Friday, September 05, 2003



Also Usama a.k.a "der Fürst der Dunkelheit" a.k.a "Usama wars", ist immer noch die Nummer Uno unter den Terroristen.
Komisch ist das er nicht wegen den Anschl?gen vom 11. September gesucht wird sondern wegen:

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

Vom 11. September ist nicht die Rede...kein Vorwurf der Verschw?rung, mithilfe....gar nix. Wieso bloss? Vielleicht hat ja das FBI seit zwei Jahren vergessen ihre Site upzudaten..vielleicht weil er gar nix mit dem 11. September zu tun hatte...

Daily Star (Lebanon): Nasrallah Accuses Israel As Part Of Najaf Bombing

Hizbullah's secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, gave an address on the assassination of Mohammed Baqer al-Hakim Monday night, accusing the Israeli Mossad of the explosion that killed the Iraqi cleric and some 83 people at the Imam Ali shrine in Najaf, Iraq.

Nasrallah also said it was possible that the blast could have been arranged by Saddam Hussein or by Sunni extremists, but he emphasized the regional equation that Israel and America stand to benefit the most from the death of al-Hakim, and suggested Iraqis to examine the possibility of such an action by the Israelis.

Nasrallah did not provide any proof for his allegation but justified it by saying it was in the interests of Israel to eliminate Hakim, ãsince Iraq under Hakim would have been an Iraq that supports the Palestinian people.ä He also said that the bombing was sophisticated and beyond the capability of individuals without organizational support.

Rense: Israel Bombed UN Baghdad HQ - Syrian Govt Media
Israel also charged with bombed the Jordanian Embassy, Abu Gharib Prison and the Water Main

Shortly after the bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad (8-19-03) that claimed at least 23 lives ÅEincluding that of U.N. envoy Sergio de Mello, Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad, Foreign Minister Farouq Al-Shar', and Ambassador to the U.N. Faisal Miqdad issued strongly-worded statements of condemnation. A few days later, the Syrian government press began to hint at who, in Syria's view, was behind the bombing: Israel. The following are excerpts from recent articles in the Syrian government daily Teshreen:

Hell's Gates Have Opened

In her regular column in the Syrian government daily Teshreen, [1] Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Dr. Buthaina Sha'aban wrote: "Before the war in Iraq, President Bashar Assad said in an interview with an Austrian newspaper, 'The war in Iraq will open the gates of hell.' Now, we in the Middle East feel that the gates of hell have indeed opened and have begun to consume the best of the people living on this globe and working to make it a better place for the entire human race. The death of Sergio de Mello, the U.N. envoy to Iraq, is one of the greatest, most distressing, and most surprising losses to result from the American occupation of Iraq.

Independet: Kelly Believed 45-Minute Claim 'Risible', Says Friend

Tony Blair's claim that Saddam Hussein could deploy weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes was so far-fetched that Dr David Kelly laughed out loud when discussing it, the Hutton inquiry heard yesterday.

Tom Mangold, a journalist and friend of Dr Kelly, revealed that the scientist had described the claim as "risible" because it appeared to conflict with his knowledge of weapons. Mr Mangold said Dr Kelly had told him that chemical and biological weapons could not be deployed or activated within 45 minutes because it took much longer to fill munitions with the respective agents. "He just laughed about the 45-minute claim," Mr Mangold said.

The evidence came as Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, faced fresh controversy over his own involvement in the Government's strategy to confirm Dr Kelly's identity to journalists. Mr Hoon said last week that he had been merely "aware" of the highly unusual decision to name Dr Kelly and implied that civil servants had approved the idea. But Richard Taylor, Mr Hoon's special adviser, told the inquiry that the Defence Secretary had chaired a meeting at which the strategy was finally authorised.

Rense: The Ambassador Wilson Affair:The End of Karl Rove -
and George Bush?

This is the hottest and most explosive story behind the scenes in Washington in terms of how it could affect the Bush administration.

