Spiegel: US-Senat erlaubt Entwicklung von Mini-Atomwaffen
Die Falken in der US-Regierung haben einen weiteren Sieg errungen: Der Senat beschloss die Aufhebung des Verbots zur Entwicklung kleiner Atomwaffen, so genannter "Mini-Nukes". Die Opposition warnt bereits vor einem neuen weltweiten Rüstungswettlauf und dem ersten Nuklearwaffen-Einsatz seit Hiroschima
Durch "benutzbare" Atomwaffen mit vergleichsweise geringer Vernichtungskraft, so ihr Argument, steige das Abschreckungspotenzial gegenüber "Schurkenstaaten" und Terror-Organisationen
"Dank Amerika wird die Welt endlich wieder Sicher, die Terroristen machen sich bereits vor Angst in die Hosen"
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
Independent: Bin Laden aide calls on Muslims to attack America
Ayman al-Zawahri, a top lieutenant of Osama bin Laden, called on Muslims to imitate the September 11attacks in America in what was thought to be a tape of his voice aired by the Arab Al-Jazeerra TV station today.
"Consider your 19 brothers who attacked America in Washington and New York with their planes as an example," a strong voice could be heard saying as the station showed a picture of al–Zawahri.
Spiegel: "Der Feind versteht nur die Sprache der brennenden Türme"
Die Führung der Qaida hat offenbar Muslime in aller Welt zum verstärkten "Heiligen Krieg" gegen die USA aufgerufen. In einer Tonbandbotschaft hat sich angeblich Bin-Laden-Stellvertreter al-Sawahiri zu Wort gemeldet. In Saudi-Arabien wurden derweil drei mutmaßliche Terroristen festgenommen, die geplant haben sollen, mit einem entführten Flugzeug auf ein Gebäude abzustürzen
Independent: Bin Laden aide calls on Muslims to attack America
Ayman al-Zawahri, a top lieutenant of Osama bin Laden, called on Muslims to imitate the September 11attacks in America in what was thought to be a tape of his voice aired by the Arab Al-Jazeerra TV station today.
"Consider your 19 brothers who attacked America in Washington and New York with their planes as an example," a strong voice could be heard saying as the station showed a picture of al–Zawahri.
Spiegel: "Der Feind versteht nur die Sprache der brennenden Türme"
Die Führung der Qaida hat offenbar Muslime in aller Welt zum verstärkten "Heiligen Krieg" gegen die USA aufgerufen. In einer Tonbandbotschaft hat sich angeblich Bin-Laden-Stellvertreter al-Sawahiri zu Wort gemeldet. In Saudi-Arabien wurden derweil drei mutmaßliche Terroristen festgenommen, die geplant haben sollen, mit einem entführten Flugzeug auf ein Gebäude abzustürzen
Independent: Crushed: the farmers caught between the Israeli army and Hamas
"We have lost our livelihood. We have lost our orange gold," said Maher al-Shawwa, walking through his ruined citrus groves. "Each tree is like my baby."
Israeli tanks pulled out of Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip yesterday, after what was deemed a "successful" five-day operation to stop Palestinian militants firing rockets into Israel. The withdrawal was seen by some as a positive sign towards possible implementation of the "road-map" to Middle East peace. But first, the Israelis bulldozed Mr Shawwa's 6,000 orange and lemon trees "to prevent Hamas militants using them as cover". Touching one of his toppled trees, Mr Shawwa said: "I took care of it for 15 years. It produces at 15. When it is 40, I can make a profit." He estimated his loss at hundreds of thousands of dollars, adding: "I have been set back 40 years."
"Nur ein ganz normaler Tag in den besetzten Gebieten mit den normalen Menschenrechtsverletzungen der Israelis. Das ganze nennt man Genozid"
Independent: Crushed: the farmers caught between the Israeli army and Hamas
"We have lost our livelihood. We have lost our orange gold," said Maher al-Shawwa, walking through his ruined citrus groves. "Each tree is like my baby."
Israeli tanks pulled out of Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip yesterday, after what was deemed a "successful" five-day operation to stop Palestinian militants firing rockets into Israel. The withdrawal was seen by some as a positive sign towards possible implementation of the "road-map" to Middle East peace. But first, the Israelis bulldozed Mr Shawwa's 6,000 orange and lemon trees "to prevent Hamas militants using them as cover". Touching one of his toppled trees, Mr Shawwa said: "I took care of it for 15 years. It produces at 15. When it is 40, I can make a profit." He estimated his loss at hundreds of thousands of dollars, adding: "I have been set back 40 years."
"Nur ein ganz normaler Tag in den besetzten Gebieten mit den normalen Menschenrechtsverletzungen der Israelis. Das ganze nennt man Genozid"
Harpers: Weekly Review
L. Paul Bremer, the new American overseer of Iraq, informed Iraqi leaders that the United States and Britain had changed their minds about setting up an interim government made up of Iraqis and that he would remain in control until further notice. Bremer toured Mosul and praised it as "a great example of embryonic democracy"; elsewhere in the city a crowd chanted "America is the enemy of God." Kurdish leaders, who have been running their own affairs for about 12 years, were particularly irritated, and there were widespread accusations that the United States was now revealing its true agenda to occupy Iraq and exploit its oil supply. Looters continued to dismantle Iraq's infrastructure, and most of the equipment needed to restore the national electric grid, such as the computers that regulate power distribution, has been stolen. Nostalgia for the days of Saddam Hussein was spreading among the people. Donald .......
Harpers: Weekly Review
L. Paul Bremer, the new American overseer of Iraq, informed Iraqi leaders that the United States and Britain had changed their minds about setting up an interim government made up of Iraqis and that he would remain in control until further notice. Bremer toured Mosul and praised it as "a great example of embryonic democracy"; elsewhere in the city a crowd chanted "America is the enemy of God." Kurdish leaders, who have been running their own affairs for about 12 years, were particularly irritated, and there were widespread accusations that the United States was now revealing its true agenda to occupy Iraq and exploit its oil supply. Looters continued to dismantle Iraq's infrastructure, and most of the equipment needed to restore the national electric grid, such as the computers that regulate power distribution, has been stolen. Nostalgia for the days of Saddam Hussein was spreading among the people. Donald .......
averny-news: The Children's Teeth
.... The solidarity of the Arab citizens of Israel with their kin in
thePalestinian territories in their struggle against the occupation seems
tome quite natural. I understand their feelings and their desire to
tender humanitarian aid. All the more so as Gush Shalom, the movement to which
I belong, collects money and sends food to the beleaguered Palestinian
villages and refugee camps, as an act of solidarity. This can also be
construed as "aid to terrorists" - after all, if the army wants to
starve the population into surrender, who are we to alleviate their hunger?
