Thursday, March 13, 2003


Rense/American Conservative: Buchanan Charges Zionists With 'Warmongering'

In this week's AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE, editor Pat Buchanan issues a controversial, 5000-word indictment of the 'War Party' of Bennett, Kristol, Podhoretz and Richard Perle.

The magazine will hit newsstands and bookstores tomorrow. With quotes and citations, Buchanan alleges:

* 'War Party' ideas and plans for an attack on Iraq had been 'in preparation far in advance of 9/11, and when President Bush was looking for a new front,' the neocons 'put their precooked meal in front of him. And Bush dug into it.'

* Richard Perle wrote a paper urging Israeli PM Netanyahu to dump the Oslo Peace Accords and target Iraq -- five years before 9/11.

* Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith urged Israel to ditch the Oslo and take back the West Bank though 'the price in blood would be high,' three years before the Camp David talks.

* Pentagon official David Wurmser urged the U.S. to act in concert with Israel to 'strike fatally...the regimes of Damascus, Baghdad, Tripoli, Tehran and Gaza' -- nine months before 9/11.

* Bennett, Kristol, Podhoretz 'seized on the horrific atrocity [of September 11] to steer America's rage into all-out war to destroy their despised enemies, the Arab and Islamic rogue states that have resisted U.S. hegemony and loathe Israel.'

* The neocon vision is 'to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel....[They] seek American empire and the Sharonites seem hegemony over the Middle East. The two agendas coincide precisely.'

* Buchanan charges Max Boot of the WSJ and Lawrence Kaplan of New Republic with 'playing the anti-Semitic fend off critics by assassinating their character and impugning their motives.'

Copyright, The American Conservative. March 24, 2003

Whose War?

A neoconservative clique seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars
that are not in America's interest.

By Patrick J. Buchanan

The War Party may have gotten its war. But it has also gotten something it did not bargain for. Its membership lists and associations have been exposed and its motives challenged. In a rare moment in U.S. journalism, Tim Russert put this question directly to Richard Perle: "Can you assure American viewers ... that we're in this situation against Saddam Hussein and his removal for American security interests? And what would be the link in terms of Israel?"..................

"Pat Buchanan has been an advisor to three presidents and has thrice sought the office.A founding panelist of four political television shows, he currently hosts MSNBC’s daily news program, “Buchanan & Press” and appears on “The McLaughlin Group.” He writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column and is the author of six books including the recent bestseller, The Death of the West, which sold over 200,000 copies. Und darüber hinaus ist er ein rechter hardcore republikaner."

Den ganzen Artikel gibts hier: The American Conservative Whose War? by Pat Buchanan


Rense/Counterpunch: When Even Poppy Says Go SlowGeorge, You're in Trouble, Big Trouble

George W. Bush, the rancher from Crawford, Texas, has finally done it. He has Daddy Bush mad at him. In a recent speech at Tufts University, the elder Bush warned his son against a unilateral war against Iraq. Bush 41 must also have been on the receiving end of some heated phone calls from world leaders tired of the pomposity and bellicosity of the Junior Bush. Bush Pere called for the United States to mend fences with allies such as France and Germany. Junior Bush's messianic call to arms has upset the world economy, rendered 40 year military and economic alliances practically meaningless, soured world public opinion against the United States, triggered political crises in the Britain and Spain, and caused serious rifts within the U.S. and British military and intelligence structures. The intelligence revolt is so serious, a Top Secret National Security Agency tasking memo was featured in Britain's The Observer newspaper thanks to high-level authorized leaks.

But Daddy Bush's comments interestingly echo those of Brent Scowcroft, Norman Schwarzkopf, Anthony Zinni, and other former luminaries in past GOP administrations. Junior Bush's so-called press conference last week, in which he snottily decided to ignore the doyenne of the White House Press Corps, Helen Thomas, demonstrated that the Resident-in-Chief is under some sort of medication. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd suggested it was Xanax, others, aware of reports that Junior suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder, opined that he was on Ritalin. Some recovering alcoholics believe Junior fits the bill of a "dry drunk."

Considering the fact that Daddy Bush is still on good terms with many European and other leaders, it is apparent that he must be verbally spanking his ill-tempered boy. It must be kind of sad for the elder Bush to see his son going down in history as a very negative footnote. After all, John Quincy Adams had a fairly successful administration. So what's wrong with Junior?