Ambassador Joseph Wilson has been turning up the heat in this situation. He revealed on Friday August 29 in a symposium in Washington the person in the Bush administration, who had leaked it out to the Washington Post that Wilson's wife is a CIA agent of 26 years. As a consequence of this leak, her entire team of overseas assets were liquidated.

The leaker, it turns out, was none other than the notorious Karl H. Rove, Bush's so-called White House advisor. Ambassador Wilson identified him as Karl Roverer, with the umlaut over the "o."

According to reliable sources, as well as our own Al Martin investigation, Karl Rove is, in fact, the grandson of Karl Heinz Roverer, the gauleiter of Mecklenburg, who was also a partner and senior engineer of Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurbüro AG. They built Birchenau, the concentration camp in Nazi Germany.

So Karl Rove has been identified as the leaker responsible for the deaths of more than 70 CIA assets overseas (See previous story "Will the Real Chemical Ali Please Stand Up? The Curious Case of Ambassador Joseph Wilson)

Spiegel: Bush droht den Chinesen

Die amerikanische Regierung versucht seit Monaten ohne erkennbaren Erfolg, die chinesische Regierung zu einer Neubewertung der Landeswährung Yuan zu bewegen. US-Präsident George Bush hat China jetzt wegen dessen "unfairer" Billig-Währungspolitik scharfe Konsequenzen angedroht.

Washington - Dem Sender CNBC sagte Bush am Donnerstag, die Währungspolitik Chinas sei nicht fair und die Regierung in Washington werde damit "entsprechend umgehen". US-Finanzminister John Snow habe bei seinem jüngsten Besuch in Peking unmissverständlich zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass die USA einen fairen Umgang von ihren Handelspartnern erwarteten. "Und wir glauben nicht, dass wir fair behandelt werden, wenn eine Währung durch eine Regierung kontrolliert wird", fügte Bush hinzu.

"Wie Ironisch, als würde der US-Dollar nicht von der Amerikanischen Regierung kontrolliert."

Spiegel: USA wollen Iran von der Uno verurteilen lassen

Die US-Regierung will den Weltsicherheitsrat auffordern, Iran wegen der Verletzung des Atomwaffensperrvertrages zu verurteilen. Bei der am Montag beginnenden Konferenz der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) in Wien soll ein entsprechender Resolutionsentwurf eingebracht werden, sagte ein Diplomat der Nachrichtenagentur AP. Washington wirft Teheran vor, ein geheimes Atomwaffenprogramm zu betreiben

Gegen Israel gibt es dagegen keine Sanktionen weil die USA einfach ihr Veto einlegen. Lustig

Spiegel: Eklat nach Berlusconis jüngster Entgleisung

Dass der italienische Ministerpräsident Berlusconi kein all zu gutes Verhältnis zum Berufsstand der Richter hat, war zu erwarten. Wie tief seine Abneigung tatsächlich ist, offenbart seine jüngste Entgleisung in einem heute veröffentlichten Interview. In Italien löste es einen Eklat aus.

Silvio Berlusconi hatte in einem heute erscheindenden Interview alle Richter als geistesgestört bezeichnet. In dem Gespräch mit dem britischen Magazin "Spectator" sagte Berlusconi über den Richter-Stand: "Um diesen Beruf auszuüben, muss man geistig verwirrt sein, man braucht psychische Störungen."

Spiegel: USA warten auf Ideen aus dem alten Europa

Die verzweifelte Suche nach Verbündeten macht die US-Regierung handzahm. Statt ätzender Polemik wie vor dem Irak-Krieg hat das Weiße Haus ein offenes Ohr für das alte Europa. Nach der deutsch-französischen Kritik an dem Entwurf der neuen Irak-Resolution heißt es: "Wir würden gerne von ihnen hören, was genau sie im Sinn haben."