Clearly, all these are pretexts. One does not send 800 policemen just
to prevent children from getting bread or to arrest people laundering
money. If so, what was the real aim? The Sharon government is now engaged in
an all-out struggle to destroy the Palestinian people as a national
entity. The re-conquest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the enlargement of
the settlements at a frantic pace, the building of the "separation walls"
that will cut off about half of area of the West Bank, the daily
assassinations and other killings, the starving of the population, the wholesale
demolition of homes and the building of bypass roads - all these are
meant to beat the Palestinian people into submission and to break their will
to resist.
averny-news: The Children's Teeth
.... The solidarity of the Arab citizens of Israel with their kin in
thePalestinian territories in their struggle against the occupation seems
tome quite natural. I understand their feelings and their desire to
tender humanitarian aid. All the more so as Gush Shalom, the movement to which
I belong, collects money and sends food to the beleaguered Palestinian
villages and refugee camps, as an act of solidarity. This can also be
construed as "aid to terrorists" - after all, if the army wants to
starve the population into surrender, who are we to alleviate their hunger?
Clearly, all these are pretexts. One does not send 800 policemen just
to prevent children from getting bread or to arrest people laundering
money. If so, what was the real aim? The Sharon government is now engaged in
an all-out struggle to destroy the Palestinian people as a national
entity. The re-conquest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the enlargement of
the settlements at a frantic pace, the building of the "separation walls"
that will cut off about half of area of the West Bank, the daily
assassinations and other killings, the starving of the population, the wholesale
demolition of homes and the building of bypass roads - all these are
meant to beat the Palestinian people into submission and to break their will
to resist.
Reuters: ElBaradei Warns of Iraq Nuclear Emergency
VIENNA (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations (news - web sites) nuclear watchdog agency warned on Monday that a nuclear contamination emergency may be developing in Iraq (news - web sites) and appealed to the United States to let his experts back into the country.
I am deeply concerned by the almost daily reports of looting and destruction at nuclear sites," International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei said in a statement.
He said he was especially worried "about the potential radiological safety and security implications of nuclear and radiological materials that may no longer be under control
Reuters: ElBaradei Warns of Iraq Nuclear Emergency
VIENNA (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations (news - web sites) nuclear watchdog agency warned on Monday that a nuclear contamination emergency may be developing in Iraq (news - web sites) and appealed to the United States to let his experts back into the country.
I am deeply concerned by the almost daily reports of looting and destruction at nuclear sites," International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei said in a statement.
He said he was especially worried "about the potential radiological safety and security implications of nuclear and radiological materials that may no longer be under control
Guardian: Envoy: Israel Hinders Gaza Relief Efforts
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United Nations can't deliver crucial relief to thousands of Palestinian refugees in Gaza because of ``draconian'' Israeli measures that restrict movement, the top U.N. envoy to the Mideast said Monday.
Terje Roed-Larsen warned that if Israel doesn't ease the restrictions on travel into and out of Gaza it will become all but impossible for the United Nations to do any work there.
The rules, announced May 11, prevent anyone without a diplomatic passport from entering or leaving Gaza. Roed-Larsen said that has stranded U.N. relief workers on both sides.
"Darüber hinaus hat Roed-Larsen folgende Infos geliefert:
-Seit September 2000 sind in dem Konflikt 2648 Palästineser und 741 Israelis ums Leben gekommen
-pro monat werden in den Besetzten Gebieten im Durchschnitt 70 Häuser von den Israelis zerstört, tendenz steigend
-Die Zerstörung von Palästinensischem Farmland hat in den den letzten Monaten um über 100% zugenommen
-In den Besetzten Gebieten ist der Anteil von Bewohnern die unter der Armutsgrenze leben von 25% im Jahr 1998 auf Heute 60% gestiegen. In Gaza leben 75% der Bewohner unter der Armutsgrenze
-Die Abriegelung der Besetzten Gebiete hat die Palästineser um Einnahmen von $ 5,4 Milliarden gebracht, dies entspricht dem "national income" von einem Jahr
-In den letzten 6 Monaten des Jahres 2002 herrschte währen 130 Tagen eine von den Israelis verhängte Ausgangssperre
Guardian: Envoy: Israel Hinders Gaza Relief Efforts
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United Nations can't deliver crucial relief to thousands of Palestinian refugees in Gaza because of ``draconian'' Israeli measures that restrict movement, the top U.N. envoy to the Mideast said Monday.
Terje Roed-Larsen warned that if Israel doesn't ease the restrictions on travel into and out of Gaza it will become all but impossible for the United Nations to do any work there.
The rules, announced May 11, prevent anyone without a diplomatic passport from entering or leaving Gaza. Roed-Larsen said that has stranded U.N. relief workers on both sides.
"Darüber hinaus hat Roed-Larsen folgende Infos geliefert:
-Seit September 2000 sind in dem Konflikt 2648 Palästineser und 741 Israelis ums Leben gekommen
-pro monat werden in den Besetzten Gebieten im Durchschnitt 70 Häuser von den Israelis zerstört, tendenz steigend
-Die Zerstörung von Palästinensischem Farmland hat in den den letzten Monaten um über 100% zugenommen
-In den Besetzten Gebieten ist der Anteil von Bewohnern die unter der Armutsgrenze leben von 25% im Jahr 1998 auf Heute 60% gestiegen. In Gaza leben 75% der Bewohner unter der Armutsgrenze
-Die Abriegelung der Besetzten Gebiete hat die Palästineser um Einnahmen von $ 5,4 Milliarden gebracht, dies entspricht dem "national income" von einem Jahr
-In den letzten 6 Monaten des Jahres 2002 herrschte währen 130 Tagen eine von den Israelis verhängte Ausgangssperre
Independent: BP pipeline will displace thousands, says Amnesty
£2.9bn oil and gas pipeline project from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean, due to be constructed by a BP-led consortium, will infringe the human rights of thousands of people and cause environmental damage, according to an Amnesty International report published today.
Amnesty is urging the British Government to reject BP's application for taxpayers' money, in the form of export credit guarantees, for the 1,100 miles of pipeline.
The pipeline, from the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, through Georgia, to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, is one of the most ambitious projects of its kind and has been seen as a crucial gambit in a 21st-century equivalent of the Great Game. The scheme will allow vast supplies of oil and gas to flow in separate pipes from former Soviet central Asia to the Mediterranean without having to pass through Russian or Iranian territory.
Independent: BP pipeline will displace thousands, says Amnesty
£2.9bn oil and gas pipeline project from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean, due to be constructed by a BP-led consortium, will infringe the human rights of thousands of people and cause environmental damage, according to an Amnesty International report published today.
Amnesty is urging the British Government to reject BP's application for taxpayers' money, in the form of export credit guarantees, for the 1,100 miles of pipeline.
The pipeline, from the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, through Georgia, to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, is one of the most ambitious projects of its kind and has been seen as a crucial gambit in a 21st-century equivalent of the Great Game. The scheme will allow vast supplies of oil and gas to flow in separate pipes from former Soviet central Asia to the Mediterranean without having to pass through Russian or Iranian territory.
Common Dreams: Democracy is the Free World's Whore, says Arundhati Roy
NEW DELHI — Acclaimed author Arundhati Roy has blasted the US-led war in Iraq and branded democracy as "the Free World's whore" in a blistering article in a leading Indian magazine.
