Narconews: Bush’s Desperate Venezuela Statement
Read Between the Lines: The Coup is Falling Apart
"When the White House says:
“The United States is convinced that the only peaceful and politically viable path to moving out of the crisis is through the holding of early elections.”
The White House really means:
“Six elections in the past four years in Venezuela, all of them won by President Hugo Chávez and his supporters, all of them deemed fair and free by national and international observers (including by delegates of the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties who were present to observe them), are not enough. We need a Seventh Election in four years because we don’t like the results of the first six. We, in the Bush administration, are deeply offended that Venezuelan law awards the presidency to the candidate who won the most votes. That’s not how we did it in the U.S. We will only be happy when a minority of citizens can impose a president. If we allow Venezuela’s majority decisions to stand, they might start exporting democracy to the United States. In any case, we insist that Catherine Harris be allowed to count the votes, and Jeb Bush should print the ballots, next time in Venezuela.”
Saturday, December 14, 2002
Forbes: Canada Breaks with Bush Over Venezuela
"Well, that may be the American policy, but it's not our policy at this point," he said.
"I'd like to propose to make sure we get the Venezuelans themselves continuing the negotiations so they can come up with a solution that's appropriate for them."
Forbes: Canada Breaks with Bush Over Venezuela
"Well, that may be the American policy, but it's not our policy at this point," he said.
"I'd like to propose to make sure we get the Venezuelans themselves continuing the negotiations so they can come up with a solution that's appropriate for them."
Friday, December 13, 2002
zmag: Gaviria Should Leave Venezuela
"As in Eastern Europe 13 years ago, the final defeat of dictatorial power in Venezuela came last night at the doors of its “control rooms” – the TV stations.
On Monday night, the Venezuelan majority - unwilling to allow an upper-class economic coup d’etat that poses dishonestly as a “strike” to unseat its democratically elected government - took to the streets on a scale only seen once before in the nation’s modern history; as they had last April, when they turned back a military coup d’etat.
By early Tuesday morning the masses had every Commercial TV station in the nation surrounded. Their weapons were nonviolent and theatrical: pots, pans, fireworks and thousands of defiant but smiling faces. "
zmag: Gaviria Should Leave Venezuela
"As in Eastern Europe 13 years ago, the final defeat of dictatorial power in Venezuela came last night at the doors of its “control rooms” – the TV stations.
On Monday night, the Venezuelan majority - unwilling to allow an upper-class economic coup d’etat that poses dishonestly as a “strike” to unseat its democratically elected government - took to the streets on a scale only seen once before in the nation’s modern history; as they had last April, when they turned back a military coup d’etat.
By early Tuesday morning the masses had every Commercial TV station in the nation surrounded. Their weapons were nonviolent and theatrical: pots, pans, fireworks and thousands of defiant but smiling faces. "
zmag/Guardian: Racist Rage Of The Caracas Elite
Venezuela's Embattled President Faces A Pinochet-style Opposition
"For the past year or more, Venezuela's upper and middle classes, opposed to Chavez's government, have protested in the wealthy new neighbourhoods of Caracas, while the poor (the vast majority of the city's population) have come from their shantytowns and demonstrated to defend "their" president."
zmag/Guardian: Racist Rage Of The Caracas Elite
Venezuela's Embattled President Faces A Pinochet-style Opposition
"For the past year or more, Venezuela's upper and middle classes, opposed to Chavez's government, have protested in the wealthy new neighbourhoods of Caracas, while the poor (the vast majority of the city's population) have come from their shantytowns and demonstrated to defend "their" president."
Independent: Did Saddam's army test poison gas on missing 5,000? by Robert Fisk
Why didn't Tony Blair and George Bush mention Saddam Hussein's most terrible war crime? Why, in all their "dossiers", did they not refer to the 5,000 young men and women who were held at detention centres when their families – of Iranian origin – were hurled over the border to Iran just before President Saddam invaded Iran in 1980?
Independent: Did Saddam's army test poison gas on missing 5,000? by Robert Fisk
Why didn't Tony Blair and George Bush mention Saddam Hussein's most terrible war crime? Why, in all their "dossiers", did they not refer to the 5,000 young men and women who were held at detention centres when their families – of Iranian origin – were hurled over the border to Iran just before President Saddam invaded Iran in 1980?
Independent: Web of deceit lies behind death of a traitor to many masters by Robert Fisk
To the rest of the world, the bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese-Israeli border was just another example of Hizbollah "terrorism", a provocation that showed Hizbollah had – in Israel's words – "crossed a red line". Israel warned of retaliation. But the truth was quite different, and infinitely more sensational
Independent: Robert Fisk wins award for press freedom
12 December 2002
Robert Fisk, The Independent's Middle East correspondent, was one of six journalists to win the Association of Journalists of Rome Silver Microphone award last night in Rome.
The prize – awarded to foreign correspondents for the first time in the association's 125 years – is for "European journalists who defend freedom of the press". Among other reporters honoured was Robert Ménard, president of Reporters sans Frontières, the humanitarian organisation dedicated to the protection of foreign correspondents.
Independent: Web of deceit lies behind death of a traitor to many masters by Robert Fisk
To the rest of the world, the bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese-Israeli border was just another example of Hizbollah "terrorism", a provocation that showed Hizbollah had – in Israel's words – "crossed a red line". Israel warned of retaliation. But the truth was quite different, and infinitely more sensational
Independent: Robert Fisk wins award for press freedom
12 December 2002
Robert Fisk, The Independent's Middle East correspondent, was one of six journalists to win the Association of Journalists of Rome Silver Microphone award last night in Rome.
The prize – awarded to foreign correspondents for the first time in the association's 125 years – is for "European journalists who defend freedom of the press". Among other reporters honoured was Robert Ménard, president of Reporters sans Frontières, the humanitarian organisation dedicated to the protection of foreign correspondents.
The Observer: Venezuela and Argentina: A Tale of Two Coups by Greg Palast
"Carmona then decreed the dissolution of his nation's congress and supreme court while the business peopled clapped and chanted, 'Democracia! Democracia!' I later learned the Cardinal of Caracas had led Carmona into the Presidential Palace, a final Genet-esque touch to this delusional drama. This fantasy would evaporate ‘by the crowing of the cock,’ as Chávez told me in his poetic way."
Analyse zum Putch vom April und dem Einsturz der Argentinischen Wirtschaft
The Observer: Venezuela and Argentina: A Tale of Two Coups by Greg Palast
"Carmona then decreed the dissolution of his nation's congress and supreme court while the business peopled clapped and chanted, 'Democracia! Democracia!' I later learned the Cardinal of Caracas had led Carmona into the Presidential Palace, a final Genet-esque touch to this delusional drama. This fantasy would evaporate ‘by the crowing of the cock,’ as Chávez told me in his poetic way."
Analyse zum Putch vom April und dem Einsturz der Argentinischen Wirtschaft
VENEZUELA UPDATE: CIA PUTCH INNERHALB 72 STUNDEN? USA intelligence agencies revealed in plot to oust Venezuela's President
Thursday, December 12, 2002 -- Uruguayan EP-FA congressman Jose Bayardi says he has information that far-reaching plans have been put into operation by the CIA and other North American intelligence agencies to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias within the next 72 hours.
ZNET: Chavez hangs on – News analysis from Znet
Open Letter to Bush on Venezuela from U.S. Congress members - and You
mehrere Amerikanische Kongressabgeordnete fordern Bush auf sich von einem allfälligen Coup in Venezuela zu distanzieren und der Opposition keine Hilfe zu erteilen.
Narconews: The People Rise Up Against Venezuela's Commercial Media
An amazing sight: Thousands of people have surrounded the headquarters of five commercial television stations (RCTV, Globovision, TVS, Meridiano TV, Venevision) and are treating them to one hell of a cazerolazo (pot-banging). They are shouting "medios golpistas!" (putschist media) and "terroristas!". The channels have stopped (probably only briefly) broadcasting anti governmental propaganda and are at last giving some pro governmental demonstrations some coverage.
