Saturday, March 13, 2004



What is happening in Venezuela now is directly out of the book "The Secret Team".

In particular, appendix three is happening in Ecuador and Columbia.

This book is free on the internet and available for downloading in different formats.

100,000 copies were removed from the book stores across the USA.


20min: Flusss?ure in Z?rcher Graffitis nicht nachgewiesen
Bei den Mitte Februar aufgetauchten Graffitis auf Z?rcher Trams ist der Nachweis von Flusss?ure analytisch bisher nicht gegl?ckt.

20min: Z?rich bildet ein Anti-Graffiti-Team
Die Stadt Z?rich will Sprayern das Handwerk legen: Ein neues siebenk?pfiges Anti-Graffiti-Team soll f?r ein sauberes Stadtbild sorgen.
Ein Stelleninserat im ?Tages-Anzeiger? von gestern verriet das Ansinnen der Stadt: ?F?r den Aufbau eines stadtweiten Einsatzteams zur Entfernung von Graffiti suchen wir eine Leiterin oder einen Leiter Graffiti-Ordnung?, schreibt Entsorgung und Recycling Z?rich (ERZ). Bislang geh?rte die Graffiti-Reinigung zum Aufgabenbereich der Strassenreiniger

Friday, March 12, 2004


Guardian: Sick, afraid, defiant - they marched in their millions
No one was sure whether it was over. Bob Dylan's Knocking on Heaven's Door and U2's Bloody Sunday hummed from radios, in between tearful speeches from DJs.
On screens in empty bars, newscasters were carefully listing the distinguishing features of corpses which hadn't been claimed - woman in her 30s, height: 5ft. Children left uncollected at kindergarten were presumed to have gone to relatives to sit by the phone.

In the streets, Spanish flags with black ribbons clung to every available facade, lamppost, cashpoint, streetsweeping machine in Madrid.

But there was a reticence before the grieving and demonstrations began. A fear that there could possibly be more to come: another blast, another explosion. Because, as one tax inspector said as he entered a terrifyingly empty tapas bar, "we're in some kind of suspended nightmare. We still don't know what the hell is going on here. Why? Someone, please, tell me why."

Then, slowly, thousands began to congregate in squares, unfurling banners begging "We don't want to die" and "Death to ETA", "Peace not terrorism". As the thousands multiplied into a million, and then two, Madrid knew it was witnessing the biggest mass-protest in Spanish history

An architect with a Spanish flag brushed off Eta's denial of the attack. "Of course it was Eta," she spat. She would vote for prime minister José María Aznar on Sunday.

A civil servant from Madrid would spoil his vote. "Al-Qaida did this but it doesn't suit our pro-war government to tell us until the elections are over."


Independent: US revealed to be secretly funding opponents of Chavez
Washington has been channelling hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund the political opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez - including those who briefly overthrew the democratically elected leader in a coup two years ago.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that, in 2002, America paid more than a million dollars to those political groups in what it claims is an ongoing effort to build democracy and "strengthen political parties". Mr Chavez has seized on the information, telling Washington to "get its hands off Venezuela".

The revelation about America's funding of Mr Chavez's opponents comes as the president is facing a possible recall referendum and has been rocked by a series of violent street demonstrations in which at least eight people have died. His opponents, who include politicians, some labour leaders, media executives and former managers at the state oil company, are trying to collect sufficient signatures to force a national vote. The documents reveal that one of the group's organising the collection of signatures - Sumate - received $53,400 (£30,000) from the US last September.

"Die Amerikanische Regierung stand hinter dem Putch gegen den demkratisch gewählten Präsidenten Venezuelas Hugo Chavez. Ein weiteres Beispiel was die USA von Demokratie in Wirklichkeit hält."


Socialist Worker: Is Iraq headed for a civil war?

THE COORDINATED bombings and mortar attacks in the Iraqi cities of Karbala and Baghdad March 2 have cast a spotlight on the crisis of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. At least 100 and as many as 300 people were killed in the attacks, which targeted Iraq’s Shiite Muslims--who are the majority of the population, but were oppressed under Saddam Hussein’s regime.

The attacks came as tens of thousands of Shiites gathered to mark Ashura, the highest holy day of the Shiite religious calendar--and as the Iraqi Governing Council handpicked by the U.S. was getting ready to sign an interim constitution. The Bush administration lost no time in pointing the finger at "foreign terrorists"--in this case, Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian who supposedly fought with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.


Infoshop: 'It's the same old Iraq, just a tiny bit worse than it was last month'
Each time I return to Iraq, it's the same, like finding a razor blade in a bar of chocolate. The moment you start to believe that "New Iraq" might work - just - you get the proof that it's the same old Iraq, just a little tiny bit worse than it was last month.

