Saturday, May 15, 2004


The Guardian: : Israel Takes Bloody Revenge In Gaza

Israeli forces yesterday left a trail of destruction in the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City, blowing up homes and streets as they retreated following an agreement to recover the body parts of six soldiers killed earlier this week.

In the Rafah refugee camp, at the southern end of the Gaza Strip, at least 12 Palestinians were killed and scores wounded as troops searched for the remains of five soldiers blown up by Palestinian fighters. The bodies were ripped apart and spread across a wide area

Israel closed internal checkpoints, leaving thousands of Palestinians stranded and making it impossible for aid workers and journalists in Gaza to assess the effect of the Israeli incursion in Rafah. Journalists were refused permission to enter the Gaza Strip.

An eight-storey apartment block, close to where the Israeli troop carrier was blown up, had been flattened. Its owner, Salman Hajer, had built the flats to house his family. His crime was to be the owner of the building closest to where the troop carrier had been blown up.

He said: "This building was the result of 40 years' work. It was meant to be the home for my sons and their families. They have destroyed my life but I don't care.

"The price I paid does not matter. They were punished for a change."

"That's democracy, stupid!"


Rense: A Big Mistake

Deja vu American Indians, Romans, Greeks, Vietnam, et al. Men who don't remember HISTORY, or more likely, never learned it in the first place, have plunged us into a time warp. Months ago they knew an attack on Najaf, the holiest of holy cities in Iraq, was a very bad idea. But they did it anyway. And to add insult to injury, our illustrious Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt claims the Iraqis did the damage to the golden dome of the Imam Ali mosque themselves.

Talk about disturbing hornets' nests. The repercussions from this no-brainer attack are beyond supposition at this point in time. To damage (not totally destroyed, so far, but stay tuned for that) any country's holy place brings out a fury not unlike that of mother lions or tigers,or bears OH MY!, when their babies are threatened. It's a fight to the death, for certain.

There'll be no civilized talks around a big round table. This is not negotiable. This is now war with capitols letters, W A R. This is the beginning of the MAJOR combat that Bush claimed was over on May 1, 2003

Friday, May 14, 2004


USA today: Sacred Shiite shrine suffers minor damage in Najaf battle

The golden dome of the Shrine of Imam Ali, one of the most sacred sites for Shiite Muslims, was hit by what appeared to be four gunshots in fighting Friday between U.S. soldiers and militiamen loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr

Spiegel: Heiligtum beschädigt - Schiiten klagen US-Truppen an

Bei schweren Gefechten in der irakischen Pilgerstadt Nadschaf ist eines der wichtigsten Heiligtümer der Schiiten beschädigt worden. Der radikale Prediger al-Sadr ruft alle Schiiten auf, die Stadt zu verteidigen. US-Zivilverwalter Paul Bremer deutete erstmals einen Truppenabzug der USA aus dem Irak an

"Der Funke, der alles zum explodieren bringt?"

Yahoo: US Oil Prices Hit an All-Time Record High

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. oil prices hit an all-time record high on Thursday amid concerns over thin gasoline supplies ahead of peak demand driving season and tight global crude stocks.

Benchmark U.S. light crude futures for June delivery climbed to $41.17 a barrel in after hours trade -- the highest level since October 1990 following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. It settled the regular session up 31 cents to $41.08, while London Brent gained 54 cents at $38.49 a barrel.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


Rense: No Reference To 'al-Qaeda' On Video Beheading Video
OCTAVIA NASR, CNN Sr. Editor for Arab Affairs

NASR: Oh, I find it very interesting, because out of the blue, there is a mention of al Qaeda on the U.S. government translation. It says: "Does al Qaeda need any further excuses?" Any speaker of the Arabic language is going to notice a difference between the word al Qaeda, which means "the base," and al qaed, which means "the one sitting, doing nothing."

Rense: PsyOps Creating A Diversion
How the US CIA/Mililtary/Bush Administration Killed Another American

Nick Berg was a telecommunications contractor who went into Iraq to "help". But he and his family were not unknown to US authorities.

On March 7, 2004, an 'enemies' list of anti-war groups and individuals was posted on the Free Republic.