Der grosse Teil der in Deutschen oder Schweizern resp. Westlichen Zeitungen/Magazinen erschienen Berichte sind voller Propaganda...da steht zum Beispiel Heute im Tagesanzeiger: "...doch unter den Ärmsten kann er nach wie vor auf eine stattliche Gefolgschaft zählen." Der ganze Artikel war tendenziell gegen Chavez geschrieben und am Schluss wird impliziert Chavez hätte nur noch eine Minderheit der Bevölkerung hinter sich. Der Tagesanzeiger Journalist hat vergessen, dass in Venezuela 80% der Leute unter der Armutsgrenze leben. Alle Alternativenquellen oder Augenzeugenberichte weisen darauf hin das der Grossteil der Bevölkerung hinter Chavez steht. Die Ausnahme ist die Opposition. Wobei die Opposition aus Reichen oder dem "Mittelstand" (den es an und für sich so nicht gibt) besteht. Das eigentliche Problem ist das genau diese Eliten angst haben Ihren Reichtum zu verlieren weil Hugo Chavez den Reichtum auch den "Armen-Leuten" zukommen lassen will. Das heisst die Opposition sind die Leute, die früher die Öl-Firmen Venezuelas beherrscht und die Einnahmen in die eigenen Taschen gesteckt haben. Nun kam Chavez und hat die Öl-Firmen verstaatlicht um mit den Gewinnen Sozialprogramme für die Armen durchzuführen, dass gefällt der Opposition (und den USA deren grösster Öllieferant Venezuela ist) natürlich nicht da sie sich weiter breichern wollen. Leider haben die Armen Leute keine Lobby hier und genau darum sind unsere Zeitungen voller Oppositions Propaganda. Don't believe the hype!(t.a) USA intelligence agencies revealed in plot to oust Venezuela's President
Thursday, December 12, 2002 -- Uruguayan EP-FA congressman Jose Bayardi says he has information that far-reaching plans have been put into operation by the CIA and other North American intelligence agencies to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias within the next 72 hours.
ZNET: Chavez hangs on – News analysis from Znet
Open Letter to Bush on Venezuela from U.S. Congress members - and You
mehrere Amerikanische Kongressabgeordnete fordern Bush auf sich von einem allfälligen Coup in Venezuela zu distanzieren und der Opposition keine Hilfe zu erteilen.
Narconews: The People Rise Up Against Venezuela's Commercial Media
An amazing sight: Thousands of people have surrounded the headquarters of five commercial television stations (RCTV, Globovision, TVS, Meridiano TV, Venevision) and are treating them to one hell of a cazerolazo (pot-banging). They are shouting "medios golpistas!" (putschist media) and "terroristas!". The channels have stopped (probably only briefly) broadcasting anti governmental propaganda and are at last giving some pro governmental demonstrations some coverage.
Der grosse Teil der in Deutschen oder Schweizern resp. Westlichen Zeitungen/Magazinen erschienen Berichte sind voller Propaganda...da steht zum Beispiel Heute im Tagesanzeiger: "...doch unter den Ärmsten kann er nach wie vor auf eine stattliche Gefolgschaft zählen." Der ganze Artikel war tendenziell gegen Chavez geschrieben und am Schluss wird impliziert Chavez hätte nur noch eine Minderheit der Bevölkerung hinter sich. Der Tagesanzeiger Journalist hat vergessen, dass in Venezuela 80% der Leute unter der Armutsgrenze leben. Alle Alternativenquellen oder Augenzeugenberichte weisen darauf hin das der Grossteil der Bevölkerung hinter Chavez steht. Die Ausnahme ist die Opposition. Wobei die Opposition aus Reichen oder dem "Mittelstand" (den es an und für sich so nicht gibt) besteht. Das eigentliche Problem ist das genau diese Eliten angst haben Ihren Reichtum zu verlieren weil Hugo Chavez den Reichtum auch den "Armen-Leuten" zukommen lassen will. Das heisst die Opposition sind die Leute, die früher die Öl-Firmen Venezuelas beherrscht und die Einnahmen in die eigenen Taschen gesteckt haben. Nun kam Chavez und hat die Öl-Firmen verstaatlicht um mit den Gewinnen Sozialprogramme für die Armen durchzuführen, dass gefällt der Opposition (und den USA deren grösster Öllieferant Venezuela ist) natürlich nicht da sie sich weiter breichern wollen. Leider haben die Armen Leute keine Lobby hier und genau darum sind unsere Zeitungen voller Oppositions Propaganda. Don't believe the hype!(t.a)
Tagesanzeiger: WEF: Verhärtete Fronten
Die Organisatoren der Anti-WEF-Demonstration verurteilen die angekündigten Personenkontrollen aufs Schärfste. Die Bündner Behörden wollen an ihrem Konzept festhalten. Eine Einigung scheint unwahrscheinlich.
Während des Wef's wird es "Grenzposten" vor Davos geben und alle "Demonstranten" dürfen die Personalien angeben. Da hat Herr Von Daeniken vom BAP sicher grosse freude....ein grosses Dossier mit "Linksradikalen Inlandterroristen"...mir kommt da automatisch die Fichenaffäre in den Sinn...zum Glück müssen wir in der Schweiz keine Angst haben...wir sind ja eine Demokratie
Tagesanzeiger: WEF: Verhärtete Fronten
Die Organisatoren der Anti-WEF-Demonstration verurteilen die angekündigten Personenkontrollen aufs Schärfste. Die Bündner Behörden wollen an ihrem Konzept festhalten. Eine Einigung scheint unwahrscheinlich.
Während des Wef's wird es "Grenzposten" vor Davos geben und alle "Demonstranten" dürfen die Personalien angeben. Da hat Herr Von Daeniken vom BAP sicher grosse freude....ein grosses Dossier mit "Linksradikalen Inlandterroristen"...mir kommt da automatisch die Fichenaffäre in den Sinn...zum Glück müssen wir in der Schweiz keine Angst haben...wir sind ja eine Demokratie
Tagesanzeiger: Pockenimpfung gegen Biowaffen-Terror
US-Präsident George W. Bush hat eine freiwillige Pockenschutzimpfung für die US-Bevölkerung angekündigt. Damit soll einem möglichen Angriff mit biologischen Waffen vorgebeugt werden, sagte Bush dem US-Sender ABC.
Tagesanzeiger: Pockenimpfung gegen Biowaffen-Terror
US-Präsident George W. Bush hat eine freiwillige Pockenschutzimpfung für die US-Bevölkerung angekündigt. Damit soll einem möglichen Angriff mit biologischen Waffen vorgebeugt werden, sagte Bush dem US-Sender ABC.
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Spiegel: Spitzel im Hörsaal
"Das Stellenangebot klingt harmlos: Gesucht werden Studenten, nicht älter als 25 Jahre, die "an Forschungsprojekten im gesellschaftspolitischen Bereich" mitarbeiten und "im Rahmen der empirischen Sozialforschung" Daten erheben sollen. Es winken zehn Euro Stundenlohn bei freier Zeiteinteilung.
Eigentlich ein prima Nebenjob - dumm nur, wenn sich herausstellt, dass Arbeitgeber der Verfassungsschutz ist und dass der eigentlich Informanten sucht für Berichte über globalisierungskritische Kommilitonen. "
Spiegel: Spitzel im Hörsaal
"Das Stellenangebot klingt harmlos: Gesucht werden Studenten, nicht älter als 25 Jahre, die "an Forschungsprojekten im gesellschaftspolitischen Bereich" mitarbeiten und "im Rahmen der empirischen Sozialforschung" Daten erheben sollen. Es winken zehn Euro Stundenlohn bei freier Zeiteinteilung.
Eigentlich ein prima Nebenjob - dumm nur, wenn sich herausstellt, dass Arbeitgeber der Verfassungsschutz ist und dass der eigentlich Informanten sucht für Berichte über globalisierungskritische Kommilitonen. "
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
PR Watch: The Fake Parade
Outside the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in August
in Johannesburg, there were poor street vendors and farmers holding
signs and wearing t-shirts reading: "Save the Planet from
Sustainable Development", "Say No To Eco-Imperialism", "Greens:
Stop Hurting the Poor" and "Biotechnology for Africa." The problem,
according to environmental reporter and activist Jonathan Matthews
is that the anti-environmentalist demonstration was organized by
the corporations that environmentalist wanted to be held
accountable. "The counterattack takes place via a contrarian lens,
one that projects the attackers' vices onto their target. Thus the
problem becomes not Monsanto using questionable tactics to push its
products onto a wary South, but malevolent agents of the rich world
obstructing Monsanto's acceptance in a welcoming Third World,"
Matthews writes.
PR Watch: The Fake Parade
Outside the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in August
in Johannesburg, there were poor street vendors and farmers holding
signs and wearing t-shirts reading: "Save the Planet from
Sustainable Development", "Say No To Eco-Imperialism", "Greens:
Stop Hurting the Poor" and "Biotechnology for Africa." The problem,
according to environmental reporter and activist Jonathan Matthews
is that the anti-environmentalist demonstration was organized by
the corporations that environmentalist wanted to be held
accountable. "The counterattack takes place via a contrarian lens,
one that projects the attackers' vices onto their target. Thus the
problem becomes not Monsanto using questionable tactics to push its
products onto a wary South, but malevolent agents of the rich world
obstructing Monsanto's acceptance in a welcoming Third World,"
Matthews writes.
