New York Times: Bush's Backing, Though Still Strong, Shows Steady Decline
President Bush's public support has eroded steadily over the last 12 months, with a rising number of Americans expressing discontent both with his economic policies and his handling of foreign affairs, the latest New York Times/CBS News poll shows.
Friday, January 24, 2003
Demokratische Juristen Schweiz:
WEF: Stellungnahme der DJS zu Fideris
aufschnaufender, 24.01.2003 13:37
Zum Glück: Es gibt nicht nur staatshörige Elfenbeinturm-Jus-Professoren, die polizeistaatliche Massnahmen legitimieren, sondern auch noch kritische JuristInnen mit einem Bezug zur Realität, die die Gefahren eines Zensus-Demonstrationsrechts sehen.
DJS schickt eigene, unabhängige Beobachterdelegation
nach Fideris
Richtigstellung zur Bündner Pressemitteilung vom 23.1.2003
Die DJS legen grossen Wert darauf richtigzustellen, dass ihre Beobachterdelegation anlässlich der Demonstration gegen das WEF eine eigenständige Delegation ist. Die DJS-Delegation ist ganz klar nicht Teil der von den Bündner Behörden zusammengestellten „neutralen“ Beobachtergruppe. Die DJS-Delegation wird sich von niemandem irgendwelche Pflichten auferlegen lassen.
Die von den Bündner Behörden veröffentlichte „zugesagte Teilnahme der DJS Delegation“ geschah ohne Rücksprache mit den DJS, was die DJS sehr befremdet. Richtig ist, dass die DJS mit ihrem Schreiben vom 17. Januar dem Regierungsrat ihre eigenständige Delegation angemeldet und die ungehinderte Zulassung gefordert hat.
Der Entscheid der DJS, mit einer eigenen Delegation vor Ort präsent zu sein hat in erster Linie seinen Grund in der Besorgnis um die Einhaltung der durch die Bundesverfassung garantierten Grundrechte auf Bewegungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit. Die DJS, die bereits die Einführung des Artikels 8a der Bündner Polizeiverordnung (Aufenthaltsverbote) kritisiert hat, wird sich deshalb insbesondere auf die polizeiliche Kontrollpraxis, allfällige Aufenthalts- und Weiterreiseverbote, die Frage der Datensammlung sowie Beschlagnahmung von Gegenständen konzentrieren.
Die DJS wird die von ihr gemachten Feststellungen dokumentieren, nicht zuletzt vor dem Hintergrund, dass bei künftigen Kundgebungen ähnliche Kontrollszenarien eingesetzt werden könnten, was für die DJS ein schwerwiegender Eingriff in die Grundrechte bedeuten würde.
Eine weitere Gruppe von DJS-Mitglieder leistet zudem Pikett-Dienste, um bei allfälligen Einreisesperren / Einreiseverboten an den Grenzen rechtliche Hilfe anzubieten.
Am Samstag, 25. Januar ist die DJS-Delegation unter folgender Nummer erreichbar: 079 784 30 70
Bern, den 24. Januar 2003
Catherine Weber, Geschäftsführerin DJS
Demokratische Juristen Schweiz:
WEF: Stellungnahme der DJS zu Fideris
aufschnaufender, 24.01.2003 13:37
Zum Glück: Es gibt nicht nur staatshörige Elfenbeinturm-Jus-Professoren, die polizeistaatliche Massnahmen legitimieren, sondern auch noch kritische JuristInnen mit einem Bezug zur Realität, die die Gefahren eines Zensus-Demonstrationsrechts sehen.
DJS schickt eigene, unabhängige Beobachterdelegation
nach Fideris
Richtigstellung zur Bündner Pressemitteilung vom 23.1.2003
Die DJS legen grossen Wert darauf richtigzustellen, dass ihre Beobachterdelegation anlässlich der Demonstration gegen das WEF eine eigenständige Delegation ist. Die DJS-Delegation ist ganz klar nicht Teil der von den Bündner Behörden zusammengestellten „neutralen“ Beobachtergruppe. Die DJS-Delegation wird sich von niemandem irgendwelche Pflichten auferlegen lassen.
Die von den Bündner Behörden veröffentlichte „zugesagte Teilnahme der DJS Delegation“ geschah ohne Rücksprache mit den DJS, was die DJS sehr befremdet. Richtig ist, dass die DJS mit ihrem Schreiben vom 17. Januar dem Regierungsrat ihre eigenständige Delegation angemeldet und die ungehinderte Zulassung gefordert hat.
Der Entscheid der DJS, mit einer eigenen Delegation vor Ort präsent zu sein hat in erster Linie seinen Grund in der Besorgnis um die Einhaltung der durch die Bundesverfassung garantierten Grundrechte auf Bewegungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit. Die DJS, die bereits die Einführung des Artikels 8a der Bündner Polizeiverordnung (Aufenthaltsverbote) kritisiert hat, wird sich deshalb insbesondere auf die polizeiliche Kontrollpraxis, allfällige Aufenthalts- und Weiterreiseverbote, die Frage der Datensammlung sowie Beschlagnahmung von Gegenständen konzentrieren.
Die DJS wird die von ihr gemachten Feststellungen dokumentieren, nicht zuletzt vor dem Hintergrund, dass bei künftigen Kundgebungen ähnliche Kontrollszenarien eingesetzt werden könnten, was für die DJS ein schwerwiegender Eingriff in die Grundrechte bedeuten würde.
Eine weitere Gruppe von DJS-Mitglieder leistet zudem Pikett-Dienste, um bei allfälligen Einreisesperren / Einreiseverboten an den Grenzen rechtliche Hilfe anzubieten.
Am Samstag, 25. Januar ist die DJS-Delegation unter folgender Nummer erreichbar: 079 784 30 70
Bern, den 24. Januar 2003
Catherine Weber, Geschäftsführerin DJS
am 25.01.03 ab 14:00 Uhr gibts einen Netstrike gegen die Wef-Sites. Checkt:
für die Strike-Scripts.
am 25.01.03 ab 14:00 Uhr gibts einen Netstrike gegen die Wef-Sites. Checkt:
für die Strike-Scripts.
Heise: Das DARPA-Überwachungsprojekt soll an die Leine gelegt werden
Einstimmig hat der Senat strenge Kontrollen für Entwicklung und Einsatz des "Total Information Awareness" Projekts im Inland gefordert
Das vom dubiosen ehemaligen Admiral John Poindexter geleitete Total Information Awareness Projekt ( TIA), das eine möglichst weitgehende weltweite Überwachung und Durchsuchung von Kommunikation und Datenbanken aller Art ermöglichen soll ( Totale Überwachung), ist gestern vom Senat ohne Diskussion und einstimmig während der Verabschiedung eines Haushaltsgesetzes eingeschränkt worden. Die überraschend erzielte Zustimmung zu der Vorlage des demokratischen Abgeordneten Ron Wyden könnte darauf hinweisen, das innenpolitisch der von der Bush-Regierung forcierte Ausnahmezustand als Hintergrund für Einschränkungen der Bürgerrechte nicht mehr hingenommen wird.
Heise: Das DARPA-Überwachungsprojekt soll an die Leine gelegt werden
Einstimmig hat der Senat strenge Kontrollen für Entwicklung und Einsatz des "Total Information Awareness" Projekts im Inland gefordert
Das vom dubiosen ehemaligen Admiral John Poindexter geleitete Total Information Awareness Projekt ( TIA), das eine möglichst weitgehende weltweite Überwachung und Durchsuchung von Kommunikation und Datenbanken aller Art ermöglichen soll ( Totale Überwachung), ist gestern vom Senat ohne Diskussion und einstimmig während der Verabschiedung eines Haushaltsgesetzes eingeschränkt worden. Die überraschend erzielte Zustimmung zu der Vorlage des demokratischen Abgeordneten Ron Wyden könnte darauf hinweisen, das innenpolitisch der von der Bush-Regierung forcierte Ausnahmezustand als Hintergrund für Einschränkungen der Bürgerrechte nicht mehr hingenommen wird.
Gulf War 2 (aka World War 2.5)
This is a projection of the most likely outcome of a new war in the Gulf. I used sophisticated temporal algorithms and historical semiotic analysis to achieve an accuracy rating of 99.999%. It's the mother of all Flash games.
Gulf War 2 (aka World War 2.5)
This is a projection of the most likely outcome of a new war in the Gulf. I used sophisticated temporal algorithms and historical semiotic analysis to achieve an accuracy rating of 99.999%. It's the mother of all Flash games.
"Die Bedrohung, die durch die Verbindung zwischen Terrornetzwerken und Staaten entsteht, die Massenvernichtungswaffen besitzen, konfrontiert uns mit der Gefahr einer Katastrophe, die um Größenordnungen größer sein kann als die vom 11. Septmber. Iraks Waffen des Massenterrors und die Terrornetzwerke, die mit dem irakischen Regime verbunden sind, sind keine unabhängigen Bedrohungen, sie sind Teil derselben Bedrohung. Die Entwaffnung Iraks und der Krieg gegen den Terror sind nicht nur verbunden. Die Entwaffnung Iraks von seinen chemischen und biologischen Massenvernichtungswaffen und die Abrüstung seines Programms zur Entwicklung von Atomwaffen ist ein entscheidender Teil zum Sieg im Krieg gegen den Terror." - Vizeverteidigungsminister Wolfowitz am 23.1.2003
"Die Bedrohung, die durch die Verbindung zwischen Terrornetzwerken und Staaten entsteht, die Massenvernichtungswaffen besitzen, konfrontiert uns mit der Gefahr einer Katastrophe, die um Größenordnungen größer sein kann als die vom 11. Septmber. Iraks Waffen des Massenterrors und die Terrornetzwerke, die mit dem irakischen Regime verbunden sind, sind keine unabhängigen Bedrohungen, sie sind Teil derselben Bedrohung. Die Entwaffnung Iraks und der Krieg gegen den Terror sind nicht nur verbunden. Die Entwaffnung Iraks von seinen chemischen und biologischen Massenvernichtungswaffen und die Abrüstung seines Programms zur Entwicklung von Atomwaffen ist ein entscheidender Teil zum Sieg im Krieg gegen den Terror." - Vizeverteidigungsminister Wolfowitz am 23.1.2003
Heise: Von Wahrheit und Lüge
Die US-Regierung ist verstrickt in einer schwierigen Argumentation und Beweisführung - Ausflüge in Sophismen und Denunzierungen des "alten Europas" sind an der Tagesordnung
Auch im Weißen Haus nimmt man das Gespinst der Diskurse zur Herstellung von Sacherverhalten ernst. Gerade erst hat das neu eingerichtete "Office of Global Communications", das unter dem Zeichen der Wahrheit, aber mit besserer Verpackung als bislang die Bush-Politik der Weltöffentlichkeit näher bringen soll, einen Bericht über den "Lügenapparat" des Irak-Regimes vorgelegt. Schon vor dem neuen Propagandabüro hatte das Weiße Haus im September 2002 den Bericht "A Decade of Deception and Defiance" vorgelegt, in dem es um die Verletzungen der UN-Resolutionen ging. Auch ansonsten wird man nicht müde, stets auf die Taktik des Regimes hinzuweisen, das ein raffiniertes Spiel des Hinauszögerns, Versteckens, Vertuschens, Lügens und Täuschens inszeniere. Das aber soll im Umkehrschluss wohl bedeuten, dass just diese Praktiken, die dem Gegner vorgeworfen werden, selbst nicht eingesetzt werden.