Here is how this reaction against Junior Bush began. On February 27, John Brady Kiesling, a 20-year career Foreign Service Officer and the Political Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Greece, tendered his resignation in protest over Bush's war plans. In his letter of resignation he stated, "we have begun to dismantle the largest and most effective web of international relationships the world has ever known." Brady was joined by career diplomat John H. Brown on March 10. In his letter of resignation, Brown, who represented the United States throughout Eastern Europe , stated, ""Throughout the globe the United States is becoming associated with the unjustified use of force. The president's disregard for views in other nations, borne out by his neglect of public diplomacy, is giving birth to an anti-American century." Bravo Mr. Brown!

Last week, a group of disgruntled British intelligence officials leaked a Top Secret/COMINT National Security Agency memorandum calling on Britain's intelligence services to help America listen in on the private communications of UN Security Council members and other UN members not on the council. It was the most dramatic release of classified information due to an internal policy dispute since the Pentagon Papers were released by Daniel Ellsberg in 1971

America's closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico, feel the U.S. is a hostile nation. For the first time in history, the United States is the source of refugees--immigrants seeking refuge and safety from the Homeland Security storm troopers of the Bush regime.

Junior, let's face it, you have done more damage to the world and your country in two years than most tyrants have accomplished in decades. Your Dad now even believes you are way off base. Your predecessors Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton think you are an embarrassment. Your Dad's best friends and colleagues think your Iraq adventure is ill-timed and ill-conceived.


Wednesday, March 12, 2003


Heise: Die Gewinner des Krieges

Schon jetzt werden von der US-Regierung Verträge für Wiederaufbauarbeiten im Post-Hussein-Irak vergeben, darunter auch an den Konzern Halliburton, dessen Direktor US-Vizepräsident Cheney war und von dem er noch immer Gelder bezieht

Vor zwei Tagen wurde bekannt, dass die US-Regierung bereits damit beginnt, Aufträge für den Wiederaufbau des Irak zu vergeben. Interessant für die amerikanischen und britischen Unternehmen, die dann bevorzugt zum Zug kommen werden, ist etwa die Wiederherstellung und Modernisierung der Anlagen für die Erdöl-Förderung und -Verarbeitung. Zufälligerweise hat Dick Cheney just ein amerikanische Unternehmen bis zu seiner Ernennung als Vizepräsident geleitet, das davon besonders profitieren könnte.


Spiegel: Die PR-Maschine der Bush-Krieger

Ein propagandistisches Trommelfeuer ohnegleichen prasselt auf die angloamerikanische Öffentlichkeit ein: Vor allem die TV-Sender und Billigblätter des Murdoch-Konzerns, obskure Psychokrieger aus dem Pentagon und PR-Agenten mächtiger Pressure Groups blasen zum Angriffkrieg und zur Minderheitenjagd - mit Phantasieberichten, Fälschungen und gezielter Irreführung.

Zunächst klang es noch ganz witzig. Als Frankreich begann, gegen die US-Kriegspläne Front zu machen, attackierte der rechte Kolumnist Jonah Goldberg die "Käse fressenden Kapitulationsäffchen". Und TV-Moderator Conan O'Brian blödelte, er wisse ganz genau, warum die Pariser Regierung Saddam nicht bombardieren wolle: "Weil er Amerika hasst, Liebhaberinnen hat und eine Baskenmütze trägt. Leute, der Mann ist Franzose."

"Was Rupert Murdoch gehört, steht für Krieg", urteilt der österreichische "Standard". Dem Presse-Tycoon gehört so einiges: In England kommen seine Blätter ("Sun", "Sunday Times", "Times" und "News of the World") auf einen Marktanteil von immerhin 36 Prozent, in den USA besitzt er neben der aggressiven "New York Post" auch die Fox-TV-Kanäle, die CNN mit ihren Zuschauerzahlen bereits überrundet haben.

Murdochs Fox-Sender plädieren seit langem dafür, missliebige Länder samt ihrer Zivilbevölkerung brutal zu attackieren, im Extremfall nach dem Muster des "moral bombing", mit dem die Angloamerikaner einst deutsche Städte wie Hamburg und Dresden in Schutt und Asche legten: "Die Leute eines jeden Landes sind verantwortlich für die Regierung, die sie haben. Die Deutschen waren für Hitler verantwortlich

Dank einiger liberaler Qualitätsblätter kann von einer Gleichschaltung der US-Presse nicht die Rede sein. Doch ein beträchtlicher - und wirkungsmächtiger - Teil der angloamerikanischen Medien lässt sich einspannen für die Interessen eines obskuren Propagandaapparates, der weitgehend im Dunkeln operiert.

In einem Ausmaß wie kaum je zuvor füttern das Weiße Haus samt Pentagon und die Geheimdienste die amerikanischen Medien mit so genannter "schwarzer" und "weißer" Propaganda. Darüber hinaus versuchen auch PR-Agenturen, beauftragt von mächtigen Pressure Groups, das Volk im Interesse ihrer Auftraggeber in Kriegsstimmung zu versetzen.

