Tuesday, March 18, 2003


CNN: U.S.: Iraqi forces may have mustard, VX gases

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Iraqi Republican Guard military units south of Baghdad may now have chemical munitions filled with a form of VX nerve agent as well as mustard gas, U.S. military officials Tuesday told CNN.

Officials base the possibility on intelligence reports that include the monitoring of Iraqi military communications.

The United States also has indications of sabotage against oil fields in the southern Iraqi region of Rumailah, where at least one oil well has been spilling crude into the desert for over 24 hours. The United States believes the spill is deliberate, and that it is an effort to create a physical obstacle in the desert to hinder the movement of U.S. troops.

"Das tönt für mich wie die schwarze Propaganda von 1991 als die Amerikaner behauptet haben das 250'000 Irakische Soldaten an der Saudi-Arabischen Grenze stünden was später als Lüge entlarvt wurde"

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