Among those listed was this entry: "Michael S. Berg, Teacher, Prometheus Methods Tower Service, Inc." That's Nick Berg's father, Michael who acts as business manager for his son in their family radio communications firm, Prometheus Methods Tower Service.

Just days after "Michael Berg" and "Prometheus Methods Tower Service" had come up on that Iraq war 'enemies' list, his son Nick Berg returned to Iraq under the business name of Prometheus Methods Tower Service.

Nick was detained, first by Iraqi police, then for 13 days by the United States military in Iraq. He was in US custody and admittedly questioned by the FBI 3 separate times. They would not release him ­ nor press charges ­ nor let him speak to an attorney.

At the height of the US torture scandal, Nick Berg's body was "discovered" on Saturday May 8, having reportedly been decapitated the same day by muslim radicals ­ specifically Al Queda.

And, almost miraculously, a video appears worldwide showing "Al Queda" in possession of Mr. Berg (somehow still wearing his orange jumpsuit) at which time he is supposedly beheaded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi ­ whom Americans claim is Al Queda's lead man in Iraq. Not only does Al Queda record the video, but Zarqawi's name and "signature" appear on it.

Convenient? Oh, and how.

Yet there are many problems with this explanation.

Long ago, when trying to tie Al Queda with Iraq, Colin Powell claimed that Zarqawi was fitted with a prosthetic leg in a Baghdad hospital (which, at the time, was touted as being a major indication of a connection between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein).

Yet the killer in the video walks and moves around with both legs just fine. Zarqawi could not be the killer. So why would all the killers wear hoods to hide their identity, and then sign the video with their own name and call themselves Al Queda?

So what, you say?

So let's see, an American who is considered an enemy of the US war suddenly is taken prisoner in Iraq, which the US denies, until his family produces e-mails from the US office in Iraq and sues and then he is miraculously released ­ though supposedly he wasn't in custody. Can the government ever tell the truth?

Then he disappears ­ and resurfaces only as the US is in dire need of an incident to try to put to rest the coverage of their torture in Iraq.

Suddenly, a US enemy-of-the-state ends up in Al Queda's hands ­ and not just their hands ­ but the leaderships ­ who signs a video saying he killed him ­ though the guy who supposedly kills him has a prosthetic leg and the guy in the video clearly doesn't.

Then it's released all over the world that Al Queda did not claim to do this and that the US intentionally doctored the transcripts.

Why would a guy in US custody for weeks, after being released for a day and getting ready to go home, not take off the damned orange prison jumpsuit?

Why do the hooded "Al Queda" guys appear so white? Muslims say the accents are not middle eastern at all. 15 Anomalies Surrounding Death Of Nick Berg
Arab linguists have said the man posing as the Jordanian Zaraqawi did not speak with a Jordanian dialect. Others have suggested the man reading the written statement may not have been a native speaker of Arabic.

Zaraqawi was missing one leg and had been outfitted with an artificial leg that did not fit or function properly. He was unable to walk or stand normally with his ill-fitting limb. No man in the group showed evidence of such an infirmity.

Numerous indigenous sources have said Zaraqawi was killed by a US helicopter attack months ago when he was unable to move quickly enough to escape the targeted house. While others managed to exit the house in time to survive, he died in the collapsed building.

AP:Mosul Police Chief Denies Detaining Slain American Nicholas Berg

Iraqi police never detained an American whose decapitated body was found last week in Baghdad, the police chief said Thursday, despite U.S. insistence that Nicholas Berg was held by local authorities here shortly before he disappeared last month.

Berg's family blames American authorities for detaining the 26-year-old telecommunications businessman until a flare-up of anti-American violence, which set the stage for his abduction and death.

CBS News: Berg Mystery Turns Bizarre - A Link To 911
CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin reports on what is turning into a bizarre mystery with a connection to 9/11.

U.S. officials say the FBI questioned Berg in 2002 after a computer password Berg used in college turned up in the possession of Zaccarias Moussaoui, the al Qaeda operative arrested shortly before 9/11 for his suspicious activity at a flight school in Minnesota.

The bureau had already dismissed the connection between Berg and Moussaoui as nothing more than a college student who had been careless about protecting his password.

