Tuesday, May 18, 2004


INN World Report: Iraq : Berg Mystery deepens: New Updates (05/17)

US Gov't Disavows E-Mails About Berg's Detention

The State Department says an e-mail from a consular officer in Iraq that said beheaded American Nicholas Berg had been in US custody was based on erroneous information.
Spokeswoman Kelly Shannon says the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq had sent the incorrect information to the diplomat. The diplomat sent Berg's family an e-mail saying he had been in US custody. But officials now insist he had been held by Iraqi police.

Berg wrote his parents after his release that federal agents had questioned him about whether he had ever built a pipe bomb or had been in Iran.
His family says being delayed by the detention prevented him from leaving the country sooner.

To back its claims that Berg was in US custody, the family on Thursday released copies of e-mails from Beth A. Payne, the US consular officer in Iraq.

(more plus Top 50 Anomalies...)

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