Saturday, February 22, 2003


Reuters: Graffiti Space Trap Tested
Fri February 14, 2003 10:29 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Psssst, wanna catch a tagger?
Satellites and super-sensitive sensors are now tuned to the sibilant hiss of spray cans in a space-age effort to eradicate one of the oldest and most persistent urban problems -- graffiti.

TaggerTrap, a graffiti eradication system being tested in several California cities, uses global positioning system technology, cell phones and sensors that recognize the ultrasonic pitch of spray cans to alert police when vandals begin their work, representatives said.

"The tagger, when he pushes down on that spray can, he's calling police," said George Lerg, co-founder of TrapTec, the Escondido, California-based company that developed TaggerTrap.

The unique, ultrasonic tone emitted by aerosol paint cans trips the sensors, which signal a transmitter linked to a police cell phone or radio. The global positioning system pinpoints the location of the transmitter, Lerg said.

The portable sensors have a range of 100 feet in any direction

Wednesday, February 19, 2003


Spiegel: Motassadeq muss 15 Jahre ins Gefängnis

Urteil im Terrorprozess

Das Hamburger Oberlandesgericht hat erstmals einen Helfer für die Anschläge am 11. September 2001 verurteilt. Laut dem Urteil war Mounir al-Motassadeq fester Teil der Hamburger Terror-Zelle und ist außerdem der Beihilfe zum Massenmord in 3066 Fällen schuldig. Deshalb verhängte das Gericht die Höchststrafe.

Mit dieser Strafe hatten nur noch die Hardliner unter den Prozessbeobachtern gerechnet. Ziemlich überraschend verurteilte das Hamburger Gericht den Marokkaner Mounir al-Motassadeq am Mittwoch zur Höchststrafe von 15 Jahren Haft.

das Urteil ist meiner Meinung nach deshalb so hoch ausgefallen, da es politisch motiviert war und vor allem das Signal aussenden soll das man Terrorismus auch mit Gerichten bekämpfen kann

Spiegel: "Dafür wird er teuer bezahlen"
Tony Blair lässt sich von einer Million Anti-Kriegsdemonstranten in London ebenso wenig beeindrucken wie von der immer lauter werdenden innerparteilicher Opposition. Trotzig hält er an seinem Kriegskurs fest - und ist dabei, nicht nur seine eigene politische Karriere zu ruinieren, sondern die gesamte Labour Party.

Fatal für Blair und seine Regierung ist auch, dass sie ihre Glaubwürdigkeit verspielt haben. Zu oft haben ihre "spin doctors" genannten PR-Leute, allen voran der einstige Boulevard-Journalist und heutige Kommunikatons-Chef in Downing Street, Alistair Campbell, manipuliert und gelogen - und sich dabei auch noch erwischen lassen.

Indymedia: PHOTOS

2. Chronik aus Bolivien
Heinz Dieterich, 18.02.2003 11:48
La Paz, 13. Februar

Um ungefähr 10:30 früh demonstrierten 100000 BolivianerInnen aus dem
ganzen Land auf der Plaza de San Francisco in der Hauptstadt. Sie hatten die Brandrede von Evo Morales, dem Anführer des Movimiento al Socialismo
(MAS) gehört, der den Rücktritt des Präsidenten und seines Vize und den
Wechsel des neoliberalen Regimes forderte. Danach brachen sie zum Prado
auf. Lange Reihen von Lehrerinnen, Studenten, Arbeiterinnen, Campesinos
und Indígenas schrieen: "El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido". Sie zogen
an den drohenden Panzern der über Nacht in die Hauptstadt beorderten
Truppenkontigenten vorbei. Die Armee hatte das Präsidentenpalais
hermetisch abgeriegelt, auch mit Panzern, deren schussbereite Kanonen
auf die Demo zielten. Scharfschützen auf den Dächern der Zentralbank und
der Bank Cristal schossen auf die Ambulanzen.

