Friday, July 18, 2003


Spiegel: Der mysteriöse Tod des David Kelly
Er war Waffeninspektor und Berater des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums. Bei der Regierung machte sich David Kelly unbeliebt, weil er mit der BBC sprach - und angeblich die Zweifel an der Kriegsbegründung von Tony Blair nährte. Jetzt fand man eine Leiche in der Nähe seines Wohnortes - höchstwahrscheinlich die Kellys.

Guardian: Body matches Dr Kelly description
The body found near the home of Dr David Kelly, the government adviser named as the possible source of controversial claims about the Iraq weapons dossier reported by BBC correspondent Andrew Gilligan, matches the description of that of the missing man.

Heise: Verunstaltung als Verbrechen

Den Graffitisprayern wollen neue Gesetzesvorhaben das Leben schwerer machen

Harte Zeiten für Graffitisprayer könnten demnächst anbrechen. Zumindest, wenn es nach der CDU/CSU und der FDP geht. Die beiden Oppositionsparteien wollen nach der parlamentarischen Sommerpause einen Gesetzesentwurf im Bundestag verabschieden, der die bisherigen Gesetze §303 und §304 StGB erheblich verschärfen würde. Auch die unionsregierten Bundesländer sind im Bundesrat in gleicher Sache aktiv geworden.


islamonline and news agencies: Mysterious Diseases Haunt US Troops In Iraq
Several mysterious diseases were reported among a number of American troops within the vicinity of Baghdad airport, a military source closely close to NATO unveiled.

U.S. soldiers deployed around Baghdad airport started showing symptoms of mysterious fever, itching, scars and dark brown spots on the skin, the source, who refused to be named, said in statements published Thursday, July 17, by the Saudi Al-Watan newspaper.

He asserted that three soldiers who suffered these symptoms did not respond to medical treatment in Iraqi hospitals and were flown to Washington for medication.

The military source reported a media blackout by U.S. officials to hide such information from the public.

The Americans claim the symptoms and the mysterious diseases were resulting from exposure to the scourging sun, which the U.S. troops are not used to, he added.

U.S. officials did not come up with an explanation for the symptoms, which NATO experts tend to believe result from direct exposure to powerful nuclear radiations of the sophisticated B-2 bombs used in the war on Iraq, particularly in striking Iraqi Republican Guards forces who deployed to defend the vicinity of Baghdad airport.


Reuters: US Bill Could Jail Net Song Swappers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Internet users who allow others to copy songs from their hard drives could face prison time under legislation introduced by two Democratic lawmakers.

The bill is the strongest attempt yet to deter the widespread online song copying that recording companies say has led to a decline in CD sales.

Sponsored by Michigan Representative John Conyers and California Representative Howard Berman, the bill would make it easier to slap criminal charges on Internet users who copy music, movies and other copyrighted files over "peer-to-peer" networks.

"Mich würde mal interessieren wieviel die RIAA den beiden Deppen bezahlt."

AFP: N Korean, S Korean Troops In Border Shootout
AFP) -- South Korean and North Korean troops exchanged gunfire in a border shootout that triggered alarm here amid diplomatic efforts to end a prolonged stand-off over the communist nation's nuclear ambitions.

The shootout between North and South Korean guard posts in the buffer zone lasted for nearly one minute. North Korean machine gun rounds hit the wall of the South Korean guard post, Colonel Lee Hong-Gi of the South's joint chiefs of staff (JCS) said.

Independent: Bush Launches Magazine To Teach Young Arabs To Love America
WASHINGTON -- So what if George Bush is threatening to invade your country? At least the kids in America have nice, white teeth and listen to the same music as you. Isn't that enough for you to love the good 'ol US of A?

That, at least, appears to be the message of a glossy new magazine published by the Bush administration and going on sale across the Middle East this week, targeting young people with a mix of features, celebrity profiles and music. The Arabic-language Hi magazine is US propaganda 2003-style. "We're fighting a war of ideas as much as a war on terror," said Tucker Eskew, director of the White House's Office of Global Communications.

ABC: Pro-American Mayor, Son Killed in Iraq
U.S. Soldier, Iraqi Child, Pro-American Mayor and Son Killed in Iraq As Saddam Loyalists Attack

The pro-American mayor of the western city of Hadithah was shot and killed driving through the town Wednesday in escalating violence in Iraq that also took the lives of a U.S. soldier in a supply convoy and an 8-year-old Iraqi in an attack on U.S. forces guarding a Baghdad bank.

The U.S. military confirmed a report by the Arab satellite network Al-Jazeera that Mayor Mohammed Nayil al-Jurayfi's car was shot up by unidentified attackers as he drove through the city of about 150,000 about 150 miles northwest of Baghdad.

