Tuesday, May 20, 2003


Al-jazeera: Israel in charge of the US military dictatorship,

If "Terror" attacks were to stop, then Israel would lack any viable excuse to continue killing Arabs. The bulldozers would fall silent. For Israel, that would be the worst thing that could happen. Even worse than the so-called "Road Map." In America, the Religious Right mandates Bush that the "Holy Land" must be purged of all Muslim Arabs. They cite that act as a Christian Religious Edict, supported by their interpretation of Biblical Scripture. Bush cannot be reelected without their support, nor can he be reelected without Jewish support.
Ariel Sharon is not a Religious man, and he has stated that he would not form a Government if he had to form a coalition with Orthodox Religious Jews, or any other Jewish Religious groups. Obviously, Sharon is ruthless, controls Israeli Intelligence, and that Service readily admits it has "operatives" inside all Arab Organizations. Israeli Intelligence is rated the best in the world, with complete! access to American Intelligence, and they are not shackled by any sort of morality.

The time has come to put 2+2 together and understand where "World Terrorism" is originating or being exploited, and the purpose it serves. Bin Laden may have started this process, but Israelis understand how to use it to further their ambitions. Suicide bombers can be either manipulated, or used as "scapegoats" for any explosion. ( Israelis claimed the last Bus bombing was caused by a bomber entering the front of the Bus, yet the photographs show the roof of the Bus pealed back from the rear, where the charge was set) Their first step was to equate Palestinian resistance, doubted "Terrorism" to 9-11 as being a "Terrorist" act, rather than its actual purpose of being an act of retaliation for America's support of years of Israeli Atrocities.

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