The AGE: Facing the future with a chip in the shoulder
Forget mobile phones as the hottest new media technology - for anyone under 30, handsets as we know them will be gone in 20 years. The world's tech-savvy youngsters will be using microchip implants to communicate and transact.
April, Barcelona's Baja Beach Club began microchipping its VIP nightclub members, to let them into exclusive areas and clock up drinks and food via a chip implant in the arm produced by VeriChip Corporation. Within a decade, Mr Grulke says, microchips will be common. Already two scientists at Britain's Warwick University have chips embedded under their skin that let them send emails just by thinking
"PP: By pure coincidence (ahem) IBM, the company behind Verichip, the major retailer of implantable chips, also ran the cataloging system used by the Nazis to store information on Jews in Hitler Germany. Something tells me we should be a tad more concerned about that than who's going to win American Idol"
Friday, April 15, 2005
UK Parliment: "House of Commons Health Committee - THE INFLUENCE OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY"
The commercial success of the industry is not in doubt, nor is its ability to produce excellent science and important drugs; however, its ability to put the health of the nation consistently before the needs and expectations of its shareholders may be questioned. The evidence to this inquiry indicated that, in recent years, large pharmaceutical companies have become ever more focused on a marketing-based approach. In our view, this is the source of many of the problems we have identified. However, these problems are global and we received no evidence that the situation in the UK was worse than in other countries.
In Chapter 8 we examined the overall influence of the pharmaceutical industry. It is widely welcomed and relied on, but it is also pervasive and persistent. Our over-riding concerns are about the volume, extent and intensity of the industry’s influence, not only on clinical medicine and research but also on patients, regulators, the media, civil servants and politicians.
The failings we have described have consequences, in particular: The unsafe use of drugs; and The increasing medicalisation of society. These problems have existed in many countries. The UK may have a better record than many others. Drugs have been used unsafely in every country and we have no doubt that the drift towards medicalisation is a global phenomenon."
A major and recurring issue raised during the inquiry is the increased ‘medicalisation’ of our society – the pill for every problem
The commercial success of the industry is not in doubt, nor is its ability to produce excellent science and important drugs; however, its ability to put the health of the nation consistently before the needs and expectations of its shareholders may be questioned. The evidence to this inquiry indicated that, in recent years, large pharmaceutical companies have become ever more focused on a marketing-based approach. In our view, this is the source of many of the problems we have identified. However, these problems are global and we received no evidence that the situation in the UK was worse than in other countries.
In Chapter 8 we examined the overall influence of the pharmaceutical industry. It is widely welcomed and relied on, but it is also pervasive and persistent. Our over-riding concerns are about the volume, extent and intensity of the industry’s influence, not only on clinical medicine and research but also on patients, regulators, the media, civil servants and politicians.
The failings we have described have consequences, in particular: The unsafe use of drugs; and The increasing medicalisation of society. These problems have existed in many countries. The UK may have a better record than many others. Drugs have been used unsafely in every country and we have no doubt that the drift towards medicalisation is a global phenomenon."
A major and recurring issue raised during the inquiry is the increased ‘medicalisation’ of our society – the pill for every problem
Independent: Climate Change Wreaking Havoc With Seasons
Climate change is playing havoc with the timing of the seasons and could drastically alter the landscape, according to one of the most comprehensive studies of its kind.
Frogs have begun spawning in Britain as early as October, oaks are coming into leaf three weeks earlier than they were 50 years ago and there were an unprecedented 4,000 sightings of bumblebees by the end of January this year.
Climate change is playing havoc with the timing of the seasons and could drastically alter the landscape, according to one of the most comprehensive studies of its kind.
Frogs have begun spawning in Britain as early as October, oaks are coming into leaf three weeks earlier than they were 50 years ago and there were an unprecedented 4,000 sightings of bumblebees by the end of January this year.
Iraqi Resistance Report 4-12-5 - The Real War
Iraqi Resistance Report 4-13-5 - The Real War
-Resistance blasts US base with Tariq rocket killing five US troops; American rocket and bomb attacks on al-Qa’im leave 37 civilians dead.