Heise: Von Wahrheit und Lüge
Die US-Regierung ist verstrickt in einer schwierigen Argumentation und Beweisführung - Ausflüge in Sophismen und Denunzierungen des "alten Europas" sind an der Tagesordnung
Auch im Weißen Haus nimmt man das Gespinst der Diskurse zur Herstellung von Sacherverhalten ernst. Gerade erst hat das neu eingerichtete "Office of Global Communications", das unter dem Zeichen der Wahrheit, aber mit besserer Verpackung als bislang die Bush-Politik der Weltöffentlichkeit näher bringen soll, einen Bericht über den "Lügenapparat" des Irak-Regimes vorgelegt. Schon vor dem neuen Propagandabüro hatte das Weiße Haus im September 2002 den Bericht "A Decade of Deception and Defiance" vorgelegt, in dem es um die Verletzungen der UN-Resolutionen ging. Auch ansonsten wird man nicht müde, stets auf die Taktik des Regimes hinzuweisen, das ein raffiniertes Spiel des Hinauszögerns, Versteckens, Vertuschens, Lügens und Täuschens inszeniere. Das aber soll im Umkehrschluss wohl bedeuten, dass just diese Praktiken, die dem Gegner vorgeworfen werden, selbst nicht eingesetzt werden.
Black Propaganda
Tagesanzeiger: Irak sabotiert angeblich Uno-Inspektionen
Die USA haben Irak gezielte und massive Sabotage der Uno-Inspektionen vorgeworfen. Eine irakische «Spezialorganisation» kümmere sich um die Behinderung von Kontrollen und die Einschüchterung von Zeugen, heisst es in der Erklärung.
Anstatt Einrichtungen zur Zusammenarbeit mit den Inspektoren anzuhalten, erteile Bagdad Anweisungen zur Behinderung der Kontrollen. «Tausende Mitarbeiter irakischer Sicherheitsdienste» würden eingesetzt, um Dokumente und Material vor den Kontrolleuren geheim zu halten. Mögliche Zeugen würden eingeschüchtert, heisst es im Bericht des Weissen Hauses.
Beweise für die Vorwürfe legte das Weisse Haus aber nicht vor.
Spiegel: Morddrohungen, Sabotage, Versteckspiel"
Um ihren harten Kurs gegen den Irak zu untermauern, haben die USA einen neuen Bericht über mutmaßliche Verstöße Bagdads gegen die jüngste Uno-Resolution vorgelegt. Demnach werden Waffen vor den Inspekteuren versteckt und Wissenschaftler, die mit den Uno-Leuten reden wollen, mit dem Tode bedroht.
Black Propaganda
Tagesanzeiger: Irak sabotiert angeblich Uno-Inspektionen
Die USA haben Irak gezielte und massive Sabotage der Uno-Inspektionen vorgeworfen. Eine irakische «Spezialorganisation» kümmere sich um die Behinderung von Kontrollen und die Einschüchterung von Zeugen, heisst es in der Erklärung.
Anstatt Einrichtungen zur Zusammenarbeit mit den Inspektoren anzuhalten, erteile Bagdad Anweisungen zur Behinderung der Kontrollen. «Tausende Mitarbeiter irakischer Sicherheitsdienste» würden eingesetzt, um Dokumente und Material vor den Kontrolleuren geheim zu halten. Mögliche Zeugen würden eingeschüchtert, heisst es im Bericht des Weissen Hauses.
Beweise für die Vorwürfe legte das Weisse Haus aber nicht vor.
Spiegel: Morddrohungen, Sabotage, Versteckspiel"
Um ihren harten Kurs gegen den Irak zu untermauern, haben die USA einen neuen Bericht über mutmaßliche Verstöße Bagdads gegen die jüngste Uno-Resolution vorgelegt. Demnach werden Waffen vor den Inspekteuren versteckt und Wissenschaftler, die mit den Uno-Leuten reden wollen, mit dem Tode bedroht.
Tagesanzeiger: Explosion bei Pro-Chávez-Kundgebung
Bei einer Explosion am Rande einer Grosskundgebung zu Gunsten des venezolanischen Präsidenten Hugo Chávez ist ein Mensch getötet worden. Mindestens zwei weitere wurden verletzt. Die Polizei sprach von einem «Terrorakt».
Tagesanzeiger: Explosion bei Pro-Chávez-Kundgebung
Bei einer Explosion am Rande einer Grosskundgebung zu Gunsten des venezolanischen Präsidenten Hugo Chávez ist ein Mensch getötet worden. Mindestens zwei weitere wurden verletzt. Die Polizei sprach von einem «Terrorakt».
Thursday, January 23, 2003
WEF 2003
Tagesanzeiger: Gegenakzente in Porto Alegre
Zum Auftakt des Weltsozialforums (WSF) in Porto Alegre sind am Donnerstagabend mehrere Zehntausend Menschen durch die Innenstadt gezogen und haben für Frieden und eine andere Welt demonstriert. Verurteilt wurden Imperialismus und Neoliberalismus.
Tagesanzeiger: Gegenakzente in Porto Alegre
Zum Auftakt des Weltsozialforums (WSF) in Porto Alegre sind am Donnerstagabend mehrere Zehntausend Menschen durch die Innenstadt gezogen und haben für Frieden und eine andere Welt demonstriert. Verurteilt wurden Imperialismus und Neoliberalismus.
Guardian: The message from the Bush camp: 'It's war within weeks'
· Washington now concentrating on timing
· State of union address to 'turn up the heat'
· Blair faces nightmare scenario over war decision
"The pressure comes from President Bush and it is felt all the way down," a European official said. "They're talking about weeks, not months. Months is a banned word now."
An informed source in Washington said: "Blair is a good guy. They won't want to do that to him. They want it to look like he played a part in the policy-making but the decision has been made."
Mr Bush will lay out the broad case for toppling President Saddam next Tuesday but White House officials insist the speech, a year after the president coined the phrase, "axis of evil", will stop short of being a declaration of war. That will await a more detailed presentation of intelligence evidence in the next few weeks, after Mr Blair visits Camp David.
Guardian: The message from the Bush camp: 'It's war within weeks'
· Washington now concentrating on timing
· State of union address to 'turn up the heat'
· Blair faces nightmare scenario over war decision
"The pressure comes from President Bush and it is felt all the way down," a European official said. "They're talking about weeks, not months. Months is a banned word now."
An informed source in Washington said: "Blair is a good guy. They won't want to do that to him. They want it to look like he played a part in the policy-making but the decision has been made."
Mr Bush will lay out the broad case for toppling President Saddam next Tuesday but White House officials insist the speech, a year after the president coined the phrase, "axis of evil", will stop short of being a declaration of war. That will await a more detailed presentation of intelligence evidence in the next few weeks, after Mr Blair visits Camp David.
Guardian: A matter of life, death - and oil
Weapons of mass destruction are cited as the spur for action. Perhaps the real motive is something just as urgent?
"The US energy department frightened politicians with a study in 2001 known as the Cheney report after the former head of Halliburton oil services group, now US vice-president, who wrote it. He predicted that imported oil would need to rise from 10.4 million barrels a day at present to 16.7 million barrels a day by 2020.
The report spelled out the US dependence on a stable energy market and the need for a foreign policy that would protect America's energy supply. "In a global energy marketplace, US energy and economic security are directly linked not only to our domestic and international energy supplies, but to those of our trading partners as well," it said. "A significant disruption in world oil supplies could adversely affect our economy and/or ability to promote foreign and economic policy objectives, regardless of the level of US dependence on oil imports." "
"Fadel Gheit, a former Mobil chemical engineer and now an investment specialist with New York brokerage firm Fahnestock & Co, told 50 of the largest pension funds and financial investors in America before Christmas that the expected war was "all about oil" and that the global fight against terrorism was just "camouflage" to mask the real purpose. "
Guardian: A matter of life, death - and oil
Weapons of mass destruction are cited as the spur for action. Perhaps the real motive is something just as urgent?
"The US energy department frightened politicians with a study in 2001 known as the Cheney report after the former head of Halliburton oil services group, now US vice-president, who wrote it. He predicted that imported oil would need to rise from 10.4 million barrels a day at present to 16.7 million barrels a day by 2020.
The report spelled out the US dependence on a stable energy market and the need for a foreign policy that would protect America's energy supply. "In a global energy marketplace, US energy and economic security are directly linked not only to our domestic and international energy supplies, but to those of our trading partners as well," it said. "A significant disruption in world oil supplies could adversely affect our economy and/or ability to promote foreign and economic policy objectives, regardless of the level of US dependence on oil imports." "
"Fadel Gheit, a former Mobil chemical engineer and now an investment specialist with New York brokerage firm Fahnestock & Co, told 50 of the largest pension funds and financial investors in America before Christmas that the expected war was "all about oil" and that the global fight against terrorism was just "camouflage" to mask the real purpose. "
Reuters: U.S. Promises to Hold Iraqi Oil 'In Trust'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell promised that a U.S. military occupation would hold Iraq's oilfields "in trust" for the Iraqi people.
In an interview with U.S. newspapers on Tuesday, released by the State Department on Wednesday, Powell said the Bush administration was studying different models for managing the Iraqi oil industry if the United States invades.
"If we are the occupying power, it will be held for the benefit of the Iraqi people and it will be operated for the benefit of the Iraqi people," he said.
Wers glaubt...und ich dachte es gehe nicht um Öl
Reuters: U.S. Promises to Hold Iraqi Oil 'In Trust'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell promised that a U.S. military occupation would hold Iraq's oilfields "in trust" for the Iraqi people.
In an interview with U.S. newspapers on Tuesday, released by the State Department on Wednesday, Powell said the Bush administration was studying different models for managing the Iraqi oil industry if the United States invades.
"If we are the occupying power, it will be held for the benefit of the Iraqi people and it will be operated for the benefit of the Iraqi people," he said.
Wers glaubt...und ich dachte es gehe nicht um Öl
New York Times Op-Ed: Why We Know Iraq Is Lying
"Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding — yet again — that Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, "Has Saddam Hussein finally decided to voluntarily disarm?" Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding no."
"Iraq has filed a false declaration to the United Nations that amounts to a 12,200-page lie." Beweise?
Die New York Times macht ihrerm Namen als offizielles Propagandablatt der US-Regierung wieder alle Ehre...welche PR-Firma hat wohl den Text für Condeleeza geschrieben? Und was sagt der ganze Wisch? Wenn wir keine Waffen finden können beweist das dass Sadaam Waffen hat und sie versteckt.
New York Times Op-Ed: Why We Know Iraq Is Lying
"Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding — yet again — that Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, "Has Saddam Hussein finally decided to voluntarily disarm?" Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding no."
"Iraq has filed a false declaration to the United Nations that amounts to a 12,200-page lie." Beweise?
Die New York Times macht ihrerm Namen als offizielles Propagandablatt der US-Regierung wieder alle Ehre...welche PR-Firma hat wohl den Text für Condeleeza geschrieben? Und was sagt der ganze Wisch? Wenn wir keine Waffen finden können beweist das dass Sadaam Waffen hat und sie versteckt.
PROPAGANDA We Need More Propaganda, Not Less by Nancy Snow
Like the Cold War, the Terror Age is being fought primarily through Information Wars. Capture and control of the public mind is nothing to fear if we understand that propaganda is a neutral concept. It refers to any systematic process of mass persuasion; it's often misunderstood as censorship or lying (although that does manifest too).
Most mainstream news media cover the Information Wars like a World Wrestling Federation competition--in this corner, Bush rhetoric: "Ultimately, one of the best weapons, one of the truest weapons that we have against terrorism is to show the world the true strength of our character and kindness of the American people." In the other corner, bin Laden rhetoric: "The call to wage war against America was made because America has spearheaded the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control." (Gee, bin Laden, tell us what you really think.)
