safe water in Iraq
UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations has called for urgent steps to
provide safe drinking water to the people in Iraq after a diarrhoeal illness
broke out in one of Baghdad's poorest neighbourhood and some 300 people, many
of children, were hospitalised within a span of three hours. The recent
incident, a spokesman said, highlights the need for providing safe
drinking water throughout Iraq. "We are faced with a very real possibility that
in the South of the country, water treatment plants will very soon run out
of supplies of chemicals needed to make raw water safe to drink".
Guardian: After 13 years fighting Saddam, Lord of the Marshes wants his country back
Guerrilla leader who became a legend emerges from hiding
For 13 years he was a defiant symbol of Iraqi resistance. Hunted in vain by Saddam Hussein's militia, the legendary guerrilla fighter Abu Hattem fought an extraordinary campaign against the Iraqi regime from his secluded bases in the poisoned marshland of southern Iraq.
Known as the Lord of the Marshes, his exploits earned him a reputation that is a cross between Robin Hood and Lawrence of Arabia, with tales of suicidal missions and narrow escapes.
Western journalists tried for years to track him down during the guerrilla years, visiting Iranian border towns in the hope of finding him. They had no more success than the Iraqi secret police. Now that Saddam has fallen, the rebel leader has finally emerged from hiding and has given his first interview to the Guardian.
Abu Hattem said many of the legends about him were true. He fought what he calls The War of the Fleas with small groups, continually on the move, a constant source of irritation to the Iraqi army. He could not defeat them in open battle but he left them nervous about entering the marshes.
Guardian: After 13 years fighting Saddam, Lord of the Marshes wants his country back
Guerrilla leader who became a legend emerges from hiding
For 13 years he was a defiant symbol of Iraqi resistance. Hunted in vain by Saddam Hussein's militia, the legendary guerrilla fighter Abu Hattem fought an extraordinary campaign against the Iraqi regime from his secluded bases in the poisoned marshland of southern Iraq.
Known as the Lord of the Marshes, his exploits earned him a reputation that is a cross between Robin Hood and Lawrence of Arabia, with tales of suicidal missions and narrow escapes.
Western journalists tried for years to track him down during the guerrilla years, visiting Iranian border towns in the hope of finding him. They had no more success than the Iraqi secret police. Now that Saddam has fallen, the rebel leader has finally emerged from hiding and has given his first interview to the Guardian.
Abu Hattem said many of the legends about him were true. He fought what he calls The War of the Fleas with small groups, continually on the move, a constant source of irritation to the Iraqi army. He could not defeat them in open battle but he left them nervous about entering the marshes.
Rense: US Military Bases - The Spoils And Deceptions Of War by Kurt Nimmo
Donald Rumsfeld says the US does not want its troops in countries where they are not welcome. "You want to be someplace that people want us, you really do," he admitted in an interview. "We don't want to be places that we're not wanted. We simply don't."
No word if the interviewer laughed or even scoffed. What Rumsfeld said is so deceptive that it transcends absurdity. He said the size of the US military force in the Gulf region would likely shrink now that the Iraqi military no longer poses a threat to its neighbors. "With the absence of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, the need for a US presence in the region would diminish rather than increase," he said. The US has troops in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
Rense: US Military Bases - The Spoils And Deceptions Of War by Kurt Nimmo
Donald Rumsfeld says the US does not want its troops in countries where they are not welcome. "You want to be someplace that people want us, you really do," he admitted in an interview. "We don't want to be places that we're not wanted. We simply don't."
No word if the interviewer laughed or even scoffed. What Rumsfeld said is so deceptive that it transcends absurdity. He said the size of the US military force in the Gulf region would likely shrink now that the Iraqi military no longer poses a threat to its neighbors. "With the absence of the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, the need for a US presence in the region would diminish rather than increase," he said. The US has troops in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
Swissinfo: Four U.S. soldiers injured in Baghdad ambush
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers have been injured, one seriously, in an ambush in downtown Baghdad, the U.S. military says.
The soldiers, travelling in two Humvees, came under fire during a traffic stop, the U.S. Central Command said in a statement on Sunday.
"Initial reports indicate they were engaged with small-arms fire from an assailant who approached them while the vehicles were stopped in
traffic," the statement said.
"Initial reports indicate four soldiers were injured, one seriously," the statement said.
Swissinfo: Four U.S. soldiers injured in Baghdad ambush
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. soldiers have been injured, one seriously, in an ambush in downtown Baghdad, the U.S. military says.