Roy, who makes the cover of the latest edition of Outlook magazine published this weekend, is well known as a social activist and critic of the United States and globalization.
Her article, a reprint of a speech she made in New York on May 13 at the Center for Economic and Social Rights, brands the US as the "American Empire" where "facts don't matter."
Common Dreams: Democracy is the Free World's Whore, says Arundhati Roy
NEW DELHI — Acclaimed author Arundhati Roy has blasted the US-led war in Iraq and branded democracy as "the Free World's whore" in a blistering article in a leading Indian magazine.
Roy, who makes the cover of the latest edition of Outlook magazine published this weekend, is well known as a social activist and critic of the United States and globalization.
Her article, a reprint of a speech she made in New York on May 13 at the Center for Economic and Social Rights, brands the US as the "American Empire" where "facts don't matter."
Asia Times: US invasion of Iraq no panacea for Middle East
LONDON: Reality is fast puncturing the Bush administration's visions of a new Middle East order.
Chaos in postwar Iraq, suicide bombings in Riyadh and Casablanca and relentless Israeli-Palestinian violence have torn holes in US hopes that the toppling of Saddam Hussein would deal a blow to international terrorism and promote peace in the Middle East.
Asia Times: US invasion of Iraq no panacea for Middle East
LONDON: Reality is fast puncturing the Bush administration's visions of a new Middle East order.
Chaos in postwar Iraq, suicide bombings in Riyadh and Casablanca and relentless Israeli-Palestinian violence have torn holes in US hopes that the toppling of Saddam Hussein would deal a blow to international terrorism and promote peace in the Middle East.
NY Times Op-Ed: Walk This Way By MAUREEN DOWD
Call me a civil liberties prude, but I don't want John Poindexter tracking my body part contours.
Or my silhouette pixels, for that matter.
Not since Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks has a government devoted so much money and study to watching our steps.
Admiral Poindexter, who supervised the strutting Oliver North during the Iran-contra machinations, is now supervising the Pentagon's attempt to create an Orwellian "virtual, centralized grand database," which could put a spyglass on Americans' every move, from literally the way Americans move to their virtual moves, scanning shopping, e-mail, bank deposits, vacations, medical prescriptions, academic grades and trips to the vet. (Sometimes pets are the first to go in biological warfare.)
NY Times Op-Ed: Walk This Way By MAUREEN DOWD
Call me a civil liberties prude, but I don't want John Poindexter tracking my body part contours.
Or my silhouette pixels, for that matter.
Not since Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks has a government devoted so much money and study to watching our steps.
Admiral Poindexter, who supervised the strutting Oliver North during the Iran-contra machinations, is now supervising the Pentagon's attempt to create an Orwellian "virtual, centralized grand database," which could put a spyglass on Americans' every move, from literally the way Americans move to their virtual moves, scanning shopping, e-mail, bank deposits, vacations, medical prescriptions, academic grades and trips to the vet. (Sometimes pets are the first to go in biological warfare.)
NY Times: U.S. Suggests a Qaeda Cell in Iran Directed Saudi Bombings
WASHINGTON, May 20 — The United States has intercepted communications strongly suggesting that a small cell of leaders of Al Qaeda in Iran directed last week's terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, and the United States is sending a strong protest to the Tehran government, according to senior Bush administration officials
The United States has asked Lakhdar Brahimi, a senior United Nations official, to convey to Iranian officials at a meeting in Geneva on Wednesday "our deep, deep concern that individuals associated with Al Qaeda have planned and directed the attack in Saudi Arabia from inside Iran," an administration official said.
"Kommt das jemanden Bekannt vor?"
NY Times: U.S. Suggests a Qaeda Cell in Iran Directed Saudi Bombings
WASHINGTON, May 20 — The United States has intercepted communications strongly suggesting that a small cell of leaders of Al Qaeda in Iran directed last week's terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, and the United States is sending a strong protest to the Tehran government, according to senior Bush administration officials
The United States has asked Lakhdar Brahimi, a senior United Nations official, to convey to Iranian officials at a meeting in Geneva on Wednesday "our deep, deep concern that individuals associated with Al Qaeda have planned and directed the attack in Saudi Arabia from inside Iran," an administration official said.
"Kommt das jemanden Bekannt vor?"
NY Times: Justice Dept. Lists Use of New Power to Fight Terror
WASHINGTON, May 20 — In the most detailed public accounting of how it had used its expanded powers to fight terrorism, the Justice Department released information today showing that federal agents had conducted hundreds of bugging and surveillance operations and visited numerous libraries and mosques using new law enforcement tools.
NY Times: Justice Dept. Lists Use of New Power to Fight Terror
WASHINGTON, May 20 — In the most detailed public accounting of how it had used its expanded powers to fight terrorism, the Justice Department released information today showing that federal agents had conducted hundreds of bugging and surveillance operations and visited numerous libraries and mosques using new law enforcement tools.
Wallstreet Journal: Terrorists' Friends Must Pay a Price
The advice President Clinton should have followed.
(Editor's note: This article originally appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 5, 1996. On June 12 of that year, terrorists murdered 19 American soldiers at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, and on July 17 TWA flight 800 exploded near New York, killing all 229 aboard.)
If President Clinton means to get serious about the fight against terrorism, he should leave the White House Press Room and head downstairs to the basement Situation Room. There he should gather the National Security Council and deliver the following address:
1. The director of the FBI is to take immediate steps to double within 60 days the number of informants the bureau has working against terrorists based in the U.S. I want weekly progress reports.
9. The secretary of state will tell the government of Sudan tonight that it has seven days to close down all terrorist camps under its control and to deliver to the Egyptians the men who tried to assassinate President Hosni Mubarak last year. Otherwise, the Sudanese will feel our anger. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will target known Sudanese terrorist camps within 48 hours.
"Am 20. August 1998 wurde die Al-Shiaf Medizin Fabrik im Sudan bombardiert. Die Fabrik stellte 90% der Pharma-Produkte des Sudans her. Die Amerikaner behaupteten es handle sich um eine Chemiewaffenfabrik was später wiederlegt wurde. Durch die Spätfolgen der Bombardierung starben nach Schätzungen ca. 10000 Menschen weil sie wegen fehlender Medikamente nicht gegen Krankheiten wie Malaria behandelt werden konnten"
Wallstreet Journal: Terrorists' Friends Must Pay a Price
The advice President Clinton should have followed.
(Editor's note: This article originally appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 5, 1996. On June 12 of that year, terrorists murdered 19 American soldiers at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, and on July 17 TWA flight 800 exploded near New York, killing all 229 aboard.)
If President Clinton means to get serious about the fight against terrorism, he should leave the White House Press Room and head downstairs to the basement Situation Room. There he should gather the National Security Council and deliver the following address:
1. The director of the FBI is to take immediate steps to double within 60 days the number of informants the bureau has working against terrorists based in the U.S. I want weekly progress reports.