Commondreams: The Life and Unexplained Death of a Palestinian Militant
Mohamed Aboul Abbas, the 'Achille Lauro' planner, said he never intended passengers to be held hostage or anyone to be killed, and apologized for it. The US and Israel allowed him back to Gaza. So why was he in a US prison in Iraq?

When 55-year-old Mohamed Aboul Abbas died mysteriously in a US prison camp in Iraq on Tuesday, nobody bothered to call his family.

His American captors had given no indication to the International Red Cross that he had been unwell and his wife Reem first heard that he was dead when she watched an Arab television news show.

Yet in his last letter to his family, written just seven weeks ago and shown to The Independent in Baghdad yesterday, the Palestinian militant wrote that, "I am in good form and in good health", adding that he hoped to be freed soon. So what happened to Mohamed Aboul Abbas?


Reuters: Spain Mourns 192 Dead, Probes Al Qaeda Bomb Claim

MADRID (Reuters) - Spaniards mourned the death of 192 people in the country's worst guerrilla attack on Friday as officials looked into a purported al Qaeda claim that it was responsible for the bombings on packed commuter trains.

The Spanish government said it believed armed Basque separatist group ETA was most likely to blame for the simultaneous bombings of four trains at Madrid stations on Thursday three days before a general election.

However, Interior Minister Angel Acebes said police were not ruling out any lines of investigation after finding a van containing seven detonators and a tape in Arabic at a town near Madrid where the bombs may have been placed on the trains.

Apart from those killed, some 1,421 people were injured in Europe's bloodiest guerrilla attack for more than 15 years.

Thursday, March 11, 2004


Spiegel: Z?ge von Bomben zerfetzt - ?ber 170 Tote
Mehr als 170 Todesopfer, ?ber 890 Verletzte - doch die Bombenserie in Madrid h?tte noch weit mehr Menschen t?ten k?nnen. Denn einige Sprengs?tze sind nicht explodiert. Der Chef der verbotenen Eta-nahen Baskenpartei Batasuna behauptet zwar, die Anschl?ge tr?gen die Handschrift islamistischer Terroristen. Spaniens Regierung beschuldigt jedoch die Eta

"Das ist nicht die bisherige Handschrift der Eta"
Waren baskische Terroristen die T?ter in Madrid? Im Interview mit SPIEGEL ONLINE erkl?rt Jose Comas, Korrespondent der spanischen Tageszeitung "El Pais", warum es begr?ndete Zweifel an dieser These gibt.

Netzzeitung: Politischer Arm der ETA verurteilt ?Massaker?
Die Basken-Partei Batasuna hat die Anschl?ge von Madrid verurteilt. Parteichef Otegi wies jede Verantwortung der ETA zur?ck.
Der Vorsitzende der verbotenen Basken-Partei Batasuna, Arnaldo Otegi, hat sich ?berraschend deutlich von den Anschl?gen in Madrid distanziert. Er verurteile die Bombenattentate, sagte er. Die Anschl?ge seien ?blinde Aktionen gegen die Zivilbev?lkerung und gegen Arbeiter, die zu ihrer Arbeit unterwegs waren?.
Batasuna ist der politische Arm der ETA, die seit 1968 mit Waffengewalt f?r einen unabh?ngigen Baskenstaat k?mpft. Die Partei hat bislang niemals Terrorakte der ETA verurteilt.


Spiegel: Bombenserie reißt Dutzende Menschen in den Tod
Es ist der schlimmste Terroranschlag, den die spanische Hauptstadt je erlebt hat: Nahezu zeitgleich explodierten an mindestens drei Stellen in Madrid mehrere Bomben. Vorortzüge wurden regelrecht zerfetzt. Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums wurden bis zu 60 Menschen getötet. Die Bevölkerung ist aufgerufen, Blut zu spenden

Reuters: At Least 62 Dead in Madrid Train Blasts
MADRID, Spain (Reuters) - At least 62 people were killed in explosions on packed rush-hour trains in Madrid Thursday in pre-election attacks that could be the worst ever by Basque separatist group ETA, officials said.

There was no claim of responsibility for the blasts just ahead of a Spanish national election Sunday. But police said the explosions appeared to be the work of Basque separatist guerrillas ETA, listed by the United States and the European Union as a terrorist organization.

State radio, quoting judicial sources, said there were at least 85 dead in the near simultaneous attacks at three Madrid area stations.

Independent: Dozens killed in Madrid rail explosions
More than 60 people were killed and dozens more injured as a series of powerful explosions rocked trains and railway stations in Madrid during the morning rush hour today.

Two bombs exploded on a commuter train arriving at the bustling Atocha station in the centre of the Spanish capital.