Sie zogen an den rauchenden Überresten des in der Nacht zuvor
abgefackelten Planungsministeriums vorbei. Der schwarze Rauch mischte
sich mit jenem eines ausgebrannten Panzerwagens. Zwei Blöcke weiter
befindet sich die schöne Fassade der Vizepräsidentschaft, eines Baus im
Stil Art Nouveau, der dem flammenden Volkszorn zum Opfer gefallen war.
Daneben befindet sich die "Christliche Gemeinschaft des Heiligen
Geistes", eine der vielen Waffen des imperialistischen Obskurantismus,
die verhindern sollen, dass das Volk Gerechtigkeit übt. "Jesus Christus
ist der Herr", proklamiert ohnmächtig eine riesige Inschrift. So
ohnmächtig wie die Botschaft des Heiligen Vaters, der einmal mehr "tief
besorgt" über die Ereignisse in Lateinamerika ist. So ohnmächtig wie die
Yuppies des TV, die den Schaden an Privateigentum und den "Vandalismus
der Unangepassten" lamentieren. So ohnmächtig wie die grosse
zertrümmerte Glasfassade von Burger King, diesem andern Ikon des Imperiums.

Gegenüber steht die Bank Unión. "Ihr Geldautomat schläft nie", verkündet
ihre Werbung. Jetzt ruht er in Frieden. So wie viele andere Automaten.
"Rip", hatten die DemonstrantInnen in untadeligem Volkslatein gesagt.
Das Geld, das sie enthielten, befindet sich im Sack der aufgebrachten
"Meute", welche, darf man annehmen, dieses Medium besser gebrauchen wird
als die Finanzplünderer der Patria Grande.

Die ersten Menschen fallen unter den Kugeln einer Armee in der Hand von
Mörderoffizieren. Ein Minengewekschaftler informiert über mehrere Tote
in La Paz und (der benachbarten Armutsstadt) El Alto. Dort ist ein
veritabler Krieg im Gang und der Werkschutz der Coca Cola fleht die
Armee an, das Unternehmen zu schützen, dessen Abfallprodukt mit dem
deliziösen, einheimischen Coca-Mate nicht konkurrieren kann, weshalb der
Yankeestaat dieses Pflanzenwunder der andinen Kultur zerstören muss.

Mehrere Tote schon und 17 neue Verletzte im Klinikenspital, das zu
Blutspenden aufruft. Insgesamt mindestens 139 meist Schwerverletzte.
Wenn die Menge zu laufen beginnt, hat das zwei Gründe. Entweder schiesst
die Armee oder sie tragen eine Verletzte oder einen Toten davon. Sie
suchen die Polizei der Avenida Mariscal Santa Cruz, deren Patrouillen in
Ambulanzen umimprovisiert werden. Die Polizei, traditionelle
Unterdrückerin des Volkes, ist für heute seine Mitarbeiterin, gegen
Armee und Regierung. "Heute werdet ihr uns nicht mit Gas eindecken",
schreit ein Demonstrant zu den Polizisten, "wir sind schon Brüder". Die
Bullen lachen zur Antwort.

Die Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten, das Kolonialministerium der
USA, wie der Che sagte, schickt eine Botschaft zur Unterstützung "der
Demokratie". Aber niemand achtet auf den Wisch. Es braucht mehr als den
Papst, den Bischof von La Paz und die BerufslügnerInnen vom Fernsehen,
um die Haut des Lakaienpräsidenten "Goni" zu retten. "Der
Scheissyankeegringo soll nach Washington abhauen", schreit ein wütiger
Offizier der Polizei von Santa Cruz im Fernsehen zu diesem erbärmlichen
Subjekt und erklärt, dass die 700 Polizisten von Santa Cruz das
Friedensabkommen von gestern Nacht zwischen Armee, Polizei und Regierung
nicht anerkennen. Um 16h würden sie mit der Bevölkerung zusammen in
Santa Cruz demonstrieren. In dieser Departementshauptstadt gibt es
Strassenblockaden und beginnende Plünderungen, ebenso wie in Cochabamba,
wo die Cocaleros des Evo Morales an den Kämpfen teil nehmen und wo die
Polizei, wie in Santa Cruz, das Abkommen von La Paz nicht akzeptiert.

Im alten Minenzentrum Orurogreifen die Unruhen um sich. Angriffsziele
sind die Sitze der neoliberalen Parteien MIR und MNR. In la Paz kommt es
unterdessen zu weiteren "Vandalenakten" gegen das Justizministerium, die
Bank Sol und eine Dependenz des Obersten Gerichts, wo die Jungen Steine
rein, und, wenn sie hinein kommen, die Ausstattung raus schmeissen. Die
Medienbehauptung, wonach es sich bei den "gewalttätigen Chaoten" um
"Linksaktivisten" handle, strotzt von Dummheit. Es ist, ähnlich wie in
Argentinien, eine Volksrebellion, wo die Kids der Unterklassen
vorherrschen. In la Paz sind die stärksten Kräfte des Aufstandes die
Gewerkschaften des Dachverbandes COB und das MAS von Evo Morales, aber
nicht "Linksaktivisten".