But in the wake of Berg's gruesome murder, it becomes a stranger than fiction coincidence -- an American who inadvertently gave away his computer password to one notorious al Qaeda operative is later murdered by another notorious al Qaeda operative.

Liberty Forum: Take A Look At The Chair Nick Berg Sat In

Conspiracy Planet: Nick Berg Snuff Porn: CIA / Mossad Death Squad?
Editor's Note: According to a former intelligence insider, "the beheading was 'instigated' by two Mossad provocateurs who have infiltrated the 'terrorists.' They are Yemeni Jews who pass easily for Arabs.")

I look at the beheading and I see that the terrorists are WHITE and FAT.

They are wearing BULLET PROOF VESTS and the guy on the right has WHITE SHOES.

The prisoner is wearing an ORANGE JUMPSUIT that is the same color and style used in the American run prison.

Blueridge: CIA did it to take the heat off the Pentagon"--NBC reporter
"CIA did it to take the heat off the Pentagon"--NBC reporter
Wed May 12, 2004 23:17

"...the CIA did it to take the heat off the Pentagon"--NBC reporter stated tonight prime time news, continuing, "...a story that will not die easily here in the Arab world".
NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, May 12th

Thus said the reporter from NBC News already "innoculating" the public against this reasonable "conspiracy theory" being promulgated by more questioning minds in both America and overseas. BUT IT MAKES ALL THE SENSE IN THE WORLD!

The previous article posted, "Fishy Circumstances and Flawed Timelines" is worth reading, especially the numbered observations at the close of the article. But there is more to add

Aljazeera: Another IDF Vehicle Destroyed - All Inside Dead

An Israeli occupation forces vehicle was hit by an explosion in the southern Gaza Strip Wednesday, killing all of the Israelis inside.

Five Palestinians were killed, including three fighters, and 43 others, mostly civilians, were wounded in Wednesday's fighting, the biggest Israeli offensive into Gaza in years. No Israeli casualties were reported.

Rense:Beheading Staged?- al-Zarqawi Was Killed Long Ago
Iraq Militants Claim al-Zarqawi Is Dead
Al Qaida-linked extremist suspected of planning attacks
Undated photo of suspected al-Qaida commander Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi.
The Associated Press

Libertyforum: Berg Story Debunked - Statement Did NOT Say 'al Qaeda'

Atzlan: Berg Decapitation Video Declared A Fraud By Doctor

The first casualty of war is the truth and this one has been no exception. La Voz de Aztlan obtained a copy of the video showing the beheading of American Nick Berg of Philadelphia and immediately something very odd was readily apparent. Not only were the purported screams of Nick Berg not in synchrony with the decapitation but their was also a total lack of blood spurting out as his jugular and other veins and arteries were being cut.

We forwarded the video to Doctor Raul Castro Guevara, a surgeon and forensic expert in Mexico City for his expert opinion. He wrote back and commented, "No hay manera que el individuo en el video estaba vivo y su corazon funcionando cuando le estaban cortando la cabeza. En estos casos, el corazon impela sangre con gran presion, y se corta las arterias del pezqueso, hay una gran cantidad de sangre que salpica por todos lados. En mi opinion el video es un fraude."

Doctor Raul Castro Guevara is saying that there is no way that the individual in the video was alive and his heart pumping while his neck was being cut. The doctor adds that in these cases, while the heart is pumping, cutting a person artery in the neck, would cause copious amounts of blood to spurt all over the immediate environment. He says that in his opinion the video is a fraud.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Aljazeera: Israeli Minister Wants Total
Palestinian-Arab 'Cleansing'

An Israeli cabinet minister has called for the expulsion of some 1.3 million Palestinian citizens of Israel who constitute nearly one fifth of the state?s population.

Transportation Minister Avigdor Lieberman said during an interview with the Israeli army radio (Gali Tzahal) on Sunday that the "Arabs of Israel" should be expelled in case a Palestinian state was established and Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip were dismantled.

Israeli officials, from Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon downward, refused to condemn the remarks, suggesting a sympathy with Lieberman?s ideas.