Thursday, September 04, 2003


Spiegel: Mehrere US-Soldaten in Bagdad verletzt

In Bagdad hat sich offenbar ein irakischer Selbstmordattentäter in die Luft gesprengt. Dabei sollen mehrere US-Soldaten verwundet worden sein.

Kairo - Laut dem arabischen TV-Sender al-Dschasira hat sich der Anschlag an der al-Anbar-Universität im Westen Bagdads ereignet. Nähere Einzelheiten sind bisher nicht bekannt. Das US-Militär hat den Vorfall noch nicht bestätigt

CHECK : Baghdad Burning

Ein Weblog direkt aus dem Irak geschrieben von einem Maedchen und sie schreibt gut

"The New Cabinet
Two days ago, the Governing Council declared that the new Iraqi Cabinet had been selected. The composition of the Iraqi cabinet is identical to that of the Governing Council: 13 Shi’a Muslims, 5 Sunni Muslims, 5 Kurds, 1 Christian, and 1 Turkoman.

After a long, tedious speech given this morning by Ibraheim Al-Jaffari, the ministers were ‘sworn in’. Correct me if I’m wrong, isn’t there supposed to be a constitution the ministers should swear to uphold? Apparently not. ......

Haaretz: Israel Tries To Stop Critical UN Resolutions

NEW YORK -- Israel has launched a campaign to get the United Nations to declare a moratorium on all resolutions that denounce Israel or demand that it change its policies without parallel denunciations or demands regarding Palestinian terrorism.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Gillerman presented the idea Tuesday at a special meeting with the UN ambassadors of 25 European states who either are, or are slated to become, members of the European Union. Gillerman was accompanied by David Granit, the Foreign Ministry's deputy director-general for international organizations, who flew in from Jerusalem for the meeting.

Israel is arguing that a moratorium on one-sided anti-Israel resolutions is required by the road map peace plan, of which the EU and the UN are cosponsors, along with the United States and Russia. The road map calls for an end to anti-Israel incitement.

Israel verletzt mehr UN-Resolutionen als sonst wer und nun wollen sie noch ein moratorium..das wär ja noch schöner

Independent: 'Targeted Killings' Strengthen
Hamas As Innocents Die

Sana Al-Daour, 10, was sitting in the back seat with her father, mother and sister on the way to buy books for the new school year when the missile hit their Mercedes taxi.

Sana is far from being the only child killed since the ceasefire called on 29 June began to unravel three weeks ago. At least 22 of those hurt in the Hamas bombing on 19 August in Jerusalem, which triggered the policy of "targeted killings", were children.

After similar "targeted killings" of militants by Israel began in November 2000, there were no deaths in Israel during December, fuelling hopes that the militants had been discouraged. But the killings of Israelis escalated rapidly from February 2001. Amira Hass, commentator on Palestinian affairs for Ha'aretz newspaper, cited figures yesterday suggesting that 80 per cent of the Palestinians killed from the start of the intifada to the beginning of this August had not been connected to any armed factions. The Israeli policy has so far resulted in the deaths of 10 militants in six air strikes. But injuries and deaths among civilians appear to have hardened public opinion.

Islamonline: New Air Raid Kills Hamas Member, Injures 30 Civilians

GAZA CITY, September 1 ( & News Agencies) - A Palestinian Hamas activist was killed and 30 civilians were injured in the latest Israeli air strike against the resistance group in Gaza Monday, September 1, as the European Union's top diplomat sought to restrain Israel from assassinating Palestinian activists.

It was the sixth such attack by Israeli pilots since mid August.

Al-Jazeera: Israeli warplanes attack Lebanon village

Israeli warplanes attacked the outskirts of a south Lebanese village after Hizb Allah fighters fired anti-aircraft rounds at Israeli jets flying overhead

Lebanese police said Israeli fighter-bombers fired three air-to-ground missiles at positions in the Bayyarda hills near the border town of Naqura. There were no immediate reports of casualties from Wednesday's incident.

"Israeli planes attacked the part of Lebanon from which a cannon belonging to Hizb Allah fired shells," an Israeli spokesman said.