9. The secretary of state will tell the government of Sudan tonight that it has seven days to close down all terrorist camps under its control and to deliver to the Egyptians the men who tried to assassinate President Hosni Mubarak last year. Otherwise, the Sudanese will feel our anger. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will target known Sudanese terrorist camps within 48 hours.
"Am 20. August 1998 wurde die Al-Shiaf Medizin Fabrik im Sudan bombardiert. Die Fabrik stellte 90% der Pharma-Produkte des Sudans her. Die Amerikaner behaupteten es handle sich um eine Chemiewaffenfabrik was später wiederlegt wurde. Durch die Spätfolgen der Bombardierung starben nach Schätzungen ca. 10000 Menschen weil sie wegen fehlender Medikamente nicht gegen Krankheiten wie Malaria behandelt werden konnten"
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Spiegel: Soros gibt den Dollar zum Abschuss frei
Vor zehn Jahren verdiente er eine Milliarde Dollar, als er erfolgreich gegen das britische Pfund spekulierte. Nun setzt George Soros, einer der umstrittensten Devisenexperten, auf einen weiteren Kursverfall des Dollar.
Soros bezeichnete diese Äußerungen als Fehler. Sie seien ein verbohrter Versuch, die US-Wirtschaft auf Kosten anderer Ökonomien anzukurbeln: "Das ist eine Politik nach dem Sankt-Florians-Prinzip", sagte Soros.
Nach Ausstrahlung des Interviews stieg der Euro vorübergehend auf über 1,17 Dollar. Damit näherte er sich seiner Erstnotiz in Höhe von 1,1747 Dollar vom Januar 1999. Wie groß die Devisen-Positionen sind, die Soros aufgebaut hat, blieb zunächst offen.
"An einenm Mittwoch im September 1992 hat Soros das Britische Pfund abegeschossen. An diesem Black Wednesday crashte das britische Pfund an den internationalen Devisenmärkten. Und George Soros, der gegen das Pfund spekuliert hatte, verdiente an diesem Tag für die Anleger des von ihm gemanagten Investmentsfonds eine Milliarde Pfund. Dies gelang ihm, indem er gigantische Kredite in Pfund aufnahm, und die Gelder in Hartwährungen wie Mark, Dollar oder japanischer Yen umtauschte. Hierdurch kam das Pfund natürlich unter Druck. Die britische Notenbank steuerte zwar kräftig mit Devisenkäufen dagegen. Als jedoch immer mehr Spekulanten Pfunde verkauften, gab die Notenbank auf, das Pfund ging in den freien Fall über und mußte aus dem europäischen Währungsmechanismus ausscheiden. Als das Pfund dann halb tot am Boden lag, tauschte Mr. Soros seelenruhig seine Dollars wieder in englische Pfund, zahlte die Kredite zurück und seine Anleger waren total happy, weil sich da wie gesagt, plötzlich eine zusätzliche Milliarde angesammelt hatte. Seit die ehrwürdige englische Notenbank so sehr unter die Räder gekommen ist, zittern die Notenbanken in aller Welt vor den Hedgefonds der bösen Spekulanten, die ohne richtige Arbeit am Telefon sitzend steinreich werden "
Spiegel: Soros gibt den Dollar zum Abschuss frei
Vor zehn Jahren verdiente er eine Milliarde Dollar, als er erfolgreich gegen das britische Pfund spekulierte. Nun setzt George Soros, einer der umstrittensten Devisenexperten, auf einen weiteren Kursverfall des Dollar.
Soros bezeichnete diese Äußerungen als Fehler. Sie seien ein verbohrter Versuch, die US-Wirtschaft auf Kosten anderer Ökonomien anzukurbeln: "Das ist eine Politik nach dem Sankt-Florians-Prinzip", sagte Soros.
Nach Ausstrahlung des Interviews stieg der Euro vorübergehend auf über 1,17 Dollar. Damit näherte er sich seiner Erstnotiz in Höhe von 1,1747 Dollar vom Januar 1999. Wie groß die Devisen-Positionen sind, die Soros aufgebaut hat, blieb zunächst offen.
"An einenm Mittwoch im September 1992 hat Soros das Britische Pfund abegeschossen. An diesem Black Wednesday crashte das britische Pfund an den internationalen Devisenmärkten. Und George Soros, der gegen das Pfund spekuliert hatte, verdiente an diesem Tag für die Anleger des von ihm gemanagten Investmentsfonds eine Milliarde Pfund. Dies gelang ihm, indem er gigantische Kredite in Pfund aufnahm, und die Gelder in Hartwährungen wie Mark, Dollar oder japanischer Yen umtauschte. Hierdurch kam das Pfund natürlich unter Druck. Die britische Notenbank steuerte zwar kräftig mit Devisenkäufen dagegen. Als jedoch immer mehr Spekulanten Pfunde verkauften, gab die Notenbank auf, das Pfund ging in den freien Fall über und mußte aus dem europäischen Währungsmechanismus ausscheiden. Als das Pfund dann halb tot am Boden lag, tauschte Mr. Soros seelenruhig seine Dollars wieder in englische Pfund, zahlte die Kredite zurück und seine Anleger waren total happy, weil sich da wie gesagt, plötzlich eine zusätzliche Milliarde angesammelt hatte. Seit die ehrwürdige englische Notenbank so sehr unter die Räder gekommen ist, zittern die Notenbanken in aller Welt vor den Hedgefonds der bösen Spekulanten, die ohne richtige Arbeit am Telefon sitzend steinreich werden "
Rense: N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US By Han Ho Suk Director Center for Korean Affairs
North Korea has not only the military power but also the political will to wage total war against the United States.
. North Korea Can Engage the US in Total War
North Korea is one of the few nations that can engage in a total war with the United States. The US war planners recognize this fact. For example, on March 7, 2000, Gen. Thomas A Schwartz, the US commander in Korea at the time, testified at a US congressional hearing that "North Korea is the country most likely to involve the United States in a large-scale war."
North Korea has not only the military power but also the political will to wage total war against the United States. North Korea has made it clear that it will strike all US targets with all means, if the US mounted military attacks on North Korea.
North Korea's war plan in case of an US attack is total war, not the 'low-intensity limited warfare' or 'regional conflict' talked about among the Western analysts. North Korea will mount a total war if attacked by the US. There are three aspects to this war plan.
Rense: N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US By Han Ho Suk Director Center for Korean Affairs
North Korea has not only the military power but also the political will to wage total war against the United States.
. North Korea Can Engage the US in Total War
North Korea is one of the few nations that can engage in a total war with the United States. The US war planners recognize this fact. For example, on March 7, 2000, Gen. Thomas A Schwartz, the US commander in Korea at the time, testified at a US congressional hearing that "North Korea is the country most likely to involve the United States in a large-scale war."
North Korea has not only the military power but also the political will to wage total war against the United States. North Korea has made it clear that it will strike all US targets with all means, if the US mounted military attacks on North Korea.
North Korea's war plan in case of an US attack is total war, not the 'low-intensity limited warfare' or 'regional conflict' talked about among the Western analysts. North Korea will mount a total war if attacked by the US. There are three aspects to this war plan.