WashingtonPost: 'Live From Baghdad': The Cameras of War
Washington Post und HBO wiederholen die längst als Propaganda entlarvte Geschichte Irakische Soldaten hätten wärend des ersten Golfkriegs Babies aus ihren Brutkästen gerissen und getötet. Es handelte sich dazumals um eine Multimillonen PR-Aktion von Hill & Knowlton PR. Dabei hatte ein weinendes Mädchen als Augenzeugin vor dem US-Kongress ausgesagt. Später fand man heraus, dass es sich dabei um die Tochter des Kuweitischen Botschafters handelte.
Hier gibt es die ganze Story PR WATCH
WashingtonPost: 'Live From Baghdad': The Cameras of War
Washington Post und HBO wiederholen die längst als Propaganda entlarvte Geschichte Irakische Soldaten hätten wärend des ersten Golfkriegs Babies aus ihren Brutkästen gerissen und getötet. Es handelte sich dazumals um eine Multimillonen PR-Aktion von Hill & Knowlton PR. Dabei hatte ein weinendes Mädchen als Augenzeugin vor dem US-Kongress ausgesagt. Später fand man heraus, dass es sich dabei um die Tochter des Kuweitischen Botschafters handelte.
Hier gibt es die ganze Story PR WATCH
New York Times: How Green Is BP?
Grosser Artrikel über die $200 Millionen Propaganda Bemühungen von BP die uns glauben machen wollen BP sei jetzt sowas wie "Bigcorporate-Greenpeace"
New York Times: How Green Is BP?
Grosser Artrikel über die $200 Millionen Propaganda Bemühungen von BP die uns glauben machen wollen BP sei jetzt sowas wie "Bigcorporate-Greenpeace"
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
The Village Voice: We'll All Be Under Surveillance
Computers Will Say What We Are
How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. —George Orwell, 1984
"Without any official public notice, and without any congressional hearings, the Bush administration—with an initial appropriation of $200 million—is constructing the Total Information Awareness System. It will extensively mine government and commercial data banks, enabling the FBI, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies to collect information that will allow the government—as noted on ABC-TV's November 14 Nightline—"to essentially reconstruct the movements of citizens." This will be done without warrants from courts, thereby making individual privacy as obsolete as the sauropods of the Mesozoic era. (Intelligence from and to foreign sources will also be involved.)"
The Village Voice: We'll All Be Under Surveillance
Computers Will Say What We Are
How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. —George Orwell, 1984
"Without any official public notice, and without any congressional hearings, the Bush administration—with an initial appropriation of $200 million—is constructing the Total Information Awareness System. It will extensively mine government and commercial data banks, enabling the FBI, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies to collect information that will allow the government—as noted on ABC-TV's November 14 Nightline—"to essentially reconstruct the movements of citizens." This will be done without warrants from courts, thereby making individual privacy as obsolete as the sauropods of the Mesozoic era. (Intelligence from and to foreign sources will also be involved.)"
Jane's Foreign Report, a publication of the respected British defense and
intelligence industry analyst Jane's Information Group, says Israel is
planning to use the cover of the expected US attack on Iraq to neutralize
Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip. Jane's quotes Israeli
military sources as saying Israel will take advantage of the moment to go
into the Gaza Strip and "clear it on a house-to-house fighting basis" of
the Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and the Palestinian security services (JFR, Nov.
Jane's Foreign Report, a publication of the respected British defense and
intelligence industry analyst Jane's Information Group, says Israel is
planning to use the cover of the expected US attack on Iraq to neutralize
Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip. Jane's quotes Israeli
military sources as saying Israel will take advantage of the moment to go
into the Gaza Strip and "clear it on a house-to-house fighting basis" of
the Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and the Palestinian security services (JFR, Nov.
Insight: Iraqi Oil Strategy Divides State, White House
"The question of what should happen to Iraq's oil fields if Saddam Hussein is removed from power has become yet another source of fierce division between hawks and Republican "moderates" within the Bush administration. A sharp and very inside-the-Beltway struggle is taking place behind the scenes over planning for a post-Saddam Iraq with the future of Iraqi oil taking center-stage.
A proposal drafted by Elliott Abrams, a special assistant to President George W. Bush on the National Security Council (NSC), arguing for the United States to assert de facto control of Iraqi oil fields has stunned State Department officials. It doesn't help that Abrams (right) was convicted of withholding information from Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal, only to receive a presidential pardon from the current president's father."
Insight: Iraqi Oil Strategy Divides State, White House
"The question of what should happen to Iraq's oil fields if Saddam Hussein is removed from power has become yet another source of fierce division between hawks and Republican "moderates" within the Bush administration. A sharp and very inside-the-Beltway struggle is taking place behind the scenes over planning for a post-Saddam Iraq with the future of Iraqi oil taking center-stage.
A proposal drafted by Elliott Abrams, a special assistant to President George W. Bush on the National Security Council (NSC), arguing for the United States to assert de facto control of Iraqi oil fields has stunned State Department officials. It doesn't help that Abrams (right) was convicted of withholding information from Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal, only to receive a presidential pardon from the current president's father."
The Nation: Quiet in Hollywood
Der Film "Quiet American" mit Michael Caine in der Hauptrolle wird in Los Angeles und New York für zwei Wochen zu sehen sein und sonst nicht aufgeführt werden.
Der Grund ist laut Mirimax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein: "you can't release this film now; it's unpatriotic. America has to be cohesive and
band together. We were worried that nobody had the stomach for a movie about bad Americans anymore."
Die Frage ob es die Leute nach wie vor ertragen, unpatriotische Filme mit bösen Amerikanern zu sehen, soll man die Zuschauer beantworten lassen.
The Nation: Quiet in Hollywood
Der Film "Quiet American" mit Michael Caine in der Hauptrolle wird in Los Angeles und New York für zwei Wochen zu sehen sein und sonst nicht aufgeführt werden.
Der Grund ist laut Mirimax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein: "you can't release this film now; it's unpatriotic. America has to be cohesive and
band together. We were worried that nobody had the stomach for a movie about bad Americans anymore."
Die Frage ob es die Leute nach wie vor ertragen, unpatriotische Filme mit bösen Amerikanern zu sehen, soll man die Zuschauer beantworten lassen.
Mag sich noch jemand an den Putsch-Versuch dieses Jahr erinnern? Sieht ganz so aus als gäbe es bald einen Teil 2. Die Massen Medien wiederholen Ihre Angriffe gegen Chavez und schreiben Propaganda. Regime Change nicht nur im Irak? Erinnerungen an Nicaragua, Kolumbien, Argentinen oder El Salvador? Ein Schelm wer denkt die USA hätte da Ihre Hände im Spiel.
Tages Anzeiger: Venezuela: Regierung offenbar verhandlungsbereit
Heise: Wie provoziert man einen Putch?
Die Ereignisse in Venezuela weisen verblüffende Ähnlichkeit mit dem von den USA unterstützten Putschversuch im April auf
ZMAG: Bush Administration Pushes "Regime Change" in Venezuela
It's 10 p.m. -- do you know what your government is up to? It seems that Iraq is not the only "regime change" that the Bush Administration is working on. The US government has apparently decided that President Chavez of Venezuela must go, one way or another.
ZMAG: Why are the coup plotters so impatient?
ZMAG: Chavez Hangs On
Four employer-led "general strikes" and a coup attempt later, The two parties seem further apart than they did when negotiations started
Narconews: Gunmen in Venezuela Tried to Provoke a Crisis After "Strike" Failed
What's Really Happening in Venezuela
"I will not give in to blackmail nor pressures of any kind. I swear to you
that I will be with the people my entire life. You brought me here and you
are the only ones who can get rid of me. Nobody else is going to take me
out of here."
- Venezuela President Hugo Chavez
Saturday, December 7, 2002
Dear Colleagues,
To read the commercial news reports from Venezuela, one might almost think
there is a popular "strike" that has brought an "authoritarian" regime to
its knees, threatened U.S. oil supplies and that the Chavez government is
not allowing the people to vote on its continuance.
None of those above statements are true in the slightest, but the
simulating behavior of most English-language correspondents from Caracas
is, as ever, over the top and knowingly false.
To help clear up the haze of lies and distortion with some facts, Narco
News publishes the analysis by three correspondents on the scene in
Venezuela, including two professors from the Narco News School of
Authentic Journalism: Thierry Deronne, the Belgian journalist who works
with Tele-Tambores Community TV in Venezuela; Max Arvelaiz, the
French-Venezuelan communications consultant to the Chavez government, and,
Paul Emile-Dupret, observer and official of the European Parliament, all
eye-witnesses to events in recent days.
You can read their factual accounts at:
Other late-breaking news items:
- The Venezuelan Navy today regained control of the hijacked oil tanker
from its mutinous captain. The last effective maneuver of the upper-class
"opposition" was thus foiled and the "strike" (management imposed lockout
of workers from their jobs) that began last week has now fracased on every
- Friday night's contemptible shooting of civilians in an opposition
demonstration by gunmen, resulting in the capture of Portuguese national
Joao Gouveia, has taken a shocking turn:
"Congressman of the MVR party (Fifth Republic Movement) and journalist
Juan Barreto reported today that Joao Gouveia, the Portuguese citizen
accused of having assassinated various members of the opposition
concentrated in Plaza Francia of Altamira (the wealthy section of Caracas)
entered the country (Friday) at 5:40 p.m. coming from Lisbon. Barreto said
that Gouveia confessed that he had been contracted by pro-coup General
Medina Gomez to cause a massacre in Altamira, for which he was paid 35
million bolivares.