"The planes destroyed the cannons," he added.

The Israelis insisted the attack was justified and threatened to respond to all acts of "terrorism" in a similar fashion

"Israelische Jets fliegen über Libanon wobei sie den Luftraum eines souveränen Landes verletzen. Die Hisbollah schiesst darauf mit Kanonen auf die Jets, anschliessend bombardiert Israel die Stellungen im souveränen Staat Libanon und nennt das ganze Terrorismus."

Csmonitor: US's 'private army' grows

In Colombia and around the world, civilians are doing work formerly done by the military.

Flying over the vast jungle here, a joint Colombian-American crew trolls for suspicious aircraft that could be smuggling tons of cocaine onto American soil. When their radar locks onto a suspect plane, the crew attempts to make radio contact. If there is no response, they may fire warning shots in an attempt to get the suspect plane to land. Only as a last resort may the multinational crew seek permission from the ground to shoot the plane down.


Al-Jazeera: ‘Road map’ is dead, says Arafat

Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat has said the US-backed plan to create a
Palestinian state and foster peace was dead because of Israeli
"The road map is dead, but only because of Israeli military aggression
in recent weeks," he said in an interview with CNN in the West Bank town
of Ramallah on Tuesday. Arafat said the United States had let the plan
die. He blamed US preoccupation with Iraq and upcoming presidential
elections for preventing implementation of the “road map”.

Islamonline: United U.S. Muslims To Vote Against Bush Re-election

CHICAGO, September 2 ( & News Agencies) - Leaders of the
U.S. Muslim community intend to deliver a bloc vote in next year's
presidential elections, one that will go against the candidate they
endorsed last time - President George W. Bush. The Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the American Muslim Council, the
American Muslim Alliance, and the Muslim Public Affairs Council agreed
this weekend to cooperate on a voter registration drive that they hope will
send one million Muslims to say "No" to Bush's 2004 re-election bid.
Representatives of the four leading U.S. Muslim advocacy groups have
begun voter registration drives at mosques and Islamic centers across the
nation in hopes of ensuring a strong turnout in the 2004 presidential

Al-Jazeera: Jewish peace winner attacks Israel

Jewish historian Reuven Moskovitz, who was awarded a prestigious peace
prize, fired a broadside at Israel during his acceptance speech. The
outspoken award winner used the glittering occasion to launch an attack
on Israel's policies which have caused misery for millions of
Palestinians. And he called on Europe to exert pressure on Ariel Sharon to stop the
persecution of Palestinians. "All Israel's governing politicians have
transformed the lives of the Palestinian people into an intolerable
hell with their sanctions and expulsions," he said at Monday’s award

MSNBC: Toll of U.S. wounded rises fast

More than 1,100 wounded in action since Iraq war began

U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing dramatically in the face of continued attacks by remnants of Saddam Hussein’s military and other forces, with almost 10 American troops a day now being officially declared “wounded in action.”

Los Angeles Times: Resistance in Iraq Is Home Grown

Nationalists and Islamists are among diverse groups joining the
attacks, Foreign fighters are present in moderate numbers

BAGHDAD — The men attempting to recruit a former soldier in the
Fedayeen Saddam militia for today's war against the Americans took him to a
bearded sheik seated in a pickup truck. They appealed to the mortar expert's
sense of nationalism and then to his religious conviction. The Americans have
done nothing for Iraqis. They defile the homeland. Attacking the
American occupiers is the only way to make them leave, the recruiters argued.
In their shadowy guerrilla war to drive American forces out of Iraq,
hundreds of insurgents have organized into cells, especially in Al Anbar
province west of Baghdad and Diyala province to the northeast, both strongholds
for Saddam Hussein, the Sunni tribes that supported him and Wahhabi and
other Islamic fundamentalists.