Vollständig aus den Angeln gehoben" sah die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" ("FAZ") vorige Woche die Behauptung Powells, Saddam Hussein habe in Afrika Nuklearmaterial zu kaufen versucht: Ein entsprechendes Schreiben, mit dem der Außenminister die UN-Inspekteure in Verlegenheit bringen wollte, erwies sich, vom Briefkopf bis zur Unterschrift, als Fake.

Dass die Regierung des mächtigsten Staates der Welt eine so primitive Fälschung präsentierte, um einen Angriffskrieg zu legitimieren, habe dazu beigetragen, dass sich in der Uno "der Wind gedreht" hat, analysierte die "FAZ": "Seit deutlich wird, welch grobe Fälschungen die Geheimdienste der Vereinigten Staaten und Großbritanniens, aber auch anderer Staaten offenbar für authentisches Material gehalten haben, sind die Inspekteure in der Vorhand."



Spiegel: Briten auch ohne Uno-Mandat kampfbereit

Großbritannien hat seine bedingungslose Loyalität zu den USA bekräftigt: Man werde mit den Amerikanern in einen Krieg gegen den Irak ziehen, notfalls auch ohne Uno-Mandat. Das könnte schon bald geschehen: Die USA lehnten eine generelle Fristverlängerung für den Irak im Weltsicherheitsrat ab.

Unterdessen wird es im Weltsicherheitsrat immer einsamer um die Kriegsbefürworter. Die überwältigende Mehrheit der Uno-Mitglieder plädierte während einer Debatte des Sicherheitsrats dafür, "dem Frieden eine Chance zu geben". Die USA lassen sich davon allerdings nicht beeindrucken: Ein Sprecher des Weißen Hauses bezeichnete alle Pläne, dem Irak mehr Zeit zu geben, als chancenlos

Spiegel: Djindjic nach Attentat offenbar gestorben

Der serbische Ministerpräsident Zoran Djindjic soll nach einem Attentat seinen schweren Verletzungen erlegen sein. Das berichtet die Deutsche Presseagentur unter Berufung auf hochrangige serbische Polizeiquellen sowie Ärzte der Belgrader Unfallklinik, wo Djindjic behandelt wurde.


Guardian: Restraint is dead, warns Hamas

Assassination in Gaza sparks threats against Israeli cabinet

Hamas has accused Israel of launching a strategy to assassinate Palestinian leaders who oppose Ariel Sharon's plans to impose an emasculated form of independence on the occupied territories.
The militant Islamist organisation described the Israeli helicopter rocket attack that killed one of its co-founders, Ibrahim Makadme, in Gaza on Saturday as a marked shift towards the targeting of its political leaders. Hamas said it would retaliate directly against Mr Sharon, his cabinet and government officials.

"This opens new doors," said Mahmoud Zahar, a senior leader of Hamas's political wing. "All Israeli officials have fixed addresses. We will hit them in their homes, offices, cars. We are going to respond according to the proverb: an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose."

The two sides have maintained an informal but unacknowledged agreement through most of the past two years of intifada in which the Israelis did not touch the Hamas political leadership and Hamas limited its attacks on Israeli civilians inside the 1967 borders. Yasser Arafat and the Egyptian government pressed Hamas without success to formalise the arrangement as a "ceasefire".

Abu Sabbah said that following the killing, the Hamas leadership had not so much switched policy with its threat to target Mr Sharon and other government officials as lifted the restraints.

"Hamas didn't change its policy. The military wing has always put on the table that we should target Sharon and his terrorist cabinet but the political leadership demanded restraint. From today the military wing has a free hand. We can go after who we like," he said.


Rense: Expatriate Richard Perle

"Richard Perle is a traitor. There's no other way to put it."

Seymour Hersh is a rarity in America these days -- an investigative journalist.

"Hersh is not a nice man in the Washington sense," writes Eric Alterman of Salon, "he does not know how to make small talk, flatter his bosses, spin his defeats and conceal his fierce competitiveness. He is simply the best investigative reporter alive and expects his work to speak for itself."

Because Hersh does what he does so well, the chicken hawk Richard Perle called him a terrorist on CNN the other day.

That's right. Perle equated Hersh with Osama bin Laden and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. "Sy Hersh is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist," Perle told Wolf Blitzer.

When Perle was working for Senator Scoop Jackson, he was investigated by the Justice Department and found to have violated US policies relating to unlawful transmission of sensitive classified US information to Israel.