Interassanter Artikel von Nancy Snow. Die Frau hat schon in sämtlichen Propaganda-Abteilungen der USA gearbeitet. Ihre Firma Rendon Group hat im ersten Golfkrieg die Geschichte über die Iraker die in Kuweit Babies aus Brutkästen reissen erfunden. Rendon Corp. ist auch im Moment wieder daran der Öffentlichkeit einen Irak-Krieg zu verkaufen oder den amerikanern beizubringen das die Saudis gar keine Terrorristen sind. Sie hat auch ein neues Buch geschrieben: Information War by Nancy Snow. Sie berichtet darin über die Veränderung der offiziellen US-Propaganda seit 9.11 ist glaub noch interessant wenn man den Kritiken glauben schenken kann
Asia Times: This war brought to you by Rendon Group
"Word got around the department that I was a good Arabic translator who did a great Saddam imitation," recalls the Harvard grad student. "Eventually, someone phoned me, asking if I wanted to help change the course of Iraq policy."
So twice a week, for US$3,000 a month, the Iraqi student says, under condition of anonymity, that he took a taxi from his campus apartment to a Boston-area recording studio rented by the Rendon Group, a DC-based public relations firm with close ties to the US government. His job: translate and dub spoofed Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for broadcast throughout Iraq." We Need More Propaganda, Not Less by Nancy Snow
Like the Cold War, the Terror Age is being fought primarily through Information Wars. Capture and control of the public mind is nothing to fear if we understand that propaganda is a neutral concept. It refers to any systematic process of mass persuasion; it's often misunderstood as censorship or lying (although that does manifest too).
Most mainstream news media cover the Information Wars like a World Wrestling Federation competition--in this corner, Bush rhetoric: "Ultimately, one of the best weapons, one of the truest weapons that we have against terrorism is to show the world the true strength of our character and kindness of the American people." In the other corner, bin Laden rhetoric: "The call to wage war against America was made because America has spearheaded the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control." (Gee, bin Laden, tell us what you really think.)
Interassanter Artikel von Nancy Snow. Die Frau hat schon in sämtlichen Propaganda-Abteilungen der USA gearbeitet. Ihre Firma Rendon Group hat im ersten Golfkrieg die Geschichte über die Iraker die in Kuweit Babies aus Brutkästen reissen erfunden. Rendon Corp. ist auch im Moment wieder daran der Öffentlichkeit einen Irak-Krieg zu verkaufen oder den amerikanern beizubringen das die Saudis gar keine Terrorristen sind. Sie hat auch ein neues Buch geschrieben: Information War by Nancy Snow. Sie berichtet darin über die Veränderung der offiziellen US-Propaganda seit 9.11 ist glaub noch interessant wenn man den Kritiken glauben schenken kann
Asia Times: This war brought to you by Rendon Group
"Word got around the department that I was a good Arabic translator who did a great Saddam imitation," recalls the Harvard grad student. "Eventually, someone phoned me, asking if I wanted to help change the course of Iraq policy."
So twice a week, for US$3,000 a month, the Iraqi student says, under condition of anonymity, that he took a taxi from his campus apartment to a Boston-area recording studio rented by the Rendon Group, a DC-based public relations firm with close ties to the US government. His job: translate and dub spoofed Saddam Hussein speeches and tongue-in-cheek newscasts for broadcast throughout Iraq."
Links zum WEF 2003.
Oltner Bündniss
WEF official site
Links zum WEF 2003.
Oltner Bündniss
WEF official site
Tages Anzeiger: Das WEF hat begonnen
In Davos hat das 33. Weltwirtschaftsforum begonnen. Hauptthemen sind die Kriegsgefahr im Irak, der Zustand der Weltwirtschaft und die Globalisierung. 2150 Gäste aus 99 Ländern werden erwartet.
Das WEF 2003 ist von aussergewöhnlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen geprägt: Das gesamte Sicherheitspersonal übersteigt die Zahl der Forumsteilnehmer. Neben hunderten von Polizisten aus verschiedenen Kantonen stehen auch 300 Festungswächter und 1500 Armeeangehörige im Einsatz
Tages Anzeiger: Das WEF hat begonnen
In Davos hat das 33. Weltwirtschaftsforum begonnen. Hauptthemen sind die Kriegsgefahr im Irak, der Zustand der Weltwirtschaft und die Globalisierung. 2150 Gäste aus 99 Ländern werden erwartet.
Das WEF 2003 ist von aussergewöhnlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen geprägt: Das gesamte Sicherheitspersonal übersteigt die Zahl der Forumsteilnehmer. Neben hunderten von Polizisten aus verschiedenen Kantonen stehen auch 300 Festungswächter und 1500 Armeeangehörige im Einsatz
Spiegel: Franzosen "zutiefst beleidigt"
Mit seinen jüngsten Äußerungen hat Donald Rumsfeld die Franzosen in Rage gebracht. Der US-Verteidigungsminister hatte Frankreich und Deutschland als "Problem" bezeichnet und auf das "alte Europa" geschimpft. Die Antwort aus Frankreich kam prompt.
Spiegel: "Deutschland ist ein Problem, Frankreich ist ein Problem"
"Das Zentrum des Nato-Europas verlagert sich nach Osten", sagte Rumsfeld. "Deutschland ist ein Problem, Frankreich ist ein Problem. Aber wenn Sie sich die riesige Zahl anderer Länder ansehen, so sind sie auf der Seite der USA und nicht Frankreichs und Deutschlands", behauptete der US-Verteidigungsminister.
Spiegel: Wie die Amerikaner Deutschland und Frankreich isolieren wollen
Die Amerikaner planen offenbar, Deutsche und Franzosen wegen ihrer Anti-Kriegs-Politik auf bisher einmalige Weise in die Enge zu treiben. Beide Staaten sollen als Verhinderer eines Saddam-Sturzes gebrandmarkt werden. Zudem sollen sie nächste Woche aufgefordert werden, den Irak der Missachtung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats zu bezichtigen.
"So erwägen die Amerikaner offenbar, die französischen Konzerne von der Ausbeutung der irakischen Ölquellen auszuschließen, sollte Saddam ersteinmal gestürtzt sein. " dabei gehts doch in diesem Krieg nicht um Öl sondern um Demokratie
Spiegel: Chirac deutet Nein im Sicherheitsrat an
Die deutsch-französische Anti-Kriegsfront nimmt Gestalt an. Bei einem gemeinsamen Auftritt mit Kanzler Schröder vor Jugendlichen deutete Staatspräsident Chirac an, Frankreich könnte im Weltsicherheitsrat von seinem Vetorecht Gebrauch machen.
Spiegel: Franzosen "zutiefst beleidigt"
Mit seinen jüngsten Äußerungen hat Donald Rumsfeld die Franzosen in Rage gebracht. Der US-Verteidigungsminister hatte Frankreich und Deutschland als "Problem" bezeichnet und auf das "alte Europa" geschimpft. Die Antwort aus Frankreich kam prompt.
Spiegel: "Deutschland ist ein Problem, Frankreich ist ein Problem"
"Das Zentrum des Nato-Europas verlagert sich nach Osten", sagte Rumsfeld. "Deutschland ist ein Problem, Frankreich ist ein Problem. Aber wenn Sie sich die riesige Zahl anderer Länder ansehen, so sind sie auf der Seite der USA und nicht Frankreichs und Deutschlands", behauptete der US-Verteidigungsminister.
Spiegel: Wie die Amerikaner Deutschland und Frankreich isolieren wollen
Die Amerikaner planen offenbar, Deutsche und Franzosen wegen ihrer Anti-Kriegs-Politik auf bisher einmalige Weise in die Enge zu treiben. Beide Staaten sollen als Verhinderer eines Saddam-Sturzes gebrandmarkt werden. Zudem sollen sie nächste Woche aufgefordert werden, den Irak der Missachtung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats zu bezichtigen.
"So erwägen die Amerikaner offenbar, die französischen Konzerne von der Ausbeutung der irakischen Ölquellen auszuschließen, sollte Saddam ersteinmal gestürtzt sein. " dabei gehts doch in diesem Krieg nicht um Öl sondern um Demokratie
Spiegel: Chirac deutet Nein im Sicherheitsrat an
Die deutsch-französische Anti-Kriegsfront nimmt Gestalt an. Bei einem gemeinsamen Auftritt mit Kanzler Schröder vor Jugendlichen deutete Staatspräsident Chirac an, Frankreich könnte im Weltsicherheitsrat von seinem Vetorecht Gebrauch machen.
Reuters: Schroeder Says Germany, France to Push for Peace
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said Wednesday Germany and France would coordinate all their efforts to prevent a war against Iraq after announcing Germany would not support any U.N. resolution authorizing an attack.
In his strongest anti-war statement to date, Schroeder said in a campaign speech late Tuesday that Germany, which holds a non-veto seat in the U.N. Security Council, would not vote for any resolution seeking authority for a strike against Iraq.
Schroeder also wrote in an article Wednesday for the Berliner Zeitung newspaper that Germany and France, which holds a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, would work closely together to secure peace and avoid war.
"I have told our French friends, and the others as well, and I'll say it here, going a bit further in this question than I have in the past: Do not expect that Germany will agree to a resolution that legitimizes war, do not reckon with it," Schroeder told a cheering campaign rally in Goslar.
Reuters: Schroeder Says Germany, France to Push for Peace
BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said Wednesday Germany and France would coordinate all their efforts to prevent a war against Iraq after announcing Germany would not support any U.N. resolution authorizing an attack.
In his strongest anti-war statement to date, Schroeder said in a campaign speech late Tuesday that Germany, which holds a non-veto seat in the U.N. Security Council, would not vote for any resolution seeking authority for a strike against Iraq.
Schroeder also wrote in an article Wednesday for the Berliner Zeitung newspaper that Germany and France, which holds a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, would work closely together to secure peace and avoid war.
"I have told our French friends, and the others as well, and I'll say it here, going a bit further in this question than I have in the past: Do not expect that Germany will agree to a resolution that legitimizes war, do not reckon with it," Schroeder told a cheering campaign rally in Goslar.
Yahoo News: Volunteer 'Human Shields' to Head for Iraq
"LONDON (Reuters) - A first wave of mainly Western volunteers will leave
London this weekend on a convoy bound for Iraq to act as "human
shields" at
key sites and populous areas in case of a U.S.-led war on Baghdad. "The
potential for white Western body parts flying around with the Iraqi
should make them think again about this imperialist oil war," organizer
Nichols, a former U.S. marine in the 1991 Gulf War, told Reuters."
Yahoo News: Volunteer 'Human Shields' to Head for Iraq
"LONDON (Reuters) - A first wave of mainly Western volunteers will leave
London this weekend on a convoy bound for Iraq to act as "human
shields" at
key sites and populous areas in case of a U.S.-led war on Baghdad. "The
potential for white Western body parts flying around with the Iraqi
should make them think again about this imperialist oil war," organizer
Nichols, a former U.S. marine in the 1991 Gulf War, told Reuters."
RENSE: Israeli Police Beat AFP, AP Photographers In Nablus
NABLUS, West Bank (AFP) - Israeli border police beat two Palestinian photographers for international news agencies as they tried to take pictures of police driving with two youths strapped to the front of their jeep.
Jaafar Ashtiyeh of Agence France-Presse and Nasser Ashtiyeh of the Associated Press (AP) were punched by the policemen, one of whom threatened to shoot them if the photos were published, said the two men, both from the same family.
RENSE: Israeli Police Beat AFP, AP Photographers In Nablus
NABLUS, West Bank (AFP) - Israeli border police beat two Palestinian photographers for international news agencies as they tried to take pictures of police driving with two youths strapped to the front of their jeep.
Jaafar Ashtiyeh of Agence France-Presse and Nasser Ashtiyeh of the Associated Press (AP) were punched by the policemen, one of whom threatened to shoot them if the photos were published, said the two men, both from the same family.
Reuters: Russia Military See U.S. Iraq Attack in Feb -Report
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's armed forces have obtained information that the United States and its allies have already decided to launch military action in Iraq from mid-February, news agency Interfax said on Wednesday.
The agency's specialist military news wire AVN, quoting an unnamed high-ranking source in the Russian general staff, said U.S.-led operations would be launched once an attacking force of 150,000 had been assembled in the Gulf.