"Israel, die einzige "Demokratie" im Nahen Osten". Mann stelle sich den Aufschrei vor, wenn ein Regierungsmitglied in einem anderen Land ein Statement abgeben würde in dem er dazu aufruft alle Jüdischen Staatsangehörigen aus dem Land zu vertreiben. Faschismus made in Israel

MENL: US Prepares For Israeli Attack On Iran

The United States has been examining the prospect that Israel will attack Iranian nuclear facilities in an attempt to prevent the Islamic republic from completing an atomic bomb as early as this year.

U.S. analysts and government sources said the Bush administration has discussed the prospect of an Israeli air strike at several levels of government. They said the issue has been examined in terms of the diplomatic, military and security implications for the United States, particularly its military presence in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region.

Newsobserver: Two men arrested after high-speed chase in Tennessee

Two Israeli men who led the Unicoi County sheriff on a high-speed chase in a rented moving truck were placed under arrest and are being investigated by the FBI, local officials said
Harris said he saw the men throw something from the truck while they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area later found a vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said.

Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.

Johnson City Press: Detained Israelis To Have Court Date Today
Two Israeli nationals held here without bond in the Unicoi County Jail will appear in Unicoi County General Sessions Court this morning, Sheriff Kent Harris said Sunday. Harris said the FBI ordered him to hold the duo without bond pending an investigation following a high speed chase through a remote area of Unicoi County Saturday afternoon in which the pair reportedly threw several items out of a rented Ryder truck, Harris said

Rense: Mossad & Moving Companies -
Masterminds Of Global Terrorism?

Cloudcroft, New Mexico Police Chief Stops Israelis With Suspicious Cargo 03/2002

On May 7, 2002, local police authorities pulled over a Budget rental truck in Oak Harbour, Washington near the Whitney Island Naval Air Station. The driver and his passenger were Israeli nationals, one of which had entered the country illegally. The other had an expired visa. Tests performed on the vehicle revealed that there were traces of TNT on the gearshift and RDX plastic explosives on the steering wheel. But no actual explosives were reported to have been found in the truck.

On September 11, five employees of Jewish owned Urban Moving Company were detained as a result of witness accounts that they were taking pictures of the flaming ruins of the World Trade Center and celebrating!

Shortly after the arrest of the men, FBI officials suspected that the Urban Moving company was an Israeli intelligence front.

Then, of course, there was the "Art Scandal."

It seems that Israeli ëart studentsí - Israelis posing as ëart studentsí selling their art [actually made in China], - were suspected of spying for Israel. They were detained by the FBI and later deported to Israel on account of visa violations. The FBI first took notice of them in January of 2001.

You see, five of the so-called Israeli Art Students that weren't really art students, had been living at 4220 Sheridan St in Hollywood, Florida.

What is so interesting about that address?

It just so happens that four of the five so-called 9/11 hijackers that were on AA Flight 11 [Mohammed Atta, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Walid and WaÔl Al- Shehri] and one of the five hijackers [Marwan Al-Shehhi] from UA Flight 175 had at one time or another also resided in Hollywood, Florida.

Where in Hollywood?

Why, it just happens that Mohammed Atta, the presumed lead hijacker had lived at 3389 Sheridan St, only a few blocks away from the Fake Israeli Art Students! [Le Monde 3/5/02; Reuters 3/5/02; Jane's Intelligence Digest, 3/15/02; Salon, 5/7/02]

None of this matter is cut and dried. On September 10, 2001, the Army School of Advanced Military Studies issued a report written by elite US army officers, which was made public just prior to 9/11. The report gave the following description for the Mossad: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." [Washington Times, 9/10/01


UN News Center: Homes of 1,100 Palestinians in Gaza destroyed in first 10 days of May - UN Agency

The last 10 days have seen one of the most intense periods of destruction by the Israeli military in Gaza since the start of the Intifada, with more than 100 homes flattened and 1,100 people left homeless, the main United Nations agency helping Palestinian refugees said today.

According to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the Israeli military has demolished or damaged beyond repair 131 residential buildings since the start of May, bringing to 17,594 the total number of people who have lost their homes in Gaza.