"Congressman Barreto said that as a journalist he has contacts in various
agencies and information that the accused was acting as if he were
paranoid, faking that he was mentally ill, but after examined by different
psychiatrists who determined he was lucid, finally confessed this morning.
"Barreto reported that in a few hours the video of Gouveia's confession
will be made public."
- If this is true, and such a video confession exists, as the congressman
and journalist reports, the "opposition" leaders who have, without a shred
of evidence, blamed Chavez and his supporters for Friday's shootings (3
dead, 28 wounded), will have to face facts that one of their own top
leaders is capable of ordering his own supporters shot in order to create
destability and mayhem in order to justify another coup attempt by rogue
uniformed forces. General Medina Gomez, like clockwork - we remind -
moments after Friday night's shootings called on military officials to
overthrow the elected government by force. The Armed Forces -
significantly cleaned-up after last April's two-day military coup - have
remained solidly on the side of the constitution this round (as evidenced
by today's smooth retaking of the hijacked oil tanker).
- This video would also raise very clear questions about who was behind
the sniper attacks last April that created the first pretext to try and
take power by upper-class coup. As previously reported by Narco News and
others, the snipers captured last April 11th were freed on April 12th by
Dictator-for-a-Day Pedro Carmona (a fact still not reported by the
simulating commercial correspondents).
It is difficult for many to believe that there are interests so cynical as
to order their own supporters shot to gain sympathy for their "cause," but
to close observers of the Venezuelan reality this possibility is not
surprising at all. Stay tuned as we hunt down the facts.
- Finally, after months of turning the other cheek, Venezuelan President
Chavez today announced that middle and upper level managers of the state
oil company who participated in this week's sabotaje and hijacking
maneuvers will be fired: a decision that is reasonable by any standards,
and, in fact, overdue.
- Meanwhile, today, two million Venezuelans took to the streets today to
defy the "strike of the spoiled brats" and defend their electoral choices.
The mood is still tense but all the momentum and factual information
continues to cumulate on the side of constitutional rule and against
destabilizing coup attempts.
- One of the losers of this week's skirmishes is U.S. State Department
fixer Otto Reich. (We note that Secretary of State Colin Powell was,
surprisingly, not accompanied by Reich in his trip last week to Colombia,
an indication that Reich's extremist brinkmanship in South America is
increasingly viewed as counter-productive even among moderates, like
Powell, in the Bush administration.)
The events of the next few days could accomplish the "two-fer" of putting
to rest delusional coup fantasies by anti-democracy forces in Venezuela
and also be the final nail in the coffin of Reich's reign over U.S. Latin
America policy.
It was the Venezuelan electorate in 1998 (and five times since) that
started the ball rolling for a united Latin America against outside
impositions. The Venezuelans withstood and turned back April's coup
attempt, and appear to have the current one well in hand. In early
January, Brazil will inaugurate president Lula de la Silva and Ecuador's
Lucio Gutierrez is walking through the same door in his country.
There will no doubt be cynical commercial media correspondents who
continue to "cry wolf" with their hysterical predictions of the overthrow
of Venezuela's democratically elected government. But their wolf-crying
has diminishing effect after having been so wrong so many times.
What they don't admit, at least not in their simulated reports, is that
the coups fail precisely because democracy in Venezuela is so
extraordinarily healthy, compared to that of any other country in the
hemisphere. It is vibrant. It is strong. It respects human rights and
voter control. And it has been exemplary in its tolerance displayed toward
a bratty and disruptive upper-class "opposition."
As Venezuela has lived some very trying moments in recent hours, the truth
that shines through is that democracy and constitutional rule endures even
the harshest most cynical provocations.
The hour has come for the commercial media - in Venezuela and among U.S.
and English language correspondents who have been feeding a false picture
of events there - to grow up and cease the dishonest reports that get
proved wrong again and again and again, and again today.
>From somewhere in a country called New York City,
Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin
Mag sich noch jemand an den Putsch-Versuch dieses Jahr erinnern? Sieht ganz so aus als gäbe es bald einen Teil 2. Die Massen Medien wiederholen Ihre Angriffe gegen Chavez und schreiben Propaganda. Regime Change nicht nur im Irak? Erinnerungen an Nicaragua, Kolumbien, Argentinen oder El Salvador? Ein Schelm wer denkt die USA hätte da Ihre Hände im Spiel.
Tages Anzeiger: Venezuela: Regierung offenbar verhandlungsbereit
Heise: Wie provoziert man einen Putch?
Die Ereignisse in Venezuela weisen verblüffende Ähnlichkeit mit dem von den USA unterstützten Putschversuch im April auf
ZMAG: Bush Administration Pushes "Regime Change" in Venezuela
It's 10 p.m. -- do you know what your government is up to? It seems that Iraq is not the only "regime change" that the Bush Administration is working on. The US government has apparently decided that President Chavez of Venezuela must go, one way or another.
ZMAG: Why are the coup plotters so impatient?
ZMAG: Chavez Hangs On
Four employer-led "general strikes" and a coup attempt later, The two parties seem further apart than they did when negotiations started
Narconews: Gunmen in Venezuela Tried to Provoke a Crisis After "Strike" Failed
What's Really Happening in Venezuela
"I will not give in to blackmail nor pressures of any kind. I swear to you
that I will be with the people my entire life. You brought me here and you
are the only ones who can get rid of me. Nobody else is going to take me
out of here."
- Venezuela President Hugo Chavez
Saturday, December 7, 2002
Dear Colleagues,
To read the commercial news reports from Venezuela, one might almost think
there is a popular "strike" that has brought an "authoritarian" regime to
its knees, threatened U.S. oil supplies and that the Chavez government is
not allowing the people to vote on its continuance.
None of those above statements are true in the slightest, but the
simulating behavior of most English-language correspondents from Caracas
is, as ever, over the top and knowingly false.
To help clear up the haze of lies and distortion with some facts, Narco
News publishes the analysis by three correspondents on the scene in
Venezuela, including two professors from the Narco News School of
Authentic Journalism: Thierry Deronne, the Belgian journalist who works
with Tele-Tambores Community TV in Venezuela; Max Arvelaiz, the
French-Venezuelan communications consultant to the Chavez government, and,
Paul Emile-Dupret, observer and official of the European Parliament, all
eye-witnesses to events in recent days.
You can read their factual accounts at:
Other late-breaking news items:
- The Venezuelan Navy today regained control of the hijacked oil tanker
from its mutinous captain. The last effective maneuver of the upper-class
"opposition" was thus foiled and the "strike" (management imposed lockout
of workers from their jobs) that began last week has now fracased on every
- Friday night's contemptible shooting of civilians in an opposition
demonstration by gunmen, resulting in the capture of Portuguese national
Joao Gouveia, has taken a shocking turn:
"Congressman of the MVR party (Fifth Republic Movement) and journalist
Juan Barreto reported today that Joao Gouveia, the Portuguese citizen
accused of having assassinated various members of the opposition
concentrated in Plaza Francia of Altamira (the wealthy section of Caracas)
entered the country (Friday) at 5:40 p.m. coming from Lisbon. Barreto said
that Gouveia confessed that he had been contracted by pro-coup General
Medina Gomez to cause a massacre in Altamira, for which he was paid 35
million bolivares.
"Congressman Barreto said that as a journalist he has contacts in various
agencies and information that the accused was acting as if he were
paranoid, faking that he was mentally ill, but after examined by different
psychiatrists who determined he was lucid, finally confessed this morning.
"Barreto reported that in a few hours the video of Gouveia's confession
will be made public."
- If this is true, and such a video confession exists, as the congressman
and journalist reports, the "opposition" leaders who have, without a shred
of evidence, blamed Chavez and his supporters for Friday's shootings (3
dead, 28 wounded), will have to face facts that one of their own top
leaders is capable of ordering his own supporters shot in order to create
destability and mayhem in order to justify another coup attempt by rogue
uniformed forces. General Medina Gomez, like clockwork - we remind -
moments after Friday night's shootings called on military officials to
overthrow the elected government by force. The Armed Forces -
significantly cleaned-up after last April's two-day military coup - have
remained solidly on the side of the constitution this round (as evidenced
by today's smooth retaking of the hijacked oil tanker).
- This video would also raise very clear questions about who was behind
the sniper attacks last April that created the first pretext to try and
take power by upper-class coup. As previously reported by Narco News and
others, the snipers captured last April 11th were freed on April 12th by
Dictator-for-a-Day Pedro Carmona (a fact still not reported by the
simulating commercial correspondents).