"According to the information we have, the operation is planned for the second half of February. The decision to launch it has been taken but not yet been made public," the source told the agency, which has generally authoritative contacts in the Russian military and political establishment.
The source added that the main aim of the war would be to secure control of Iraqi oilfields.
"The source added that the main aim of the operation was not so much to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein but to secure U.S. control over Iraqi oilfields.
"Hussein is the pretext. The real aim of the military action is control over Iraqi oil," he said."
Reuters: Russia Military See U.S. Iraq Attack in Feb -Report
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's armed forces have obtained information that the United States and its allies have already decided to launch military action in Iraq from mid-February, news agency Interfax said on Wednesday.
The agency's specialist military news wire AVN, quoting an unnamed high-ranking source in the Russian general staff, said U.S.-led operations would be launched once an attacking force of 150,000 had been assembled in the Gulf.
"According to the information we have, the operation is planned for the second half of February. The decision to launch it has been taken but not yet been made public," the source told the agency, which has generally authoritative contacts in the Russian military and political establishment.
The source added that the main aim of the war would be to secure control of Iraqi oilfields.
"The source added that the main aim of the operation was not so much to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein but to secure U.S. control over Iraqi oilfields.
"Hussein is the pretext. The real aim of the military action is control over Iraqi oil," he said."
Guardian: The myth of the war economy by Joseph Stigliz
"War is widely thought to be linked to economic good times. The second world war is often said to have brought the world out of depression, and war has since enhanced its reputation as a spur to economic growth. Some even suggest that capitalism needs wars, that without them, recession would always lurk on the horizon.
Today, we know that this is nonsense. The 1990s boom showed that peace is economically far better than war. The Gulf war of 1991 demonstrated that wars can actually be bad for an economy. That conflict contributed mightily to the onset of the recession of 1991 (which was probably the key factor in denying the first President Bush re-election in 1992).
The current situation is far more akin to the Gulf war than to wars that may have contributed to economic growth. Indeed, the economic effects of a second war against Iraq would probably be far more adverse. The second world war called for total mobilisation, requiring a country's total resources, and that is what wiped out unemployment. Total war means total employment."
Joseph Stiglitz is professor of economics and finance at Columbia University, the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, and author of Globalization and its Discontents. He was formerly chairman of the council of economic advisers to President Clinton and chief economist at the World Bank
Guardian: The myth of the war economy by Joseph Stigliz
"War is widely thought to be linked to economic good times. The second world war is often said to have brought the world out of depression, and war has since enhanced its reputation as a spur to economic growth. Some even suggest that capitalism needs wars, that without them, recession would always lurk on the horizon.
Today, we know that this is nonsense. The 1990s boom showed that peace is economically far better than war. The Gulf war of 1991 demonstrated that wars can actually be bad for an economy. That conflict contributed mightily to the onset of the recession of 1991 (which was probably the key factor in denying the first President Bush re-election in 1992).
The current situation is far more akin to the Gulf war than to wars that may have contributed to economic growth. Indeed, the economic effects of a second war against Iraq would probably be far more adverse. The second world war called for total mobilisation, requiring a country's total resources, and that is what wiped out unemployment. Total war means total employment."
Joseph Stiglitz is professor of economics and finance at Columbia University, the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, and author of Globalization and its Discontents. He was formerly chairman of the council of economic advisers to President Clinton and chief economist at the World Bank
Palestine Monitor: Palestinian Village Faces Annihilation
Urgent Press Release
Israeli bulldozers will destroy the entire village of Al-Daba’ in the Qalqilya district. The village consists of 250 Palestinians living in 42 houses. Sixty ton American made armored Caterpillar D-9 bulldozers will make short work of 42 houses, 600-700 dunums of agricultural land, a mosque, and an elementary school for 132 children.
The military order was issued 30 days ago and required the clearing of 50 meters of land next to the billion dollar wall (financed by the United
States) being built to separate Palestinian land from Israel in the northern part of the West Bank. The clearing operation has exceeded its orders and now the destruction will extend 500 meters into the West Bank and engulf the village of Al-Daba’
Independent: Israeli troops devastate West Bank village market
Israeli soldiers demolished 62 shops at a market yesterday, destroying the livelihood of hundreds of Palestinians. In the early morning, about 300 troops streamed into the market, just outside the village of Nazlat Issa. They brought seven bulldozers.
Villagers poured out to protest as the bulldozers tore down the village market, the main source of income for Nazlat Issa's 2,500 residents
Was Israel im Moment macht ist noch nicht mal mehr mit der Südafrikanischen Apartheit zu vergleichen. Dort wurden die Leute in ihren Ghettos wenigsten mehr oder weniger in Ruhe gelassen und waren nicht täglicher Gewalt und Willkür einer Besatzungsarmee ausgeliefert. Das Ziel der derzeitigen Politik Sharon's läuft auf eine Ethnische Säuberung der Palästinensergebiete hinaus.
Palestine Monitor: Palestinian Village Faces Annihilation
Urgent Press Release
Israeli bulldozers will destroy the entire village of Al-Daba’ in the Qalqilya district. The village consists of 250 Palestinians living in 42 houses. Sixty ton American made armored Caterpillar D-9 bulldozers will make short work of 42 houses, 600-700 dunums of agricultural land, a mosque, and an elementary school for 132 children.
The military order was issued 30 days ago and required the clearing of 50 meters of land next to the billion dollar wall (financed by the United
States) being built to separate Palestinian land from Israel in the northern part of the West Bank. The clearing operation has exceeded its orders and now the destruction will extend 500 meters into the West Bank and engulf the village of Al-Daba’
Independent: Israeli troops devastate West Bank village market
Israeli soldiers demolished 62 shops at a market yesterday, destroying the livelihood of hundreds of Palestinians. In the early morning, about 300 troops streamed into the market, just outside the village of Nazlat Issa. They brought seven bulldozers.
Villagers poured out to protest as the bulldozers tore down the village market, the main source of income for Nazlat Issa's 2,500 residents
Was Israel im Moment macht ist noch nicht mal mehr mit der Südafrikanischen Apartheit zu vergleichen. Dort wurden die Leute in ihren Ghettos wenigsten mehr oder weniger in Ruhe gelassen und waren nicht täglicher Gewalt und Willkür einer Besatzungsarmee ausgeliefert. Das Ziel der derzeitigen Politik Sharon's läuft auf eine Ethnische Säuberung der Palästinensergebiete hinaus.
Palestine Chronicle: Disturbing Trends in Israel
"More Israelis than ever before are thinking the unthinkable. An April
poll found that 44 percent of Israeli Jews support "transfer" of the Arab
population .." Palestine is still the number one issue. The war on
Iraq is an offshoot. Doubt it? More Israelis than ever before are thinking the
unthinkable. An April poll found that 44 percent of Israeli Jews
support "transfer" of the Arab population. Posters throughout the country
proclaim, "Transfer = peace and security." "Us here, them there" and "Jordan is
Palestine" are popular slogans. An hour of school time was devoted to
the teachings of Rehavam Ze’ evi, chief exponent of the idea, who was
assassinated last year. "Transfer" is discussed openly on talk shows.
What is "population transfer?" The concept dates from 19th century Zionism,
and refers to removal of the Palestinians from their land, in order to make
room for (or enlarge) Israel. How does Israel propose to do this?
Palestine Chronicle: Disturbing Trends in Israel
"More Israelis than ever before are thinking the unthinkable. An April
poll found that 44 percent of Israeli Jews support "transfer" of the Arab
population .." Palestine is still the number one issue. The war on
Iraq is an offshoot. Doubt it? More Israelis than ever before are thinking the
unthinkable. An April poll found that 44 percent of Israeli Jews
support "transfer" of the Arab population. Posters throughout the country
proclaim, "Transfer = peace and security." "Us here, them there" and "Jordan is
Palestine" are popular slogans. An hour of school time was devoted to
the teachings of Rehavam Ze’ evi, chief exponent of the idea, who was
assassinated last year. "Transfer" is discussed openly on talk shows.
What is "population transfer?" The concept dates from 19th century Zionism,
and refers to removal of the Palestinians from their land, in order to make
room for (or enlarge) Israel. How does Israel propose to do this?
Independent: The Sketch: Blair astonishes onlookers with a frank answer to Parliament's greybeards
The liason committee had its biannual audience with the Prime Minister
yesterday. In the dark hour before war, Mr Blair presented himself to
the grand heads of the select committees. They are Parliament's greybeards,
they've independent voices often at odds with the Government. They're
the best we've got. They were perceptibly less useless than the last time
they found themselves in the prime ministerial presence. A few posed
questions we ourselves would like to ask: "Is there any link between al-Qa'ida,
Iraq and terrorist groups in Britain?" Blair watchers were astonished when
the Prime Minister said: "No."
Independent: The Sketch: Blair astonishes onlookers with a frank answer to Parliament's greybeards
The liason committee had its biannual audience with the Prime Minister
yesterday. In the dark hour before war, Mr Blair presented himself to
the grand heads of the select committees. They are Parliament's greybeards,
they've independent voices often at odds with the Government. They're
the best we've got. They were perceptibly less useless than the last time
they found themselves in the prime ministerial presence. A few posed
questions we ourselves would like to ask: "Is there any link between al-Qa'ida,
Iraq and terrorist groups in Britain?" Blair watchers were astonished when
the Prime Minister said: "No."
Wired: Internet Stokes Anti-War Movement
"This weekend's anti-war protests were the first mass demonstrations in memory to occur before a conflict, a testimony to the organizing power of the Internet, observers say.
While the Vietnam-era anti-war movement took years to gather momentum, hundreds of thousands of protestors turned out in dozens of U.S. cities on Saturday to protest a possible war in Iraq."
Wired: Internet Stokes Anti-War Movement
"This weekend's anti-war protests were the first mass demonstrations in memory to occur before a conflict, a testimony to the organizing power of the Internet, observers say.
While the Vietnam-era anti-war movement took years to gather momentum, hundreds of thousands of protestors turned out in dozens of U.S. cities on Saturday to protest a possible war in Iraq."
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Tagesanzeiger: Bündner Regierung besteht auf Kontrollen
Die Bündner Behörden bleiben dabei: Die Demonstranten gegen das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) werden in Fideris GR kontrolliert. Als letztes Zugeständnis an die Demo-Organisatoren werden am kommenden Samstag unabhängige Beobachter eingesetzt.
Tagesanzeiger: Anti-WEF-Aktion am Flughafen
Mehrere Dutzend WEF-Gegner haben am Mittwochnachmittag am Flughafen Zürich gegen das World Economic Forum in Davos demonstriert. Die Kundgebung verlief ohne Zwischenfälle. Die Zürcher Kantonspolizei war mit einem Grossaufgebot vor Ort.
Pressemitteilung GBI: Anti-WEF-Demo
GEBEIIIII, 22.01.2003 11:04
Pressemitteilung der Gewerkschaft Bau und Industrie GBI vom 21. Januar 2003
Für die Globalisierung der sozialen Gerechtigkeit
Unterstützung für Anti-WEF-Demo
Die GBI unterstützt die Anti-WEF-Demonstration vom 25. Januar in Davos und
nimmt mit einer Delegation von einigen hundert Personen daran teil, um so
als Teil der sozialen Bewegungen gegen die Folgen neoliberaler Politik,
gegen Liberalisierung und Privatisierung gewaltlos zu demonstrieren.