"An FBI summary of a 1970 wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy," writes Paul Findley (They Dare To Speak Out, Chicago, Ill, Lawrence Hill Books 1989)."He came under fire in 1983 when newspapers reported he received substantial payments to represent the interests of an Israeli weapons company. Perle denied conflict of interest, insisting that, although he received payment for these services after he had assumed his position in the Defense Department, he was between government jobs when he worked for the Israeli firm."

In other words, Richard Perle is an Israeli spy.


der Spiegel: US-Truppenaufmarsch brüskiert türkisches Parlament

Trotz des türkischen Votums gegen eine amerikanische Truppenstationierung bauen US-Soldaten an der Nordfront des Irak einen neuen Stützpunkt. Parlamentspräsident Bülent Arinc reagierte mit wütender Kritik. Durch eine Regierungsumbildung könnten indes schon bald gegen den Krieg eingestellte Kabinettsmitglieder entfernt werden.

Kiziltepe - Arinc kritisierte die Aktivitäten der Amerikaner am Sonntag als Missachtung des Parlaments. Die Fernsehbilder störten ihn ungemein, wurde der Politiker am Sonntag in der türkischen Presse zitiert. Dieser habe die Abgeordneten der Opposition, die sich ebenfalls beunruhigt gezeigt hätten, aufgefordert, die Kontrollmechanismen des Parlaments in Gang zu setzen.
Nach einem Bericht der türkischen Zeitung "Cumhurriyet" sorgte darüber hinaus ein Zwischenfall in Iskenderun am Samstag für Irritationen: Am Ausgang des Hafen-Zollbereichs sollen sich plötzlich 700 amerikanische Soldaten und Einheiten der türkischen Armee einander gegenüber gestanden haben. Die türkische Armee habe sie daraufhin entwaffnet und zum Umkehren gezwungen.

Die US-Botschaft in Ankara versuchte derweil, die Sache herunterzuspielen. Es handele sich lediglich um militärisches Material und Soldaten, nicht um Kampftruppen. Deshalb sei auch nicht gegen das Parlamentsvotum verstoßen worden

the evening Standart: US develops superbomb

The US has made a superbomb which could be used to frighten Iraq into
submission. The giant device contains 21,000lb of high explosive and
dwarfs the huge "daisy cutter" bombs used against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The Pentagon intends to test the bomb and videotape the results as a
warning to Iraq of what the US could inflict. Military planners believe just the
sight of the bomb exploding could frighten Iraqi soldiers into surrendering.
Tape of a test of a superbomb was shown on American TV last night, the cloud
of its explosion almost as large as a small atomic blast.

REUTERS [ MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2003 06:11:06 PM ]

BEIT LAHIYA: Israeli troops withdrew from a four-square-mile area of
northern Gaza on Monday, three days after seizing the patch of land to
prevent the firing of rockets at Israel border towns. The pullback came
despite renewed rocket fire on the Israeli town of Sderot on Sunday and
initial statements by army commanders show that troops would stay for
foreseeable future. During the past three days, soldiers had taken up
positions on rooftops and in schools in the northern Gaza town of Beit
Lahiya and in nearby farm areas. Army bulldozers damaged 15 farms, said
mayor of Beit Lahiya, Mohammed Masri. Reporters touring the area on
saw demolished green houses and uprooted olive and orange trees. The
said troops cleared the area of trees and shrubs that Palestinians used
cover for firing crude, homemade Qassam rockets across the line with

Observer: The long history of UN espionage

Spying at the United Nations helped to shape the UN Charter itself. But if spying is an inevitable part of global diplomacy, it won't necessarily help the Bush administration to win friends and influence people at a time of global crisis.

Ian Davis and David Isenberg
Sunday March 9, 2003
The Observer

Last Sunday's revelation, published in The Observer, of a 'top secret' US memo, supposedly showing that the NSA has eavesdropped on members of the UN Security Council in recent weeks for insights into their negotiating positions on Iraq, is shocking. But perhaps not for the reasons that might first come to mind.

While the US administration has refused to confirm or deny the authenticity of the memo, it is a sad truth that spying at the United Nations, both at the headquarters and among its various agencies and field missions is as old as the UN itself. The real significance of this story is what this rare public disclosure of such aggressive dipomatic tactics, whether seen as fair or foul, tells us about the atmosphere at the United Nations at a time when the world's diplomats stand starkly divided over the prospect of war on Iraq.