Los Angeles Times: Resistance in Iraq Is Home Grown

Nationalists and Islamists are among diverse groups joining the
attacks, Foreign fighters are present in moderate numbers

BAGHDAD — The men attempting to recruit a former soldier in the
Saddam militia for today's war against the Americans took him to a
sheik seated in a pickup truck. They appealed to the mortar expert's
of nationalism and then to his religious conviction. The Americans have
done nothing for Iraqis. They defile the homeland. Attacking the
occupiers is the only way to make them leave, the recruiters argued.
their shadowy guerrilla war to drive American forces out of Iraq,
of insurgents have organized into cells, especially in Al Anbar
west of Baghdad and Diyala province to the northeast, both strongholds
Saddam Hussein, the Sunni tribes that supported him and Wahhabi and
Islamic fundamentalists.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003



Welcome to the World of Graffiti. This gallery shows a small selection of several writers, who painted mainly on south-german and swiss territory. The introduced crews had a strong influence on the style for bombing trains in the named area, where they were active in the early and late 90's. Not much is known about these writers, as they stayed strictly undercover during the most active days. Yet one fact can be taken for granted: all shown writers took part in setting a milestone in south-german and swiss graff-history.
OCCUPIED TERRITORIES Palestinian schoolgirl shot dead

AN eight-year-old Palestinian girl shot dead by Israeli troops in the central Gaza Strip was killed while showing off her new school uniform to friends, the youngster's grieving mother said today.

Some 1500 people gathered in Khan Yunis for the funeral of Aaya Mahmud Fayaad, who relatives and witnesses said was hit by bullets fired from an Israeli observation post on the edge of a Jewish settlement.

The girl's mother, Am Isam, told mourners at the family home that Aaya had been killed as she showed off her new uniform ahead of the start of the school year tomorrow.

"These are clothes that I bought for her yesterday," said the distraught mother as she showed off the outfit.

Information Clearinghouse: September 11th And The Bush Administration
Compelling Evidence for Complicity

Clearly, one of the most critical questions of the twenty-first century concerns why the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were not prevented. As I outline below, there are numerous aspects regarding the official stories about September 11th which do not fit with known facts, which contradict each other, which defy common sense, and which indicate a pattern of misinformation and coverup. The reports coming out of Washington do very little to alleviate these concerns.

For example, the Congressional report released on July 25, 2003 by a joint panel of House and Senate intelligence committees concluded that 9/11 resulted in C.I.A. and F.B.I. "lapses." While incompetence is frightening enough given a $40 billion budget, it is simply not consistent with known facts. It is consistent with the reports from other government scandals such has the Iran Contra Affair which produced damage control and cover up but not answers to the more probing questions. But perhaps a comparison to Watergate is more apropos since we now have twenty-eight pages of this report, which the Bush Administration refuses to release. The report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is believable unless you are seriously interested in the truth. Under more careful scientific scrutiny, it does not answer some very important questions.


Reuters: Britons want UK forces out of Iraq

LONDON (Reuters) - More than 60 percent of Britons believe their
government should be withdrawing its troops from Iraq, an opinion poll shows. A
poll for the Daily Mirror tabloid newspaper and television show GMTV asking
when British forces should be withdrawn from Iraq, found 29 percent of
respondents wanted troops pulled out as soon as possible and 32 percent
called for a phased withdrawal, with a final date set for the last
soldier to leave.

AFP: Iran's Nuclear Capability Represents 'Nightmare Scenario' - Israel

Iran's pursuit of a nuclear capability is a "nightmare scenario" which demands immediate international action, Israeli Foreign Minsiter Silvan Shalom said Sunday

"Iran is fast apporaching the point of no return in its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons capability," Shalom said here after talks with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana who was fresh from a visit to Tehran.

"It's urgent that the international community act to ensure that this nightmare scenario is prevented."