Das WEF dient seit 33 Jahren der Planung und Durchsetzung dieser
Ausbeutungsstrategien. Dieses private Treffen zwischen
Wirtschaftsführer/-innen und Politiker/-innen, welches das Leben von
Millionen von Menschen beeinflusst, hat keinerlei demokratische
Legitimation. Unser Protest richtet sich gegen die Durchführung dieses
undemokratischen Anlasses und gegen eine Wirtschaftspolitik, die für immer
mehr Menschen - bei uns und weltweit - Armut, Ausgrenzung, Hunger und eine
zunehmende Zerstörung der natürlichen Ressourcen bedeutet. Unser Protest
richtet sich auch gegen die Kriegstreiber, die am WEF teilnehmen werden, und
die dabei sind, den Krieg gegen den Irak vorzubereiten. Unsere Demonstration
in Davos ist auch eine Kundgebung gegen den Krieg!
Wir sind solidarisch mit der wachsenden Bewegung von Menschen auf der ganzen
Welt, welche alle das gemeinsame Ziel verfolgen: die Globalisierung der
sozialen Gerechtigkeit. Seit Seattle ist diese Bewegung von Monat zu Monat
stärker geworden. Zusammen mit tausenden von Menschen wollen wir in Davos
gewaltlos demonstrieren. Die Demonstration vom 9. November 02 in Florenz
hat gezeigt, dass die Anti-Globalisierungsbewegung gewaltlos demonstriert,
wenn sie von der Polizei nicht provoziert und behindert wird. Gegenüber den
vorgesehenen Kontrollschleusen von Fideris werden wir die gleiche Haltung
einnehmen, wie das Oltner Bündnis
Wir erwarten von den Behörden, dass sie das Demonstrationsrecht respektieren
und die Demonstrantinnen und Demonstraten ohne schikanöse Kontrollen nach
Davos fahren lassen. Wir fordern die Behörden auf, das Augenmass nicht zu
verlieren und die bewilligte Demonstration in Davos nicht zu behindern und
auch aufhören, Carunternehmen davon abzuhalten, Gewerkschafter/-innen an die
Manifestation zu transportieren.
Amnesty International: Security for Everybody During WEF Davos Policing Operations
"The Swiss authorities must ensure that the sorts of human rights violations seen during previous demonstrations in Switzerland and elsewhere are not repeated," said Amnesty International
Tagesanzeiger: Bündner Regierung besteht auf Kontrollen
Die Bündner Behörden bleiben dabei: Die Demonstranten gegen das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) werden in Fideris GR kontrolliert. Als letztes Zugeständnis an die Demo-Organisatoren werden am kommenden Samstag unabhängige Beobachter eingesetzt.
Tagesanzeiger: Anti-WEF-Aktion am Flughafen
Mehrere Dutzend WEF-Gegner haben am Mittwochnachmittag am Flughafen Zürich gegen das World Economic Forum in Davos demonstriert. Die Kundgebung verlief ohne Zwischenfälle. Die Zürcher Kantonspolizei war mit einem Grossaufgebot vor Ort.
Pressemitteilung GBI: Anti-WEF-Demo
GEBEIIIII, 22.01.2003 11:04
Pressemitteilung der Gewerkschaft Bau und Industrie GBI vom 21. Januar 2003
Für die Globalisierung der sozialen Gerechtigkeit
Unterstützung für Anti-WEF-Demo
Die GBI unterstützt die Anti-WEF-Demonstration vom 25. Januar in Davos und
nimmt mit einer Delegation von einigen hundert Personen daran teil, um so
als Teil der sozialen Bewegungen gegen die Folgen neoliberaler Politik,
gegen Liberalisierung und Privatisierung gewaltlos zu demonstrieren.
Das WEF dient seit 33 Jahren der Planung und Durchsetzung dieser
Ausbeutungsstrategien. Dieses private Treffen zwischen
Wirtschaftsführer/-innen und Politiker/-innen, welches das Leben von
Millionen von Menschen beeinflusst, hat keinerlei demokratische
Legitimation. Unser Protest richtet sich gegen die Durchführung dieses
undemokratischen Anlasses und gegen eine Wirtschaftspolitik, die für immer
mehr Menschen - bei uns und weltweit - Armut, Ausgrenzung, Hunger und eine
zunehmende Zerstörung der natürlichen Ressourcen bedeutet. Unser Protest
richtet sich auch gegen die Kriegstreiber, die am WEF teilnehmen werden, und
die dabei sind, den Krieg gegen den Irak vorzubereiten. Unsere Demonstration
in Davos ist auch eine Kundgebung gegen den Krieg!
Wir sind solidarisch mit der wachsenden Bewegung von Menschen auf der ganzen
Welt, welche alle das gemeinsame Ziel verfolgen: die Globalisierung der
sozialen Gerechtigkeit. Seit Seattle ist diese Bewegung von Monat zu Monat
stärker geworden. Zusammen mit tausenden von Menschen wollen wir in Davos
gewaltlos demonstrieren. Die Demonstration vom 9. November 02 in Florenz
hat gezeigt, dass die Anti-Globalisierungsbewegung gewaltlos demonstriert,
wenn sie von der Polizei nicht provoziert und behindert wird. Gegenüber den
vorgesehenen Kontrollschleusen von Fideris werden wir die gleiche Haltung
einnehmen, wie das Oltner Bündnis
Wir erwarten von den Behörden, dass sie das Demonstrationsrecht respektieren
und die Demonstrantinnen und Demonstraten ohne schikanöse Kontrollen nach
Davos fahren lassen. Wir fordern die Behörden auf, das Augenmass nicht zu
verlieren und die bewilligte Demonstration in Davos nicht zu behindern und
auch aufhören, Carunternehmen davon abzuhalten, Gewerkschafter/-innen an die
Manifestation zu transportieren.
Amnesty International: Security for Everybody During WEF Davos Policing Operations
"The Swiss authorities must ensure that the sorts of human rights violations seen during previous demonstrations in Switzerland and elsewhere are not repeated," said Amnesty International
Quote of the day:
Und ich denke, dass dieser Präsident hat damit besonders die Tatsache berücksichtigt, dass wir als Amerikaner es als gegeben hinnehmen, welch ein gutes, fürsorgendes, mitleidendes Land wir sind. Wir sind der weltweit größte Lebensmittelversorger, wir geben weltweit am meisten Geld für den Kampf gegen HIV-AIDS aus. Und dennoch kann man in Ecken der Welt reisen und eine Menge an Anti-Amerikanismus vernehmen, eine Menge an Behauptungen, die nicht die guten Taten berücksichtigen, die die amerikanischen Bürger mit ihren Steuerdollars finanzieren, und die guten Taten, die die Regierung mit dem Peace Corps und mit anderen Mitteln ausführt, die dazu dienen, die Welt friedlicher, besser ernährt, besser ausgebildet und zu einem gesünderen Ort zu machen. Und daher gibt es die Erkenntnis, dass wir dafür sorgen müssen, diese Botschaft an die ganze Welt zu vermitteln." - Ari Fleischer in der Pressekonferenz am 21. 1. 2003 zum Office for Global Communications
Quote of the day:
Und ich denke, dass dieser Präsident hat damit besonders die Tatsache berücksichtigt, dass wir als Amerikaner es als gegeben hinnehmen, welch ein gutes, fürsorgendes, mitleidendes Land wir sind. Wir sind der weltweit größte Lebensmittelversorger, wir geben weltweit am meisten Geld für den Kampf gegen HIV-AIDS aus. Und dennoch kann man in Ecken der Welt reisen und eine Menge an Anti-Amerikanismus vernehmen, eine Menge an Behauptungen, die nicht die guten Taten berücksichtigen, die die amerikanischen Bürger mit ihren Steuerdollars finanzieren, und die guten Taten, die die Regierung mit dem Peace Corps und mit anderen Mitteln ausführt, die dazu dienen, die Welt friedlicher, besser ernährt, besser ausgebildet und zu einem gesünderen Ort zu machen. Und daher gibt es die Erkenntnis, dass wir dafür sorgen müssen, diese Botschaft an die ganze Welt zu vermitteln." - Ari Fleischer in der Pressekonferenz am 21. 1. 2003 zum Office for Global Communications
Heise: Präsident Bush hat jetzt seine eigene Propaganda-Abteilung
Das gestern gestartete "Office for Global Communications" beginnt ausgerechnet mit einem Bericht über den "Lügenapparat" von Saddam Hussein
Endlich hat auch Präsident Bush seine eigene Propagandaabteilung, die er sich längst gewünscht hat ( Das Weiße Haus will auch ein Propagandabüro). Lange Zeit war man im Weißen Haus nicht zufrieden, was das Außenministerium veranstaltet, auch wenn es mit Charlotte Beers schon im Oktober 2001 eine Werbeexpertin angeheuert hat ( Zur Aufrüstung der Wahrheit). Im Pentagon gab es öffentlichen Aufruhr, als man dort das "Büro für Strategische Kommunikation" einrichten wollte ( Aus für die Propaganda-Abteilung des Pentagon). Das "Office of Global Communications" hat einen unverdächtigen Namen, aber ist möglicherweise nicht ganz geschickt angetreten, indem es die Propagandabemühungen des derzeitigen Erzfeindes Hussein aufs Korn nimmt - und damit erst recht die Aufmerksamkeit auf die eigene Propaganda richtet.
Heise: Präsident Bush hat jetzt seine eigene Propaganda-Abteilung
Das gestern gestartete "Office for Global Communications" beginnt ausgerechnet mit einem Bericht über den "Lügenapparat" von Saddam Hussein
Endlich hat auch Präsident Bush seine eigene Propagandaabteilung, die er sich längst gewünscht hat ( Das Weiße Haus will auch ein Propagandabüro). Lange Zeit war man im Weißen Haus nicht zufrieden, was das Außenministerium veranstaltet, auch wenn es mit Charlotte Beers schon im Oktober 2001 eine Werbeexpertin angeheuert hat ( Zur Aufrüstung der Wahrheit). Im Pentagon gab es öffentlichen Aufruhr, als man dort das "Büro für Strategische Kommunikation" einrichten wollte ( Aus für die Propaganda-Abteilung des Pentagon). Das "Office of Global Communications" hat einen unverdächtigen Namen, aber ist möglicherweise nicht ganz geschickt angetreten, indem es die Propagandabemühungen des derzeitigen Erzfeindes Hussein aufs Korn nimmt - und damit erst recht die Aufmerksamkeit auf die eigene Propaganda richtet.
Spiegel: Die Falken sind kurzsichtig"
Welche Rolle spielt das Öl bei einem Feldzug gegen Saddam Hussein? Der britische Energieexperte und Weltbank-Berater Mamdouh Salameh äußert sich im SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Interview über die hohen Risiken einer amerikanisch-britischen Invasion im Irak
Spiegel: Die Falken sind kurzsichtig"
Welche Rolle spielt das Öl bei einem Feldzug gegen Saddam Hussein? Der britische Energieexperte und Weltbank-Berater Mamdouh Salameh äußert sich im SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Interview über die hohen Risiken einer amerikanisch-britischen Invasion im Irak
Spiegel: "Warum sollen wir den Irak angreifen?"
Bush im Umfragetief
Die Popularität des US-Präsidenten unter den Amerikanern verfällt in dramatischem Tempo: Noch nie seit den Terror-Attacken war George W. Bush so unbeliebt. Sieben von zehn Amerikanern fordern erheblich mehr Zeit für die Inspekteure.
Spiegel: "Warum sollen wir den Irak angreifen?"
Bush im Umfragetief
Die Popularität des US-Präsidenten unter den Amerikanern verfällt in dramatischem Tempo: Noch nie seit den Terror-Attacken war George W. Bush so unbeliebt. Sieben von zehn Amerikanern fordern erheblich mehr Zeit für die Inspekteure.
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
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check out: artomatic online shop for shirts, magazines and other cool stuff
check out: sk8 on the wall der japanische skatebrand kollaboriert mit div artist's wie obey, seen, mike mills für skateboard decks. cool stuff
check out: kidrobot and figuro for new michel lau and other ill toyz
check out: pictures of the europe only releases of nike 2003
ckeck out: Kaws for new Kaws Action Figures
check out: Modart Modart Exhibition in Müchen mit kinsey, Marok, Virus, Templeton uva..check it if stay in munich from feb 1. - 4.
