Friday, November 05, 2004


Prison Planet: Update: New Bin Laden tape said to be on ice

At least one ‘new’ Bin Laden video, said to be in the possession of the Arabic televsion network Al-Jazeera, is nearing the end of an embargo allegedly enacted at the pressure of U.S. authorities, though the tape may still be withheld.

The site reporting on the video,, told RAW STORY in private correspondence that they are respecting the embargo. They have been tracking unconfirmed reports for more than two days.

The tape is said to be currently leaked online on a few remote and clandestine Al-Qaeda websites. Militants are already praising its release, making comments such as, “soon the American People will see the edited version,” the site reports.

The site’s editors saying they hope to make the full tape’s presence known to the national media before it is broadcast, saying the last broadcast only included a fraction of the entire tape, the remainder of which was largely ignored by the American media.

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