Tuesday, January 21, 2003


New York Times: Rumsfeld Says Iraq Diplomacy Is Nearing the End of Its Road

"In the case of Iraq, we're nearing the end of the long road, and with every other option exhausted," he said.

"he said the Hussein government had been stonewalling weapons inspectors." hier ist noch ein Bericht von Heute, so von wegen "stonewalling inspectors" NY Times: Iraq Accepting a U.S. Demand aber das wird dem Sadaam auch nichts mehr nützen

""His regime has large, unaccounted-for stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons including VX, Sarin, mustard gas, anthrax, botulism and possibly smallpox," Mr. Rumsfeld said in an address to the Reserve Officers Association here. "And he has an active program to acquire and develop nuclear weapons."

""No other living dictator has shown the same deadly combination of capability and intent, of aggression against its neighbors, pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, the use of chemical weapons against his own people as well as against his neighbors, oppression of his own people, support of terrorism, and the most threatening hostility to its neighbors, and to the United States, as has Iraq," he said."

Von wo weiss Rumsfeld von all den Chemiewaffen? Hat ihm Hans Blix verrraten?
Merke: Solange man eine Armee hat die fähig ist das Land wirklich zu verteidigen und man keine wichtigen Ölreserven hat, kann man sich den Diktator geben und Amerika schickt Diplomaten. Bei Regimes die seit 11 Jahren unter UNO-Sanktionen leben und auf den zweit grössten Öl-Reserven der Welt sitzen schickt man Bomben.

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