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WEF 2003
TagesAnzeiger: WEF-Demo «notfalls» in Landquart
Die Anti-WEF-Demo soll in Davos stattfinden, aber nicht um jeden Preis. Das Oltner Bündnis lehnt die geplanten Kontrollen in Fideris weiter ab. Wenn die Behörden nicht den freien Zugang gewähren, soll in Landquart demonstriert werden.
Die Vollversammlung des Oltner Bündnisses habe am Montag beschlossen, bis Fideris zu reisen. Dort sollen aber die Kontrolle in den Sicherheitsschleusen verweigert werden, sagte Walter Angst vom Oltner Bündnis am Dienstag vor den Medien in Bern. «Wir werden im Zug sitzen bleiben, bis allen Demonstranten freier Zugang nach Davos gewährt wird.»
TagesAnzeiger: WEF-Gegner wollen Kontrollen mit juristischen Mitteln verhindern
TagesAnzeiger: WEF-Demo «notfalls» in Landquart
Die Anti-WEF-Demo soll in Davos stattfinden, aber nicht um jeden Preis. Das Oltner Bündnis lehnt die geplanten Kontrollen in Fideris weiter ab. Wenn die Behörden nicht den freien Zugang gewähren, soll in Landquart demonstriert werden.
Die Vollversammlung des Oltner Bündnisses habe am Montag beschlossen, bis Fideris zu reisen. Dort sollen aber die Kontrolle in den Sicherheitsschleusen verweigert werden, sagte Walter Angst vom Oltner Bündnis am Dienstag vor den Medien in Bern. «Wir werden im Zug sitzen bleiben, bis allen Demonstranten freier Zugang nach Davos gewährt wird.»
TagesAnzeiger: WEF-Gegner wollen Kontrollen mit juristischen Mitteln verhindern
Independent: Robert Fisk: This looming war isn't about chemical warheads or human rights: it's about oil
Along with the concern for 'vital interests' in the Gulf, this war was concocted five years ago by oil men such as Dick Cheney
Independent: Robert Fisk: This looming war isn't about chemical warheads or human rights: it's about oil
Along with the concern for 'vital interests' in the Gulf, this war was concocted five years ago by oil men such as Dick Cheney
Independent: The Media Column: War journalists should not be cosying up to the military by Robert Fisk
"over the past four weeks, the massed ranks of American television networks have been pouring into Kuwait to cosy up to the US military, to seek those coveted "pool" positions, to try on their army or marine costumes and make sure that – if or when the day comes – they will have the kind of coverage that every reporter and every general wants: a few facts, good pictures and nothing dirty to make the viewers throw up on the breakfast table"
"US troops in Kuwait are offering courses in chemical and biological warfare for reporters who might be accompanying soldiers to "the front", along with "training" on the need to protect security during military operations. CNN is, of course, enthusiastically backing these seemingly innocuous courses – forgetting how they allowed Pentagon "trainees" to sit in their newsroom during the 1991 Gulf War."
Independent: The Media Column: War journalists should not be cosying up to the military by Robert Fisk
"over the past four weeks, the massed ranks of American television networks have been pouring into Kuwait to cosy up to the US military, to seek those coveted "pool" positions, to try on their army or marine costumes and make sure that – if or when the day comes – they will have the kind of coverage that every reporter and every general wants: a few facts, good pictures and nothing dirty to make the viewers throw up on the breakfast table"
"US troops in Kuwait are offering courses in chemical and biological warfare for reporters who might be accompanying soldiers to "the front", along with "training" on the need to protect security during military operations. CNN is, of course, enthusiastically backing these seemingly innocuous courses – forgetting how they allowed Pentagon "trainees" to sit in their newsroom during the 1991 Gulf War."
Independent: Blair: 'Saddam is trying to rebuild nuclear weapons programme'
He went on: "Whenever I'm asked about the linkage between al–Qaida and Iraq, the truth is there is information I have that directly links al–Qa'ida to September 11.
"There is some intelligence evidence about loose linkage between al–Qaida and various people in Iraq" Es gibt auch Hinweise auf Verbindungen von Terroristen und Leuten in England. Soll man dafür London bombardieren?
Independent: Blair: 'Saddam is trying to rebuild nuclear weapons programme'
He went on: "Whenever I'm asked about the linkage between al–Qaida and Iraq, the truth is there is information I have that directly links al–Qa'ida to September 11.
"There is some intelligence evidence about loose linkage between al–Qaida and various people in Iraq" Es gibt auch Hinweise auf Verbindungen von Terroristen und Leuten in England. Soll man dafür London bombardieren?
Spiegel: "Mir ist jetzt klar, er rüstet nicht ab
Ein Krieg gegen den Irak ist wieder ein bedeutendes Stück näher gerückt. US-Präsident Bush wählte heute Worte, die fast einer Kriegserklärung gleichkommen. Dagegen drängt Frankreich die übrigen EU-Staaten, gemeinsam einen friedlichen Weg zu suchen
Spiegel: "Mir ist jetzt klar, er rüstet nicht ab
Ein Krieg gegen den Irak ist wieder ein bedeutendes Stück näher gerückt. US-Präsident Bush wählte heute Worte, die fast einer Kriegserklärung gleichkommen. Dagegen drängt Frankreich die übrigen EU-Staaten, gemeinsam einen friedlichen Weg zu suchen
ZMAG: Media Follies 2002
TOP 10 of the most over-/underrated news stories of the yrear 2002
ZMAG: Media Follies 2002
TOP 10 of the most over-/underrated news stories of the yrear 2002
Pravda: Afghanistan Goes Back to Taliban Rules
"There has not been a lot of news from Afghanistan lately. The events around Iraq and North Korea pushed all other news into the background, including Afghanistan news. Yet, there are very interesting events going on in the former Taliban patrimonial estate. Afghanistan currently works on its Constitutions, which looks like the set of Taliban rules"
We bring you democracy
Pravda: Afghanistan Goes Back to Taliban Rules
"There has not been a lot of news from Afghanistan lately. The events around Iraq and North Korea pushed all other news into the background, including Afghanistan news. Yet, there are very interesting events going on in the former Taliban patrimonial estate. Afghanistan currently works on its Constitutions, which looks like the set of Taliban rules"
We bring you democracy
10 vor 10: Graffiti Bericht vom 17.01.03
Ein 7 Minuten Bericht über das Zerstören von Zügen und die Angst der Zugpassagiere vor verslumung...haben wir im Moment keine grösseren Probleme?
10 vor 10: Graffiti Bericht vom 17.01.03
Ein 7 Minuten Bericht über das Zerstören von Zügen und die Angst der Zugpassagiere vor verslumung...haben wir im Moment keine grösseren Probleme?
New York Times: Rumsfeld Says Iraq Diplomacy Is Nearing the End of Its Road
"In the case of Iraq, we're nearing the end of the long road, and with every other option exhausted," he said.
"he said the Hussein government had been stonewalling weapons inspectors." hier ist noch ein Bericht von Heute, so von wegen "stonewalling inspectors" NY Times: Iraq Accepting a U.S. Demand aber das wird dem Sadaam auch nichts mehr nützen
""His regime has large, unaccounted-for stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons including VX, Sarin, mustard gas, anthrax, botulism and possibly smallpox," Mr. Rumsfeld said in an address to the Reserve Officers Association here. "And he has an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons."
""No other living dictator has shown the same deadly combination of capability and intent, of aggression against its neighbors, pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, the use of chemical weapons against his own people as well as against his neighbors, oppression of his own people, support of terrorism, and the most threatening hostility to its neighbors, and to the United States, as has Iraq," he said."
Von wo weiss Rumsfeld von all den Chemiewaffen? Hat ihm Hans Blix verrraten?
Merke: Solange man eine Armee hat die fähig ist das Land wirklich zu verteidigen und man keine wichtigen Ölreserven hat, kann man sich den Diktator geben und Amerika schickt Diplomaten. Bei Regimes die seit 11 Jahren unter UNO-Sanktionen leben und auf den zweit grössten Öl-Reserven der Welt sitzen schickt man Bomben.
New York Times: Rumsfeld Says Iraq Diplomacy Is Nearing the End of Its Road
"In the case of Iraq, we're nearing the end of the long road, and with every other option exhausted," he said.
"he said the Hussein government had been stonewalling weapons inspectors." hier ist noch ein Bericht von Heute, so von wegen "stonewalling inspectors" NY Times: Iraq Accepting a U.S. Demand aber das wird dem Sadaam auch nichts mehr nützen
""His regime has large, unaccounted-for stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons including VX, Sarin, mustard gas, anthrax, botulism and possibly smallpox," Mr. Rumsfeld said in an address to the Reserve Officers Association here. "And he has an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons."
""No other living dictator has shown the same deadly combination of capability and intent, of aggression against its neighbors, pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, the use of chemical weapons against his own people as well as against his neighbors, oppression of his own people, support of terrorism, and the most threatening hostility to its neighbors, and to the United States, as has Iraq," he said."
Von wo weiss Rumsfeld von all den Chemiewaffen? Hat ihm Hans Blix verrraten?
Merke: Solange man eine Armee hat die fähig ist das Land wirklich zu verteidigen und man keine wichtigen Ölreserven hat, kann man sich den Diktator geben und Amerika schickt Diplomaten. Bei Regimes die seit 11 Jahren unter UNO-Sanktionen leben und auf den zweit grössten Öl-Reserven der Welt sitzen schickt man Bomben.
USA Twenty Questions And A Nazi...
Lustiger Artikel
"Bush UN Speech
"Delegates to the General Assembly: We have been more than patient. We have tried sanctions. We have tried the carrot of "oil for food" and the stick of coalition military strikes. But Saddam Hussein has defied all these efforts and continues to develop weapons of mass destruction. The first time we may be completely certain he has nuclear weapons is when, God forbid, he uses one. We owe it to all our citizens to do everything in our power to prevent that day from coming." - George Bush, September 12, 2002
"I have only a few statements still to make: I am grateful to Mr. Chamberlain for all his efforts. I have assured him that the German people desires nothing else than peace, but I have also told him that I cannot go back behind the limits set to our patience." - Adolph Hitler, September 26, 1938
"The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people, who have suffered for too long in silent captivity. Liberty for the Iraqi people is a great moral cause and a great strategic goal. The people of Iraq deserve it and the security of all nations requires it. Free societies do not intimidate through cruelty and conquest and open societies do not threaten the world with mass murder. The United States supports political and economic liberty in a unified Iraq." - George Bush, September 12, 2002
"I have further assured him, and I repeat it here, that when this problem is solved there is for Germany no further territorial problem here in Europe. And I have further assured him that at the moment when Czechoslovakia solves her problems, that means when the Czechs have come to terms with their minorities, and that peaceably and not through oppression, then I have no further interest in the Czech state. And that is guaranteed to him!" - Adolph Hitler, September 26, 1938
"My nation will work with the U.N. Security Council on a new resolution to meet our common challenge. If Iraq's regime defies us again, the world must move deliberately and decisively to hold Iraq to account. The purposes of the United States should not be doubted. The Security Council resolutions will be enforced - the just demands of peace and security will be met - or action will be unavoidable. And a regime that has lost its legitimacy will also lose its power.
Events can turn in one of two ways.
If we fail to act in the face of danger, the people of Iraq will continue to live in brutal submission. The regime will have new power to bully, dominate and conquer its neighbors, condemning the Middle East to more years of bloodshed and fear. The region will remain unstable, with little hope of freedom and isolated from the progress of our times. With every step the Iraqi regime takes toward gaining and deploying the most terrible weapons, our own options to confront that regime will narrow. And if an emboldened regime were to supply these weapons to terrorist allies, then the attacks of September 11th would be a prelude to far greater horrors." - George Bush, September 12, 2002
"But in the same way I desire to state before the German people that with regard to the problem of the Sudeten Germans my patience is now at an end! I have made Mr. Benes an offer which is nothing but the carrying into effect of what he himself has promised. The decision now lies in his hands: Peace or War! He will either accept this offer and now at last give to the Germans their freedom or we will go and fetch this freedom for ourselves."