Thursday, July 17, 2003


S-Train Update @ Rebelart

informationclearinghouse: Wolfowitz Committee Instructed White House To Use Iraq/Uranium Ref In Pres Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C--A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a reference in his January State of the Union address about Iraq trying to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger to bolster the case for war in Iraq, despite the fact that the CIA warned Wolfowitz’s committee that the information was unreliable, according to a CIA intelligence official and four members of the Senate’s intelligence committee who have been investigating the issue.

The Senators and the CIA official said they could be forced out of government and brought up on criminal charges for leaking the information to this reporter and as a result requested anonymity. The Senators said they plan to question CIA Director George Tenet Wednesday morning in a closed-door hearing to find out whether Wolfowitz and members of a committee he headed misled Bush and if the President knew about the erroneous information prior to his State of the Union address.


Haaretz: The misleading term 'fence' By Amira Hass

Israelis still use the convenient and misleading term "fence" to
describe the system of fortifications that is currently being erected on
Palestinian lands in the West Bank. Even "wall," the term more commonly used in
foreign-language reports, is insufficient to describe what is really
being built at this very moment: A concrete wall eight meters high, wire
fences and electronic sensors, ditches four meters deep on either side, a dirt
path to reveal footprints, an area into which entry is forbidden, a
two-lane road for army patrols, and watchtowers and firing posts every
200 meters along the entire length. These are the components of the

According to the World Bank, the number of Palestinians who will eventually be directly hurt
by the fence is between 95,000 and 200,000.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003


islamonline: 3 U.S. Soldiers Killed, Warplane Attacked In Iraq

BAGHDAD, July 16 ( & News Agencies) – Stepping up resistance operations, Iraqi fighters on Wednesday, July 16, killed three U.S. soldiers and wounded four others in separate attacks and fired a surface-to-air missile at an American military plane while landing at Baghdad airport

if the picture does not load click here

"“Its illegal to do things to the prisoners of war that are humiliating to the prisoners. It is against the Geneva Convention,” Donald Rumsfeld."

islamonline: Israeli 'Iron Gates' Still Haunting Palestinians

RAMALLAH, July 15 ( - As Israeli occupation troops were laughing their heads at the scene of Palestinians caught in the "gate trap" at the checkpoint gate of Al-Trela Al-Gharbiya, north of the West Bank city of Tulkarem, up to 800 Palestinian children, patients and workers were lining up under the searing sun for long hours to get a permission to cross the "iron gate" as they call it.

The gate is the sole linking passage between a number of towns in northern Tulkarem and others located alongside the separation wall being set up the Israeli forces to separate the West Bank and Israel. correspondent, who was also lining up at the gate, saw a driver of a Palestinian ambulance attempting to cross but his siren wail fell on deaf Israeli ears.

Despite the breakthrough that came on the heels of the truce declared by the main Palestinian resistance groups, it seems as if the Israeli soldiers patrolling the "iron gates" have not the faintest idea about the ceasefire.


Guardian: Mortar Attacks on U.S. Bases Growing

BALAD, Iraq (AP) - When soldiers of the U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division settled into a new headquarters, some people in the area gave them a less than warm welcome: regular mortar attacks at the base where they sleep, eat and work.

Though no one has been killed in the attacks at the Sustainer Air Field, there have been wounded - including 20 members of an Army medical team injured in one attack.

And the mortar fire - which has come nearly every other day since July 3 - has had a definite psychological impact on the troops, shaking the earth and sending soldiers scurrying for cover in the middle of their daily routine.

``You don't know when and where the next one is coming,'' said 1st Lt. Greg Hotaling. ``It's not like in the movies when you hear a whistle. That's why it's such a psychological weapon. In a firefight, you can at least see something there. As long as you can put something between you and him you're safe.''


Worldnetdaily: Rumsfeld corrects
testimony – twice

Swore he'd learned uranium charge bogus only 'days' ago

In congressional testimony last week, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld swore repeatedly that he'd just "days" earlier learned that the uranium charge President Bush made against Iraq six months ago was bogus.

Since then, he's had to correct the record twice, finally admitting he knew the allegation was false as early as March – less than two months after Bush's now-controversial State of the Union speech and just before the Iraq war started.

"When did you know that the reports about uranium coming out of Africa were bogus?" asked Sen. Mark Pryor, D.-Ark., at Wednesday's Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on "lessons learned" in Iraq.

"Oh, within recent days, since the information started becoming available," Rumsfeld replied.