An diesem zweiten Tag ist das Klima sonderbar geworden. Der Volkszorn
steigt und in einigen Armutsquartieren stehen die ersten Barrikaden. Die
Spaltung zwischen Polizei und Armee hält an. Eine vorrevolutionäre
Konjunktur tut sich auf, welche auf eine Avantgarde wartet, die fähig
wäre, das Volk zum Sieg zu führen. Die, wie in Argentinien und Ecuador,
noch nicht existiert. Das ewige Problem der subjektiven Komponente der
lateinamerikanischen Revolution setzt sich fort. Aber so sind die
Transformationsprozesse. Sie laufen mit den verfügbaren Kräften. Unterm
Strich macht die lateinamerikanische Revolution Fortschritte und dieser
Kampf ist Teil ihrer Reifung. Und Goni wird fallen, wie vor ihm Yamil
Mahuad, Carlos Andrés Pérez und Fernando de la Rúa.

"Henkel Consumer Adhesives is working with retailers to ensure
there is a plentiful supply of duct tape on their shelves,
according to its website," O'Dwyer's PR Daily writes. "The move
follows Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge's
recommendation that Americans stock up on duct tape so they can
seal their windows in the event of a biological attack.
Cleveland-based Liggett-Stashower PR is pitching the story to
national media. ... Ridge's duct tape plug has been a PR bonanza
for HCA, which sells Americans more than 1.5 billion linear feet of
Duck Tape brand duct tape each year."
SOURCE: O'Dwyer's PR Daily, February 12, 2003

Guardian: US plan for new nuclear arsenal
The Bush administration is planning a secret meeting in August to discuss the construction of a new generation of nuclear weapons, including "mini-nukes", "bunker-busters" and neutron bombs designed to destroy chemical or biological agents, according to a leaked Pentagon document.
The meeting of senior military officials and US nuclear scientists at the Omaha headquarters of the US Strategic Command would also decide whether to restart nuclear testing and how to convince the American public that the new weapons are necessary.


Independent: Three mystery ships are tracked over suspected 'weapons' cargo
Three giant cargo ships are being tracked by US and British intelligence on suspicion that they might be carrying Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

Each with a deadweight of 35,000 to 40,000 tonnes, the ships have been sailing around the world's oceans for the past three months while maintaining radio silence in clear violation of international maritime law, say authoritative shipping industry sources.

The vessels left port in late November, just a few days after UN weapons inspectors led by Hans Blix began their search for the alleged Iraqi arsenal on their return to the country.

Uncovering such a deadly cargo on board would give George Bush and Tony Blair the much sought-after "smoking gun" needed to justify an attack on Saddam Hussein's regime, in the face of massive public opposition to war.


Spiegel: Elf Tote bei israelischem Einmarsch
Israelische Truppen sind in der Nacht in die Stadt Gaza einmarschiert. Bei der Zerstörung "terroristischer Infrastrukturen", wie es die Armee nannte, ließen elf Palästinenser ihr Leben.

Gaza - Wie palästinensische Augenzeugen berichteten, zerstörten die Soldaten drei Häuser und zwei Metall-Werkstätten, beschädigten eine Schule und unterbrachen die Stromzufuhr. Die Israelis rückten den Augenzeugen zufolge mit rund 40 Panzern in ein Stadtviertel von Gaza ein, das als Hochburg der islamischen Organisation Hamas gilt. Auch Bulldozer und Kampfhubschrauber seien an der Militäraktion beteiligt gewesen, hieß es.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003


Edward Said: A Monument to Hypocrisy

It has finally become intolerable to listen to or look at news in this country. I've told myself over and over again that one ought to leaf through the daily papers and turn on the TV for the national news every evening, just to find out what "the country" is thinking and planning, but patience and masochism have their limits. Colin Powell's UN speech, designed obviously to outrage the American people and bludgeon the UN into going to war, seems to me to have been a new low point in moral hypocrisy and political manipulation. But Donald Rumsfeld's lectures in Munich this past weekend went one step further than the bumbling Powell in unctuous sermonising and bullying derision.
USA A kinder, gentler fascism

Last September, German Justice Minister Herta Daeubler-Gmelin pointed out that George Bush is using Iraq to distract the American public from his failed domestic policies. She capped her statement by reminding her audience: “That’s a popular method. Even Hitler did that.” She was chastised so severely that she soon recanted. But let’s face it, she was right on the money. Rather than recanting, she should have clarified. She wasn’t comparing Bush to the Hitler of the late 1930s and early ‘40s; she was comparing him to the Hitler of the late 1920s and early ‘30s. And if the jackboot fits…

History teaches us that it is shockingly easy to separate reasonable and intelligent people from their rights. A legally elected leader and party can easily manipulate national events to whip up fear, crucify scapegoats, gag dissenters, and convince the masses that their liberties must be suspended (temporarily, of course) in the name of restoring order. Consider the following two statements, and see if you can identify the authors.