"In this hour the whole German people will unite with me! It will feel my will to be its will. Just as in my eyes is it its future and fate which give me commission for my action." - Adolph Hitler, September 26, 1938" Twenty Questions And A Nazi...
Lustiger Artikel
"Bush UN Speech
"Delegates to the General Assembly: We have been more than patient. We have tried sanctions. We have tried the carrot of "oil for food" and the stick of coalition military strikes. But Saddam Hussein has defied all these efforts and continues to develop weapons of mass destruction. The first time we may be completely certain he has nuclear weapons is when, God forbid, he uses one. We owe it to all our citizens to do everything in our power to prevent that day from coming." - George Bush, September 12, 2002
"I have only a few statements still to make: I am grateful to Mr. Chamberlain for all his efforts. I have assured him that the German people desires nothing else than peace, but I have also told him that I cannot go back behind the limits set to our patience." - Adolph Hitler, September 26, 1938
"The United States has no quarrel with the Iraqi people, who have suffered for too long in silent captivity. Liberty for the Iraqi people is a great moral cause and a great strategic goal. The people of Iraq deserve it and the security of all nations requires it. Free societies do not intimidate through cruelty and conquest and open societies do not threaten the world with mass murder. The United States supports political and economic liberty in a unified Iraq." - George Bush, September 12, 2002
"I have further assured him, and I repeat it here, that when this problem is solved there is for Germany no further territorial problem here in Europe. And I have further assured him that at the moment when Czechoslovakia solves her problems, that means when the Czechs have come to terms with their minorities, and that peaceably and not through oppression, then I have no further interest in the Czech state. And that is guaranteed to him!" - Adolph Hitler, September 26, 1938
"My nation will work with the U.N. Security Council on a new resolution to meet our common challenge. If Iraq's regime defies us again, the world must move deliberately and decisively to hold Iraq to account. The purposes of the United States should not be doubted. The Security Council resolutions will be enforced - the just demands of peace and security will be met - or action will be unavoidable. And a regime that has lost its legitimacy will also lose its power.
Events can turn in one of two ways.
If we fail to act in the face of danger, the people of Iraq will continue to live in brutal submission. The regime will have new power to bully, dominate and conquer its neighbors, condemning the Middle East to more years of bloodshed and fear. The region will remain unstable, with little hope of freedom and isolated from the progress of our times. With every step the Iraqi regime takes toward gaining and deploying the most terrible weapons, our own options to confront that regime will narrow. And if an emboldened regime were to supply these weapons to terrorist allies, then the attacks of September 11th would be a prelude to far greater horrors." - George Bush, September 12, 2002
"But in the same way I desire to state before the German people that with regard to the problem of the Sudeten Germans my patience is now at an end! I have made Mr. Benes an offer which is nothing but the carrying into effect of what he himself has promised. The decision now lies in his hands: Peace or War! He will either accept this offer and now at last give to the Germans their freedom or we will go and fetch this freedom for ourselves."
"In this hour the whole German people will unite with me! It will feel my will to be its will. Just as in my eyes is it its future and fate which give me commission for my action." - Adolph Hitler, September 26, 1938"
Globalresearch: The Penal Colonies
The Gaza strip is a perfect realization of the Israeli vision of "separation". Surrounded with electric fences and army posts, completely sealed off the outside world, Gaza has become a huge prison. About one third of its land was confiscated for the 7,000 Israeli settlers living there (and their defense array), while over a million Palestinians are crowded in the remaining areas of the prison. With no work or sources of income, about 80% of its residents depend, for their living, on UNRWA, or contributions from Arab states and charity organizations. Now Israel is considering the imprisonment there of families of suicide bombers from the West Bank (1). As a senior Israeli analyst stated, Gaza can now serve as "the penal colony" of Israel its "devils island, Alcatraz". (Nahum Barnea, Yediot Aharonot June 21, 2002).
Globalresearch: The Penal Colonies
The Gaza strip is a perfect realization of the Israeli vision of "separation". Surrounded with electric fences and army posts, completely sealed off the outside world, Gaza has become a huge prison. About one third of its land was confiscated for the 7,000 Israeli settlers living there (and their defense array), while over a million Palestinians are crowded in the remaining areas of the prison. With no work or sources of income, about 80% of its residents depend, for their living, on UNRWA, or contributions from Arab states and charity organizations. Now Israel is considering the imprisonment there of families of suicide bombers from the West Bank (1). As a senior Israeli analyst stated, Gaza can now serve as "the penal colony" of Israel its "devils island, Alcatraz". (Nahum Barnea, Yediot Aharonot June 21, 2002).
Truthout: Will Pitt takes on CNN over fake report "chemical warheads"
"My name is William Rivers Pitt. I am the author of the book 'War on Iraq,' which has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list, and has cracked the top ten bestseller lists of the Washington Post, L.A. Times, San Francisco Chronicle and others. I am also a writer for the publication
I apologize for flouting my resume at you, but I wanted to make sure that you do not dismiss this email as coming from someone not very well versed in this Iraq situation. A correspondent named (name deleted) at CNN gave me your address, so that I might pass a note through you to Mr. Aaron Brown. I am hoping he is prepared to hear what I am saying.
First things first: The warheads.
Let's be clear. These were not 'chemical warheads.' In the Iraqi arsenal, a warhead is a warhead - an empty ordnance space strapped to a missile. What matters is the payload, be it explosive or chemical or nuclear. The item placed in the warhead denotes the designation. These warheads were stone-cold empty, so by definition they are not 'chemical warheads.' They are, in fact, nothing, because they were loaded with no payload. Furthermore, the word 'warhead' is in itself misleading, as these were artillery munitions.
Second. Iraq is allowed by UN resolutions to have a variety of weapons, including the Al Samoud missile. We did not want to pull Iraq's fangs completely after the Gulf War, considering the neighborhood they live in. We allowed them to keep missiles that fly only a certain distance (150km most often). Many people will not know this, and will think the presence of these munitions will represent a breach of the UN resolution. This is not the case.
Third. Scott Ritter informed me today that these munitions were part of Iraq's declaration last December. I await further confirmation of this, and so should the journalism world.
Fourth. This is absolutely a vindication of the inspections regime. They found the stuff, and it will be destroyed, and no American soldiers or Iraqi civilians died in the process. Inspections work.
Fifth. Recall how the UNSCOM inspections were undermined by meddling from the American intelligence community. Understand that this warhead story did not come from Blix, or through the normal channels, but through a Japanese (read: close ally) inspector who contacted the news media and let rip before the facts were in hand. Why? "
Truthout: Will Pitt takes on CNN over fake report "chemical warheads"
"My name is William Rivers Pitt. I am the author of the book 'War on Iraq,' which has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list, and has cracked the top ten bestseller lists of the Washington Post, L.A. Times, San Francisco Chronicle and others. I am also a writer for the publication
I apologize for flouting my resume at you, but I wanted to make sure that you do not dismiss this email as coming from someone not very well versed in this Iraq situation. A correspondent named (name deleted) at CNN gave me your address, so that I might pass a note through you to Mr. Aaron Brown. I am hoping he is prepared to hear what I am saying.
First things first: The warheads.
Let's be clear. These were not 'chemical warheads.' In the Iraqi arsenal, a warhead is a warhead - an empty ordnance space strapped to a missile. What matters is the payload, be it explosive or chemical or nuclear. The item placed in the warhead denotes the designation. These warheads were stone-cold empty, so by definition they are not 'chemical warheads.' They are, in fact, nothing, because they were loaded with no payload. Furthermore, the word 'warhead' is in itself misleading, as these were artillery munitions.
Second. Iraq is allowed by UN resolutions to have a variety of weapons, including the Al Samoud missile. We did not want to pull Iraq's fangs completely after the Gulf War, considering the neighborhood they live in. We allowed them to keep missiles that fly only a certain distance (150km most often). Many people will not know this, and will think the presence of these munitions will represent a breach of the UN resolution. This is not the case.
Third. Scott Ritter informed me today that these munitions were part of Iraq's declaration last December. I await further confirmation of this, and so should the journalism world.
Fourth. This is absolutely a vindication of the inspections regime. They found the stuff, and it will be destroyed, and no American soldiers or Iraqi civilians died in the process. Inspections work.
Fifth. Recall how the UNSCOM inspections were undermined by meddling from the American intelligence community. Understand that this warhead story did not come from Blix, or through the normal channels, but through a Japanese (read: close ally) inspector who contacted the news media and let rip before the facts were in hand. Why? "
Hustler Magazine: Greg Palast - Beat The Press Interview mit Reporter Greg Palast (Guardian, BBC)
"For those of us who've long suspected that our democracy is up for sale to the highest bidder, award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast has uncovered disturbing evidence confirming as much. Palast's exposes of the theft of the 2000 election, the financial ties between the Bush and the Bin Laden families, and how these connections kept the FBI from perhaps preventing the horrific events of 9/11 have thrown fear into the hearts of media pundits. There has been a near-complete news blackout of the explosive findings documented in Palast's book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. First released in England, where he reports for the BBC and The Guardian, Palast's collection of writings is finally being published in America by Penguin/Plume books with 40% new material. In an exclusive HUSTLER interview, the author discloses the truth on high crimes in high places that the mainstream media is afraid to touch. "
Hustler Magazine: Greg Palast - Beat The Press Interview mit Reporter Greg Palast (Guardian, BBC)
"For those of us who've long suspected that our democracy is up for sale to the highest bidder, award-winning investigative journalist Greg Palast has uncovered disturbing evidence confirming as much. Palast's exposes of the theft of the 2000 election, the financial ties between the Bush and the Bin Laden families, and how these connections kept the FBI from perhaps preventing the horrific events of 9/11 have thrown fear into the hearts of media pundits. There has been a near-complete news blackout of the explosive findings documented in Palast's book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. First released in England, where he reports for the BBC and The Guardian, Palast's collection of writings is finally being published in America by Penguin/Plume books with 40% new material. In an exclusive HUSTLER interview, the author discloses the truth on high crimes in high places that the mainstream media is afraid to touch. "
AP: A Day of Protest
Washington: At least 30,000 marched, part of a far larger crowd that rallied outside the Capitol
San Francisco: Tens of thousands packed downtown streets, holding signs that read "Peace for All Nations" and "Patriots for Peace," in an action that, like Washington's, drew people from far away.
Portland, Ore.: Streets rang with drumbeats and peace hymns, and marchers hoisted signs with slogans like "Grandmas for Peace," in a protest that drew thousands
France: In the third nationwide anti-war demonstration since October, 6,000 shouting protesters in Paris shouted in English "Stop Bush! Stop War!" and set off firecrackers
Turkey: Communists demonstrated outside a theater showing the latest James Bond movie to protest the U.S.-British alliance that they claimed was planning to make war on Iraq.
-Russia: Outside the U.S. Embassy, Russians chanted "U.S. hands off Iraq!" and "Yankee, go home!" A banner read: "Iraq isn't your ranch, Mr. Bush."
-Japan: Students wearing face masks lampooning President Bush or carrying toy guns with flowers rallied in Tokyo.
-Middle East: A march in Cairo, Egypt, drew 1,000 people. About 4,000 in Lebanon, waved posters showing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. In Jordan, 300 protesters in the predominantly Palestinian district of Nuzha in the capital, Amman, burned U.S., British and Israeli flags and denounced Bush.
-Italy: Activists among 2,000 protesters in Bologna tried to break through a police line around an unrelated demonstration of rightists, and police responded with tear gas. American residents in Florence were among around 2,000 who formed a human chain near the U.S. Consulate.