-US launches armored attack with air support on al-Qa’im. American leaflets threaten civilians with death if they aid Resistance fighters.
-Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter over eastern al-Qa’im.
-US forces have blockaded the city and are preventing all vegetables and other foodstuffs from getting into al-Qa’im.
The Americans also threatened to bomb any hospital that accepts wounded Iraqi Resistance fighters
-US forces suffer losses Tuesday as Resistance fighters continue to pour into al-Qa’im.
-Resistance throws back savage US assaults on al-Qa’im.
-16 Resistance car bombs blast Americans across Iraq.
-Resistance seizes control of most of Tall ‘Afar.
In a dispatch posted at 12:45pm Mecca time Wednesday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Director of al-Qa’im Hospital, Dr. ‘Abd ar-Rahman Muhammad, a short while earlier had announced that US forces used internationally prohibited weapons in their attacks on al-Qa’im Wednesday morning.
Dr. Muhammad told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans drooped 40 container bombs loaded with cluster bombs and more than 30 incendiary bombs, in addition to releasing very large amounts of a narcotic gas affecting the nervous system, and paralyzing the fighters. Besides that, Dr. Muhammad said, the US also used mustard gas.
Dr. Muhammad said that he wished to expose what he called the “dirty” methods of the US forces, warning of the humanitarian consequences if the Americans continue on their present course. On Tuesday US aircraft destroyed the city’s drinking water tanks and blew up food storage lockers for the people of al-Qa’im. Dr. Muhammad warned that more than 25,000 women, children, and elderly people would die of starvation if the situation continues unchanged.
Iraqi Resistance Report 4-12-5 - The Real War
Iraqi Resistance Report 4-13-5 - The Real War
-Resistance blasts US base with Tariq rocket killing five US troops; American rocket and bomb attacks on al-Qa’im leave 37 civilians dead.
-US launches armored attack with air support on al-Qa’im. American leaflets threaten civilians with death if they aid Resistance fighters.
-Resistance shoots down US Apache helicopter over eastern al-Qa’im.
-US forces have blockaded the city and are preventing all vegetables and other foodstuffs from getting into al-Qa’im.
The Americans also threatened to bomb any hospital that accepts wounded Iraqi Resistance fighters
-US forces suffer losses Tuesday as Resistance fighters continue to pour into al-Qa’im.
-Resistance throws back savage US assaults on al-Qa’im.
-16 Resistance car bombs blast Americans across Iraq.
-Resistance seizes control of most of Tall ‘Afar.
In a dispatch posted at 12:45pm Mecca time Wednesday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Director of al-Qa’im Hospital, Dr. ‘Abd ar-Rahman Muhammad, a short while earlier had announced that US forces used internationally prohibited weapons in their attacks on al-Qa’im Wednesday morning.
Dr. Muhammad told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Americans drooped 40 container bombs loaded with cluster bombs and more than 30 incendiary bombs, in addition to releasing very large amounts of a narcotic gas affecting the nervous system, and paralyzing the fighters. Besides that, Dr. Muhammad said, the US also used mustard gas.
Dr. Muhammad said that he wished to expose what he called the “dirty” methods of the US forces, warning of the humanitarian consequences if the Americans continue on their present course. On Tuesday US aircraft destroyed the city’s drinking water tanks and blew up food storage lockers for the people of al-Qa’im. Dr. Muhammad warned that more than 25,000 women, children, and elderly people would die of starvation if the situation continues unchanged.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
The Battle For Al-Qaim : The U.S. Version: "Insurgents" Attack U.S. Base In Iraq : "Insurgents" claiming links to al Qaeda tried to overrun a U.S. Marine base near the Syrian border Monday using gunmen, suicide car bombs and a firetruck loaded with explosives, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.