Dailynews: Bush’s trumpet blown in Casablanca by Robert Fisk
More than 70 dead in a week. Thanks for the Iraq war. Thank you, Mr Bush and Mr Blair, for making our world safer by ridding us of the one tyrant – Saddam Hussein – who never had any connection with 11 September 2001, or with the Riyadh bombings or with the bombings in Casablanca. The “liberation” of Iraq was supposed to free us from the bombers of Al Qaeda.
Afghanistan is in a state of anarchy, its pathetic government scarcely ruling over Kabul. Iraq is in an even more incipient state of anarchy, largely without electricity, money or petrol. And this is a war of good against evil? Casablanca is a sorry and pertinent page in the history of America’s folly in the Arab world. So what comes next? More boasts by President Bush that he is winning the “war against terror” or more claims – yes, he told you so – that the “war on terror” is eternal? Heaven spare us all. —Independent
Dailynews: Bush’s trumpet blown in Casablanca by Robert Fisk
More than 70 dead in a week. Thanks for the Iraq war. Thank you, Mr Bush and Mr Blair, for making our world safer by ridding us of the one tyrant – Saddam Hussein – who never had any connection with 11 September 2001, or with the Riyadh bombings or with the bombings in Casablanca. The “liberation” of Iraq was supposed to free us from the bombers of Al Qaeda.
Afghanistan is in a state of anarchy, its pathetic government scarcely ruling over Kabul. Iraq is in an even more incipient state of anarchy, largely without electricity, money or petrol. And this is a war of good against evil? Casablanca is a sorry and pertinent page in the history of America’s folly in the Arab world. So what comes next? More boasts by President Bush that he is winning the “war against terror” or more claims – yes, he told you so – that the “war on terror” is eternal? Heaven spare us all. —Independent
Al-jazeera: Israel in charge of the US military dictatorship,
If "Terror" attacks were to stop, then Israel would lack any viable excuse to continue killing Arabs. The bulldozers would fall silent. For Israel, that would be the worst thing that could happen. Even worse than the so-called "Road Map." In America, the Religious Right mandates Bush that the "Holy Land" must be purged of all Muslim Arabs. They cite that act as a Christian Religious Edict, supported by their interpretation of Biblical Scripture. Bush cannot be reelected without their support, nor can he be reelected without Jewish support.
Ariel Sharon is not a Religious man, and he has stated that he would not form a Government if he had to form a coalition with Orthodox Religious Jews, or any other Jewish Religious groups. Obviously, Sharon is ruthless, controls Israeli Intelligence, and that Service readily admits it has "operatives" inside all Arab Organizations. Israeli Intelligence is rated the best in the world, with complete! access to American Intelligence, and they are not shackled by any sort of morality.
The time has come to put 2+2 together and understand where "World Terrorism" is originating or being exploited, and the purpose it serves. Bin Laden may have started this process, but Israelis understand how to use it to further their ambitions. Suicide bombers can be either manipulated, or used as "scapegoats" for any explosion. ( Israelis claimed the last Bus bombing was caused by a bomber entering the front of the Bus, yet the photographs show the roof of the Bus pealed back from the rear, where the charge was set) Their first step was to equate Palestinian resistance, doubted "Terrorism" to 9-11 as being a "Terrorist" act, rather than its actual purpose of being an act of retaliation for America's support of years of Israeli Atrocities.
Al-jazeera: Israel in charge of the US military dictatorship,
If "Terror" attacks were to stop, then Israel would lack any viable excuse to continue killing Arabs. The bulldozers would fall silent. For Israel, that would be the worst thing that could happen. Even worse than the so-called "Road Map." In America, the Religious Right mandates Bush that the "Holy Land" must be purged of all Muslim Arabs. They cite that act as a Christian Religious Edict, supported by their interpretation of Biblical Scripture. Bush cannot be reelected without their support, nor can he be reelected without Jewish support.
Ariel Sharon is not a Religious man, and he has stated that he would not form a Government if he had to form a coalition with Orthodox Religious Jews, or any other Jewish Religious groups. Obviously, Sharon is ruthless, controls Israeli Intelligence, and that Service readily admits it has "operatives" inside all Arab Organizations. Israeli Intelligence is rated the best in the world, with complete! access to American Intelligence, and they are not shackled by any sort of morality.
The time has come to put 2+2 together and understand where "World Terrorism" is originating or being exploited, and the purpose it serves. Bin Laden may have started this process, but Israelis understand how to use it to further their ambitions. Suicide bombers can be either manipulated, or used as "scapegoats" for any explosion. ( Israelis claimed the last Bus bombing was caused by a bomber entering the front of the Bus, yet the photographs show the roof of the Bus pealed back from the rear, where the charge was set) Their first step was to equate Palestinian resistance, doubted "Terrorism" to 9-11 as being a "Terrorist" act, rather than its actual purpose of being an act of retaliation for America's support of years of Israeli Atrocities.
Telegraph: This is no way to run an occupation
US troops in Iraq are no longer being seen as liberators, but as occupiers - and incompetent ones at that. As Con Coughlin in Baghdad reports, goodwill gained from ousting Saddam has turned to resentment
Telegraph: This is no way to run an occupation
US troops in Iraq are no longer being seen as liberators, but as occupiers - and incompetent ones at that. As Con Coughlin in Baghdad reports, goodwill gained from ousting Saddam has turned to resentment
Sunday Morning Herald: Israel seals off West Bank and Gaza Strip after attacks
Palestinians were unable to move in or out of Israel today after the army sealed off the West Bank and Gaza Strip following a spate of attacks on Israeli targets over the weekend.
The closure of the roads in and out of Israel was a concrete reminder of the problems facing the international "road map" drawn up to bring peace to the region and usher in a Palestinian state in 2005.
Thousands of Palestinians were unable to travel to work in Israel as a result of the measures
Sunday Morning Herald: Israel seals off West Bank and Gaza Strip after attacks
Palestinians were unable to move in or out of Israel today after the army sealed off the West Bank and Gaza Strip following a spate of attacks on Israeli targets over the weekend.
The closure of the roads in and out of Israel was a concrete reminder of the problems facing the international "road map" drawn up to bring peace to the region and usher in a Palestinian state in 2005.
Thousands of Palestinians were unable to travel to work in Israel as a result of the measures
Thenews: Henry Kissinger to attend Bilderberg meeting
The Portugal News has been informed by the US Liberty Lobby Assembly, an organisation that monitors the activities of the secret geopolitical Bilderberg group, that the group’s 2003 annual meeting will be held from the 15th to the 18th of May in Versailles, France.
It has also confirmed that among the attendees will be the former US secretary of state, Dr. Henry Kissinger. He is wanted by the French police for further questioning in connection with alleged war crimes carried out during the Chilean political coup of 1973. Five French nationals went missing after the coup, which Dr. Kissinger is suspected of organising. During a visit to Paris in May 2001 he was summoned to appear before Judge Roger le Loire at the French Palais de Justice.
