Tuesday, April 29, 2003


The Scotsman: Israeli court refuses to outlaw army's use of deadly dart shells
ISRAEL’S supreme court yesterday threw out a bid to bar the army’s use
of flechette shells against Palestinians. The use of the weapons, which
explode in the air and spread thousands of small metal darts over a
wide area, did not contravene international law, the court said. Two human
rights groups had argued that use of the shells in residential areas is
against international law and asked the court to outlaw their use in
the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and the Tel Aviv
branch of Physicians for Human Rights had cited evidence of two recent
incidents that killed six Palestinians.

"Das höchste Isrelische Gericht hat auch die Folter von Palästinensern und den Mord an politischen Führern legitimiert."

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