The Battle For Al-Qaim : The Iraq Version: Resistance fighters take over Al-Qaim : Fierce fighting erupted since 7am. More than 70 'Iraqi policemen' deserted their positions. An influx of 150-200 Resistance fighters from the neighboring cities of Hit, Haditha and Fallujah join the battle, including 16 women Resistance fighters.
The Battle For Al-Qaim : The Iraq Version: Resistance fighters take over Al-Qaim : Fierce fighting erupted since 7am. More than 70 'Iraqi policemen' deserted their positions. An influx of 150-200 Resistance fighters from the neighboring cities of Hit, Haditha and Fallujah join the battle, including 16 women Resistance fighters.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
ICH: Look For Media Labels by Ted Rall
An Examination of the Propaganda of Nomenclature
(Op/Ed ) - NEW YORK--If you read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch television, you know that the media has assigned Muqtada al-Sadr a peculiar job title: radical cleric. "Gunmen fired on supporters of the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Friday," reports the Associated Press wire service. National Public Radio routinely refers to "radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr." "The protesters were largely supporters of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr," says CNN. Even Agence France-Press refers to him the same way: "Followers of a radical Shiite cleric marched in Baghdad."
I wonder: Does he answer his phone with a chipper "Muqtada al-Sadr, radical cleric!"? Does it say "radical cleric" on his business card?
Ted Rall, Is America's hardest-hitting editorial cartoonist for Universal Press Syndicate, is an award-winning commentator who also works as an illustrator, columnist, and radio commentator. Visit his website -

An Examination of the Propaganda of Nomenclature
(Op/Ed ) - NEW YORK--If you read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch television, you know that the media has assigned Muqtada al-Sadr a peculiar job title: radical cleric. "Gunmen fired on supporters of the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Friday," reports the Associated Press wire service. National Public Radio routinely refers to "radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr." "The protesters were largely supporters of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr," says CNN. Even Agence France-Press refers to him the same way: "Followers of a radical Shiite cleric marched in Baghdad."
I wonder: Does he answer his phone with a chipper "Muqtada al-Sadr, radical cleric!"? Does it say "radical cleric" on his business card?
Ted Rall, Is America's hardest-hitting editorial cartoonist for Universal Press Syndicate, is an award-winning commentator who also works as an illustrator, columnist, and radio commentator. Visit his website -
LA Times: Man's Claims May Be a Look at Dark Side of War on Terror
Khaled el-Masri says his strange and violent trip into the void began with a bus ride on New Year's Eve 2003
ULM, Germany — When he returned to this city five months later, his friends didn't believe the odyssey he recounted. Masri said he was kidnapped in Macedonia, beaten by masked men, blindfolded, injected with drugs and flown to Afghanistan, where he was imprisoned and interrogated by U.S. intelligence agents. He said he was finally dumped in the mountains of Albania.
Khaled el-Masri says his strange and violent trip into the void began with a bus ride on New Year's Eve 2003
ULM, Germany — When he returned to this city five months later, his friends didn't believe the odyssey he recounted. Masri said he was kidnapped in Macedonia, beaten by masked men, blindfolded, injected with drugs and flown to Afghanistan, where he was imprisoned and interrogated by U.S. intelligence agents. He said he was finally dumped in the mountains of Albania.
Washington Post: Insurgents Attack U.S. Base In Iraq
Large-Scale Assault Is Second Within 2 Weeks; Contractor Abducted
BAGHDAD, April 11 -- Insurgents claiming links to al Qaeda tried to overrun a U.S. Marine base near the Syrian border Monday using gunmen, suicide car bombs and a firetruck loaded with explosives, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.
The assault was the second time in less than two weeks that foreign insurgents have massed an organized, military-style offensive, U.S. officials said. Insurgents typically have staged smaller-scale bombings and attacks.
Large-Scale Assault Is Second Within 2 Weeks; Contractor Abducted
BAGHDAD, April 11 -- Insurgents claiming links to al Qaeda tried to overrun a U.S. Marine base near the Syrian border Monday using gunmen, suicide car bombs and a firetruck loaded with explosives, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.