The soldiers, travelling in two Humvees, came under fire during a traffic stop, the U.S. Central Command said in a statement on Sunday.
"Initial reports indicate they were engaged with small-arms fire from an assailant who approached them while the vehicles were stopped in
traffic," the statement said.
"Initial reports indicate four soldiers were injured, one seriously," the statement said.
Guardian: Fury At Iraq Ag Post To US Cargill Exec
Oxfam last night launched a scathing attack on the man the US has put
in charge of agricultural reconstruction in Iraq. Dan Amstutz is a former
senior executive of Cargill, the biggest grain exporter in the world,
and served in the Reagan administration as a trade negotiator in the
Uruguay round of world trade talks. Oxfam is concerned that his involvement is
an example of the potentially damaging commercialisation of the
reconstruction effort in Iraq, which it would prefer to see conducted under the
auspices of the United Nations. Kevin Watkins, Oxfam's policy director, said Mr
Amstutz would "arrive with a suitcase full of open-market rhetoric",
and was more likely to try to dump cheap US grain on the potentially
lucrative Iraqi market than encourage the country to rebuild its once-successful
agricultural sector. "Putting Dan Amstutz in charge of agricultural
reconstruction in Iraq is like putting Saddam Hussein in the chair of a
human rights commission," Mr Watkins said.
Guardian: Fury At Iraq Ag Post To US Cargill Exec
Oxfam last night launched a scathing attack on the man the US has put
in charge of agricultural reconstruction in Iraq. Dan Amstutz is a former
senior executive of Cargill, the biggest grain exporter in the world,
and served in the Reagan administration as a trade negotiator in the
Uruguay round of world trade talks. Oxfam is concerned that his involvement is
an example of the potentially damaging commercialisation of the
reconstruction effort in Iraq, which it would prefer to see conducted under the
auspices of the United Nations. Kevin Watkins, Oxfam's policy director, said Mr
Amstutz would "arrive with a suitcase full of open-market rhetoric",
and was more likely to try to dump cheap US grain on the potentially
lucrative Iraqi market than encourage the country to rebuild its once-successful
agricultural sector. "Putting Dan Amstutz in charge of agricultural
reconstruction in Iraq is like putting Saddam Hussein in the chair of a
human rights commission," Mr Watkins said.
Times of India: Foreign powers should get hands off Iraqi oil: Chavez
AP [ SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2003 04:17:50 PM ]
RECIFE: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday that foreign
shouldn't meddle with Iraq's oil and that interference was a return to
"colonialism." "Iraqi oil should be handled by the Iraqi people,"
said after arriving in this northeastern city. "Otherwise it would be
back 200 years, and I don't want to think that the new century is
with colonialism."
Times of India: Foreign powers should get hands off Iraqi oil: Chavez
AP [ SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2003 04:17:50 PM ]
RECIFE: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday that foreign
shouldn't meddle with Iraq's oil and that interference was a return to
"colonialism." "Iraqi oil should be handled by the Iraqi people,"
said after arriving in this northeastern city. "Otherwise it would be
back 200 years, and I don't want to think that the new century is
with colonialism."
ABC News: Real Reason For Iraq War - Just A US Global Show
W A S H I N G T O N, April 25 - To build its case for war with Iraq,
Bush administration argued that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass
destruction, but some officials now privately acknowledge the White
had another reason for war - a global show of American power and
Officials inside government and advisers outside told ABCNEWS the
administration emphasized the danger of Saddam's weapons to gain the
legal justification for war from the United Nations and to stress the danger
at home to Americans. "We were not lying," said one official. "But it was
just a matter of emphasis."
Officials now say they may not find hundreds of tons of mustard and
nerve agents and maybe not thousands of liters of anthrax and other toxins.
But U.S. forces will find some, they say. On Thursday, President Bush
raised the possibility for the first time that any such Iraqi weapons were
destroyed before or during the war. If weapons of mass destruction were
not the primary reason for war, what was? Here's the answer officials and
advisers gave ABCNEWS.
The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks changed everything, including the Bush administration's thinking about the Middle East — and not just Saddam Hussein.
Senior officials decided that unless action was taken, the Middle East would continue to be a breeding ground for terrorists. Officials feared that young Arabs, angry about their lives and without hope, would always looking for someone to hate — and that someone would always be Israel and the United States.
"Man könnte sich natürlich auch fragen wieso die Leute Israel und die USA hassen. Wegen Ihrer "Demokratie" oder weil Sie jeden Tag Palästinenser töten und die Araber seit Jahrzehnten unterdrücken?"
