Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Truthout: This Is How You Bring Down Fidel Castro?

Just when you thought that U.S. policy toward Cuba couldn't get any dumber, along comes President Bush with another grandstanding stunt that is doomed to backfire.

To punish Fidel Castro, the U.S. Treasury Department last week rolled out new rules sharply curtailing travel to Cuba by exiles living in the United States

Under the new controls, Cuban Americans will only be allowed to visit immediate relatives on the island every three years, instead of annually, and will be permitted to stay only two weeks. Exiles going to Cuba will be restricted to spending $50 daily, instead of the previous limit of $167.

In addition, the Bush administration is reducing the cash remittances sent by exiles to their Cuban relatives. The annual $1,200 allowance may now go only to immediate family members - not cousins, aunts or uncles.

The theory behind the new policy is to starve the Castro regime of precious income and thereby hasten its downfall. Seriously. That's the White House line - the same one we've heard for more than 40 years.

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