Monday, July 12, 2004


Bloomberg: Israeli Woman Soldier Killed, 31 Hurt in Tel Aviv Bus Bombing
July 11 (Bloomberg) -- A 19-year-old female soldier was killed and 31 other people were injured when a bomb exploded near a bus early Sunday morning in the center of Tel Aviv, in the first attack by Palestinians inside Israel in four months.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon linked the bombing to a ruling released Friday by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which said the barrier Israel is erecting to protect itself against Palestinian attacks violates international law and must be torn down.

Aljazeera: Arafat hints Israel planted Tel Aviv bomb

Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat has condemned Sunday's deadly bomb attack in Tel Aviv but suggested that it was an act of provocation carried out by the Israelis.

"We condemn this act as we always condemn these acts," Arafat said, before hinting that it could have been carried out by the Israelis.

"You know who is behind these acts," he told reporters on Sunday at his West Bank offices. "Europe knows it, the Americans know it, the Israelis know it

The Australian: Sharon blames court for bomb
AN Israeli woman was killed and about 20 people wounded in a bomb attack on a Tel Aviv bus stop yesterday that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said was carried out "under the patronage" of the world court.

An angry Mr Sharon was quick to blame the International Court of Justice, which on Friday declared illegal the Israeli-built wall on Palestinian territory, for the first bomb attack in Israel in almost four months.

"An hour ago, an Israeli woman was murdered by Palestinian terrorist criminals and other civilians were wounded. We're all praying for their wellbeing," he said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

"The murderous act that was carried out this morning was the first to occur under the patronage of the world court."

Zuerst hat Israel die Enscheidung des UN-Gerichtshofs mit dem Argument angegriffen, die Mauer verhindere Selbsmordanschläge, da es in den letzten vier Monate keine gegeben hat. Nun zeigt der Bombenanschlag in Tel-Aviv das dem nicht so ist und Ariel Sharon macht einen schwenker in der Rethorik und nun ist der Weltgerichtshof schuld weil die sagen die Mauer sei Illegal. Wobei der Gerichtshof sagt die Mauer sei Illegal weil sie auf Palästinensischem Gebiet gebaut wird. Sie wäre es nicht wenn sie innerhalb der Grenzen Israels zu stehen kommt. Die ganze Argumentation ist Propaganda. Der "The Australian" vergisst in dem Artikel zudem zu erwähnen , dass es sich bei der Toten nicht um eine Zivilistin sondern um eine Soldatin der Besatzungsarmee gehandelt hat"

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