Friday, July 23, 2004


Free Arab Voice: Iraqi Resistance Kills 33
American Soldiers In Ramadi

Free Arab Voice Editors Note: We remind our viewers that Mafkarat al-Islam has reporters on the ground with the Iraqi resistance. these reports are first hand accounts of the events. Translated from their original Arabic, they are published uncut and uncensored.

Resistance Ambush Sparks Day-Long Confrontation With Invader Troops

At least 14 Americans were killed in ar-Ramadi yesterday as a day of fierce and heavy fighting that raged from about 11:00am local time until sunset got under way.

The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the city reported that the clashes began when a group of Resistance fighters ambushed an American patrol consisting of four Humvees and a number of foot soldiers. Resistance fighters pounded the Humvees with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) destroying all of them and sparking a battle on al-Ishrin (1920) Street that lasted until sunset as US reinforcements poured into the area.

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