Thursday, January 23, 2003


Palestine Chronicle: Disturbing Trends in Israel

"More Israelis than ever before are thinking the unthinkable. An April
poll found that 44 percent of Israeli Jews support "transfer" of the Arab
population .." Palestine is still the number one issue. The war on
Iraq is an offshoot. Doubt it? More Israelis than ever before are thinking the
unthinkable. An April poll found that 44 percent of Israeli Jews
support "transfer" of the Arab population. Posters throughout the country
proclaim, "Transfer = peace and security." "Us here, them there" and "Jordan is
Palestine" are popular slogans. An hour of school time was devoted to
the teachings of Rehavam Ze’ evi, chief exponent of the idea, who was
assassinated last year. "Transfer" is discussed openly on talk shows.
What is "population transfer?" The concept dates from 19th century Zionism,
and refers to removal of the Palestinians from their land, in order to make
room for (or enlarge) Israel. How does Israel propose to do this?

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