Sunday, March 09, 2003


Haaretz: Head of Hamas military wing assassinated by IDFin Gaza

Israel yesterday assassinated Ibrahim al-Makadme, 53, one of the founders of Hamas and head of the organization's military wing in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian sources reported that at around 8 A.M. yesterday, Israel Defense Forces helicopters fired four missiles at the Mitsubishi in which Makadme and three of his bodyguards were traveling between the Rimal and Nasser neighborhoods of Gaza City.

The three men killed along with Makadme were identified as Alrahman al-Amudi, 27, Khaled Juma, 29, and Ala Shukri, 24.

Israel has promised more strikes, with security forces commenting that the assault on Hamas, including its leaders, would continue.

Hamas, for its part, defined the IDF operation as the assassination of a political leader and swore revenge. "The assassination of Ibrahim al-Makadme will launch a new stage of war against the Jews," senior Hamas official Abdel Aziz Rantisi said.

"This was a cowardly action aimed at the Palestinian nation and Hamas," he continued. "This is Jewish terror under the baton of Mofaz and Sharon and it will be met with a painful response from Hamas, which will have no choice but to strike at Israeli public figures in the government, the parliament and the parties. They should all know that they are wanted, as they have declared war on us

"Israel hat den Gründer des militärischen Flügels der Hamas mit einem Rakentangriff in Gaza ermordet. Die Hamas sieht dies als ermordung eines Politischen Führers und will nun im Gegenzug auch dazu übergehen Israelische Politiker zu ermorden. Sharon nimmt dies in Kauf. Die Reaktion der Hamas ist vorauszusehen. Nachher kann Israel wieder behaupten es Handle aus Vergeltung. Der Gaza Streifen wird dann wohl entgültig platt gemacht"

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