-Germany: Hundreds of protesters rallied outside the U.S. Army Europe headquarters in Heidelberg.
-Pakistan: Hundreds marched in several cities. In Lahore, about 200 students and human rights activists tried to march on the U.S. Consulate, but police stopped them and allowed half a dozen to deliver a resolution to American officials.
-India: Hundreds of communist workers burned an effigy of Bush.
-Britain: Near London, about 200 anti-war protesters demonstrated outside a military base. Several thousand marched in Bradford, home to a large Pakistani Muslim community.
-Norway: A few hundred demonstrators gathered in Oslo.
-China: A small group of demonstrators marched to the U.S. and British consulates in Hong Kong.
-Ireland: Protesters converged on Shannon Airport to protest its use as a refueling stop for U.S. military aircraft.
-Netherlands: Hundreds marched the streets of Rotterdam, Nijmegen and Leiden. In Uden, police detained 90 activists for trying to invade an air base where U.S. and Dutch forces are stationed.
-Sweden: About 5,000 marched peacefully in Goteborg.
Independent: A world against the war
Washington leads demos across globe; Blix heads for Iraq as threat of conflict grows; Blair tries to calm rebels
In the biggest day of protest the world has yet seen against a war in Iraq, from Washington to Tokyo, Liverpool to Damascus, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators across four continents took to the streets yesterday
AP: A Day of Protest
Washington: At least 30,000 marched, part of a far larger crowd that rallied outside the Capitol
San Francisco: Tens of thousands packed downtown streets, holding signs that read "Peace for All Nations" and "Patriots for Peace," in an action that, like Washington's, drew people from far away.
Portland, Ore.: Streets rang with drumbeats and peace hymns, and marchers hoisted signs with slogans like "Grandmas for Peace," in a protest that drew thousands
France: In the third nationwide anti-war demonstration since October, 6,000 shouting protesters in Paris shouted in English "Stop Bush! Stop War!" and set off firecrackers
Turkey: Communists demonstrated outside a theater showing the latest James Bond movie to protest the U.S.-British alliance that they claimed was planning to make war on Iraq.
-Russia: Outside the U.S. Embassy, Russians chanted "U.S. hands off Iraq!" and "Yankee, go home!" A banner read: "Iraq isn't your ranch, Mr. Bush."
-Japan: Students wearing face masks lampooning President Bush or carrying toy guns with flowers rallied in Tokyo.
-Middle East: A march in Cairo, Egypt, drew 1,000 people. About 4,000 in Lebanon, waved posters showing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. In Jordan, 300 protesters in the predominantly Palestinian district of Nuzha in the capital, Amman, burned U.S., British and Israeli flags and denounced Bush.
-Italy: Activists among 2,000 protesters in Bologna tried to break through a police line around an unrelated demonstration of rightists, and police responded with tear gas. American residents in Florence were among around 2,000 who formed a human chain near the U.S. Consulate.
-Germany: Hundreds of protesters rallied outside the U.S. Army Europe headquarters in Heidelberg.
-Pakistan: Hundreds marched in several cities. In Lahore, about 200 students and human rights activists tried to march on the U.S. Consulate, but police stopped them and allowed half a dozen to deliver a resolution to American officials.
-India: Hundreds of communist workers burned an effigy of Bush.
-Britain: Near London, about 200 anti-war protesters demonstrated outside a military base. Several thousand marched in Bradford, home to a large Pakistani Muslim community.
-Norway: A few hundred demonstrators gathered in Oslo.
-China: A small group of demonstrators marched to the U.S. and British consulates in Hong Kong.
-Ireland: Protesters converged on Shannon Airport to protest its use as a refueling stop for U.S. military aircraft.
-Netherlands: Hundreds marched the streets of Rotterdam, Nijmegen and Leiden. In Uden, police detained 90 activists for trying to invade an air base where U.S. and Dutch forces are stationed.
-Sweden: About 5,000 marched peacefully in Goteborg.
Independent: A world against the war
Washington leads demos across globe; Blix heads for Iraq as threat of conflict grows; Blair tries to calm rebels
In the biggest day of protest the world has yet seen against a war in Iraq, from Washington to Tokyo, Liverpool to Damascus, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators across four continents took to the streets yesterday
Monday, January 20, 2003
CNET News: RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages
Could we be constantly tracked through our clothes, shoes or even our
in the future? I'm not talking about having a microchip surgically
implanted beneath your skin, which is what Applied Digital Systems of
Beach, Fla., would like to do. Nor am I talking about John Poindexter's
creepy Total Information Awareness spy-veillance system, which I wrote
about last week.
Instead, in the future, we could be tracked because we'll be wearing,
eating and carrying objects that are carefully designed to do so.
CNET News: RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages
Could we be constantly tracked through our clothes, shoes or even our
in the future? I'm not talking about having a microchip surgically
implanted beneath your skin, which is what Applied Digital Systems of
Beach, Fla., would like to do. Nor am I talking about John Poindexter's
creepy Total Information Awareness spy-veillance system, which I wrote
about last week.
Instead, in the future, we could be tracked because we'll be wearing,
eating and carrying objects that are carefully designed to do so.
Asia Times: Afghanistan: The war gathers momentum
"KARACHI - A new round of carpet bombing and reinforcements of United States troops is likely for Afghanistan as the writ of the administration of President Hamid Karzai is under threat from a fierce guerrilla war that is intensifying in the mountainous terrain of the cities and towns located in the east of the country near the Pakistani border.
Given the pace of guerrilla activities, as the snow starts to melt towards the end of March, the capital Kabul can expect to come under rocket and missile attacks."
"soviel zum Frieden in Afghanistan, er ist nichts weiter als Propaganda"
Asia Times: Afghanistan: The war gathers momentum
"KARACHI - A new round of carpet bombing and reinforcements of United States troops is likely for Afghanistan as the writ of the administration of President Hamid Karzai is under threat from a fierce guerrilla war that is intensifying in the mountainous terrain of the cities and towns located in the east of the country near the Pakistani border.
Given the pace of guerrilla activities, as the snow starts to melt towards the end of March, the capital Kabul can expect to come under rocket and missile attacks."
"soviel zum Frieden in Afghanistan, er ist nichts weiter als Propaganda"
Counterpunch: Sharon's Fingerprints on Latest Suicide Bombing
"It is difficult to imagine that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, with his much vaunted military and strategic acumen, did not understand the consequences of his policies over the past month.
Since the last suicide bombing on November 21, escalating Israeli military assaults have killed over sixty Palestinian civilians, culminating in the December 26 wave of killing and abductions, in which Israeli occupying forces killed at least nine Palestinians, injured more than 30 and abducted several others."
Counterpunch: Sharon's Fingerprints on Latest Suicide Bombing
"It is difficult to imagine that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, with his much vaunted military and strategic acumen, did not understand the consequences of his policies over the past month.
Since the last suicide bombing on November 21, escalating Israeli military assaults have killed over sixty Palestinian civilians, culminating in the December 26 wave of killing and abductions, in which Israeli occupying forces killed at least nine Palestinians, injured more than 30 and abducted several others."
VENEZUELA VENEZUELA: The other war for oil
Reading the mainstream press over the last month, one could be forgiven for believing that Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has become so unpopular that his government is facing a revolt by the country's workers.
However, at the centre of recent events in Venezuela is the battle for control of the largest oil fields outside the Middle East. On one side is the wealthy capitalist elite, which has enriched itself with oil profits for decades; on the other is the Chavez government and its working-class supporters, who hope to use oil revenue to eradicate the poverty that afflicts 80% of the population. This is the axis around which an even broader battle is being waged — the battle over which class will rule the country. VENEZUELA: The other war for oil
Reading the mainstream press over the last month, one could be forgiven for believing that Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has become so unpopular that his government is facing a revolt by the country's workers.
However, at the centre of recent events in Venezuela is the battle for control of the largest oil fields outside the Middle East. On one side is the wealthy capitalist elite, which has enriched itself with oil profits for decades; on the other is the Chavez government and its working-class supporters, who hope to use oil revenue to eradicate the poverty that afflicts 80% of the population. This is the axis around which an even broader battle is being waged — the battle over which class will rule the country.
Guardian: Fortress continents by Naomi Klein
Well, it could have been true. That's what Senator Hillary Clinton had to say after finding out that five Pakistani men did not actually sneak into the US through Canada so they could blow up New York on New Year's Eve. Because they were never in the US at all, and they weren't terrorists, and the whole thing was dreamt up by a man who forges passports for a living.
At the height of the search for the professional liar's imaginary non-terrorists, Clinton had blamed Canada and its "unpatrolled, unsupervised" border. But even when the hoax came to light, Clinton didn't rescind the accusation. Because the Canadian border is so porous, she reasoned, "this hoax seemed all too believable".
It was, in other words, a useful hoax, helping US citizens to see how unsafe they really are. And that is useful, especially if you are among the growing number of free-market economists, politicians and military strategists pushing for the creation of "Fortress Nafta", a continental security perimeter stretching from Mexico's southern border to Canada's northern one
Guardian: Fortress continents by Naomi Klein
Well, it could have been true. That's what Senator Hillary Clinton had to say after finding out that five Pakistani men did not actually sneak into the US through Canada so they could blow up New York on New Year's Eve. Because they were never in the US at all, and they weren't terrorists, and the whole thing was dreamt up by a man who forges passports for a living.
At the height of the search for the professional liar's imaginary non-terrorists, Clinton had blamed Canada and its "unpatrolled, unsupervised" border. But even when the hoax came to light, Clinton didn't rescind the accusation. Because the Canadian border is so porous, she reasoned, "this hoax seemed all too believable".
It was, in other words, a useful hoax, helping US citizens to see how unsafe they really are. And that is useful, especially if you are among the growing number of free-market economists, politicians and military strategists pushing for the creation of "Fortress Nafta", a continental security perimeter stretching from Mexico's southern border to Canada's northern one
CAPITALISM Rebel With a Cause: The Re-Education of Joseph Stiglitz
"Over the past several years, Stiglitz, a celebrated theorist who was awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics for his work on asymmetric information, has grown accustomed to being at the center of controversy. From 1997 to 2000, he served as senior vice president and chief economist at the World Bank-a title that did not stop him from publicly criticizing the bank's sister institution, the International Monetary Fund. In a series of speeches and articles that culminated in a scathing April 2000 essay in The New Republic, Stiglitz blasted the IMF for being every bit as secretive, undemocratic and indifferent to the poor as its critics claimed. Stiglitz's outspokenness, unprecedented for a high-ranking insider, infuriated top officials at the IMF and US Treasury Department, and eventually led James Wolfensohn, the World Bank's president, to inform him that he would have to mute his criticism or resign. Stiglitz chose to leave." Rebel With a Cause: The Re-Education of Joseph Stiglitz
"Over the past several years, Stiglitz, a celebrated theorist who was awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics for his work on asymmetric information, has grown accustomed to being at the center of controversy. From 1997 to 2000, he served as senior vice president and chief economist at the World Bank-a title that did not stop him from publicly criticizing the bank's sister institution, the International Monetary Fund. In a series of speeches and articles that culminated in a scathing April 2000 essay in The New Republic, Stiglitz blasted the IMF for being every bit as secretive, undemocratic and indifferent to the poor as its critics claimed. Stiglitz's outspokenness, unprecedented for a high-ranking insider, infuriated top officials at the IMF and US Treasury Department, and eventually led James Wolfensohn, the World Bank's president, to inform him that he would have to mute his criticism or resign. Stiglitz chose to leave."
United Press: Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations
Mossad Hit-Teams werden in Zukunft Terroristen auch in den USA und anderen alliierten Staaten ermorden
United Press: Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations
Mossad Hit-Teams werden in Zukunft Terroristen auch in den USA und anderen alliierten Staaten ermorden
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