The majority of the demolitions have taken place in Rafah in the south, where 11,215 people have already been made homeless by demolitions since the beginning of the current strife in September 2000, and in the region of the Kissufim Road, where a Palestinian attack on 2 May left an Israeli mother and her four children dead.


SMH: Pentagon tries to keep lid on new images

United States officials are struggling over how best to release the next wave of photographs, and possibly video films, depicting the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad.

The Defence Department plans to provide Congress with many more pictures but is unhappy at moves to release them for public scrutiny.

That decision is expected to be one for President George Bush.

John Warner, the Republican head of the Senate armed services committee, said he and other members have been assured they will have private access to the photographs and videotapes - described as even more graphic and disturbing than the ones already made public - once Pentagon lawyers finish their review.


Toronto Star: Pipeline blast cuts Iraq's oil exports

Insurgents blasted an oil pipeline, setting off a huge blaze and slashing Iraq's daily oil exports by about 25 per cent. U.S. troops traded gunfire today with fighters loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr in this Shiite city south of Baghdad.

Informationclearinghouse: RED CROSS REPORT

"Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on the Treatment by the Coalition Forces of Prisoners of War and Other Protected Persons by the Geneva Conventions in Iraq During Arrest, Internment and Interrogation".

These reports are strictly confidential and intended only for the authorities to which they are presented.

This report includes observations and recommendations from visits that took place between March and November 2003. The report itself was handed over to the Coalition Forces (CF) in February of 2004.

Monday, May 10, 2004


Independent: US military confirms existence of horrific pictures and video

The Bush administration was bracing itself last night for the release of new pictures and video footage from Abu Ghraib which show US soldiers having sex with an Iraqi woman prisoner, troops almost beating a prisoner to death, and the rape of young boys by Iraqi guards at the jail.

Senior officials have warned that the new images and details of the abuse and torture at the prison west of Baghdad will be even more shocking than those already released. They will undoubtedly place even more pressure on President George Bush and his beleaguered Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, as they desperately try to limit the political damage from the growing scandal.


The Nation: Mutiny in Iraq by Naomi Klein

Can we please stop calling it a quagmire? The United States isn't mired
in a bog or a marsh in Iraq (quagmire's literal meaning); it is
free-falling off a cliff. The only question now is: Who will follow the Bush clan
off this precipice, and who will refuse to jump?

The Hindu: U.S. asks all citizens in Saudi Arabia to leave

MANAMA, MAY 2. A series of attacks by militants in the Saudi industrial city of Yanbu on Saturday has triggered the departure of around 50 workers belonging to a firm that was targeted amid a fresh warning by the U.S. embassy in Riyadh that all American citizens in the oil rich Gulf country should depart.


Ny Times: The Oil Crunch by Paul Krugman

Before the start of the Iraq war his media empire did so much to promote, Rupert Murdoch explained the payoff: "The greatest thing to come out of this for the world economy, if you could put it that way, would be $20 a barrel for oil." Crude oil prices in New York rose to almost $40 a barrel yesterday, a 13-year high.

Those who expected big economic benefits from the war were, of course, utterly wrong about how things would go in Iraq. But the disastrous occupation is only part of the reason that oil is getting more expensive; the other, which will last even if we somehow find a way out of the quagmire, is the intensifying competition for a limited world oil supply.

The Nation: We're Shocked -- Shocked!
Our government is shocked -- shocked! -- to find that its representatives have been torturing people.
But this is the same government that, while insisting that of course it never tortures anyone, has for two years now boasted of a tough-minded new-and-improved product: "torture lite".
What is torture lite? That's like asking "What is fat-free yogurt?" Answer: It's torture. (It's yogurt.)

The New Yorker:
Torture At Abu Ghraib, by Seymour M. Hersh
American soldiers brutalized Iraqis. How far up does the responsibility
In the era of Saddam Hussein,Abu Ghraib,20 mi.west of Baghdad, was one
of the world’s most notorious prisons, with torture, weekly executions,
and vile living conditions. As many as fifty thousand men and women—no
accurate count is possible—were jammed into Abu Ghraib at one time, in
twelve-by-twelve-foot cells that were little more than human holding


"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or
treaty,and there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring
upsome war or other, in order that the people may require a
leader....This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector."
- Plato