“…the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

“To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: ‘Your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve.’”

The first statement is a quote from Hitler’s right hand man, Hermann Goering, explaining at his war crimes trial how easily he and his fellow Nazis hijacked Germany’s democratic government. The second statement is a quote from Bush’s right hand man, John Ashcroft, defending the Patriot Act and explaining why dissent will no longer be tolerated in the age of terrorism. If that doesn’t send chills down your spine, nothing will.



Bouldernews: The sequel is scarier than the original
Last week, a draft version of a proposed "Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003" was posted on the Internet by the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit group that performs public-service journalism. The center's reporting revealed a "confidential" draft version of an 86-page bill that would help transform the government into the big brother you never had.

As proposed, the bill would prohibit the release of names of those being detained on suspicion of some form of terrorism. The draft document argues — as the Justice Department repeatedly contends — that releasing the names of those arrested in terrorism investigations could tip off terrorist groups about the feds' intelligence.

The bill would create a new and wholly unnecessary exemption to the federal Freedom of Information Act, which already allows the suppression of documents that might compromise national security. It would leave the government less accountable and, therefore, more prone to abuse.

So would a proposal to severely restrict public access to "worst-case scenario" reports produced for the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal Clean Air Act requires that private companies and government agencies that use potentially dangerous chemicals produce reports detailing the harm of catastrophic releases of these substances. The bill would allow only those citizens in the near vicinity of such chemical facilities to see (but not copy) the reports.

As drafted, the bill would enable the feds to collect DNA samples from people who are merely suspected — but not convicted — of being associated with terrorist groups. The bill would allow the government to see citizens' credit reports without getting a court order. And it would nullify a broad range of court-ordered restrictions on police spying.

Further, the bill would allow people in official positions to be imprisoned for revealing the existence of an anti-terrorism investigation. And it would enable the government to deport citizens who have joined or helped organizations the government has deemed terrorist. (The loose definitions of joining and helping pave the way to easier deportations.)

According to the Center for Public Integrity, the Capitol grapevine has been rife with speculation about the appearance of this bill, which would significantly strengthen the USA Patriot Act. Insiders have been calling the draft legislation the "Patriot Act II."

Initially, the Justice Department told the Center for Public Integrity that no new legislation was imminent. Confronted with evidence to the contrary, including a document indicating that the draft had been sent to the White House and the speaker of the House, the department said that no final proposals had been sent to the upper echelon.

That hair-splitting doesn't justify the unusual level of secrecy. And the explanation is not reassuring. The Patriot Act, which congealed in post-9-11 panic, was swept into law in six weeks. The final version of the Homeland Security Act, the most dramatic federal reorganization in decades, went from introduction (just after the November elections) to passage in a matter of days.

Some speculate that the Justice Department has been waiting for an opportune time — after the outbreak of war, for instance — to unveil its latest broadside on civil rights. Then, Congress might summarily approve the measure in a fit of quasi-patriotic bandwagonism.

Dubious government stealth, censorship and spying won't vanquish terrorism. But they would overwhelm our values. Congress should say so

The Village Voice: Resistance Rising!
With advances in technology and ever-increasing government surveillance, the situation has worsened since Orwell's imaginings of the future. —John Whitehead, the Rutherford Institute, November 4, 2002

Statewatch: ACLU
WASHINGTON -- The American Civil Liberties Union today said that new Department of Justice "anti-terrorism" legislation goes further than the USA PATRIOT Act in eroding checks and balances on Presidential power and contains a number of measures that are of questionable effectiveness, but are sure to infringe on civil liberties.

"The new Ashcroft proposal threatens to fundamentally alter the Constitutional protections that allow us to be both safe and free," said Timothy H. Edgar, an ACLU Legislative Counsel. "If it becomes law, it will encourage police spying on political and religious activities, allow the government to wiretap without going to court and dramatically expand the death penalty under an overbroad definition of terrorism."