The assault was the second time in less than two weeks that foreign insurgents have massed an organized, military-style offensive, U.S. officials said. Insurgents typically have staged smaller-scale bombings and attacks.
Washington Post: China Builds a Smaller, Stronger Military
Modernization Could Alter Regional Balance of Power, Raising Stakes for U.S.
BEIJING -- A top-to-bottom modernization is transforming the Chinese military, raising the stakes for U.S. forces long dominant in the Pacific.
Several programs to improve China's armed forces could soon produce a stronger nuclear deterrent against the United States, soldiers better trained to use high-technology weapons, and more effective cruise and anti-ship missiles for use in the waters around Taiwan, according to foreign specialists and U.S. officials
Modernization Could Alter Regional Balance of Power, Raising Stakes for U.S.
BEIJING -- A top-to-bottom modernization is transforming the Chinese military, raising the stakes for U.S. forces long dominant in the Pacific.
Several programs to improve China's armed forces could soon produce a stronger nuclear deterrent against the United States, soldiers better trained to use high-technology weapons, and more effective cruise and anti-ship missiles for use in the waters around Taiwan, according to foreign specialists and U.S. officials
The Guardian: Let Them Eat Bombs
The Doubling Of Child Malnutrition In Iraq Is Baffling
A report to the UN human rights commission in Geneva has concluded that Iraqi children were actually better off under Saddam Hussein than they are now.
This, of course, comes as a bitter blow for all those of us who, like George Bush and Tony Blair, honestly believe that children thrive best when we drop bombs on them from a great height, destroy their cities and blow up hospitals, schools and power stations.
The Doubling Of Child Malnutrition In Iraq Is Baffling
A report to the UN human rights commission in Geneva has concluded that Iraqi children were actually better off under Saddam Hussein than they are now.
This, of course, comes as a bitter blow for all those of us who, like George Bush and Tony Blair, honestly believe that children thrive best when we drop bombs on them from a great height, destroy their cities and blow up hospitals, schools and power stations.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Taipei, March 31 (CNA) Graffiti has become a recognized form of expression in Taiwan and now five Taipei parks are open to anyone wanting to piece, do a throwup or just tag. Chen Wei-jen, director of the Public Works Department under the Taipei City Government, presided over an event Thursday held at a news conference at the Chungshan Fine Arts Park to announce the news, while children tried their hand at tagging. Aside from the Chungshan Fine Arts Park, four other parks for graffiti include Ta-an Forest Park, Tienmu Park, Nankang Park and Changan Green Land Park, he said. The city government is allowing graffiti in the parks primarily to let citizens express their ideas and opinions about life and let off some steam, he said, adding that the city government intends to take pictures of meaningful graffiti and exhibit it.
Taipei, March 31 (CNA) Graffiti has become a recognized form of expression in Taiwan and now five Taipei parks are open to anyone wanting to piece, do a throwup or just tag. Chen Wei-jen, director of the Public Works Department under the Taipei City Government, presided over an event Thursday held at a news conference at the Chungshan Fine Arts Park to announce the news, while children tried their hand at tagging. Aside from the Chungshan Fine Arts Park, four other parks for graffiti include Ta-an Forest Park, Tienmu Park, Nankang Park and Changan Green Land Park, he said. The city government is allowing graffiti in the parks primarily to let citizens express their ideas and opinions about life and let off some steam, he said, adding that the city government intends to take pictures of meaningful graffiti and exhibit it.
BERLIN: FIGHT AGAINST GRAF Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht…"
Hausmeister Schily überwacht per Hubschrauber zukünftig nachts die Berliner Mauer(n)
Graffitti haben in Berlin Tradition. Ebenso die intensive und auch nächtliche Überwachung von Betonwänden. Allerdings fand früher beides auf entgegengesetzten Seiten der Mauer statt. Und trotz kaltem Krieg mit Schießbefehl war es normalerweise relativ ruhig, solange niemand ins Scheinwerferlicht lief. Das ist nun vorbei.
