Monday, January 31, 2005


Guardian: Free trade leaves world food in grip of global giants

Global food companies are aggravating poverty in developing countries

dominating markets, buying up seed firms and forcing down prices for
staple goods including tea, coffee, milk, bananas and wheat, according
to a report to be launched today.

As 50,000 people marched through Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, to
mark the opening of the annual World Social Forum on developing country
issues, the report from ActionAid was set to highlight how power in the
world food industry has become concentrated in a few hands.

The report will say that 30 companies now account for a third of the
world's processed food; five companies control 75% of the international
grain trade; and six companies manage 75% of the global pesticide

It finds that two companies dominate sales of half the world's bananas,
three trade 85% of the world's tea, and one, Wal-mart, now controls 40%
of Mexico's retail food sector. It also found that Monsanto controls
91% of the global GM seed market.

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