Saturday, November 30, 2002


Tagesanzeiger: Somalische Gruppe unter Verdacht

Die kenianische Polizei verhört im Zusammenhang mit den Anschlägen bei Mombasa zwölf Ausländer. Die USA haben eine islamische Gruppe aus Somalia mit Verbindungen zur al-Qaida im Visier.

Tagesanzeiger: WEF-Kompromiss in Gefahr

Die Organisatoren der WEF-Gegendemonstration drohen mit dem Abbruch des Dialogs mit den Behörden, weil in Davos Polizei und Armee das Sagen hätten

Die Behörden wollen zwar eine Demonstration erlauben aber beschränken den Transport zwischen Landquart und Davos auf 600 Personen pro Stunde

Friday, November 29, 2002

Podium Gespräch mit Mutafa Barghouti in Zürich

Podiumsgespräch mit anschliessender Diskussion
anlässlich des internationalen Tages der Solidartität mit dem palästinensichen Volk

Am Samstag 30.11.2002 um 19 Uhr 30 im Volkshaus (weisser Saal)

Folgende Persönlichkeiten aus Palästina sind eingeladen

Mustafa Barghouti (Artz)
Michel Abdel Messin (Jurist)
Jawad Bulos (Anwalt von Maruan Barghouti)

Thursday, November 28, 2002


NOAM CHOMSKY IN GENEVA bak | 27.11.2002 17:30

Conference(s) given by NOAM CHOMSKY IN GENEVA

Conference given by Chomsky Noam in Geneva, on medias and democracy.
Place : Uni-Mail, room MR 080
Date : 11th december
Time : from 18pm to 20pm

Maybe another conference with Chomsky on an other subject will take place after the first one. I´ll give you more informations.

Independent: Robert Fisk: Elusive Bin Laden still has the global reach to strike terror at will
'Do not believe for a moment that al-Qa'ida strategists haven't looked at targets in Britain'

"The "Army of Palestine", which claimed the attacks in Kenya, is assuredly mythical, though this claim of responsibility will be used by the Israelis"
"In future, any Israeli assault in the occupied West Bank and Gaza can be portrayed as part of the hunt for Bin Laden's men.
An Israeli air raid, no matter how many children it kills, can be depicted as no different to the US raids on Afghan villages."
"The pathetic "clash of civilisations" predicted in Samuel Huntington's book of the same name is as important to Bin Laden's followers as it is to the right-wing American Christian fundamentalists who make the revolting claim that the Prophet Mohamed was a paedophile.
Yesterday was another step in that direction."


Independent: UN struggles to explain away presence of weapons inspector with S&M fetish

Nach Berichten im Independent hat der von der US-Regierung nominierte Waffeninspektor und ex secret-service officer Harvey John "Jack" McGeorge hat keinen Abschluss in irgendeinem Wissenschaftlich relevanten Gebiet aber dafür gibt er S&M und Bondage Kurse.

Spiegel: Saddam lässt Waffenteile verstecken

Saddam Hussein will die Uno-Waffenkontrolleure offenbar überlisten. Der irakische Diktator befahl angeblich vielen Wissenschaftlern und sogar Bauern, Massenvernichtungswaffen zu verstecken.

Independent: Saddam ordered staff to hide arms, spies tell Blair
"Such leaks of intelligence-based material –in this case 10 days before the 8 December deadline by which Iraq is required by the UN to give a full list of WMD programmes – need to be treated with caution since there have been cases of misinformation in the past, sometimes directed at Iraqi opinion. During the Gulf War, Western diplomats disseminated reports, which turned out to be unfounded, that the flight of Iraqi aircraft to Iran had followed an unsuccessful coup in Baghdad."



Independent: Robert Fisk: Bin Laden is alive.
There can be no doubt about it. But the questions remain: where on earth is he, and why has he resurfaced now?

Independent: UN rejects Israeli account of British official's killing

Israel hat letzte Woche aus "Versehen" einen UN-Mitarbeiter erschossen. Israel hat gesagt der UN-Mitarbeiter sei während eines Feuergefechts erschossen worden. Die UNO weist diese Darstellung zurück.

Spiegel: Palästinensische Gruppe bekennt sich zu Anschlägen
Die bislang unbekannte Palästinensergruppe "Armee Palästinas" hat sich zu den beiden Terroranschlägen in Mombasa bekannt. Bei einem Selbstmordattentat auf ein überwiegend von Israelis besuchtes Hotel in der Hafenstadt starben mindestens 13 Menschen. Zeitgleich wurden Raketen auf ein israelisches Passagierflugzeug abgeschossen.

Tages-Anzeiger: Unbekannte Gruppe bekennt sich zu Anschlägen
In Kenia sind zwei Terroranschläge gegen israelische Einrichtungen verübt worden. Mindestens 15 Menschen wurden getötet. Eine bisher unbekannte Gruppe namens «Armee Palästinas» hat sich zu den Anschlägen bekannt.