Doch Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily will noch höher hinaus: Er will künftig bundesweit Hubschrauber des Bundesgrenzschutzes mit Wärmebildkameras einsetzen, um die Sprayer nachts in flagranti zu erwischen. Ist ein Opfer erspäht, so springen dann wohl Beamte mit Fallschirm aus dem Hubschrauber und packen sich den Sprayer. Erste Tests in Berlin anlässlich des vom gleichnamigen Verein veranstalteten "Nofitti"-Kongresses waren bereits erfolgreich, wie BILD meldet, wenn auch auf der Sprühverbrecherjagd bereits erste Unbeteiligte zu Tode kamen.
"alleine die Treibstoffkosten für einen Helikopter belaufen sich pro Einsatz auf 10'000 Euro"
"Bisherige Erfolgsquote: ca. 80'000 Euro Kosten für Helikopter, ein unschuldiger Toter, 4 verhaftete Sprayer"
Hausmeister Schily überwacht per Hubschrauber zukünftig nachts die Berliner Mauer(n)
Graffitti haben in Berlin Tradition. Ebenso die intensive und auch nächtliche Überwachung von Betonwänden. Allerdings fand früher beides auf entgegengesetzten Seiten der Mauer statt. Und trotz kaltem Krieg mit Schießbefehl war es normalerweise relativ ruhig, solange niemand ins Scheinwerferlicht lief. Das ist nun vorbei.
Doch Bundesinnenminister Otto Schily will noch höher hinaus: Er will künftig bundesweit Hubschrauber des Bundesgrenzschutzes mit Wärmebildkameras einsetzen, um die Sprayer nachts in flagranti zu erwischen. Ist ein Opfer erspäht, so springen dann wohl Beamte mit Fallschirm aus dem Hubschrauber und packen sich den Sprayer. Erste Tests in Berlin anlässlich des vom gleichnamigen Verein veranstalteten "Nofitti"-Kongresses waren bereits erfolgreich, wie BILD meldet, wenn auch auf der Sprühverbrecherjagd bereits erste Unbeteiligte zu Tode kamen.
"alleine die Treibstoffkosten für einen Helikopter belaufen sich pro Einsatz auf 10'000 Euro"
"Bisherige Erfolgsquote: ca. 80'000 Euro Kosten für Helikopter, ein unschuldiger Toter, 4 verhaftete Sprayer"
LA Times: Baghdad: Hundreds Of Thousands Protest American Invasion and Occupation Of Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Chanting “Death to America” and burning effigies of President Bush and Saddam Hussein, tens of thousands of Iraqis flooded central Baghdad on Saturday in what police called the largest anti-American protest since the fall of Baghdad, the capital, exactly two years ago.The peaceful demonstration by angry young followers of Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr underscored the United States’ accomplishments and its failures since the end of the war.Once staunch supporters of the U.S. invasion to oust the dictator who ruthlessly suppressed them, many Shiite Arabs in Iraq have grown so frustrated by the lingering military occupation, with its checkpoints, raids and use of force, that they took to the streets to call for a deadline for troop withdrawal.
Riverbendblog: The Cruel Month...