Thenews: Henry Kissinger to attend Bilderberg meeting
The Portugal News has been informed by the US Liberty Lobby Assembly, an organisation that monitors the activities of the secret geopolitical Bilderberg group, that the group’s 2003 annual meeting will be held from the 15th to the 18th of May in Versailles, France.
It has also confirmed that among the attendees will be the former US secretary of state, Dr. Henry Kissinger. He is wanted by the French police for further questioning in connection with alleged war crimes carried out during the Chilean political coup of 1973. Five French nationals went missing after the coup, which Dr. Kissinger is suspected of organising. During a visit to Paris in May 2001 he was summoned to appear before Judge Roger le Loire at the French Palais de Justice.
Guardian: Home run to Havana
When George Bush decides to make a speech these days, the world watches. This is not exactly because the US president has a big, international fan club. Nor is it because he makes particularly good television, even when he dresses up in a flying suit and uses America's fighting men and women for scenery.
No, the reason the world watches when Bush opens his mouth is because everybody is wondering: what IS he going to say now? Is he going to invade Iran or have the US liberate France again? Is he going to announce another tax cut for millionaires or start a new trade war with Europe? Or maybe he's going to deliver "America's justice" to another poor, benighted part of the planet before heading back to the Air Force One gym.
Early warning: Bush is expected to make another of his speeches next Tuesday - and like so many of its predecessors, it could spell trouble. Tuesday is the 101st anniversary of Cuba's independence. And like last year, the president appears to have some peculiarly unhelpful ideas about a birthday present.
Miami Herald: Cuba says Gov. Bush is urging an attack
A top Cuban official charged in an interview broadcast Sunday that Gov. Jeb Bush is pressing his brother, President Bush, to bring down the government of Fidel Castro.
Appearing on ABC's This Week, Ricardo Alarcón, the leader of Cuba's National Assembly, said Florida's governor was urging President Bush to invade the island.
Guardian: Home run to Havana
When George Bush decides to make a speech these days, the world watches. This is not exactly because the US president has a big, international fan club. Nor is it because he makes particularly good television, even when he dresses up in a flying suit and uses America's fighting men and women for scenery.
No, the reason the world watches when Bush opens his mouth is because everybody is wondering: what IS he going to say now? Is he going to invade Iran or have the US liberate France again? Is he going to announce another tax cut for millionaires or start a new trade war with Europe? Or maybe he's going to deliver "America's justice" to another poor, benighted part of the planet before heading back to the Air Force One gym.
Early warning: Bush is expected to make another of his speeches next Tuesday - and like so many of its predecessors, it could spell trouble. Tuesday is the 101st anniversary of Cuba's independence. And like last year, the president appears to have some peculiarly unhelpful ideas about a birthday present.
Miami Herald: Cuba says Gov. Bush is urging an attack
A top Cuban official charged in an interview broadcast Sunday that Gov. Jeb Bush is pressing his brother, President Bush, to bring down the government of Fidel Castro.
Appearing on ABC's This Week, Ricardo Alarcón, the leader of Cuba's National Assembly, said Florida's governor was urging President Bush to invade the island.
Houston Chronicle: U.S. patrol ambushed near Kirkuk
AL HUWAYJAH, Iraq -- U.S. soldiers on patrol about 25 miles west of Kirkuk were ambushed late Sunday night and found themselves in a fierce battle that left at least 16 enemy dead and one American soldier wounded.
"That's the worst fight anyone's been in in Kirkuk," said the patrol commander, Capt. Mario Soto, 26, of Atlanta.
"When there's a 30- to 40-minute fight with A-10s, Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicle support, the war is not over."
Houston Chronicle: U.S. patrol ambushed near Kirkuk
AL HUWAYJAH, Iraq -- U.S. soldiers on patrol about 25 miles west of Kirkuk were ambushed late Sunday night and found themselves in a fierce battle that left at least 16 enemy dead and one American soldier wounded.
"That's the worst fight anyone's been in in Kirkuk," said the patrol commander, Capt. Mario Soto, 26, of Atlanta.
"When there's a 30- to 40-minute fight with A-10s, Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicle support, the war is not over."
Commondreams: In Reversal, Plan for Iraq Self-Rule Has Been Put Off
— In an abrupt reversal, the United States and Britain have
put off their plan to allow Iraqi opposition forces to form a national
assembly and an interim government by the end of the month. Instead,
top American and British diplomats leading reconstruction efforts here told
exile leaders in a meeting tonight that allied officials would remain
in charge of Iraq for an indefinite period, said Iraqis who attended the
"Was für eine Überaschung"
Commondreams: In Reversal, Plan for Iraq Self-Rule Has Been Put Off
— In an abrupt reversal, the United States and Britain have
put off their plan to allow Iraqi opposition forces to form a national
assembly and an interim government by the end of the month. Instead,
top American and British diplomats leading reconstruction efforts here told
exile leaders in a meeting tonight that allied officials would remain
in charge of Iraq for an indefinite period, said Iraqis who attended the
"Was für eine Überaschung"
Times: Anguish of the pensioners of Baghdad
IT WAS meant to bring relief, but it ended in tragedy. From six in the
morning they came: the old on crutches, the sick, the frail, widows
with children to support and pensioners with grandchildren. They came for
the first pension pay day of the new regime, but instead of help for a
desperate people, the seething, exhausted crowds found only
frustration, anger, injury and death in their search for the $40 (£24) payment. This
first big test of the Baghdad social support system under the American
administration had spun terrifyingly out of control, pitching the
weakest members of one of the world’s most-battered countries against the
world’s supreme military superpower.
Times: Anguish of the pensioners of Baghdad
IT WAS meant to bring relief, but it ended in tragedy. From six in the
morning they came: the old on crutches, the sick, the frail, widows
with children to support and pensioners with grandchildren. They came for
the first pension pay day of the new regime, but instead of help for a
desperate people, the seething, exhausted crowds found only
frustration, anger, injury and death in their search for the $40 (£24) payment. This
first big test of the Baghdad social support system under the American
administration had spun terrifyingly out of control, pitching the
weakest members of one of the world’s most-battered countries against the
world’s supreme military superpower.
Independent: Israel: Another day, another outrage
The attacks themselves are no surprise; international observers had been expecting an Islamist backlash after the American-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. But the ferocity and frequency has been shocking. And yesterday there were still more.
The wave of suicide attacks in an arc that stretches from Morocco and Algeria through Israel where seven were killed yesterday to Saudi Arabia, Chechnya and Pakistan have been mounted by different violent groups for different reasons. Yet they stand as testimony to the inaccuracy of President George Bush's view that America is winning the "war on terror". They also fortify the position of those who say the war in Iraq was not so much part of that war as a diversion from it and that it has fuelled anti-Western attacks rather than reduced them
Independent: Israel: Another day, another outrage
The attacks themselves are no surprise; international observers had been expecting an Islamist backlash after the American-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. But the ferocity and frequency has been shocking. And yesterday there were still more.