It is difficult for many to believe that there are interests so cynical as
to order their own supporters shot to gain sympathy for their "cause," but
to close observers of the Venezuelan reality this possibility is not
surprising at all. Stay tuned as we hunt down the facts.
- Finally, after months of turning the other cheek, Venezuelan President
Chavez today announced that middle and upper level managers of the state
oil company who participated in this week's sabotaje and hijacking
maneuvers will be fired: a decision that is reasonable by any standards,
and, in fact, overdue.
- Meanwhile, today, two million Venezuelans took to the streets today to
defy the "strike of the spoiled brats" and defend their electoral choices.
The mood is still tense but all the momentum and factual information
continues to cumulate on the side of constitutional rule and against
destabilizing coup attempts.
- One of the losers of this week's skirmishes is U.S. State Department
fixer Otto Reich. (We note that Secretary of State Colin Powell was,
surprisingly, not accompanied by Reich in his trip last week to Colombia,
an indication that Reich's extremist brinkmanship in South America is
increasingly viewed as counter-productive even among moderates, like
Powell, in the Bush administration.)
The events of the next few days could accomplish the "two-fer" of putting
to rest delusional coup fantasies by anti-democracy forces in Venezuela
and also be the final nail in the coffin of Reich's reign over U.S. Latin
America policy.
It was the Venezuelan electorate in 1998 (and five times since) that
started the ball rolling for a united Latin America against outside
impositions. The Venezuelans withstood and turned back April's coup
attempt, and appear to have the current one well in hand. In early
January, Brazil will inaugurate president Lula de la Silva and Ecuador's
Lucio Gutierrez is walking through the same door in his country.
There will no doubt be cynical commercial media correspondents who
continue to "cry wolf" with their hysterical predictions of the overthrow
of Venezuela's democratically elected government. But their wolf-crying
has diminishing effect after having been so wrong so many times.
What they don't admit, at least not in their simulated reports, is that
the coups fail precisely because democracy in Venezuela is so
extraordinarily healthy, compared to that of any other country in the
hemisphere. It is vibrant. It is strong. It respects human rights and
voter control. And it has been exemplary in its tolerance displayed toward
a bratty and disruptive upper-class "opposition."
As Venezuela has lived some very trying moments in recent hours, the truth
that shines through is that democracy and constitutional rule endures even
the harshest most cynical provocations.
The hour has come for the commercial media - in Venezuela and among U.S.
and English language correspondents who have been feeding a false picture
of events there - to grow up and cease the dishonest reports that get
proved wrong again and again and again, and again today.
>From somewhere in a country called New York City,
Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin
Tages-Anzeiger: Dollar-Segen für Iraks Opposition
Dass die USA irakische Oppositionsgruppen unterstützen will wurde schon 1998 beschlossen. Wegen Unstimmigkeiten über die Modalitäten lag das Projekt aber inzwischen auf Eis. Jetzt hat US-Präsident Bush die 92 Millionen Dollar freigegeben.
Die Irakische Opposition wird nun von den USA finanziert bzw. gesteuert und verlieren noch mehr Glaubwürdigkeit. So wurde zum Beispiel der Irakische Nationalkongress vom Amerikanischen Aussenministerium
gegründet und dient diesem als PR-Vehikel.
Tages-Anzeiger: Dollar-Segen für Iraks Opposition
Dass die USA irakische Oppositionsgruppen unterstützen will wurde schon 1998 beschlossen. Wegen Unstimmigkeiten über die Modalitäten lag das Projekt aber inzwischen auf Eis. Jetzt hat US-Präsident Bush die 92 Millionen Dollar freigegeben.
Die Irakische Opposition wird nun von den USA finanziert bzw. gesteuert und verlieren noch mehr Glaubwürdigkeit. So wurde zum Beispiel der Irakische Nationalkongress vom Amerikanischen Aussenministerium
gegründet und dient diesem als PR-Vehikel.
An amateur photographer named Mike Maginnis was arrested on Tuesday in his home city of Denver - for simply taking pictures of buildings in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing. Maginnis told his story on Wednesday's edition of Off The Hook.
An amateur photographer named Mike Maginnis was arrested on Tuesday in his home city of Denver - for simply taking pictures of buildings in an area where Vice President Cheney was residing. Maginnis told his story on Wednesday's edition of Off The Hook.
Truthout: Homeland Security Act: The Rise of the American Police State (Part 3)
Dritter und letzter Teil des Reports
Truthout: Homeland Security Act: The Rise of the American Police State (Part 3)
Dritter und letzter Teil des Reports
From the Wilderness: Urgent Alert - Stories Breaking That Saddam Has Rare Weaponized Smallpox From Russia
"Thus far the Homeland Security, mass vaccination, biowarfare and Iraqi war issues have been running on parallel tracks. This story joins them together. While I personally believe it unlikely that Saddam actually has or will use these viruses I also think it extremely likely that the more Draconian measures on the drawing board for repression here at home have now been placed in the starting blocks. By all reckoning - after the unexpected delays in the Iraqi invasion plan that were caused by successful politicking at the UN - FTW now expects that the invasion will begin on the next new moon cycle around January 2nd."
MSNBC: Smallpox shots cause worry
As physical specimens, the Baylor University students were fit and healthy, the “crème de la crème,” in the words of researcher Kathy Edwards. Yet when she inoculated them with smallpox vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread
From the Wilderness: Urgent Alert - Stories Breaking That Saddam Has Rare Weaponized Smallpox From Russia
"Thus far the Homeland Security, mass vaccination, biowarfare and Iraqi war issues have been running on parallel tracks. This story joins them together. While I personally believe it unlikely that Saddam actually has or will use these viruses I also think it extremely likely that the more Draconian measures on the drawing board for repression here at home have now been placed in the starting blocks. By all reckoning - after the unexpected delays in the Iraqi invasion plan that were caused by successful politicking at the UN - FTW now expects that the invasion will begin on the next new moon cycle around January 2nd."
MSNBC: Smallpox shots cause worry
As physical specimens, the Baylor University students were fit and healthy, the “crème de la crème,” in the words of researcher Kathy Edwards. Yet when she inoculated them with smallpox vaccine, arms swelled, temperatures spiked and panic spread
Stanford daily: Fisk criticizes U.S. media in interview
Interview mir The Independent Ausland-Koresspondent Robert Fisk
Stanford daily: Fisk criticizes U.S. media in interview
Interview mir The Independent Ausland-Koresspondent Robert Fisk
Guardian: This time I'm scared by european journalist of the year Maggie O'Kane
US propaganda fuelled the first Gulf war. It will fuel this one too - and the risks are even greater
"I have a picture from the last Gulf war. It was taken in the basement of the Al Rashid hotel, the night the war started. The look on my face is one you might expect of a 28-year-old reporter at the centre of one of the biggest stories of my lifetime: earnest, excited and thrilled to be in Baghdad.
Eleven years later, I'm on maternity leave and the news of an impending second Gulf war follows me around the kitchen. This time, I feel only a sense of intense danger as the Middle East lurches towards a possible chemical and biological war. "
Guardian: This time I'm scared by european journalist of the year Maggie O'Kane
US propaganda fuelled the first Gulf war. It will fuel this one too - and the risks are even greater
"I have a picture from the last Gulf war. It was taken in the basement of the Al Rashid hotel, the night the war started. The look on my face is one you might expect of a 28-year-old reporter at the centre of one of the biggest stories of my lifetime: earnest, excited and thrilled to be in Baghdad.
Eleven years later, I'm on maternity leave and the news of an impending second Gulf war follows me around the kitchen. This time, I feel only a sense of intense danger as the Middle East lurches towards a possible chemical and biological war. "
Observer: Osama issues new call to arms
Osama hat Amerika einen offenen Brief geschrieben in dem er erklärt wieso er gegen die USA kämpft und was er von ihnen verlangt. Laut Arabischen Quellen ist der Brief echt. Was mich aber an der ganzen Sache stört ist das er den Amerikanern vorwirft das Kyoto-Protokoll nicht unterzeichnet zu haben. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das sich Osama gross für Oekologie interessiert. Aus welchen Gründen auch immer hat man bis jetzt in den Massenmedien nicht wirklich viel darüber gehört. Möglicherweise sollen wir nicht erfahren das Osama uns nicht wegen unserer "Freiheit" und "Demokratie" hasst, sondern aus nachvollziehbaren Gründen.
Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
"Some American writers have published articles under the title 'On what basis are we fighting?' These articles have generated a number of responses, some of which adhered to the truth and were based on Islamic Law, and others which have not. Here we wanted to outline the truth - as an explanation and warning - hoping for Allah's reward, seeking success and support from Him.
While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:
(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?