ABC News: Real Reason For Iraq War - Just A US Global Show
W A S H I N G T O N, April 25 - To build its case for war with Iraq,
Bush administration argued that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass
destruction, but some officials now privately acknowledge the White
had another reason for war - a global show of American power and
Officials inside government and advisers outside told ABCNEWS the
administration emphasized the danger of Saddam's weapons to gain the
legal justification for war from the United Nations and to stress the danger
at home to Americans. "We were not lying," said one official. "But it was
just a matter of emphasis."
Officials now say they may not find hundreds of tons of mustard and
nerve agents and maybe not thousands of liters of anthrax and other toxins.
But U.S. forces will find some, they say. On Thursday, President Bush
raised the possibility for the first time that any such Iraqi weapons were
destroyed before or during the war. If weapons of mass destruction were
not the primary reason for war, what was? Here's the answer officials and
advisers gave ABCNEWS.
The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks changed everything, including the Bush administration's thinking about the Middle East — and not just Saddam Hussein.
Senior officials decided that unless action was taken, the Middle East would continue to be a breeding ground for terrorists. Officials feared that young Arabs, angry about their lives and without hope, would always looking for someone to hate — and that someone would always be Israel and the United States.
"Man könnte sich natürlich auch fragen wieso die Leute Israel und die USA hassen. Wegen Ihrer "Demokratie" oder weil Sie jeden Tag Palästinenser töten und die Araber seit Jahrzehnten unterdrücken?"
Times of India: Israeli general says Iraq war has boosted security
REUTERS [ SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2003 01:34:29 PM ]
JERUSALEM: Israel's military intelligence chief said on Saturday the
ousting of Saddam Hussein had removed a major strategic threat to the
Jewish state and put pressure on its two enemy neighbours, Syria and
Lebanon. "It is a new Middle East," Major-General Aharon Ze'evi-Farkash
told Israel's Channel 10 television. "There is no Iraqi military which
pitch in on the eastern front, so the potential for attack on Israel is
small. There is no eastern front," he said.
Times of India: Israeli general says Iraq war has boosted security
REUTERS [ SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2003 01:34:29 PM ]
JERUSALEM: Israel's military intelligence chief said on Saturday the
ousting of Saddam Hussein had removed a major strategic threat to the
Jewish state and put pressure on its two enemy neighbours, Syria and
Lebanon. "It is a new Middle East," Major-General Aharon Ze'evi-Farkash
told Israel's Channel 10 television. "There is no Iraqi military which
pitch in on the eastern front, so the potential for attack on Israel is
small. There is no eastern front," he said.
Times: Saddam link to al-Qaeda in doubt
BRITISH Intelligence officials have expressed doubt that Saddam Hussein established any working relationship with al-Qaeda despite the discovery of documents showing that an “envoy” for Osama bin Laden visited Baghdad in 1998.
The documents were found by The Sunday Telegraph at the bombed-out Baghdad headquarters of the Mukhabarat, Iraq’s Intelligence service, and were hailed yesterday as positive proof of an Iraqi link to al-Qaeda. They mentioned the arrival of a confidant of bin Laden who had travelled to Baghdad from Khartoum in March 1998. Bin Laden was based in Sudan until 1996.
Guardian: Al-Qaida links still dubious
Western intelligence officials are playing down the significance of
documents appearing to show that Saddam Hussein's regime met an
al-Qaida envoy in Baghdad in 1998 and sought to arrange a meeting with Osama bin
Laden. "We are aware of fleeting contacts [between Baghdad and
al-Qaida] in the past, but there were were no long-term official contacts," a
well-placed source told the Guardian yesterday. "The documents do not
take things further forward" British security and intelligence agencies have
persistently dismissed attempts by hawks in the White House to link
Saddam's regime with al-Qaida, a link which would help London and
Washington to argue that Iraq had posed an imminent threat. According
to the documents found by the Sunday Telegraph an envoy from al-Qaida went
to Baghdad from the Sudanese capital Khartoum in March 1998 - two years
after Sudan, under pressure from Saudia Arabia, ordered Bin Laden out and he
returned to Afghanistan.
Times: Saddam link to al-Qaeda in doubt
BRITISH Intelligence officials have expressed doubt that Saddam Hussein established any working relationship with al-Qaeda despite the discovery of documents showing that an “envoy” for Osama bin Laden visited Baghdad in 1998.
The documents were found by The Sunday Telegraph at the bombed-out Baghdad headquarters of the Mukhabarat, Iraq’s Intelligence service, and were hailed yesterday as positive proof of an Iraqi link to al-Qaeda. They mentioned the arrival of a confidant of bin Laden who had travelled to Baghdad from Khartoum in March 1998. Bin Laden was based in Sudan until 1996.
