Spiegel: Bombenserie reißt Dutzende Menschen in den Tod
Es ist der schlimmste Terroranschlag, den die spanische Hauptstadt je erlebt hat: Nahezu zeitgleich explodierten an mindestens drei Stellen in Madrid mehrere Bomben. Vorortzüge wurden regelrecht zerfetzt. Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums wurden bis zu 60 Menschen getötet. Die Bevölkerung ist aufgerufen, Blut zu spenden
Reuters: At Least 62 Dead in Madrid Train Blasts
MADRID, Spain (Reuters) - At least 62 people were killed in explosions on packed rush-hour trains in Madrid Thursday in pre-election attacks that could be the worst ever by Basque separatist group ETA, officials said.
There was no claim of responsibility for the blasts just ahead of a Spanish national election Sunday. But police said the explosions appeared to be the work of Basque separatist guerrillas ETA, listed by the United States and the European Union as a terrorist organization.
State radio, quoting judicial sources, said there were at least 85 dead in the near simultaneous attacks at three Madrid area stations.
Independent: Dozens killed in Madrid rail explosions
More than 60 people were killed and dozens more injured as a series of powerful explosions rocked trains and railway stations in Madrid during the morning rush hour today.
Two bombs exploded on a commuter train arriving at the bustling Atocha station in the centre of the Spanish capital.
Blasts rocked two other stops on a commuter line leading to Atocha, the news agency Efe reported. Spanish National Radio quoted witnesses as saying they saw people lying on the ground and train cars destroyed.
At least 15 were killed aboard a train on the line leading to Atocha, Efe said, quoting fire department officials.
There was no claim of responsibility but police have been on high alert for Basque separatist violence ahead of general elections on Sunday.
Last month police intercepted a Madrid-bound van packed with more than 500 kilos (1,100lbs) of explosives, and blamed the Basque separatist group ETA
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