Blasts rocked two other stops on a commuter line leading to Atocha, the news agency Efe reported. Spanish National Radio quoted witnesses as saying they saw people lying on the ground and train cars destroyed.

At least 15 were killed aboard a train on the line leading to Atocha, Efe said, quoting fire department officials.

There was no claim of responsibility but police have been on high alert for Basque separatist violence ahead of general elections on Sunday.

Last month police intercepted a Madrid-bound van packed with more than 500 kilos (1,100lbs) of explosives, and blamed the Basque separatist group ETA

Wednesday, March 10, 2004



A group of doctors, including Westcountry surgeon David Halpin, are considering applying for a judicial review if the inquest into the death of government weapons expert Dr David Kelly is not re-opened next week.

Semi-retired orthopaedic and trauma surgeon David Halpin, from Haytor in Devon, does not believe the man at the centre of the Iraq weapons row killed himself. He called for the inquest to be re-opened, saying it was medically implausible Dr Kelly died from a cut artery and painkiller overdose.

Prisonplanet: Russian Government to Install Cameras in Every Moscow Apartment Building

Moscow is planning to install surveillance (or should we say spy?) cameras at the entrance (padyest) of every apartment building in Moscow during the next 3-4 years.

This news follows a recent idea to take the fingerprints of all visitors to Moscow and gives us a good idea of the governments desire to have control over the people.

Many years ago every flat in Moscow was fitted with a gadget called a "radio". This "radio" was connected by wires to a station that provided news and music. But as we all know (and most people began to realize), such an apparatus can just as easily be made to receive as well as send and most have been removed. This free gift from the government was usually installed in the kitchen area, which is a popular place in most Moscow flats for discussions of importance.

As in the past, many Russians will begin to fear the authorities, believing that their every move is being monitored. Perhaps this time they really will have a reason to be concerned?
US IMPERIALISM How To Overthrow A Government

Having studied the techniques of the CIA and related organizations, I am pleased to announce the following simple steps in overthrowing a democratically elected government.

1. Find some opposition...ANY opposition in the country. Your best bet is some rich members of a former oligarchy or former military. Begin giving them funds, and, start training some of them in case you need to move in the direction of military action. I understand there is a nice training facility in the Florida Everglades that is available as all the Haitian death-squadders who trained there are now busy destroying Haiti.

2. Come up with some reasons that the current government must go. The reasons could be true or not, that is irrelevant. A popular one to use would be economic issues, which goes well with number 4, below.

3. Buy and/or infiltrate significant media outlets. Use these outlets to whip up a broader backlash against the leaders.

4. Meanwhile, use overt and covert means to destabilize the economy. In Haiti, Bush simply held back 500 million dollars in aid already earmarked for that country. There are other ways to destabilize currency, including working with rich elites within the country who will be happy to help. A last resort would be an actual embargo of the country, though that's a tad obvious. Still, most Americans won't notice. We had economic sanctions on Iraq for over 12 years and yet when the second Gulf Massacre ended, news media were still talking about how Saddam had ruined the economy.......

USA VS. LATIN AMERICA US Warns Brazilian Govt Over Relations With Venezuela & Cuba

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Last Sunday, United States Ambassador to Brazil Donna Hrinak, gave a strong caution to the Brazilian government with relation to the South American giant's relationship with Venezuela and Cuba.

Hrinak was referring to the process of referenda currently underway in Venezuela to recall several lawmakers and President Chavez. After counting and validating 3.4 million signatures collected by opponents of Chavez, electoral authorities are requesting about a million of those listed in petitions with irregularities to confirm or deny their willingness to sign and their identity, in order to decide if the recall on Chavez should take place. Political opposition to Chavez and the commercial media, accuse the President of manipulating the process of recall.

Hrinak warned President Lula to "carefully calibrate his opposition" to certain political issues such as the current situations in Venezuela and Cuba, which are part of the main focus of the Bush administration in Latin America.

Marco Aurelio Garcia, President Lula's International relations advisor, was outraged by the U.S. Ambassador's comments. "I don't think those kinds of comments are appropriate for an Ambassador to say. Brazil and the U.S. never had better relations, but it is obvious that we have different perceptions on several issues," Garcia told Argentine newspaper La Nacion

Monday, March 08, 2004


John Pilger: John Pilger: 2004: Choose Your Favorite Pro-War Candidate


A myth equal to the fable of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is
gaining strength on both sides of the Atlantic. It is that John Kerry offers a
world-view different from that of George W Bush. Watch this big lie
grow as Kerry is crowned the Democratic candidate and the "anyone but Bush"
movement becomes a liberal cause celebre.