"Ist es nicht lustig das ein Mann wie Donald Rumsfeld schlechter informiert ist als ein Zeitungsleser?"

the Globe: U.S. having trouble recruiting peacekeepers

Brussels — France's President ruled out Tuesday sending French troops
Iraq, following India and Germany in rejecting U.S. calls for help
approval from the United Nations. Although a few nations are sending
troops, near daily guerrilla attacks — many of them deadly — and
growing doubts about the basis for the war are complicating
search for peacekeepers to replace American troops in Iraq. In Paris,
President Jacques Chirac, a leading opponent of the war said that
sending French soldiers to Iraq "cannot be imagined in the current

SMH: Hearing delayed as CIA revolts over claims on Syrian threat

The CIA objected to a Bush Administration assessment of the threat posed by Syria's alleged weapons of mass destruction that was to be presented to Congress.

After the objections, Tuesday's planned testimony by an undersecretary of state, John Bolton, a leading Administration hawk, was delayed until September.

US officials said Mr Bolton had planned to tell a House of Representatives international relations subcommittee that Syria's development of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons had progressed to a point where they posed a threat to stability in the region. The CIA and other intelligence agencies said the assessment was exaggerated.


Heise: RIAA droht mit Hunderten von Klagen gegen Tauschbörsennutzer
RIAA-Justiziar Mitch Glazier erläutert im Telepolis-Gespräch die Abschreckungsstrategie der Musikindustrie

Die Entscheidung im "Fall Verizon", dass US-amerikanische Service-Provider der Musikindustrie die Namen von Nutzern nennen müssen, die möglicherweise gegen Urheberrechte verstoßen haben, öffnet die Tür für Gerichtsverfahren gegen individuelle Nutzer. Die Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA), die die weltweit größten Musikunternehmen vertritt, hat angekündigt, eine Klagewelle gegen diejenigen Nutzer von Tauschbörsen loszutreten, die ohne Genehmigung urheberrechtlich geschütztes Material anbieten. Gleichzeitig wird im US-Kongress heute der Gesetzesentwurf "Piracy Deterrence and Education Act" beraten, der die Bundespolizei FBI verpflichten soll, Urheberrechtsverstößen nachzuspüren, die von Privatpersonen begangen werden. Im Telepolis-Interview schildert Mitch Glazier, RIAA-Justiziar und verantwortlich für "Regierungsbeziehungen", die Pläne der Musikindustrie.


Tagesanzeiger: Wieder Anschläge auf US-Soldaten
Bei einer Bombenexplosion nahe der irakischen Hauptstadt Bagdad ist erneut ein US-Soldat getötet worden. Zwei weitere wurden verwundet.



Israel - Palestine: Facts Worth Noting
United Nations "Partition Plan" to the Palestinians:
You are going to have 47% of the 100% which was originally yours.

"Oslo Agreement" to the Palestinians:
You are going to have 22% of the 100% which was originally yours.
Barak's "Generous Offer" to the Palestinians:
We are going to give you 80% of 22% of 100% of the land, which was
originally yours.
Sharon's "Peace Plan" to the Palestinians in 2,000:
We are going to give you 42% of 80% of 22% of 100% of the land, which
was originally yours, and this 42% will remain under continuous curfew.

"American Zionists" to the Palestinians:
According to our version of the Bible you are entitled to 0% of 42% of 80% of 22% of 100% of the land, which was originally yours.
The "Road Map" to the Palestinians that Bush envisions:
- If you stop your resistance to the occupation (which we call terrorism), and if your refugees give up their right of return to their ancestral homes, and you agree to only elect officials acceptable to US and Israeli administrations, you agree to lock up all your resistance fighters, and you agree to outlaw all Palestinian movements and organizations that appose US/Israeli policies, and you agree to drive your cars only on roads that Sharon assigns for your use, and you do not object to the 'wall' that Sharon is building, and you agree not to claim Jerusalem as your capital, and you agree that your children's school curriculum only includes courses and books approved by the Israeli government, and you agree not to give birth to more than three children per family, and you become more tolerant to Israeli settlers who are confiscating your homes and lands because they are doing it out of religious believe that they are fulfilling God’s promise, and you accept Israeli policy of punishing the families of those who resist the occupation which include demolishing their parents homes then Sharon will remove the sanctions on your territory, improve your live conditions under Israeli occupation and if he might in the far future consider negotiating with you on the 42% of 80% of 22% of 100% of the land which was originally yours.

Dies war ein Beitrag im Forum von The Independent. Der Poster erklärt einfach und richtig um was es bei der Roadmap genau geht. Die Zahlen stimmen meines Wissens nach. Die Zeitungen sind leider nicht fähig das auf den Punkt zu bringen"

AFP: Perry Warns Of War Over N Korea 'Early As This Year'
William Perry, who served as defence secretary under former President Bill Clinton, believes the United States and North Korea could be at war as early as this year, The Washington Post said today.
The immediate cause of concern, Perry said in an interview, was that North Korea appeared to have begun reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods.
Perry, who is widely respected in US national security circles and deeply involved in Korean policy issues, said the situation with North Korea "was manageable six months ago if we did the right things.
"But we haven't done the right things," he added.
Perry said he had not criticised President George W Bush's North Korea policy up to now "because I had hoped that the administration was going to act on this problem, and that public criticism might be counterproductive. But time is running out, and each month the problem gets more dangerous."