Haaretzdaily: 3 Israelis dead in Kenya blast; Arkia plane attacked

Ny Times: Missiles Fired at Passenger Jet; Car Bomb Detonates at Hotel


Slate MSN: The Latest Kissinger Outrage
Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation?

Nachdem das Weisse Haus eine "unabhängige" Untersuchungskommison zu den Anschlägen vom 11. September während mehrerer Monate abgelehnt hat, haben sie nun bekanntgegeben das der Kriegsverbrecher Henry Kissinger der Kommision vorsitzen wird.

Al-Ahram: Edward Said: Israel, Iraq, and the United States
America marches to war as if in a trance. We must do everything in our power to slow down and finally stop the recourse to war that has now become a theory and not just a practice, writes Edward Said

PROPAGANDA How Newt Gingrich used these techniques


This example occurred more than ten years ago, but it is one of the most striking applications of propaganda techniques in recent memory. A popular Republican politician on his way to the top, Newt Gingrich clearly understood the power of propaganda. His political action committee (GOPAC) mailed a pamphlet entitled Language, A Key Mechanism of Control to Republicans across the country. The booklet offered rhetorical advice to Republican candidates who wanted to "speak like Newt." It was subsequently awarded a Doublespeak Award by the National Conference of Teachers of English in 1990.

The booklet contained two lists of words. GOP candidates were instructed to use one set of "positive, governing words," (glittering generalities) when speaking about themselves. A second set of negative words (name-calling words) were to be used against their opponents.

View the glittering generalities.
View the name-calling words.

A brief glance at the words on Gingrich's lists suggests that they continue to be powerful tools in American political discourse. Words such as "vision, courage, lead, learn, commitment, empower, and freedom" are common to politicians on all sides of the political spectrum. Call-in radio hosts regularly use words like "ideological, liberal, bureaucracy, crisis, endanger, and lie" to discredit certain ideas.

The Republican:
Bush Government "Out of Control"
By Chuck Baldwin
Disrtbuted by The Republican

November 22, 2002

Back in August, columnist Paul Craig Roberts asked the question, "Is a vote for Republicans a vote for a police state?" The answer seems to be a resounding yes! The Bush administration seems determined to turn our country into the most elaborate and sophisticated police state ever devised.

Things are so bad that outgoing house majority leader Dick Armey said that under Bush the federal government is "out of control." In fact, the conservative congressman is reported to be seriously considering taking a position with the ACLU in order to help fight the federal government's usurpation of constitutionally protected liberties. Does that mean one must leave the Republican Party in order to fight for liberty? Maybe so.

According to News Max, "Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) is being targeted for defeat - not by the Democrats, but by the GOP establishment." Why? Tancredo is the country's most outspoken critic of Bush's accommodations of illegal aliens. In other words, it's not enough to be a conservative Republican; one must be absolutely loyal to the fuehrer, George Bush, and to his brand of big government Republicanism. Tancredo's not, so he's on his way out.

Furthermore, columnist William Safire recently warned against Bush's Homeland Security Act. In a column written for the New York Times Safire said, "Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend - all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as 'a virtual, centralized grand database.'"

Safire continued, "To this computerized dossier on your private life from commercial sources, add every piece of information that government has about you - passports, driver's license and bridge toll records, judicial and divorce records, complaints from nosy neighbors to the FBI, your lifetime paper trail plus the latest hidden camera surveillance - and you have the supersnoop's dream: a 'Total Information Awareness' about every U.S. citizen."

In another account, The Seattle Times recently reported, "The USA Patriot Act remains shrouded in complexity and secrecy. Bush administration officials won't say how it has been used."

The Times continued by saying, "The CIA and FBI for the first time ever are allowed to mix foreign intelligence with law enforcement on U.S. soil. Citing the act, Attorney General John Ashcroft also authorized FBI agents to spy on domestic groups without having to show evidence of a crime."

The tyrannical tendencies of old King George III of England cannot hold a candle to the Machiavellian machinations of King George XLIII of the United States. Unfortunately, there are few Paul Reveres around to sound an alarm. Unless contemporary patriots act quickly, Republicans, not Democrats, will be the ones that ultimately dismantle our constitution and trample our liberties.

© Chuck Baldwin --

The Republican ist die Hauszeitschrift der Republikanischen Partei...

What's Left
War, NATO expansion and the other rackets of Bruce P. Jackson

"Interessanter Artikel über die Nato-Osterweiterung der Fragen aufwirft. Wieso wird die Nato erweitert wenn es keine Bedrohungszenarien gibt?Wieso ist nötig den Militärhaushalt zu verdoppeln wenn klar ist das mit dem Militär kein asymetrischer Konflikt zu gewinnen ist?"



"WASHINGTON - With weapons inspectors due to arrive in Iraq today, America has quietly stockpiled a historic quantity of oil - readying itself in case a war disrupts the supply. "

Monday, November 25, 2002


Sonntagszeitung: Amerikanischer Schnüffelguru löst Proteststurm aus

Ein verurteilter Lügner plant im Auftrag der US-Regierung die Totalüberwachung des Internets

Sonntagszeitung: Irak: Es geht doch ums Öl
Analyse einer Denkfabrik