While the rise to power of the Bush gang, the neoconservatives,
belatedly preoccupied the American media, the message of their equivalents in the
Democratic Party has been of little interest. Yet the similarities are
compelling. Shortly before Bush's "election" in 2000, the Project for
the New American Century, the neoconservative pressure group, published an
ideological blueprint for "maintaining global US pre-eminence,
precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security
order in line with American principles and interests". Every one of its
recommendations for aggression and conquest was adopted by the

One year later, the Progressive Policy Institute, an arm of the
Democratic Leadership Council, published a 19-page manifesto for the "New
Democrats", who include all the principal Democratic Party candidates, and
especially John Kerry. This called for "the bold exercise of American power" at
the heart of "a new Democratic strategy, grounded in the party's tradition
of muscular internationalism". Such a strategy would "keep Americans safer
than the Republicans' go-it-alone policy, which has alienated our
natural allies and overstretched our resources. We aim to rebuild the moral
foundation of US global leadership ..."

What is the difference from the vainglorious claptrap of Bush? Apart
from euphemisms, there is none. All the Democratic presidential candidates
supported the invasion of Iraq, bar one: Howard Dean. Kerry not only
voted for the invasion, but expressed his disappointment that it had not gone
according to plan. He told Rolling Stone magazine: "Did I expect George
Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."
Neither Kerry nor any of the other candidates has called for an end to the
bloody and illegal occupation; on the contrary, all of them have demanded more
troops for Iraq. Kerry has called for another "40,000 active service
troops". He has supported Bush's continuing bloody assault on
Afghanistan,and the administration's plans to "return Latin America to American
leadership" by subverting democracy in Venezuela.


Independent: US faces mounting international fury over Aristide's 'forced' exit

South Africa added its voice last night to a growing international chorus questioning the circumstances surrounding Jean-Bertrand Aristide's departure from Haiti and demanded an investigation into allegations that the US forcibly removed a democratically elected president from office.

In a thinly veiled attack on the Bush administration, South Africa's Foreign Affairs Minister, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, said that if Mr Aristide had been prised from power against his will, it would have "serious consequences and ramifications for the respect of the rule of law and democracy the world over".

The issue, fuelled by direct accusations by Mr Aristide that he was, in effect, kidnapped and hustled into exile in the Central African Republic under conditions that he likened to imprisonment, has once again thrust a spotlight on the Bush administration's conduct of foreign policy and risks becoming a liability for President Bush as he begins his re-election campaign.


Observer: Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us

Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
· Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years
· Threat to the world is greater than terrorism

Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..
A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.


Spectator: Not a shred of evidence by Brendan O'Neill

Did Saddam Hussein really use industrial shredders to kill his
enemies? Brendan O'Neill is not persuaded that he did Forget the
no-show of Saddam Hussein's WMD. Even George Bush no longer believes
that they are there. Ask instead what happened to Saddam's 'people
shredder', into which his son Qusay reportedly fed opponents of the
Baathist regime. Ann Clwyd, Labour MP for Cynon Valley and chair of
Indict, a group that has been campaigning since 1996 for the
creation of an international criminal tribunal to try the Baathists,
wrote of the shredder in the Times on 18 March -- the day of the
Iraq debate in the House of Commons and three days before the start
of the war. Clwyd described an Iraqi's claims that male prisoners
were dropped into a machine 'designed for shredding plastic', before
their minced remains were 'placed in plastic bags' so they could
later be used as 'fish food'. Sometimes the victims were dropped in
feet first, reported Clwyd, so they could briefly behold their own
mutilation before death.

Electronic Intifada: Israeli forces kill 14 Palestinians and leave 80 wounded in refugee camps in Gaza

An Israeli military attack in a Palestinian residential area in the central Gaza Strip conducted today, Sunday 7 March 2004, left dead 14 Palestinians, including four children, and more than 80 others, including 26 children, wounded.

According to preliminary investigations conducted by PCHR, at around 03:00 this morning, Israeli forces, including heavy military vehicles and aircraft, moved from the Netzarim settlement, southwards along Salah al Din Street to a point between Al-Nusseirat and Al-Bureij refugee camps. Troops then moved from Salah Al Din Street west into Al-Nusseirat camp.

Four children were killed by Israeli gunfire and more than 80 civilians were injured, 26 of them children. Ten of the injured remain in a serious condition.

The children killed were identified as Mahmoud Abdullah Younis, 11; Mohammed Amer Abu Zuraiq, 12; Mohammed Ali Bedawi, 15; and Haitham Mohammed Al Issawi, 16.

Israelischer Verteidigungsminister:

"This operation [vom 7. Maerz] left 15 Palestinians dead,
including nine armed men from Hamas and two others from
Fatah/Tanzim, as well as four teenagers who were not so innocent
since they had responded to the call from the mosques to support
the terrorists, [...]"