CBS News: New Anti-Terror Bill: Critics Cry Foul (Feb 8)
The Justice Department is preparing to attempt to expand the
2001 Patriot Act to increase surveillance within the United States
while restricting access to information and limiting judicial review, a
nonprofit government watchdog group asserted Friday. The Center for Public
Integrity said it obtained a copy of the draft legislation from a government
source. The document, labeled "confidential," was posted on the organization's
Internet site along with an analysis.


OMB Watch: Patriot Act II The Sequel
OMB Watch, a
Washington, D.C., public interest group, posted a short analysis of how
draft Domestic Security Enhancement Act, leaked from the Department of
Justice last week, could affect the public's right-to-know. The draft
(dubbed Patriot Act II) would "greatly constrain" the free flow of
information and allow people in official positions to be imprisoned for
revealing the existence of an anti-terrorism investigation, the
points out. Other troubling provisions: It specifically would prohibit
disclosure of information about the investigation of detainees in
investigations. (A federal district court in Washington, D.C., ruled in
January that the public is entitled to much of that information.) It
drastically reduce public access to information on "worst-case
reports by facilities which use large amounts of hazardous chemicals
could cause catastrophic harm to nearby communities. It expands civil
immunity for corporations and employees that voluntarily provide
information to federal law enforcement agencies to assist in the
investigation and prevention of terrorist activities and it prohibits
government from releasing that information. (A similar highly
provision in the Homeland Security Act protects information on
vulnerabilities in the "critical infrastructure" but only at the
Security Department.)


"The Justice Department . . . seems to be running amok and out of
. . . This agency right now is the biggest threat to personal liberty
the country." -- House Republican majority leader Dick Armey in the
21 2002 New Republic

Spiegel: Brandanschlag auf U-Bahn
Den südkoreanischen Rettungskräften bot sich ein grauenvolles Bild im U-Bahn-Schacht: Überall Leichen, meist bis auf das Skelett verbrannt. Wie viele Menschen bei dem Inferno ums Leben gekommen sind, ist noch unklar. Die Suche nach Überlebenden wurde inzwischen eingestellt. Als mutmaßlichen Täter nahm die Polizei einen geistesgestörten Mann fest

Die Polizei nahm einen 56-jährigen Tatverdächtigen fest, der wegen einer Geisteskrankheit behandelt worden war. Die möglichen Motive sind noch unklar. Die nationale Nachrichtenagentur Yonhap berichtete jedoch unter Berufung auf die Ermittler, dass der Mann wiederholt vor Familienangehörigen einen Anschlag auf das Krankenhaus angekündigt habe, in dem er behandelt worden war.


New York Times: Palestinians Fear Being Trapped by Israeli Wall
West Bank, Feb. 17 — Claire Anastas spent most of last week trying to keep her four children playing or studying while they were cooped up in their home here under Israeli Army curfew.

Then, on Sunday, the army informed her that it would soon build a new wall, at least 25 feet high, outside her house. The wall will separate her neighborhood from the rest of Bethlehem, and her children from their schools

Under the plan, Palestinians like Mrs. Anastas will be left on the Israeli side of the wall, and they will have to pass through an army checkpoint inside it to reach the rest of Palestinian Bethlehem.


New York Times Op/Ed: Behind the Great Divide

There has been much speculation why Europe and the U.S. are suddenly at such odds. Is it about culture? About history? But I haven't seen much discussion of an obvious point: We have different views partly because we see different news.

Monday, February 17, 2003


Guardian: Their master's voice
Rupert Murdoch argued strongly for a war with Iraq in an interview this week. Which might explain why his 175 editors around the world are backing it too, writes Roy Greenslade

hat a guy! You have got to admit that Rupert Murdoch is one canny press tycoon because he has an unerring ability to choose editors across the world who think just like him. How else can we explain the extraordinary unity of thought in his newspaper empire about the need to make war on Iraq? After an exhaustive survey of the highest-selling and most influential papers across the world owned by Murdoch's News Corporation, it is clear that all are singing from the same hymn sheet. Some are bellicose baritone soloists who relish the fight. Some prefer a less strident, if more subtle, role in the chorus. But none, whether fortissimo or pianissimo, has dared to croon the anti-war tune. Their master's voice has never been questioned.

ZMAG: NO TO WAR a letter to rebel italy by subcommandante marcos

[Communiqué from the EZLN which was read during the demonstration in Rome, Italy, on February 15, 2003. It was read by Heidi Giuliani, the mother of activist Carlo, who was assassinated by the Italian police in Genoa in July of 2001. Translated by irlandesa]

Brothers and Sisters of Rebel Italy:

Greetings from the men, women, children and old ones of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. Our word is made cloud in order to cross the ocean and to reach the worlds which are in your hearts.