"Aus unerfindlichen Gründen taucht die UNO Story nicht in Amerikanischen Massenmedien auf. Der Observer hat vor einer Woche ein Geheimes NSA-Memo veröffentlicht das Beweist das die USA diverse Staaten und Diplomaten ausspioniert. Telefone werden abgehört und Leute überwacht um zu erfahren was die einzelnen Länder für meinungen zum Irak Krieg haben. Die UNO hat eine Untersuchung eingeleitet"

Bush responds to guerrilla attack
March 11, 2003
Simon Helweg-Larsen. Mar 5, 2003

Increased US military presence in Colombia after rebels kill one US
citizenand kidnap three more. The Bush administration has increased US
military involvement in the Colombian armed conflict following a rebel attack on
US government employees. Responding to the death of one US citizen and the
kidnapping of three others, Bush ordered additional troops to be
deployed, taking the total number of US troops in Colombia over the congressional
limit, a move which significantly alters the US role in the war.

sunday morning herald: Second US Diplomat quits over war

A veteran US diplomat resigned today in protest over US policy toward Iraq, becoming the second career foreign service officer to do so in the past month.

John Brown, who joined the State Department in 1981, said he resigned because he could not support Washington's Iraq policy, which he said was fomenting a massive rise in anti-US sentiment around the world.

In a resignation letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell, Brown said he agreed with J Brady Kiesling, a diplomat at the US embassy in Athens who quit in February over President George W Bush's apparent intent on fighting Iraq.

"I am joining my colleague John Brady Kiesling in submitting my resignation from the Foreign Service - effective immediately - because I cannot in good conscience support President Bush's war plans against Iraq," he said.

"Throughout the globe the United States is becoming associated with the unjustified use of force," Brown said in the letter, a copy of which he sent to AFP.


Sundayherald: Revealed: how naval intelligence tested lethal 'plague bombs' off Scotland

IT was early in the morning on June 21, 1952, when the sound of two percussive 'whumps', coming from a small stretch of sea some 20 miles north of the Isle of Lewis heralded the dawn of a new age in British weaponry. The explosions came from two small 4lb bombs packed with plague ... and they had just been detonated in the open air at sea.
Britain had developed the most terrifying biological weapon of mass destruction ever created -- a weaponised form of the Black Death, the bubonic plague. Even in 1952, such tests were illegal. Germ warfare had been expressly forbidden under the Geneva protocol which all countries, except Japan and the USA, signed in June 1925.


The Pentagon has threatened to fire on the satellite uplink positions of independent journalists in Iraq, according to veteran BBC war correspondent, Kate Adie. In an interview with Irish radio, Ms. Adie said that questioned about the consequences of such potentially fatal actions, a senior Pentagon officer had said: "Who cares.. ..They've been warned."

According to Ms. Adie, who twelve years ago covered the last Gulf War, the Pentagon attitude is: "entirely hostile to the the free spread of information."

"I am enormously pessimistic of the chance of decent on-the-spot reporting, as the war occurs," she told Irish national broadcaster, Tom McGurk on the RTE1 Radio "Sunday Show."

Ms. Adie made the startling revelations during a discussion of media freedom issues in the likely upcoming war in Iraq. She also warned that the Pentagon is vetting journalists according to their stance on the war, and intends to take control of US journalists' satellite equipment --in order to control access to the airwaves.

Another guest on the show, war author Phillip Knightley, reported that the Pentagon has also threatened they: "may find it necessary to bomb areas in which war correspondents are attempting to report from the Iraqi side

"Journalisten die im Irak die "falschen" News berichten könnten von den Amerikanern bombardiert werden, sagt Kathie Adie BBC Korrespondentin die schon 1991 aus dem Irak berichtete."

Ny Times Op/Ed: Let Them Hate as Long as They Fear by Paul Krugman

Why does our president condone the swaggering and contemptuous approach to our friends and allies this administration is fostering, including among its most senior officials? Has 'oderint dum metuant' really become our motto?" So reads the resignation letter of John Brady Kiesling, a career diplomat who recently left the Foreign Service in protest against Bush administration policy.

"Oderint dum metuant" translates, roughly, as "let them hate as long as they fear." It was a favorite saying of the emperor Caligula, and may seem over the top as a description of current U.S. policy. But this week's crisis in U.S.-Mexican relations — a crisis that has been almost ignored north of the border — suggests that it is a perfect description of George Bush's attitude toward the world.


Bush freezes Mideast peace plan


In a sharp rebuff to European allies, Russia and the United Nations, the Bush administration has decided not to put forth a plan for a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians until after the crisis in Iraq is resolved, administration officials say.

Negotiations aimed at drafting a three-year-long, step-by-step "road map" leading to the creation of a Palestinian state have been under way between the United States and these partners for nearly a year, but the administration has come under increasing pressure lately to adopt and publish the plan formally as the likelihood of a war with Iraq has risen.

As recently as December, President Bush met with European leaders and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, all of whom wanted the peace plan published immediately to ease the anger of Arabs in the Middle East who charge that the United States has been single-mindedly focused on Iraq.