Thousands were demonstrating today all over the country. Many areas in Baghdad were cut off today for security reasons and to accomodate the demonstrators, I suppose. There were some Sunni demonstrations but the large majority of demonstrators were actually Shia and followers of Al Sadr. They came from all over Baghdad and met up in Firdaws Square- the supposed square of liberation. They were in the thousands. None of the news channels were actually covering it. Jazeera showed fragments of the protests in the afternoon but everyone else seemed to busy with some other news story
In Pictures: Iraqi's Protest Against American Occupation
Juan Cole: Up to 300,000 Demonstrate in Baghdad
Edmund Sanders reports that the crowds in downtown Baghdad protesting the US troop presence in the country may have been as large as 300,000. If it were even half that, these would be the largest popular demonstrations in Iraq since 1958! To any extent that they show popular sentiment shifting in Shiite areas to Muqtada al-Sadr's position on the American presence, they would indicate that he is winning politically even though the US defeated his militia militarily. Big demonstrations were also held in Ramadi and in Najaf. In Baghad, Shaikh Mu'ayyad al-Khazraji, a Sadr aide, said that the demonstrations would continue, to pressure the parliament to demand a US withdrawal.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Chanting “Death to America” and burning effigies of President Bush and Saddam Hussein, tens of thousands of Iraqis flooded central Baghdad on Saturday in what police called the largest anti-American protest since the fall of Baghdad, the capital, exactly two years ago.The peaceful demonstration by angry young followers of Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr underscored the United States’ accomplishments and its failures since the end of the war.Once staunch supporters of the U.S. invasion to oust the dictator who ruthlessly suppressed them, many Shiite Arabs in Iraq have grown so frustrated by the lingering military occupation, with its checkpoints, raids and use of force, that they took to the streets to call for a deadline for troop withdrawal.
Riverbendblog: The Cruel Month...
Thousands were demonstrating today all over the country. Many areas in Baghdad were cut off today for security reasons and to accomodate the demonstrators, I suppose. There were some Sunni demonstrations but the large majority of demonstrators were actually Shia and followers of Al Sadr. They came from all over Baghdad and met up in Firdaws Square- the supposed square of liberation. They were in the thousands. None of the news channels were actually covering it. Jazeera showed fragments of the protests in the afternoon but everyone else seemed to busy with some other news story
In Pictures: Iraqi's Protest Against American Occupation
Juan Cole: Up to 300,000 Demonstrate in Baghdad
Edmund Sanders reports that the crowds in downtown Baghdad protesting the US troop presence in the country may have been as large as 300,000. If it were even half that, these would be the largest popular demonstrations in Iraq since 1958! To any extent that they show popular sentiment shifting in Shiite areas to Muqtada al-Sadr's position on the American presence, they would indicate that he is winning politically even though the US defeated his militia militarily. Big demonstrations were also held in Ramadi and in Najaf. In Baghad, Shaikh Mu'ayyad al-Khazraji, a Sadr aide, said that the demonstrations would continue, to pressure the parliament to demand a US withdrawal.
Rense: Vindicating American Democracy by Terrell E. Arnold
Over the past several weeks mainstream American media have practically swooned over the elections of sorts that have occurred in countries of the Middle East and elsewhere. Reflecting comments from official Washington, they have been full of praise for balloting in Iraq, in Palestine, and retrospectively for Ukraine
Over the past several weeks mainstream American media have practically swooned over the elections of sorts that have occurred in countries of the Middle East and elsewhere. Reflecting comments from official Washington, they have been full of praise for balloting in Iraq, in Palestine, and retrospectively for Ukraine
Moscow Times: The Big Fix by Chris Floyd
Let's face the facts. The game is over and we -- the "reality-based community," the believers in genuine democracy and law, the heirs of Jefferson and Madison, Emerson and Thoreau, the toilers and dreamers, all those who seek to rise above the beast within and shape the brutal chaos of existence into something higher, richer and imbued with meaning -- have lost. The better world we thought had been won out of the blood and horror of history -- a realm of enlightenment that often found its best embodiment in the ideals and aspirations of the American Republic -- is gone. It's been swallowed by darkness, by ravening greed, by bestial spirits and by willful primitives who now possess overwhelming instruments of power and dominion.
Let's face the facts. The game is over and we -- the "reality-based community," the believers in genuine democracy and law, the heirs of Jefferson and Madison, Emerson and Thoreau, the toilers and dreamers, all those who seek to rise above the beast within and shape the brutal chaos of existence into something higher, richer and imbued with meaning -- have lost. The better world we thought had been won out of the blood and horror of history -- a realm of enlightenment that often found its best embodiment in the ideals and aspirations of the American Republic -- is gone. It's been swallowed by darkness, by ravening greed, by bestial spirits and by willful primitives who now possess overwhelming instruments of power and dominion.
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." -Noam Chomsky
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