The wave of suicide attacks in an arc that stretches from Morocco and Algeria through Israel where seven were killed yesterday to Saudi Arabia, Chechnya and Pakistan have been mounted by different violent groups for different reasons. Yet they stand as testimony to the inaccuracy of President George Bush's view that America is winning the "war on terror". They also fortify the position of those who say the war in Iraq was not so much part of that war as a diversion from it and that it has fuelled anti-Western attacks rather than reduced them
Csmonitor: Remains of toxic bullets litter Iraq
Erlich is a longtime foreign correspondent who reported from Iraq for
the San Francisco Chronicle and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is
co-author of "Target Iraq." Erlich said today: "A recent Christian
Science Monitor story revealed the U.S. expended no less than 75 tons of
depleted uranium in Iraq [this spring]. The Monitor 'found significant levels of
radioactive contamination from the U.S. battle for Baghdad.' Depleted
uranium is a toxic and radioactive heavy metal used as a highly
effective penetrator in U.S. machine gun and tank shells. When it hits a hard
target ... the dust can settle on the ground and get into the food chain.
Today in Baghdad, children are playing on tanks destroyed by DU ammo and the
dust may be settling on nearby food markets." Erlich visited Iraq and Bosnia
to investigate the U.S. use of DU and its long-term health dangers. "At a
minimum, the U.S. should clean up the sites where DU was used in Iraq,"
Erlich says.
Csmonitor: Remains of toxic bullets litter Iraq
Erlich is a longtime foreign correspondent who reported from Iraq for
the San Francisco Chronicle and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is
co-author of "Target Iraq." Erlich said today: "A recent Christian
Science Monitor story revealed the U.S. expended no less than 75 tons of
depleted uranium in Iraq [this spring]. The Monitor 'found significant levels of
radioactive contamination from the U.S. battle for Baghdad.' Depleted
uranium is a toxic and radioactive heavy metal used as a highly
effective penetrator in U.S. machine gun and tank shells. When it hits a hard
target ... the dust can settle on the ground and get into the food chain.
Today in Baghdad, children are playing on tanks destroyed by DU ammo and the
dust may be settling on nearby food markets." Erlich visited Iraq and Bosnia
to investigate the U.S. use of DU and its long-term health dangers. "At a
minimum, the U.S. should clean up the sites where DU was used in Iraq,"
Erlich says.
Times: Case proven - war does not eradicate terrorism
The bombs in Riyadh show that the threat of September 11 is not over. That much is clear. Equally clear is that the present danger is not from rogue states or weapons of mass destruction, but from murderous gangs with dynamite and cars. As Afghanistan was followed by Bali, so Iraq is followed by Riyadh. After waiting out the razzmatazz of war, reality terrorism is back in business.
These killers cannot be eradicated. Though they pose a threat to human lives they do not threaten Western values. They may stir dictatorial tendencies in paranoid politicians. But to imply that such incidents undermine freedom is to lose all faith in democracy. Whatever the motives, these are criminal acts. They should be met by the art of intelligence and the science of security, not by the crass hand of “regime change”.
"Um das rauszufinden hätte man im Irak nicht tausende von Menschen töten müssen"
Times: Case proven - war does not eradicate terrorism
The bombs in Riyadh show that the threat of September 11 is not over. That much is clear. Equally clear is that the present danger is not from rogue states or weapons of mass destruction, but from murderous gangs with dynamite and cars. As Afghanistan was followed by Bali, so Iraq is followed by Riyadh. After waiting out the razzmatazz of war, reality terrorism is back in business.
These killers cannot be eradicated. Though they pose a threat to human lives they do not threaten Western values. They may stir dictatorial tendencies in paranoid politicians. But to imply that such incidents undermine freedom is to lose all faith in democracy. Whatever the motives, these are criminal acts. They should be met by the art of intelligence and the science of security, not by the crass hand of “regime change”.
"Um das rauszufinden hätte man im Irak nicht tausende von Menschen töten müssen"
Scotsman: Attacks end US hopes of al-Qaeda defeat
BASKING in the glow of a swift military victory in Iraq and a series of coups against al-Qaeda, George Bush, the US president, confidently declared: "We have seen the turning of the tide" in the war against terrorism.
Cofer Black, the head of the US state department’s counter-terrorism office, went further: "This [Iraq] was the big game for them - you put up or shut up and they have failed. It proves that the global war on terrorism has been effective, focused and has got these guys on the run."
Two weeks later, after co-ordinated suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia and Morocco killed dozens of people, the war on terror looks very different. Numerous US officials have crawled out of the Washington woodwork to declare that far from being on the wane, al-Qaeda is back, with new leaders and a string of targets, many of which are said to be at risk of "imminent attack".
Scotsman: Attacks end US hopes of al-Qaeda defeat
BASKING in the glow of a swift military victory in Iraq and a series of coups against al-Qaeda, George Bush, the US president, confidently declared: "We have seen the turning of the tide" in the war against terrorism.
Cofer Black, the head of the US state department’s counter-terrorism office, went further: "This [Iraq] was the big game for them - you put up or shut up and they have failed. It proves that the global war on terrorism has been effective, focused and has got these guys on the run."
Two weeks later, after co-ordinated suicide attacks in Saudi Arabia and Morocco killed dozens of people, the war on terror looks very different. Numerous US officials have crawled out of the Washington woodwork to declare that far from being on the wane, al-Qaeda is back, with new leaders and a string of targets, many of which are said to be at risk of "imminent attack".
Guardian: Shiites March in Baghdad Against U.S.
Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - In the largest anti-U.S. demonstration in Baghdad since the end of the war, thousands of Shiite Muslims marched peacefully through the capital Monday to protest the U.S. occupation and reject what they feared would be a U.S.-installed puppet government.
About 5,000 rallied in front of a Sunni Muslim mosque in the capital's northern district of Azimiyah, and then marched to the nearby Kadhamiya quarter, home to one of the holiest Shiite shrines in Iraq. Some carried portraits of the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran and other noted Shiite clerics.
Guardian: Shiites March in Baghdad Against U.S.
Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - In the largest anti-U.S. demonstration in Baghdad since the end of the war, thousands of Shiite Muslims marched peacefully through the capital Monday to protest the U.S. occupation and reject what they feared would be a U.S.-installed puppet government.
About 5,000 rallied in front of a Sunni Muslim mosque in the capital's northern district of Azimiyah, and then marched to the nearby Kadhamiya quarter, home to one of the holiest Shiite shrines in Iraq. Some carried portraits of the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran and other noted Shiite clerics.