Those who met with Bush said they had won assurances that the plan would be published as soon as the Israeli elections were completed in late January.

Now, officials say, Bush has changed his mind and regards the December pledge as unrealistic. The administration's decision not to proceed with publishing the plan - a seven-page document that calls for reciprocal steps that would also include replacing Yasser Arafat as the Palestinian leader and an end to attacks on Israel - has infuriated the Europeans and poisoned the atmosphere even as the administration has struggled to secure the allies' support for its possible war against Iraq.

Among the angriest allies is Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, whose aides say he has pleaded with Bush to become more involved in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

But administration officials say that it makes no sense to publish the peace plan and push the effort now with a possible war on the horizon, with anxiety in Israel deepening over being attacked during a war with Iraq and a multibillion-dollar Israeli request for American military aid on the table.

How NASA's video of falling foam damaging Columbia's left wing is purposely hoaxing the media, the public and Congress
Scientific Proof of a Massive Government Cover-up

Der Spaceshuttle Columbia wurde von einer Amerikanischen HAARP-Waffe bzw. Tesla Haubitze stehts im Artikel

Independent: America admits suspects died in interrogations

American military officials acknowledged yesterday that two prisoners captured in Afghanistan in December had been killed while under interrogation at Bagram air base north of Kabul – reviving concerns that the US is resorting to torture in its treatment of Taliban fighters and suspected al-Qa'ida operatives.

A spokesman for the air base confirmed that the official cause of death of the two men was "homicide", contradicting earlier accounts that one had died of a heart attack and the other from a pulmonary embolism.

The men's death certificates, made public earlier this week, showed that one captive, known only as Dilawar, 22, from the Khost region, died from "blunt force injuries to lower extremities complicating coronary artery disease" while another captive, Mullah Habibullah, 30, suffered from blood clot in the lung that was exacerbated by a "blunt force injury".

US officials previously admitted using "stress and duress" on prisoners including sleep deprivation, denial of medication for battle injuries, forcing them to stand or kneel for hours on end with hoods on, subjecting them to loud noises and sudden flashes of light and engaging in culturally humiliating practices such as having them kicked by female officers.

"Die Amerikaner haben auf der Bagram-Airbase zwei gefangene Taliban zu tode gefoltert. Soviel zum Demokratieverständiss der Amerikaner"

Al-Ahram: Who is in Charge by Edward Said

A tiny, unelected group, supported by powerful, unrepresentative minorities

The Bush administration's relentless unilateral march towards war is
profoundly disturbing for many reasons, but so far as American citizens
concerned the whole grotesque show is a tremendous failure in
An immensely wealthy and powerful republic has been hijacked by a small
cabal of individuals, all of them unelected and therefore unresponsive
public pressure, and simply turned on its head. It is no exaggeration
say that this war is the most unpopular in modern history. Before the
has begun there have been more people protesting it in this country
than was the case at the height of the anti-Vietnam war demonstrations
during the 60s and 70s.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003


Spiegel: "Tony, es ist Zeit für dich zu gehen"

Wenn Tony Blair ohne Uno-Mandat in den Krieg gegen den Irak zieht, sind seine Tage als Premierminister gezählt. Immer mehr Labour-Politiker distanzieren sich von ihrem Parteichef und seiner engen Allianz mit George W. Bush. Der Abstieg des vor einem Jahr noch überaus populären Polit-Stars ist stetig und rätselhaft zugleich

Zu Hause sieht es nicht besser aus: Nicht nur mit seiner Irak-Politik, sondern auch mit der fortschreitenden Privatisierung öffentlicher Einrichtungen hat er bald die Hälfte seiner Parteimitglieder in die Flucht geschlagen: Als Blair 1997 zum Premier gewählt wurde, hatte Labour 405.000 Mitglieder, inzwischen sind es nur mehr rund 220.000. Bei den Kommunalwahlen in England sowie bei den Wahlen für die Parlamente in Wales und Schottland am 1. Mai wird Labour eine böse Niederlage erleiden.

Die Abscheu mancher Labour-Mitglieder gegenüber ihrem Parteichef geht inzwischen so weit, dass sie ihm eine Anklage vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof prophezeien, schließlich propagiere er einen völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg


Checkt: für die Presse Fotos des Jahres

Observer: UN launches inquiry into American spying

The United Nations has begun a top-level investigation into the bugging of its delegations by the United States, first revealed in The Observer last week.
Sources in the office of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan confirmed last night that the spying operation had already been discussed at the UN's counter-terrorism committee and will be further investigated.

The news comes as British police confirmed the arrest of a 28-year-old woman working at the top secret Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) on suspicion of contravening the Official Secrets Act.