As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:
(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.
a) You attacked us in Palestine: "
Observer: Osama issues new call to arms
Osama hat Amerika einen offenen Brief geschrieben in dem er erklärt wieso er gegen die USA kämpft und was er von ihnen verlangt. Laut Arabischen Quellen ist der Brief echt. Was mich aber an der ganzen Sache stört ist das er den Amerikanern vorwirft das Kyoto-Protokoll nicht unterzeichnet zu haben. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das sich Osama gross für Oekologie interessiert. Aus welchen Gründen auch immer hat man bis jetzt in den Massenmedien nicht wirklich viel darüber gehört. Möglicherweise sollen wir nicht erfahren das Osama uns nicht wegen unserer "Freiheit" und "Demokratie" hasst, sondern aus nachvollziehbaren Gründen.
Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
"Some American writers have published articles under the title 'On what basis are we fighting?' These articles have generated a number of responses, some of which adhered to the truth and were based on Islamic Law, and others which have not. Here we wanted to outline the truth - as an explanation and warning - hoping for Allah's reward, seeking success and support from Him.
While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:
(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?
As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:
(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.
a) You attacked us in Palestine: "
Counterpunch: A World Wide Intifada? Why? by William A. Cook
"A satellite view of attacks against western interests spotlights the reality that a world-wide intifada against the "developed" nations of the west and their allies is already underway. Russian apartment houses and, recently, a theater, the Twin Towers in New York, two Bali discos, a French super tanker blown up off the coast of Yemen, an Israeli hotel destroyed in Kenya, a failed missle shot at an Israeli passenger plane off the coast of Africa, and others too numerous to mention demonstrate the magnitude of the effort underway to wake up the west to the consequences of its dominance over the lives and interests of peoples throughout the world. Recent events, coupled with the investigations of Jean-Louis Bruguiere, the French Judge who has been tracking terrorist acts for two decades, forces us to grapple with why this is happening. Bruguiere recently warned that France is one of the two or three countries "most at risk of attack due to its historic links to Algeria." "Islamic extremism," he noted, "is breeding like a virus in Europe."(World-Rueters, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2002)"
Counterpunch: A World Wide Intifada? Why? by William A. Cook
"A satellite view of attacks against western interests spotlights the reality that a world-wide intifada against the "developed" nations of the west and their allies is already underway. Russian apartment houses and, recently, a theater, the Twin Towers in New York, two Bali discos, a French super tanker blown up off the coast of Yemen, an Israeli hotel destroyed in Kenya, a failed missle shot at an Israeli passenger plane off the coast of Africa, and others too numerous to mention demonstrate the magnitude of the effort underway to wake up the west to the consequences of its dominance over the lives and interests of peoples throughout the world. Recent events, coupled with the investigations of Jean-Louis Bruguiere, the French Judge who has been tracking terrorist acts for two decades, forces us to grapple with why this is happening. Bruguiere recently warned that France is one of the two or three countries "most at risk of attack due to its historic links to Algeria." "Islamic extremism," he noted, "is breeding like a virus in Europe."(World-Rueters, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2002)"
AP: Court Halts Suit Vs. Cheney Task Force
"The Bush administration succeeded Friday in temporarily stopping a lawsuit
seeking documents about the inner workings of Vice President Dick Cheney's
energy task force and its meetings with industry executives and lobbyists,"
reports AP. "A federal appeals court indefinitely delayed Monday's deadline
for the White House to produce task force documents or provide a detailed
list of the documents it is withholding." Of course the White House wants a
delay now!! We predict that two names high on the "secret list" are Ken Lay
and Henry Kissinger.
AP: Court Halts Suit Vs. Cheney Task Force
"The Bush administration succeeded Friday in temporarily stopping a lawsuit
seeking documents about the inner workings of Vice President Dick Cheney's
energy task force and its meetings with industry executives and lobbyists,"
reports AP. "A federal appeals court indefinitely delayed Monday's deadline
for the White House to produce task force documents or provide a detailed
list of the documents it is withholding." Of course the White House wants a
delay now!! We predict that two names high on the "secret list" are Ken Lay
and Henry Kissinger.
US Gov Targetting Activists For Computer-Searchs
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 04:02:27 -0800
Issue Number 18 - November 28, 2002
They have begun pulling mildly leftist white people off of airplanes.
It's time for the rest of us to get very worried.
The evidence is rolling in, and it is unmistakable: the Bush people are
assembling purely political lists of individuals and groups to be
targeted during some future crisis, real or manufactured. The list makers
probably do not yet know what they plan to do to the people on their
enemies lists, which are still fragmented among various agencies.
However, once such lists are compiled, eventual government action becomes
all but inevitable. It is already clear that the list will be a very long
one, reaching into broad categories of what the current rulers consider
to be dangerous dissenters.
Civil rights lawyers, Green Party activists and even the Catholic
advocacy group Peace Action are on the lists, as are, it appears, Amnesty
International and various environmental activist organizations.
In an article titled "Grounded," the mainstream related the
experience of Center for Constitutional Rights assistant legal director
Barbara Olshansky, who was forced to pull down her pants in view of other
travelers at Newark International Airport. When the lawyer protested the
indignity, a security agent replied, "The computer spit you out. I don't
know why, and I don't have time to talk to you about it."
Six other employees of the center had been pulled out of an airport
boarding line a month earlier. Since all had purchased their tickets
separately under their own names, it was plain that the Center for
Constitutional Rights staff were on some kind of list. Readers familiar
with the workings of bureaucracies will immediately recognize the clanks,
squeaks and grinds of cumbersome government machinery getting into gear.
Olshansky and her colleagues are, apparently, not alone. For months,
rumors and anecdotes have circulated among leftwing and other activist
groups about people who have been barred from flying or delayed at
security gates because they are "on a list."
But now, a spokesman for the new Transportation Security Administration
has acknowledged for the first time that the government has a list of
about 1,000 people who are deemed "threats to aviation" and not allowed
on airplanes under any circumstances. And in an interview with Salon, the
official suggested that Olshansky and other political activists may be on
a separate list that subjects them to strict scrutiny but allows them to
"We have a list of about 1,000 people," said David Steigman, the TSA
spokesman. The agency was created a year ago by Congress to handle
transportation safety during the war on terror. "This list is composed of
names that are provided to us by various government organizations like
the FBI, CIA and INS.... We don't ask how they decide who to list. Each
agency decides on its own who is a 'threat to aviation.'"
The agency has no guidelines to determine who gets on the list, Steigman
says, and no procedures for getting off the list if someone is wrongfully
on it.
The article details the harrassment of other political
travelers, including people from conservative organizations that
apparently wound up in the computer by mistake or through haste. Writer
Dave Lindorff notes that the federal Transportation Security Agency's
unpredictable actions "seem to be netting mostly priests, elderly nuns,
Green Party campaign operatives, left-wing journalists, right-wing
activists and people affiliated with Arab or Arab-American groups."
The 1,000-name "no fly" list referred to by the TSA spokesman is
certainly not the larger, political list. If that were the case, none of
the individuals interviewed by would have ever left the ground.
The article's subjects are on a different set of lists. It is clear that
the airport agents became confused because of a proliferation of lists -
data in temporary disarray.
Bring me more names!
What is obvious is that names are being generated and dumped into an
embryonic but evolving apparatus of wide-ranging political scope. The
Bush men simply haven't fine-tuned the procedure. They have not yet
differentiated between the "somewhat dangerous," the "immediately
dangerous" or the "might become dangerous" - or whatever color-coded
formulas ultimately emerge.
They want names, lots of them. The scatter-shot, eclectic character of
the listings indicates that a furious demand is emanating from the
highest levels of the bureaucracy for as many names as possible, as soon
as possible. Collation and categorization will come later.
The exhortations from on-high were especially shrill in the corridors and
field offices of the FBI. The New York Times headlined their November 21
article, "F.B.I. Officials Say Some Agents Lack a Focus on Terror," but
any low-GS clerk could understand what the bureau's number two official,
Bruce J. Gebhardt, was actually demanding when he sent out a memo to 56
field office agents-in-charge: names, names and more names.
"You need to instill a sense of urgency" in field agents, Mr. Gebhardt
wrote. "They need to get out on the street and develop sources.
"You need to demand that information is being sent" to the bureau's
headquarters in Washington, he continued, adding: "You are the leaders of
the F.B.I. You cannot fail at this mission. Too many people are depending
on us...."
Among their complaints, senior bureau officials have said they are
unhappy that some field offices are not moving aggressively enough to use
secret terrorism warrants, are not developing enough intelligence sources
to penetrate possible terrorist cells and are not loading all the
terrorism-related information they receive into the F.B.I.'s central
computer system.
Officials said that senior bureau leaders in recent weeks have directed
field supervisors to demand weekly written briefings from their
counter-terrorism squads, ask more questions about investigations and
push for greater use of warrants and surveillance against suspects.