Guardian: Al-Qaida links still dubious
Western intelligence officials are playing down the significance of
documents appearing to show that Saddam Hussein's regime met an
al-Qaida envoy in Baghdad in 1998 and sought to arrange a meeting with Osama bin
Laden. "We are aware of fleeting contacts [between Baghdad and
al-Qaida] in the past, but there were were no long-term official contacts," a
well-placed source told the Guardian yesterday. "The documents do not
take things further forward" British security and intelligence agencies have
persistently dismissed attempts by hawks in the White House to link
Saddam's regime with al-Qaida, a link which would help London and
Washington to argue that Iraq had posed an imminent threat. According
to the documents found by the Sunday Telegraph an envoy from al-Qaida went
to Baghdad from the Sudanese capital Khartoum in March 1998 - two years
after Sudan, under pressure from Saudia Arabia, ordered Bin Laden out and he
returned to Afghanistan.
IRAQ US tries to curb Iraqi resentment
BAGHDAD: Iraq's new US administrators met Baghdad officials yesterday to organise the restoration of vital services to the battered city, essential if the Americans are to curb mounting resentment among the population.
As disputes dragged on over who runs the capital and the rest of the country after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived in the Gulf to thank allies for their help in the Iraq war.
A senior US official said Jay Garner, the retired American general in charge of postwar administration, would meet 300-400 prominent Iraqis in Baghdad on Monday to identify potential national leaders and discuss forming a new government.
Barbara Bodine, coordinator for central Iraq under Garner, said Ahmad Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress, had been invited to the meeting, as had the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), the country's main Shi'ite Muslim group.
It was unclear whether they would attend. US tries to curb Iraqi resentment
BAGHDAD: Iraq's new US administrators met Baghdad officials yesterday to organise the restoration of vital services to the battered city, essential if the Americans are to curb mounting resentment among the population.
As disputes dragged on over who runs the capital and the rest of the country after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived in the Gulf to thank allies for their help in the Iraq war.
A senior US official said Jay Garner, the retired American general in charge of postwar administration, would meet 300-400 prominent Iraqis in Baghdad on Monday to identify potential national leaders and discuss forming a new government.
Barbara Bodine, coordinator for central Iraq under Garner, said Ahmad Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress, had been invited to the meeting, as had the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), the country's main Shi'ite Muslim group.
It was unclear whether they would attend.
Monday, April 28, 2003
Bz-Berlin: Kriegserklärung gegen Berlin
Berlin - Sie meinen es ernst: "Die Straße zu unserem Ort der Revolte und des militanten Protestes zu machen", droht die "militante gruppe" (mg) in einer "Presseerklärung" zum 1. Mai. Krawall mit Ansage, eine Kriegserklärung...
Der Verfassungsschutz beobachtet die "mg". Die militanten Linken haben die "maßgeblichen Entscheidungsträger aus Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft" im Visier. Sie gelte es "materiell und körperlich (an)greifbar zu machen". Unter Hinweis auf den Brandanschlag auf den Zoll-Fuhrpark in Tübingen (Dezember 2002) nennt die "mg" "Angriffsfelder" in Berlin. Konkret: Die Stellen, die Schwarzarbeit und Sozialhilfemissbrauch bekämpfen, u.a. die Senatswirtschafts- und die Sozialverwaltung, das Landesarbeitsamt, das Landeskriminalamt, den Zoll.
Bz-Berlin: Kriegserklärung gegen Berlin
Berlin - Sie meinen es ernst: "Die Straße zu unserem Ort der Revolte und des militanten Protestes zu machen", droht die "militante gruppe" (mg) in einer "Presseerklärung" zum 1. Mai. Krawall mit Ansage, eine Kriegserklärung...
Der Verfassungsschutz beobachtet die "mg". Die militanten Linken haben die "maßgeblichen Entscheidungsträger aus Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft" im Visier. Sie gelte es "materiell und körperlich (an)greifbar zu machen". Unter Hinweis auf den Brandanschlag auf den Zoll-Fuhrpark in Tübingen (Dezember 2002) nennt die "mg" "Angriffsfelder" in Berlin. Konkret: Die Stellen, die Schwarzarbeit und Sozialhilfemissbrauch bekämpfen, u.a. die Senatswirtschafts- und die Sozialverwaltung, das Landesarbeitsamt, das Landeskriminalamt, den Zoll.
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