Friday, June 04, 2004


Heise: Der Kampf gegen die kalte Fusion

Teil 4: Was wäre, wenn sich jeder selber mit Energie versorgen könnte?

Die derzeit hohen Benzinpreise lassen uns spüren, wie sehr unsere Lebensweise von der Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe abhängt. Der Kinofilm The Day After Tomorrow ( Supersturm mit frostiger Botschaft) führt uns vor Augen, welchen Preis wir oder unsere Kinder im schlimmsten Fall für unseren unnatürlichen Energiedurst zahlen müssen. In Teil 1 ( Kalte Fusion wieder heiß) dieser Telepolis-Reihe wurde berichtet, dass Wissenschaftler 1989 eine Entdeckung bekannt machten, von der sie meinten, dass sie die Lösung unseres Energieproblems sein könnte: kalte Fusion. In Teil 2 ( Die unerzählte Geschichte der kalten Fusion) wurde berichtet, dass zahlreiche Forscher die Entdeckung reproduziert haben und dafür von den Meinungsführern unserer Gesellschaft diskreditiert worden sind. In Teil 3 ( Zur Theorie der kalten Fusion) wurde geschildert, dass Aussagen, kalte Fusion sei theoretisch unmöglich, wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar sind. Dieser Teil ist eine Episode zur Forschungspolitik. Die kalte Fusion ist von Teilen der Politik und der Wissenschaft aktiv bekämpft worden. Die Gründe dafür haben etwas damit zu tun, dass ein Kubikkilometer Meerwasser so viel Brennstoff enthält, wie in den gesamten bekannten Ölreserven schlummert, und dass nach Wunsch der Politik die heiße Fusion die Energiequelle der Zukunft sein soll.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

New 911?

Global Free Press: Rogue Bush Backers prepare Super 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks

Toronto, May 30 – Intelligence patterns monitored over the US Memorial
Day weekend now point conclusively to an imminent new round of ABC
(atomic-bacteriological-chemical) terror attacks in the United States,
Great Britain, Canada, and possibly other nations. These attacks could
include nuclear detonations, radiological dirty bombs, poison gas and
other chemical weapons, or biological agents, to be unleashed in such
urban settings as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington DC,
Vancouver BC, or London.

The goal of these operations would be to
produce a worldwide shock several orders of magnitude greater than the
original 9-11, with a view to stopping the collapse of the Bush
administration, the Wall Street-centered financial structures, and the
US-UK strategic position generally. The attacks would be attributed by
US/UK intelligence to controlled patsy terrorist groups who would be
linked by the media to countries like Iran, Syria, Cuba, or North

Haaretz: Turkish PM - Israeli Treatment Of Palestinians Is State Terrorism

Israel is not contributing to the peace process, is killing women and children indiscriminately and destroying Palestinian houses, and there is no way to describe such actions except as "state terrorism," Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an exclusive interview with Haaretz.

It was his first interview with a member of the Israeli media following growing tensions in bilateral relations between the two countries, sparked by Israel Defense Forces operations in Rafah.

Rense: The Fallacy Of Even-Handedness By Terrell E. Arnold The writer is a retired Senior Foreign Service Officer of the US Department of State

On May 19, the United States representative, James Cunningham, abstained from voting on a UN Security Council resolution that demanded the Israelis halt demolitions of Palestinian homes, mainly in the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza. Although the Israelis have destroyed more than 200 homes and rendered more than two thousand people homeless, in the process infuriating most of the world community, the US vote was typically at odds with world opinion, but it was sort of progress. For the second time in less than two years, the US representative abstained on a resolution critical of Israel and that permitted the resolutions, in both instances, to go into effect. Had the US used its veto, which it has done 38 times since 1972 regarding UN actions critical of Israel, the resolutions would have failed.

If it were to last, this US position in the Security Council would be significant, because the United States appears to have moved, at least for now, from refusing to allow UN criticism of Israel to refusing to block UN criticism of Israel. However, the US delegation to the UN has yet to take a flat out stand against anything the Israelis do, even though the US is often critical of the Palestinians.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Rense:Rumors Of Unusual Naval Deployments?