Last week The Observer published details of a memo sent by Frank Koza, Defence Chief of Staff (Regional Targets) at the US National Security Agency, which monitors international communications. The memo ordered an intelligence 'surge' directed against Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Bulgaria and Guinea with 'extra focus on Pakistan UN matters'. The 'dirty tricks' operation was designed to win votes in favour of intervention in Iraq.

The operation is thought to have been authorised by US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, but American intelligence experts told The Observer that a decision of this kind would also have involved Donald Rumsfeld, CIA director George Tenet and NSA chief General Michael Hayden.

President Bush himself would have been informed at one of the daily intelligence briefings held every morning at the White House.

Wayne Madsen, of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre and himself a former NSA intelligence officer, said the leak demonstrated that there was deep unhappiness in the intelligence world over attempts to link Iraq to the terrorist network al-Qaeda.

'My feeling is that this was an authorised leak. I've been hearing for months of people in the US and British intelligence community who are deeply concerned about their governments "cooking" intelligence to link Iraq to al-Qaeda.'

Sunday, March 09, 2003




Heise: Rumsfeld, Kim und die Nukes

US-Verteidigungsminister Rumsfeld war Aufsichtsrat bei ABB, als der Technologiekonzern den Zuschlag für den Bau von zwei Atomreaktoren in Nordkorea erhielt

Als Gegenleistung für den Verzicht auf sein Atomwaffenprogramm wurde Nordkorea 1994 die Unterstützung beim Bau von zwei Atommeilern zugesichert. Geliefert hat auch der schwedisch-schweizerische Technologiekonzern ABB. In dessen Aufsichtsrat hat von 1990 bis zu seiner Berufung als Verteidigungsminister der USA elf Jahre später auch ein gewisser Donald Rumsfeld gesessen.


Heise: "Wir können gar nicht alle jungen Männer annehmen, die an unsere Türen klopfen"

Nach einer wissenschaftlichen Studie ist die Bereitschaft zum Gehorsam ein wichtiger Grund für Selbstmordattentäter
Selbstmordattentäter sind ein Phänomen auf institutioneller Ebene. Organisationen und deren charismatische Führer haben größeren Einfluss als Bildungsweg, sozio-ökonomischer Status oder das Wesen der Persönlichkeit. Der einzig wirksame Schutz besteht darin zu verhindern, dass junge Menschen zu Terroristen werden.
Mit diesen Sätzen umreißt Scott Atran vom Institute for Social Research an der University of Michigan und dem CNRS-Institut Jean Nicod in Paris seine "Genesis of Suicide Terrorism" in Science.

Die Art des Widerstandes ist nicht neu: Die jüdische Sekte der Zealoten (Sicari) benutzten eben diese Waffe gegen die Römer in Judäa, und später die Ismailiten (die Hashashin oder Assassinen) gegen die Christen zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge.

Ob die Demütigungen Arafats dazu beitrugen oder andere Ursachen: seit Februar 2002 sind mehr Anschläge verübt worden als in den Jahren 1993-2000 zusammengenommen. Die israelische Politik der Stärke eint die Gegner. So brachte ein Saudi nach dem Attentat einer 18jährigen Palästinenserin in Jerusalem mehr als 100 Millionen US-Dollar an Spenden für den Widerstand zusammen. Verschärfung ebenso auf internationaler Ebene. Im Dezember stellte die UN fest, dass sich Al-Qaida in 40 Ländern reaktiviert hat und inzwischen zunehmenden Einfluss auf die politische Klasse nimmt.


Heise: "Wir können gar nicht alle jungen Männer annehmen, die an unsere Türen klopfen"

Nach einer wissenschaftlichen Studie ist die Bereitschaft zum Gehorsam ein wichtiger Grund für Selbstmordattentäter
Selbstmordattentäter sind ein Phänomen auf institutioneller Ebene. Organisationen und deren charismatische Führer haben größeren Einfluss als Bildungsweg, sozio-ökonomischer Status oder das Wesen der Persönlichkeit. Der einzig wirksame Schutz besteht darin zu verhindern, dass junge Menschen zu Terroristen werden.
Mit diesen Sätzen umreißt Scott Atran vom Institute for Social Research an der University of Michigan und dem CNRS-Institut Jean Nicod in Paris seine "Genesis of Suicide Terrorism" in Science.

Die Art des Widerstandes ist nicht neu: Die jüdische Sekte der Zealoten (Sicari) benutzten eben diese Waffe gegen die Römer in Judäa, und später die Ismailiten (die Hashashin oder Assassinen) gegen die Christen zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge.