The New York Times is unwilling or incapable of interpreting Gebhardt's
memo, but every agent in the field understands perfectly what is
demanded: names for the computers. Not the names of "sleeper" terrorists,
who by definition cannot be identified. Not the names of criminals and
fugitives, the people the existing system is designed to track. And only
a fool could believe that, with all the flack the FBI has gotten over its
pre-September 11 failures, field agents are slacking in their pursuit of
persons who have even the remotest reason for being on watch lists for
actual bombers, skyjackers and poisoners of water. That's not what the
computers in Washington crave.
The FBI is focused on "preventing attacks," says the NYT article. In the
bureau's lexicon, "preventative measures" is a euphemism for surveillance
of persons and infiltration of groups that have committed no crime for
which they can be arrested. There can be but one result that satisfies
headquarters' demand: more names and thicker dossiers. And there is only
one way for the agents in the field to produce these items in sufficient
quantity; the "anti-terror squads" must revert to their roles as Red
Squads, Black Militant Squads and Agitator Squads - under new
nomenclature, of course.
This should have been expected since the morning the Twin Towers fell, a
reflexive reaction by an agency molded from its beginnings as a political
police force. However, the sheer size of the net being cast - to include
blond, Catholic, Wisconsin schoolgirls attempting to board a flight to
Washington to lobby their congressman against the U.S. war in Columbia -
indicates that the "usual suspects," the historical targets of
repression, will have unaccustomed, white middle class company.
The Bush regime, it is becoming apparent, is as serious about smashing
domestic opposition to its agenda as it is about Saddam Hussein. As Bush
told Bob Woodward, "I will seize the opportunity to achieve big goals."
Islam is the FBI's open portal to the African American community at
large. The Nation of Islam has a long history of relationships with
Middle Eastern and Arab nations, and non-NOI African American Muslims
often worship with foreign co-religionists. FBI mumbo-jumbo can fill in
the rest of the justifications for the most intensive, general
surveillance of Black American Muslims and their associates. Since these
Muslims are indigenous, comprising probably 5 percent of African American
citizens, their relatives and "associates" include virtually the entire
Black population.
The chosen ones
Contragate criminal John Poindexter's Total Information Awareness
project, under construction in the bowels of the Pentagon with the
capability to keep track of an individual's every electronic move, is not
designed to screen the behavior of 285 million Americans. Too much data,
few practical uses. But tens or a few hundreds of thousands of
politically marked targets - that's a potentially doable mission. The
logic of world events and the zeal of the Bush men will create the
domestic emergency long before Poindexter's machine is ready but, by its
very existence, the project telegraphs the regime's intentions.
Here's how Poindexter's Information Awareness Office describes his
The TIA program objective is to create a counter-terrorism information
system that: (1) increases information coverage by an order of magnitude,
and affords easy future scaling; (2) provides focused warnings within an
hour after a triggering event occurs or an evidence threshold is passed;
(3) can automatically queue analysts based on partial pattern matches and
has patterns that cover 90% of all previously known foreign terrorist
attacks; and, (4) supports collaboration, analytical reasoning and
information sharing so that analysts can hypothesize, test and propose
theories and mitigating strategies about possible futures, so
decision-makers can effectively evaluate the impact of current or future
policies and prospective courses of action.
Domestic translation: Round up the people in categories X and Y.
If it appears that we are painting a picture of inevitable, massive
detentions and restrictions of American citizens, it is because the daily
sweep of administration activity points in that direction. There will be
serious if not catastrophic terror attacks on U.S. soil - Bush's foreign
policy guarantees it. When the attacks come, the regime in Washington
will declare some kind of state of emergency; only the particulars are
unknown, probably to the Bush men, themselves. And they are not compiling
lists of public activists and left-leaners, in urgent and sloppy haste,
just for the fun of it.
Measures will be taken against the names on the lists of those designated
as domestic threats. An action plan will inexorably shape itself around
the database. That's how bureaucracies of repression work. Discreet
categories of threat require specific measures of response. It will take
a while for the various agencies to work out the details. There can be no
doubt, however, that the people closest to George Bush are impatient to
move the task along.
There is no precedent for the things in store in the days ahead: not
McCarthyism, not Cointelpro, not a combination of the two. Technology
plus the new, corporate-style methods of a ruthless, social
monopoly-minded, mass media manipulating, coldly corrupt and absolutely
cynical politic class has created and is feeding upon an environment of
permanent crisis. These men have plans to reorganize American society and
the world, they know they will be opposed by larger and deeper sectors of
the population over time, and they are preparing to act decisively
against the opposition. First, they take names.
Nothing but a mass movement, comprised of many "targets," can stop the
machine that is clanking rather noisily into place. However, the
machinery, itself, may become the engine of mass mobilization. The Bush
men, supremely arrogant and flush with power, are making a mistake in
advertising their intentions against the persons of white lawyers and
other left-liberals. Bush and Cheney forget the duality of American
society; some people can be abused with impunity; others, connected to
significant sectors of opinion and resources by profession, family wealth
and background and, most importantly, by race - cannot be so cavalierly
stripped of their citizenship rights.
The duality of American life and death
December 4 marks the 33rd anniversary of the assassination of Black
Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, set up for execution in Chicago by
an FBI contract agent. Hampton was barely 21 years old, a brilliant,
one-time pre-law student and Youth Leader of the West Suburban (Chicago)
branch of the NAACP, where he organized 500 members. Hampton then founded
the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther Party and rose swiftly to
national prominence. Police riddled Hampton's body with bullets while he
lay helpless, drugged by the FBI's employee.
The people who haul white lawyers and Catholic nuns off of airplanes will
kill a Black activist in his bed the very same night. This is what passes
for equivalence in a racist society.
White folks are being put on some serious lists. Under the perverse
duality of America, that means the canaries are already dying.
US Gov Targetting Activists For Computer-Searchs
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 04:02:27 -0800
Issue Number 18 - November 28, 2002
They have begun pulling mildly leftist white people off of airplanes.
It's time for the rest of us to get very worried.
The evidence is rolling in, and it is unmistakable: the Bush people are
assembling purely political lists of individuals and groups to be
targeted during some future crisis, real or manufactured. The list makers
probably do not yet know what they plan to do to the people on their
enemies lists, which are still fragmented among various agencies.
However, once such lists are compiled, eventual government action becomes
all but inevitable. It is already clear that the list will be a very long
one, reaching into broad categories of what the current rulers consider
to be dangerous dissenters.
Civil rights lawyers, Green Party activists and even the Catholic
advocacy group Peace Action are on the lists, as are, it appears, Amnesty
International and various environmental activist organizations.
In an article titled "Grounded," the mainstream related the
experience of Center for Constitutional Rights assistant legal director
Barbara Olshansky, who was forced to pull down her pants in view of other
travelers at Newark International Airport. When the lawyer protested the
indignity, a security agent replied, "The computer spit you out. I don't
know why, and I don't have time to talk to you about it."
Six other employees of the center had been pulled out of an airport
boarding line a month earlier. Since all had purchased their tickets
separately under their own names, it was plain that the Center for
Constitutional Rights staff were on some kind of list. Readers familiar
with the workings of bureaucracies will immediately recognize the clanks,
squeaks and grinds of cumbersome government machinery getting into gear.
Olshansky and her colleagues are, apparently, not alone. For months,
rumors and anecdotes have circulated among leftwing and other activist
groups about people who have been barred from flying or delayed at
security gates because they are "on a list."
But now, a spokesman for the new Transportation Security Administration
has acknowledged for the first time that the government has a list of
about 1,000 people who are deemed "threats to aviation" and not allowed
on airplanes under any circumstances. And in an interview with Salon, the
official suggested that Olshansky and other political activists may be on
a separate list that subjects them to strict scrutiny but allows them to
"We have a list of about 1,000 people," said David Steigman, the TSA
spokesman. The agency was created a year ago by Congress to handle
transportation safety during the war on terror. "This list is composed of
names that are provided to us by various government organizations like
the FBI, CIA and INS.... We don't ask how they decide who to list. Each
agency decides on its own who is a 'threat to aviation.'"
The agency has no guidelines to determine who gets on the list, Steigman
says, and no procedures for getting off the list if someone is wrongfully
on it.
The article details the harrassment of other political
travelers, including people from conservative organizations that
apparently wound up in the computer by mistake or through haste. Writer
Dave Lindorff notes that the federal Transportation Security Agency's
unpredictable actions "seem to be netting mostly priests, elderly nuns,
Green Party campaign operatives, left-wing journalists, right-wing
activists and people affiliated with Arab or Arab-American groups."
The 1,000-name "no fly" list referred to by the TSA spokesman is
certainly not the larger, political list. If that were the case, none of
the individuals interviewed by would have ever left the ground.
The article's subjects are on a different set of lists. It is clear that
the airport agents became confused because of a proliferation of lists -
data in temporary disarray.