"Nachdem Israel weder einen Nicht-Verbreitungs Pakt unterschrieben hat, noch Inspektionen der Interltionalen Atomenergiebehörde zulässt sollten sie eigentlich nicht solche Töne anschlagen sonder zuerst mal vor der eigenen Haustuere kehren"


MSNBC: Rumors of Bin Laden’s Lair

Some believe life on the run has made it impossible for Osama bin Laden to control and lead Al Qaeda. In Afghanistan’s Kunar province, people tell a different story

IT’S ALL ABOUT connections: since 1996 Kaka’s son-in-law, an Algerian named Abu Hamza al Jazeeri, has been a special bodyguard to the man Kaka calls loar sheik—”big chief”—Osama bin Laden. Every two months or so, al Jazeeri comes down from the mountains to visit his wife and three sons, who live with Kaka. “He appears and disappears like lightning,” Kaka says. “I never know when he’s coming or going.” The old man and his neighbors listen eagerly to the latest news from the Qaeda leader’s hideout. On a visit in January al Jazeeri reported that one of bin Laden’s daughters-in-law had recently died in childbirth, and that bin Laden spoke at her funeral, blaming America for her death. Only a few dozen mourners could attend, not the thousands who would ordinarily pay their last respects. Bin Laden blamed America for that, too. “I had enough riches to enjoy myself like an Arab sheik,” bin Laden said, according to al Jazeeri’s account. “But I decided to fight against those infidel forces that want to sever us from our Islamic roots. For that cause, Arabs, Taliban and my family have been martyred.”

NY Times: Looks Like a Recovery, Feels Like a Recession

ven though the recession ended nearly two years ago, polls show that American workers are feeling stressed and shaky this Labor Day because the nation continues to register month after month of job losses and wages are rising more slowly than inflation.

One factor above all has fueled the insecurity: the nation has lost 2.7 million jobs over the last three years. The recovery has been so weak since the recession ended in November 2001 that the nation's payrolls are down one million jobs from when economic growth resumed.

Indeed, the current economic expansion is the worst on record in terms of job growth. The average length of unemployment, more than 19 weeks, spiked this summer to its highest level in two decades.


Al-Jazeera: US-made Apaches attack Gaza City

Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at a target in occupied Gaza City Monday killing at least one person believed to be a resistance activist and injuring 25 others.

Relatives identified the dead man as Khodr al-Husari, a member of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas.

The missiles, fired from US-supplied Apache helicopters, slammed into a car in the central sector of the city.


Al-Jazeera: Bomb destroys Baghdad police station

A car bomb has ripped through Baghdad's main police station, killing one policeman, according to occupation authorities.

At least two other policemen were seriously wounded and 19 others lightly injured, said medical sources. No occupation troops were killed.

Witnesses said a huge blast tore through the Rasafa police station shortly after 11:00 (07:00 GMT) on Tuesday, starting a large fire and sending clouds of black smoke spiralling into the sky.

The person who carried out the attack may have been wearing an Iraqi police uniform, reported our correspondent at the scene.

Al-Jazeera: US attacked over green card soldiers

Nearly 40,000 of America's frontline soldiers are not US citizens.

Many of the troops on duty in Iraq do not count English as their first language and would prefer to take orders in their native tongue ... usually Spanish.

The revelation has prompted British MP George Galloway, one of the fiercest critics of the invasion of Iraq, to accuse the US of using its "green card" troops as cannon fodder.

Galloway went on to attack the US policy of putting its poor minorities and non-citizens in the frontline of its foreign wars.

In an exclusive interview he told that it was part of a long US tradition of using its underclass as cannon fodder.


Independent: Civil War May Well Consume
The Iraqi Nation
By Robert Fisk

Unless The White House Abandons Its Fantasies

In Iraq, they go for the jugular: two weeks ago, the UN's top man, yesterday one of the most influential Shia Muslim clerics. As they used to say in the Lebanese war, if enough people want you dead, you'll die.

So who wanted Ayatollah Mohamed Bakr al-Hakim dead? Or, more to the point, who would not care if he died? Well, yes, there's the famous "Saddam remnants" which the al-Hakim family are already blaming for the Najaf massacre. He was tortured by Saddam's men and, after al-Hakim had gone into his Iranian exile, Saddam executed one of his relatives each year in a vain attempt to get him to come back. Then there's the Kuwaitis or the Saudis who certainly don't want his Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq to achieve any kind of "Islamic revolution" north of their border.

There are neo-conservatives aplenty in the United States who would never have trusted al-Hakim, despite his connections to the Iraqi Interim Council that the Americans run in Baghdad. Then there's the Shias.


BBC: Ethiopia hits out at IMF

Ethiopia's prime minister has hit out at continuing pressure from international financial organisations to push forward the country's privatisation process.
In a speech to an investors' meeting in Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said the repeated recommendations to sell off loss-making state corporations was counter-productive.

"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been pressing the government to sell all these state firms, but we have resisted these measures which would result in the collapse of our businesses," Mr Zenawi said.


The Hindu: The Loneliness Of Noam Chomsky By Arundhati Roy

After September 11, the mainstream media's blatant performance as the U.S Government's propaganda machine has only served to highlight the business of `managing' public opinion. The resultant `mistrust of the mass media' would at best be a political hunch or at worst a loose accusation, if it were not for the relentless and unswerving media analysis of one of the world's greatest minds. And this is only one of the ways in which Noam Chomsky has radically altered our understanding of the society in which we live. Rationally and empirically, he has unmasked the ugly, manipulative, ruthless American universe that exists behind the word 'freedom', says ARUNDHATI ROY, in an essay written as an introduction for the new edition of Noam Chomsky


Rense: A Failed Israeli Society Collapses
While Its Leaders Remain Silent
By Avraham Burg

(Avraham Burg was speaker of Israel's Knesset from 1999 to 2003 and is a former chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. He is currently a Labor Party Knesset member.)

The Zionist revolution has always rested on two pillars: a just path and an ethical leadership. Neither of these is operative any longer. The Israeli nation today rests on a scaffolding of corruption, and on foundations of oppression and injustice. As such, the end of the Zionist enterprise is already on our doorstep. There is a real chance that ours will be the last Zionist generation. There may yet be a Jewish state here, but it will be a different sort, strange and ugly.

There is time to change course, but not much. What is needed is a new vision of a just society and the political will to implement it. Nor is this merely an internal Israeli affair. Diaspora Jews for whom Israel is a central pillar of their identity must pay heed and speak out. If the pillar collapses, the upper floors will come crashing down.


Spiegel: Jemaah-Islamiah-Führer vom Hochverratsvorwurf freigesprochen

Er gilt als einer der Drahtzieher des internationalen Terrorismus, er soll hinter den Bombenanschlägen von Bali stecken. In Jakarta wurde Abu Bakar Baschir vom Vorwurf freigesprochen, einen Gottesstaat errichten zu wollen. Wegen Beteiligung am Landesverrat wurde er jedoch zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt.

Spiegel: "Wir brennen es nieder, die Elfen sind wütend"

Die Earth Liberation Front, ein Netz militanter Umweltaktivisten, setzt teure Geländewagen und andere Symbole der US-Konsumkultur in Brand. Radikal wie nie zuvor, verübte sie kürzlich die teuerste Sabotage-Aktion in der Geschichte der Bewegung. Amerikas neues Feindbild heißt Öko-Terrorismus.

Die Öko-Aktivisten, die sich oft den harmlos klingenden Namen "Elves" (Elfen) geben, sind zu einem neuen Feindbild vieler Amerikaner avanciert. Das FBI fahndet so gründlich nach ihnen wie nie: Die Razzia am letzten Donnerstag war in San Diego die zweite in vierzehn Tagen. Zeichen einer Eskalation - und Antwort auf zwei spektakuläre Akte der Brandstiftung im Süden Kaliforniens. Dabei entstanden im vergangenen Monat mehr als 50 Millionen Dollar Sachschaden.