Wednesday, April 28, 2004


Polen brennt (
28.4.1943 - Schwere Kämpfe in Warschau - viele Tote.

Schwere Kämpfe in Polen: Die tönende Wochenschau berichtet live von
einer Groß-Offensive der Wehrmacht mit Panzern, Kampfbombern und
schwerer Artillerie. Das Ziel: Stellungen von Aufständischen in der
polnischen Stadt Warschau.

Kurz nachdem zwei Sturzkampfbomber vom Typ WH-130 am Himmel über
Warschau auftgetaucht waren, erzitterte die Stadt unter schweren
Explosionen. Augenzeugen berichten von meterhohen Flammen und
schwarzen Rauchwolken. Im Hintergrund ertönten während der
Luftangriffe Gebetsaufrufe aus den Synagogen des Ghettos. Nach dem
Bombardement folgten heftige Schusswechsel in dem 300
000-Einwohner-Ghetto, meldete die Wochenschau.


Heute Mittag kreisten abermals US-Kampfflugzeuge über der Stadt, anschließend waren drei gewaltige Explosionen zu hören. Eine schwarze Rauchwolke stieg auf. Zuvor drang stundenlang Gefechtslärm aus dem Südosten der westlich von Bagdad gelegenen Stadt.

Bereits gestern Nacht wurde die Stadt Schauplatz heftiger Gefechte zwischen US-Streitkräften und Aufständischen. Die USA setzten Kampfflugzeuge und Artillerie gegen die Rebellen ein, die sich im Stadtviertel Dscholan verschanzten. Nach Angaben von CNN waren während der Luftangriffe Gebetsaufrufe aus Moscheen zur hören. Die beschossenen Stellungen sollen sich in dem Gebiet befunden haben, in dem am Montag ein US-Elitesoldat getötet und neun weitere verletzt wurden. Die Aufständischen seien gut organisiert und sehr aktiv.


Flying Fortress, Emka, C100, Meat Love & Fahrenheit451 interviews on today's Sonntags Blick

Truth Out: Falluja, Najaf and the First Law of Holes By William Rivers Pitt

Anyone who believes that April has been the cruelest month of this Iraq war - 111 Americans killed with the total dead now at 718, hundreds upon hundreds of Iraqi civilians killed - should gird themselves for the reality that the worst, the very worst, the unimaginably awful, is still yet to come.

It is bad enough that this second Bush war in Iraq has yielded nothing of what was promised by George and his merry crew. There are no weapons of mass destruction, there was no connection between the deposed Hussein regime and al Qaeda, there was no connection between Hussein and September 11, there will be no democracy for Iraq, and the Iraqi people have most definitely not welcomed us with open arms.

Instead, Bush has mobilized anti-American sentiment to such a staggering degree that Shi'ite and Sunni, enemies for generations past counting, have united to fight us. The invasion and occupation has spurred an al Qaeda recruitment drive that has swelled the ranks of that organization. A lot of people are dead, American and British and Spanish and Polish and Iraqi alike. Nine Americans and 28 Iraqis were killed this weekend alone. The light at the end of this tunnel is an oncoming freight train.

The religious aspect is easily the most explosive element in this matter. Falluja is a Sunni town. Through the almost mystical bungling of the Bush administration, it has become tied to the holy city of Najaf, a Shi'ite stronghold. This city, like Falluja, has been surrounded by American forces and faces imminent attack. If an attack against Najaf is indeed undertaken, the consequences for Iraq, and indeed for the entire Middle East, will be unimaginable.

Najaf is the site of the tomb of Ali, the most important Shi'ite saint. It is a holy city, like Mecca and Medina, and is the symbolic capital for Shi'ites all around the world. If American forces attack Najaf, every Shi'ite on the planet will have a dog in the fight. Iran, a Shi'ite-controlled nation, may well become involved. Shi'ite religious leaders will issue fatwas demanding massive numbers of suicide attacks against Americans.

Do the math.


Guardian: US seeks £1bn from Europe over GM ban

The US has demanded that the EU abandon its ban on the growing of genetically modified crops and pay at least $1.8bn (£1bn) in compensation for loss of exports over the past six years.
The challenge is outlined in papers filed to the World Trade Organisation that have been seen by the Guardian.

The WTO is now facing the biggest case in its history, one that could spark a damaging trade war between the US and Europe and split the international community.

On the other hand, the US is determined to press the case and even if this fails it is set to bring a second case to prevent GM foods being labelled and traceability of crops being mandatory.
Both these elements became EU law this month and are likely to form a second case to the WTO as a "restraint" of trade if victory is not total in round one.


Jihad Unspun: Iraqi Resistance Captures, Executes 20

Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent reports that Iraqi Resistance fighters in al-Fallujah arrested 20 American agent Iraqis who had snuck into al-Falluja along with returning families in the hopes of facilitating an American assault on the besieged city. With the help of the local people, however, the Resistance forces were able to expose and arrest the would-be saboteurs. The agents underwent interrogation in the last few days and they confessed to various crimes. Their confessions were recorded and they were all executed.

Eyewitnesses: Drugged US Troops Laughing In Battle

Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent in al-Fallujah reports that for more than 10 days the Resistance fighters in the besieged city have been remarking about a phenomenon that they find strange and surprising. Resistance fighters have frequently noticed that many of the American aggressor troops are laughing as they storm into districts in al-Fallujah. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent personally witnessed this clearly when he was close to the events as US aggressors tried to storm an-Nizal neighborhood in the besieged city on Saturday.