Ob die Demütigungen Arafats dazu beitrugen oder andere Ursachen: seit Februar 2002 sind mehr Anschläge verübt worden als in den Jahren 1993-2000 zusammengenommen. Die israelische Politik der Stärke eint die Gegner. So brachte ein Saudi nach dem Attentat einer 18jährigen Palästinenserin in Jerusalem mehr als 100 Millionen US-Dollar an Spenden für den Widerstand zusammen. Verschärfung ebenso auf internationaler Ebene. Im Dezember stellte die UN fest, dass sich Al-Qaida in 40 Ländern reaktiviert hat und inzwischen zunehmenden Einfluss auf die politische Klasse nimmt.


Heise: Koalition der Willigen

Nach einem Bericht des Institute for Policy Studies hat die US-Regierung die Mehrzahl der auf 34 Mitglieder geschätzten Koalition mit Zwang, Druck, Bestechung oder Drohungen von ihrer Irak-Politik "überzeugt"

So wie es derzeit aussieht, wird US-Präsident Bush, der dazu vom amerikanischen Kongress ermächtigt wurde, ohne neuen Beschluss des Sicherheitsrats auf eigene Faust die Invasion in den Irak starten. In seiner letzten Pressekonferenz macht er unmissverständlich klar, dass der ihm als Präsident der globalen Supermacht es letztlich egal ist, wie die UN sich verhält, wenn er etwas für die nationalen Interessen seines Landes als wichtig erachtet. Mit den USA wird dann die stets angeführte Koalition der Willigen in den Krieg ziehen - oder diese Vasallenstaaten werden zumindest das Vorgehen der US-Regierung decken, so dass sie nicht so erscheint, als würde sie selbstherrlich handeln.


Haaretz: Head of Hamas military wing assassinated by IDFin Gaza

Israel yesterday assassinated Ibrahim al-Makadme, 53, one of the founders of Hamas and head of the organization's military wing in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian sources reported that at around 8 A.M. yesterday, Israel Defense Forces helicopters fired four missiles at the Mitsubishi in which Makadme and three of his bodyguards were traveling between the Rimal and Nasser neighborhoods of Gaza City.

The three men killed along with Makadme were identified as Alrahman al-Amudi, 27, Khaled Juma, 29, and Ala Shukri, 24.

Israel has promised more strikes, with security forces commenting that the assault on Hamas, including its leaders, would continue.

Hamas, for its part, defined the IDF operation as the assassination of a political leader and swore revenge. "The assassination of Ibrahim al-Makadme will launch a new stage of war against the Jews," senior Hamas official Abdel Aziz Rantisi said.

"This was a cowardly action aimed at the Palestinian nation and Hamas," he continued. "This is Jewish terror under the baton of Mofaz and Sharon and it will be met with a painful response from Hamas, which will have no choice but to strike at Israeli public figures in the government, the parliament and the parties. They should all know that they are wanted, as they have declared war on us

"Israel hat den Gründer des militärischen Flügels der Hamas mit einem Rakentangriff in Gaza ermordet. Die Hamas sieht dies als ermordung eines Politischen Führers und will nun im Gegenzug auch dazu übergehen Israelische Politiker zu ermorden. Sharon nimmt dies in Kauf. Die Reaktion der Hamas ist vorauszusehen. Nachher kann Israel wieder behaupten es Handle aus Vergeltung. Der Gaza Streifen wird dann wohl entgültig platt gemacht"

Spiegel: Inspektor Al Baradai: "Nordkorea ist gefährlicher als der Irak"

Frankreich und die USA betreiben hektische Diplomatie hinter verschlossenen Türen. Die beiden Vertreter der gegnerischen Flügel im Uno-Sicherheitsrat versuchen, die unentschlossenen Länder jeweils auf ihre Sicht einzuschwören. Uno-Atomwaffeninspektor al-Baradei machte indessen klar, dass er die Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden nicht im Irak sieht

New York/Bagdad - Der Direktor der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO) Mohammed al-Baradei ist davon überzeugt, dass von Nordkorea eine größere Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden ausgeht als vom Irak. "In beiden Fällen sorgen wir uns um die Weitergabe von Atomwaffen", sagte er der "Bild am Sonntag". "Der Unterschied ist: Im Irak können wir jetzt mit einem Team hoch qualifizierter Inspektoren prüfen, ob es ein neues Kernwaffenprogramm gibt. Beweise dafür liegen uns nicht vor. In Nordkorea wurden die IAEO-Inspekteure dagegen im Dezember zum Verlassen des Landes gezwungen. Und wir wissen, dass Nordkorea in der Lage ist, atomwaffenfähiges Plutonium herzustellen." Der IAEO-Chef appellierte: "Das darf die internationale Gemeinschaft nicht tolerieren. Alle Staaten sollten gleich behandelt werden."