The Age:
US Warned Of 'Imminent' Nuclear Peril
Former United States Defence Secretary William Perry has warned that the US and North Korea are drifting towards war, with an "imminent danger" of nuclear explosions in American cities
Mr Perry said the US policy on North Korea was in disarray, with President George Bush to blame for an absence of negotiations. "I think he has come to the conclusion that Kim Jong-il is evil and loathsome and it is immoral to negotiate with him," Mr Perry said.

Fromthewilderness: Blood In The Water By Michael C. Ruppert
Watergate II
George Tenet's Mea Culpa Over Forged Niger Docs Backfires -- Bush Shot From the Lip Media and Political Response Swift and Merciless -- Cheney and Rice Move Into the Crosshairs

(FTW) - The speed with which CIA Director George Tenet accepted responsibility last Friday for clearing George W. Bush's January 28 State of the Union Speech containing the bogus Iraq-uranium statement based upon forged documents was matched by the speed with which major news agencies - many of which had already been serving as conduits for CIA leaks - released stories that guaranteed deeper and more hostile probes. The writing appears to be on the wall for a beleaguered and disarrayed presidency, as key administration officials including Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice either wittingly or unwittingly line up like chess pieces to take the fall for a doomed King.


ITM TRADING: Sage Financial Advice From Legendary Richard Russell
My birthday comes up on July 22. On that day I'll have survived for 79 years. Honestly, I never thought I'd get this far.
So, how am I celebrating 79 years on planet earth? One way is that I made a decision. Today (I've been thinking about this for weeks) I sold ALL my bonds, every last one.

Why did I do it? I did it because the US is heading for maybe the greatest financial mess in world history. The US is far too extended financially, militarily and socially (socially in the way of entitlements that we can't afford and can't pay for).

Richard Russell gained wide recognition via a series of over 30 Dow Theory and technical articles that he wrote for Barron's during the late-'50s through the '90s. Through Barron's and via word of mouth, he gained a wide following. Russell was the first (in 1960) to recommend gold stocks. He called the top of the 1949-'66 bull market. And almost to the day he called the bottom of the great 1972-'74 bear market, and the beginning of the great bull market which started in December 1974. The Letters, published every three weeks, cover the US stock market, foreign markets, bonds, precious metals, commodities, economics --plus Russell's widely-followed comments and observations and stock market philosophy.

Independent: Israel arrests protesters as 'security risk'
Eight foreign nationals have been arrested in the occupied territories as Israeli authorities clamp down on international peace activists on the ground that they pose a "security risk".

The case of a Belfast journalist and language teacher who was mistakenly arrested by Israeli security forces in the belief he was a bomb-maker has put the spotlight on the latest arrests.

The eight, who included two Britons, were being held in an Israeli police station in the West Bank and were refused bail. The Britons, Alex Perry and Saul Reid, were among a group of four arrested while removing a crude roadblock put up by the Israeli army to block Palestinian traffic - for security reasons, the army says. The other four were arrested while staging a sit-in to protest against Israel's construction of a "security fence" inside the West Bank. The Israeli authorities have been trying to deport them.


Independent: Cheney under pressure to quit over false war evidence
Anger grows on both sides of Atlantic at misleading claims on eve of Iraq conflict

Dick Cheney, the US Vice-President and the administration's most outspoken hawk over Iraq, faced demands for his resignation last night as he was accused of using false evidence to build the case for war.

He was accused of using his office to insist that a false claim about Iraq's efforts to buy uranium from Africa to restart its nuclear programme be included in George Bush's State of the Union address - overriding the concerns of the CIA director, George Tenet.

Mr Cheney was also accused of knowingly misleading Congress when the administration sought its authorisation for the use of force to oust Saddam Hussein.


Rense: US Troops Shocked By Move To Keep Them In Iraq

FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) -- Under fire and unwanted by Iraqis, soldiers in the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division in the volatile town of Falluja were bitterly disappointed on Tuesday by a decision to keep them in Iraq indefinitely.

"It's a big shock," said Sergeant Josh Holt of Montgomery, Alabama.

Facing mounting threats in Iraq, the U.S. military said on Monday thousands of soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanised) would stay in the country despite previous plans to bring them home in July and August.

The division was the first American unit to enter Baghdad during the war and has been in the Gulf since September. Thirty- seven soldiers from the division have been killed in the war and its aftermath.

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