Thursday, May 13, 2004


Rense:Beheading Staged?- al-Zarqawi Was Killed Long Ago
Iraq Militants Claim al-Zarqawi Is Dead
Al Qaida-linked extremist suspected of planning attacks
Undated photo of suspected al-Qaida commander Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi.
The Associated Press

Libertyforum: Berg Story Debunked - Statement Did NOT Say 'al Qaeda'

Atzlan: Berg Decapitation Video Declared A Fraud By Doctor

The first casualty of war is the truth and this one has been no exception. La Voz de Aztlan obtained a copy of the video showing the beheading of American Nick Berg of Philadelphia and immediately something very odd was readily apparent. Not only were the purported screams of Nick Berg not in synchrony with the decapitation but their was also a total lack of blood spurting out as his jugular and other veins and arteries were being cut.

We forwarded the video to Doctor Raul Castro Guevara, a surgeon and forensic expert in Mexico City for his expert opinion. He wrote back and commented, "No hay manera que el individuo en el video estaba vivo y su corazon funcionando cuando le estaban cortando la cabeza. En estos casos, el corazon impela sangre con gran presion, y se corta las arterias del pezqueso, hay una gran cantidad de sangre que salpica por todos lados. En mi opinion el video es un fraude."

Doctor Raul Castro Guevara is saying that there is no way that the individual in the video was alive and his heart pumping while his neck was being cut. The doctor adds that in these cases, while the heart is pumping, cutting a person artery in the neck, would cause copious amounts of blood to spurt all over the immediate environment. He says that in his opinion the video is a fraud.

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