Monday, May 19, 2003
Heise: Ölpolitik
Der für das irakische Erdölministerium zuständige amerikanische "Berater" räumt selbst Interessenskonflikte ein und schlägt eine Privatisierung der Industrie sowie ein Ausscheren des Irak aus der OPEC vor
Wenn es schon keine Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak gibt, dann wenigstens doch das Öl, um das es allerdings bekanntlich nicht gegangen sein soll. Das soll, wie man seitens der US-Regierung betont, dem irakischen Volke zu gute kommen, weswegen auch schnellstens die Sanktionen aufgehoben werden müssen. Der "Berater", den das Pentagon an die Spitze des irakischen Erölministeriums gesetzt hat, überlegt aber auch schon einmal, ob der Irak nicht aus der OPEC ausscheren sollte - natürlich nur, um dem irakischen Volk zu dienen
Heise: Ölpolitik
Der für das irakische Erdölministerium zuständige amerikanische "Berater" räumt selbst Interessenskonflikte ein und schlägt eine Privatisierung der Industrie sowie ein Ausscheren des Irak aus der OPEC vor
Wenn es schon keine Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak gibt, dann wenigstens doch das Öl, um das es allerdings bekanntlich nicht gegangen sein soll. Das soll, wie man seitens der US-Regierung betont, dem irakischen Volke zu gute kommen, weswegen auch schnellstens die Sanktionen aufgehoben werden müssen. Der "Berater", den das Pentagon an die Spitze des irakischen Erölministeriums gesetzt hat, überlegt aber auch schon einmal, ob der Irak nicht aus der OPEC ausscheren sollte - natürlich nur, um dem irakischen Volk zu dienen
Spiegel: Bushs Sprecher tritt zurück
US-Präsident George W. Bush muss sich einen neuen Sprecher suchen. Ari Fleischer kündigte seinen Rücktritt für Juli an.
Spiegel: Bushs Sprecher tritt zurück
US-Präsident George W. Bush muss sich einen neuen Sprecher suchen. Ari Fleischer kündigte seinen Rücktritt für Juli an.
Spiegel: Bushs Nachkriegskonzept zerfällt
Plünderungen, Gesetzlosigkeit und Gewalt - die Besatzungsmächte sind noch immer nicht in der Lage, das Chaos im Irak einzudämmen. In den USA wächst daher die Kritik an der Bush-Regierung. Ihr wird vorgeworfen, das Nachkriegsproblem total falsch eingeschätzt zu haben.
Spiegel: Bushs Nachkriegskonzept zerfällt
Plünderungen, Gesetzlosigkeit und Gewalt - die Besatzungsmächte sind noch immer nicht in der Lage, das Chaos im Irak einzudämmen. In den USA wächst daher die Kritik an der Bush-Regierung. Ihr wird vorgeworfen, das Nachkriegsproblem total falsch eingeschätzt zu haben.
Times of India: US POW Jessica Lynch Rescue Was 'Stage-Managed'
NEW DELHI -- The dramatic rescue of US soldier Jessica Lynch on April 2 from an Iraqi hospital made headlines everywhere, including in this newspaper.
The whole world saw dramatic footage - conveniently filmed by US Army night vision cameras - of helicopter-borne American special forces kicking down doors and firing their guns, apparently at Iraqi soldiers.
The rescue of the young POW boosted morale on the US home front at a time when the invasion of Iraq had appeared to run aground. "It was a classic operation done by some of our nation's finest warriors, who are dedicated to never leaving a comrade behind", US brigadier general Vincent Brooks declared. And the entire media breathlessly retailed this story.
Times of India: US POW Jessica Lynch Rescue Was 'Stage-Managed'
NEW DELHI -- The dramatic rescue of US soldier Jessica Lynch on April 2 from an Iraqi hospital made headlines everywhere, including in this newspaper.
The whole world saw dramatic footage - conveniently filmed by US Army night vision cameras - of helicopter-borne American special forces kicking down doors and firing their guns, apparently at Iraqi soldiers.
The rescue of the young POW boosted morale on the US home front at a time when the invasion of Iraq had appeared to run aground. "It was a classic operation done by some of our nation's finest warriors, who are dedicated to never leaving a comrade behind", US brigadier general Vincent Brooks declared. And the entire media breathlessly retailed this story.
Telegraph: Take water and potash, add electricity and get - a mystery
British researchers believe that they have made a groundbreaking scientific discovery after apparently managing to "create" energy from hydrogen atoms.
In results independently verified at Bristol University, a team from Gardner Watts - an environmental technology company based in Dedham, Essex - show a "thermal energy cell" which appears to produce hundreds of times more energy than that put into it. If the findings are correct and can be reproduced on a commercial scale, the thermal energy cell could become a feature of every home, heating water for a fraction of the cost and cutting fuel bills by at least 90 per cent.
Telegraph: Take water and potash, add electricity and get - a mystery
British researchers believe that they have made a groundbreaking scientific discovery after apparently managing to "create" energy from hydrogen atoms.
In results independently verified at Bristol University, a team from Gardner Watts - an environmental technology company based in Dedham, Essex - show a "thermal energy cell" which appears to produce hundreds of times more energy than that put into it. If the findings are correct and can be reproduced on a commercial scale, the thermal energy cell could become a feature of every home, heating water for a fraction of the cost and cutting fuel bills by at least 90 per cent.
Washington Post: Shiite clerics call for mass demonstration against U.S.
BAGHDAD -- Powerful Shiite clerics have called on hundreds of thousands of their supporters to take to the streets of Baghdad and other cities today in what could be the biggest show of religious opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
The call, made Sunday in a statement by a leading cleric in Baghdad and in leaflets posted in mosques in Shiite neighborhoods in the capital, marks an escalation in organized Shiite disenchantment with the U.S. occupation administration of L. Paul Bremer.
Washington Post: Shiite clerics call for mass demonstration against U.S.
BAGHDAD -- Powerful Shiite clerics have called on hundreds of thousands of their supporters to take to the streets of Baghdad and other cities today in what could be the biggest show of religious opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
The call, made Sunday in a statement by a leading cleric in Baghdad and in leaflets posted in mosques in Shiite neighborhoods in the capital, marks an escalation in organized Shiite disenchantment with the U.S. occupation administration of L. Paul Bremer.
New Zealand Herald: So What Was The War For? By Robert Fisk
LONDON - More than 50 dead in a week. Thanks for the Iraq war.
Thank you, Mr Bush and Mr Blair, for making our world safer by ridding us of the one tyrant - Saddam Hussein - who never had any connection with 11 September 2001, or with the Riyadh bombings or with the bombings in Casablanca.
The "liberation" of Iraq was supposed to free us from the bombers of al Qaeda. So said Mr Blair. So said Mr Straw. Could you talk to us, please, Messrs Blair and Straw? What was Iraq for? No, we don't have any "claim of responsibility" for the Casablanca massacre, but the nature of the cold calculation behind the Casablanca bombings is sufficient.
New Zealand Herald: So What Was The War For? By Robert Fisk
LONDON - More than 50 dead in a week. Thanks for the Iraq war.
Thank you, Mr Bush and Mr Blair, for making our world safer by ridding us of the one tyrant - Saddam Hussein - who never had any connection with 11 September 2001, or with the Riyadh bombings or with the bombings in Casablanca.
The "liberation" of Iraq was supposed to free us from the bombers of al Qaeda. So said Mr Blair. So said Mr Straw. Could you talk to us, please, Messrs Blair and Straw? What was Iraq for? No, we don't have any "claim of responsibility" for the Casablanca massacre, but the nature of the cold calculation behind the Casablanca bombings is sufficient.
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