We know that today demonstrations are being held throughout the world in order to say "No" to Bush's war against the people of Iraq.

And it must be said like that, because it is not a war by the North American people, nor is it a war against Saddam Hussein.....

Independent: US plan to use illegal weapons
While American forces invading Iraq face the threat of chemical attack, they could themselves be using biochemical agents which are banned under international law.


Sunday Herald: Why don't we trust Tony?
Last week, British military and police chiefs took what they believed to be appropriate steps to prevent a terrorist strike on a civilian aircraft at Heathrow after receiving intelligence reports that one was likely. Ministers insist they were not even informed in advance that light tanks and armoured personnel carriers were being positioned around Britain's busiest airfield. But the public's first reaction was to treat the exercise as if it had been staged -- designed to create a climate of synthetic alarm. Part of an elaborate, government-inspired attempt to spin Britain into backing Tony Blair's policy on the war.

Punchdown: Photo's of Protests from 110 Cities

Observer: Bolivia descends into chaos after police join strikers
Bolivia descends into chaos after police join strikers

Indymedia: Bolivia Burning
When today the President Sochez de Lozada announced the application of a tax law on basic salaries as ordered by the IMF, his words resulted in a popular rebellion, that continued all day long and will have its follow-up in tomorrow general strike.

Since the morning of February 12, hundreds of mutinied policemen clashed [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] with military police in the main square of La Paz, in front of the Government Palace. This has resulted in 18 persons killed and more than 90 people injured by the use of live ammunition. In the afternoon, while riots were still taking place, thousands of people went spontaneously to the streets, sacking banks and burning political party and governement offices.

Civil war erupting throughout the country as people are asking the President to resign. The government was forced to cancel the economic measures it had announced, but tension have not lowered. As nightfall came, sacking is occuring throughout the city while the Army patrols the streets.


Independent: Robert Fisk: The case against war: A conflict driven by the self-interest of America
In the end, I think we are just tired of being lied to. Tired of being talked down to, of being bombarded with Second World War jingoism and scare stories and false information and student essays dressed up as "intelligence". We are sick of being insulted by little men, by Tony Blair and Jack Straw and the likes of George Bush and his cabal of neo-conservative henchmen who have plotted for years to change the map of the Middle East to their advantage

Indymedia: CNN changing words of Blix's address.
Notice any difference between versions? CNN's is missing close 900 words on this - all of them having to do with Blix's refutations of P's "smoking gun." CNN also goes well out of their way to change the meaning of a few paragraphs. Example:
Not least against this background, a letter of 12 February from Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate may be irrelevant. It presents a list of 83 names of participants "in the unilateral destruction in the chemical field, which took place in the summer of 1991". As the absence of adequate evidence of that destruction has been and remains an important reason why quantities of chemicals have been deemed "unaccounted for", the presentation of a list of persons who can be interviewed about the actions appears useful and pertains to cooperation on substance.

Marietimes Indymedia: Debunking conspiracy theorists

It doesn't help to have people speading silly conspiracy theories about
Sept 11. ... One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11, and
one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy
buffs is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded
by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other
than that they "hate our freedoms."

"Excuse me sir, why do you have a boxcutter, a gun, a container of gas,
a gas mask and an electronic guidance unit in your luggage?" "A present
for our grandmother? Very well sir, on you get." "Very strange", thinks
the security officer. "That's the fourth Arabic man without an Arabic name
who just got on board with a knife, gun or boxcutter and gas mask. And why
does that security camera keep flicking off every time one these
characters shows up? Must be one of those days I guess..."

New York Times: A Day Late, but Not a Marcher Short, in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16 — Some people were concerned that the protest here today would be forgotten, coming as it did the day after millions of people attended peace rallies around the world.

They need not have worried. The demonstrations on Saturday were like a big pregame pep rally for peace activists from the San Francisco Bay Area.

At least 150,000 people marched through the city's financial district, chanted antiwar slogans and listened to John Lennon's "Imagine" sung in Arabic. The afternoon of dissent was the largest antiwar demonstration in San Francisco since the protests against possible military action in Iraq began last fall.

New York Times: A New Power in the Streets
The fracturing of the Western alliance over Iraq and the huge antiwar demonstrations around the world this weekend are reminders that there may still be two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion.