Wednesday, July 16, 2003


Worldnetdaily: Rumsfeld corrects
testimony – twice

Swore he'd learned uranium charge bogus only 'days' ago

In congressional testimony last week, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld swore repeatedly that he'd just "days" earlier learned that the uranium charge President Bush made against Iraq six months ago was bogus.

Since then, he's had to correct the record twice, finally admitting he knew the allegation was false as early as March – less than two months after Bush's now-controversial State of the Union speech and just before the Iraq war started.

"When did you know that the reports about uranium coming out of Africa were bogus?" asked Sen. Mark Pryor, D.-Ark., at Wednesday's Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on "lessons learned" in Iraq.

"Oh, within recent days, since the information started becoming available," Rumsfeld replied.

"Ist es nicht lustig das ein Mann wie Donald Rumsfeld schlechter informiert ist als ein Zeitungsleser?"

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