Hello Mr. Rense

There are many rumors flying around the internet concerning the deployment of a large number of U.S. military and navy ships. This is causing all sorts of questions, one being of course why? Where are they going? Is some big "event" or terrorist attack about to occur?

Not only that, but, apparently, large numbers of naval fleets from many other countries are heading out to sea, as well!

Monetary Forecast: Is The Fed Expecting Catastrophe?
From Robt McHugh's Monetary forecast of 5-30-4and Richard Russell today 6-2-4

Let me just say from the outset that the Federal Reserve has confirmed our Stock Market Crash forecast by raising the Money Supply (M-3) by crisis proportions, up another 46.8 billion this past week. What awful calamity do they see? Something is up. This is unprecedented, unheard-of pre-catastrophe M-3 expansion. M-3 is up an amount that we've never seen before without a crisis - $155 billion over the past 4 weeks, a $2.0 trillion annualized pace, a 22.2 percent annualized rate of growth!!! There must be a crisis of historic proportions coming, and the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is making sure that there is enough liquidity in place to protect our nation's fragile financial system. The amazing thing is, the Fed's actions mean they know what is about to happen. They are aware of a terrible, horrific imminent event. What could it be?"

"One can draw no other conclusion except that the Fed is acting irresponsibly in its managing the money supply, in fulfilling its duty to "maintain a stable currency." I reject the notion that the Fed is acting irresponsibly. No, something is up, bigger than we have ever seen in the history of the United States. Let me ramble. Perhaps they simply see the ominous technical landscape we have been warning about in recent issues, and are attempting to pull out all the stops to avert the predicted crash. The recent rally in just about everything is similar to 2003's market behavior when the Fed pumped massive amounts of liquidity into the system during the first half of the year. This time seems different. The amount of liquidity is too large. The Fed is deflating the value of the monetary base by a fifth! Why are they willing to do this? Wisdom says something bad is up - big time."

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Independent: E-mail 'links Cheney to Halliburton deal'

The links between Dick Cheney and the Halliburton oil services company were under new scrutiny yesterday with the revelation of a Pentagon memo suggesting that the award to Halliburton of Iraq contracts was "co-ordinated" with the Vice-President's office.

The memo, reported in the latest issue of Time magazine, dates from March 2003, just before the invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, and deals with Halliburton's involvement in the multibillion-dollar contract RIO, or "Restore Iraqi Oil".

The e-mail says that the arrangements for RIO were approved by Douglas Feith, the under-Secretary of Defence for policy and the third-highest ranking civilian official at the Pentagon, "contingent on informing WH [White House] tomorrow. We anticipate no problems since action has been co-ordinated w [with] VP's [Vice-President's] office".


Guardian: 'It is the Iraqi people who want to nominate me'

A profile of Sheikh Ghazi Ajil al-Yawar, who was today appointed as Iraq's interim president

Guardian: NY Times Says It Was Duped By Pentagon 'Cunning'

The New York Times donned sackcloth and ashes again yesterday when its ombudsman said the newspaper had been duped by "the cunning campaign" of those that wanted the world to believe that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Some stories, Daniel Okrent said, "pushed Pentagon assertions so aggressively you could almost sense epaulets on the shoulders of editors". The half-page critique of the newspaper's coverage during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq followed a separate admission signed by "the editors" last week that said the newspaper had not been as "rigorous as it should have been" in questioning Iraqi exiles.

Jerusalem Post: Egypt Tells Arafat: Reform Or Be Removed

Egyptian Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman has reportedly warned Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat to relax his grip on the reins of Palestinian power or face the possibility that Egypt and the US will cease to block Prime Minister Ariel Sharon from carrying out his threat to "remove" the chairman.

According to a report Monday in the pan-Arab Al-Quds-al-Arabi, Suleiman handed Arafat three demands:

First, to unite all the Palestinian security forces under one command authority, and into three components. These include the police, the Preventative Security Service (equivalent of Israel's General Security Service), and the Palestinian foreign security service (equivalent of Israel's Mossad).

Monday, May 31, 2004


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