Bring me more names!
What is obvious is that names are being generated and dumped into an
embryonic but evolving apparatus of wide-ranging political scope. The
Bush men simply haven't fine-tuned the procedure. They have not yet
differentiated between the "somewhat dangerous," the "immediately
dangerous" or the "might become dangerous" - or whatever color-coded
formulas ultimately emerge.
They want names, lots of them. The scatter-shot, eclectic character of
the listings indicates that a furious demand is emanating from the
highest levels of the bureaucracy for as many names as possible, as soon
as possible. Collation and categorization will come later.
The exhortations from on-high were especially shrill in the corridors and
field offices of the FBI. The New York Times headlined their November 21
article, "F.B.I. Officials Say Some Agents Lack a Focus on Terror," but
any low-GS clerk could understand what the bureau's number two official,
Bruce J. Gebhardt, was actually demanding when he sent out a memo to 56
field office agents-in-charge: names, names and more names.
"You need to instill a sense of urgency" in field agents, Mr. Gebhardt
wrote. "They need to get out on the street and develop sources.
"You need to demand that information is being sent" to the bureau's
headquarters in Washington, he continued, adding: "You are the leaders of
the F.B.I. You cannot fail at this mission. Too many people are depending
on us...."
Among their complaints, senior bureau officials have said they are
unhappy that some field offices are not moving aggressively enough to use
secret terrorism warrants, are not developing enough intelligence sources
to penetrate possible terrorist cells and are not loading all the
terrorism-related information they receive into the F.B.I.'s central
computer system.
Officials said that senior bureau leaders in recent weeks have directed
field supervisors to demand weekly written briefings from their
counter-terrorism squads, ask more questions about investigations and
push for greater use of warrants and surveillance against suspects.
The New York Times is unwilling or incapable of interpreting Gebhardt's
memo, but every agent in the field understands perfectly what is
demanded: names for the computers. Not the names of "sleeper" terrorists,
who by definition cannot be identified. Not the names of criminals and
fugitives, the people the existing system is designed to track. And only
a fool could believe that, with all the flack the FBI has gotten over its
pre-September 11 failures, field agents are slacking in their pursuit of
persons who have even the remotest reason for being on watch lists for
actual bombers, skyjackers and poisoners of water. That's not what the
computers in Washington crave.
The FBI is focused on "preventing attacks," says the NYT article. In the
bureau's lexicon, "preventative measures" is a euphemism for surveillance
of persons and infiltration of groups that have committed no crime for
which they can be arrested. There can be but one result that satisfies
headquarters' demand: more names and thicker dossiers. And there is only
one way for the agents in the field to produce these items in sufficient
quantity; the "anti-terror squads" must revert to their roles as Red
Squads, Black Militant Squads and Agitator Squads - under new
nomenclature, of course.
This should have been expected since the morning the Twin Towers fell, a
reflexive reaction by an agency molded from its beginnings as a political
police force. However, the sheer size of the net being cast - to include
blond, Catholic, Wisconsin schoolgirls attempting to board a flight to
Washington to lobby their congressman against the U.S. war in Columbia -
indicates that the "usual suspects," the historical targets of
repression, will have unaccustomed, white middle class company.
The Bush regime, it is becoming apparent, is as serious about smashing
domestic opposition to its agenda as it is about Saddam Hussein. As Bush
told Bob Woodward, "I will seize the opportunity to achieve big goals."
Islam is the FBI's open portal to the African American community at
large. The Nation of Islam has a long history of relationships with
Middle Eastern and Arab nations, and non-NOI African American Muslims
often worship with foreign co-religionists. FBI mumbo-jumbo can fill in
the rest of the justifications for the most intensive, general
surveillance of Black American Muslims and their associates. Since these
Muslims are indigenous, comprising probably 5 percent of African American
citizens, their relatives and "associates" include virtually the entire
Black population.
The chosen ones
Contragate criminal John Poindexter's Total Information Awareness
project, under construction in the bowels of the Pentagon with the
capability to keep track of an individual's every electronic move, is not
designed to screen the behavior of 285 million Americans. Too much data,
few practical uses. But tens or a few hundreds of thousands of
politically marked targets - that's a potentially doable mission. The
logic of world events and the zeal of the Bush men will create the
domestic emergency long before Poindexter's machine is ready but, by its
very existence, the project telegraphs the regime's intentions.
Here's how Poindexter's Information Awareness Office describes his
The TIA program objective is to create a counter-terrorism information
system that: (1) increases information coverage by an order of magnitude,
and affords easy future scaling; (2) provides focused warnings within an
hour after a triggering event occurs or an evidence threshold is passed;
(3) can automatically queue analysts based on partial pattern matches and
has patterns that cover 90% of all previously known foreign terrorist
attacks; and, (4) supports collaboration, analytical reasoning and
information sharing so that analysts can hypothesize, test and propose
theories and mitigating strategies about possible futures, so
decision-makers can effectively evaluate the impact of current or future
policies and prospective courses of action.
Domestic translation: Round up the people in categories X and Y.
If it appears that we are painting a picture of inevitable, massive
detentions and restrictions of American citizens, it is because the daily
sweep of administration activity points in that direction. There will be
serious if not catastrophic terror attacks on U.S. soil - Bush's foreign
policy guarantees it. When the attacks come, the regime in Washington
will declare some kind of state of emergency; only the particulars are
unknown, probably to the Bush men, themselves. And they are not compiling
lists of public activists and left-leaners, in urgent and sloppy haste,
just for the fun of it.
Measures will be taken against the names on the lists of those designated
as domestic threats. An action plan will inexorably shape itself around
the database. That's how bureaucracies of repression work. Discreet
categories of threat require specific measures of response. It will take
a while for the various agencies to work out the details. There can be no
doubt, however, that the people closest to George Bush are impatient to
move the task along.
There is no precedent for the things in store in the days ahead: not
McCarthyism, not Cointelpro, not a combination of the two. Technology
plus the new, corporate-style methods of a ruthless, social
monopoly-minded, mass media manipulating, coldly corrupt and absolutely
cynical politic class has created and is feeding upon an environment of
permanent crisis. These men have plans to reorganize American society and
the world, they know they will be opposed by larger and deeper sectors of
the population over time, and they are preparing to act decisively
against the opposition. First, they take names.
Nothing but a mass movement, comprised of many "targets," can stop the
machine that is clanking rather noisily into place. However, the
machinery, itself, may become the engine of mass mobilization. The Bush
men, supremely arrogant and flush with power, are making a mistake in
advertising their intentions against the persons of white lawyers and
other left-liberals. Bush and Cheney forget the duality of American
society; some people can be abused with impunity; others, connected to
significant sectors of opinion and resources by profession, family wealth
and background and, most importantly, by race - cannot be so cavalierly
stripped of their citizenship rights.
The duality of American life and death
December 4 marks the 33rd anniversary of the assassination of Black
Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, set up for execution in Chicago by
an FBI contract agent. Hampton was barely 21 years old, a brilliant,
one-time pre-law student and Youth Leader of the West Suburban (Chicago)
branch of the NAACP, where he organized 500 members. Hampton then founded
the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther Party and rose swiftly to
national prominence. Police riddled Hampton's body with bullets while he
lay helpless, drugged by the FBI's employee.
The people who haul white lawyers and Catholic nuns off of airplanes will
kill a Black activist in his bed the very same night. This is what passes
for equivalence in a racist society.
White folks are being put on some serious lists. Under the perverse
duality of America, that means the canaries are already dying.
Washington Post: In Terror War, 2nd Track for Suspects
Those Designated 'Combatants' Lose Legal Protections
"The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say."
Buzzflash: A Brief (But Creepy) History of America's Creeping Fascism
Washington Post: In Terror War, 2nd Track for Suspects
Those Designated 'Combatants' Lose Legal Protections
"The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say."
Buzzflash: A Brief (But Creepy) History of America's Creeping Fascism
Wahington Times: Arizona militia set to patrol border for illegal aliens
"A former kindergarten teacher who has organized a 600-strong militia in Arizona will station 50 armed militia members on public land this weekend to "protect their country" against an invasion of illegal aliens, warning federal authorities — including President Bush — not to interfere."
Wahington Times: Arizona militia set to patrol border for illegal aliens
"A former kindergarten teacher who has organized a 600-strong militia in Arizona will station 50 armed militia members on public land this weekend to "protect their country" against an invasion of illegal aliens, warning federal authorities — including President Bush — not to interfere."
Ort: Winterthur (CH), Eulachahlle
Datum: Freitag, 24.01.2003
Türöffnung: 18h00
Beginn: 19h00
tickets: Ticketcorner
Ort: Winterthur (CH), Eulachahlle
Datum: Freitag, 24.01.2003
Türöffnung: 18h00
Beginn: 19h00
tickets: Ticketcorner
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