The correspondent wrote that he saw two American soldiers laughing, such as to arouse pity for them, despite all the Resistance gunfire being poured at their position and their comrades dying around them. Both of the Americans were later killed in the battle. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent writes that the Resistance learned later from interrogations of captured American Marines that the US military medical service distributes a type of halucinogenic pill to the troops that prompts laughter and reduces the sense of fear in combat conditions.

The reverse situation has been revealed in the despair and terror exhibited by the US troops when their lines of supply of food and medicine have been cut – a phenomenon that has been witnessed by nearby Resistance fighters.

NY Times: A Vision of Power by Paul Krugman

There's a deep mystery surrounding Dick Cheney's energy task force, but it's not about what happened back in 2001. Clearly, energy industry executives dictated the content of a report that served their interests.

The real mystery is why the Bush administration has engaged in a three-year fight — which reaches the Supreme Court today — to hide the details of a story whose broad outline we already know.

One possibility is that there is some kind of incriminating evidence in the task force's records. Another is that the administration fears that full disclosure will highlight its chummy relationship with the energy industry. But there's a third possibility: that the administration is really taking a stand on principle. And that's what scares me.


Toronto Star: Fog of war shrouds deadly truth
Roadside bombing in Baghdad kills one American soldier
Iraqis claim four children killed by retaliatory U.S. bullets

Iraqi witnesses said that not one child but four, possibly five, were killed. The U.S. military had no count. But according to the military, gunmen fired on the U.S. soldiers from rooftops, provoking return fire. No Iraqi witness mentioned that.

Several Iraqis there did say the children were incited to jump around the burning Humvee by a cameraman for Al Arabiya, an Arab news channel, which U.S. officials say is guilty of stoking a much broader anti-Americanism among viewers around the Arab world. The station denies its cameraman did anything but film.
IRAQ: UPRISING US threatens Falluja, Najaf

FALLUJA: US forces in Iraq threw down a gauntlet to fighters from both
main Muslim communities overnight, threatening imminent assaults on two key
towns if guerrillas do not accede to their demands.

US forces encircle both Najaf, the holiest Iraqi city for the Shi'ite
majority, and Falluja, where Sunni insurgents fought a bloody new round
in a three-week battle with US Marines. Eight guerrillas and a soldier
died and a mosque was damaged.

Loud explosions between Najaf and Kufa, 10km northeast, echoed through
the holy city last night after clashes between militiamen loyal to rebel
Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and US troops in the area, witness said

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Rense: What Will The End Of Society Be Like ?

This essay is divided into two general sections.

The first will cover several ways how most of the life on earth (not all life) may suddenly die. The second part, will cover just what it could be like. If you have ever lived through an ice storm or snowstorm or other calamity when the power was out...that was mild compared to this.

This is full of doom and gloom, and disturbing facts. Don't blame me if you have nightmares tonight.

SPIEGEL: USA schießen Killer-Satelliten ins All

Die US-Regierung will den Weltraum künftig auch mit Waffengewalt dominieren: Im Juni soll der erste einer neuen Art von Satelliten ins All geschossen werden, die mit einem "Kill Vehicle" andere Satelliten und feindliche Raketen vom Himmel holen können.

"Kill Vehicle" der Firma Boeing: US-Regierung plant Waffen für den Weltraum
Die Militarisierung des Weltraums ist schon seit Jahrzehnten Realität: Zahlreiche Spionage-, Navigations- und Kommunikationssatelliten umkreisen die Erde, die neben zivilen auch militärischen Zwecken dienen. Waffen gibt es derzeit nicht in der Erdumlaufbahn - was sich allerdings bald ändern wird. Zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem wahnwitzigen, als "Star Wars" verspotteten SDI-Programm von Präsident Ronald Reagan will die US-Regierung Ernst machen: Im Juni dieses Jahres soll ein Satellit namens "Near Field Infrared Experiment", kurz NFIRE, ins All geschossen werden.

Spiegel: Entführer fordern Proteste der Italiener gegen Irak-Einsatz

Die Forderung ist an Zynismus kaum zu überbieten: Die Entführer der im Irak verschleppten Italiener verlangen von deren Landsleuten Proteste gegen die Truppenpräsenz des Landes in dem Golfstaat. Sollte es innerhalb von fünf Tagen nicht zu Demonstrationen in Italien kommen, wollen die Islamisten alle Geiseln umbringen.

Monday, April 26, 2004


Robert Fisk: A Warning to Those Who Dare to Criticize Israel

Behold Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, would-be graduation commencement speaker at Emory University in the United States. She has made a big mistake. She dared to criticise Israel. She suggested--horror of horrors--that "the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the occupation". Now whoah there a moment, Mary! "Occupation"? Isn't that a little bit anti-Israeli?

Are you really suggesting that the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip by Israel, its use of extrajudicial executions against Palestinian gunmen, the Israeli gunning down of schoolboy stone-throwers, the wholesale theft of Arab land to build homes for Jews, is in some way wrong?

Maybe I misheard you. Sure I did. Because your response to these scurrilous libels, to these slurs upon your right to free speech, to these slanderous attacks on your integrity, was a pussy-cat's whimper. You were "very hurt and dismayed". It is, you told The Irish Times, "distressing that allegations are being made that are completely unfounded".

You should have threatened your accusers with legal action. When I warn those who claim in their vicious postcards that my mother was Eichmann's daughter that they will receive a solicitor's letter--Peggy Fisk was in the RAF in the Second World War, but no matter--they fall silent at once.