Monday, November 24, 2003


EU-President apologizes to World Jewry for poll-result
At the meeting both sides agreed that a seminar should be organized in
Brussels in order to find out why European citizens (59% surveyed) put
Israel ahead of countries such as Iran and North Korea as a threat to
David Irving comments:

YES, this appears to have been a case of democracy at its very worst:
people being asked their private opinions, and despite all that the
media can do, coming up with this truly appalling result. The outcome is
clearly way off the map. There must have been something wrong with the
pollsters, or their pencils, or their pads, or their attitude that day.

Everybody knows that the fragrant little nation slandered in this poll
is the most peace-loving on earth, and always has been, and that in
consequence its people are the most widely loved -- nay, they are loved
with a lasting and abiding sense of global affection, by everybody,
wherever they may be -- whether beneath the tracks of a Caterpillar
bulldozer, or crushed in the ruins of a home at Jenin, or stunned by
the blast of a salvo of missiles fired into a main street in Gaza by an
American-built Apache helicopter gunship, or intimated by a
German-built tank.

If anybody does not love these truly affection-inspiring people, then
he is manifestly a sick man indeed, and Europe must conjure forth seminars,
with educational kits and all the other paraphernalia of mind-bending and
brainwashing with which the world has been familiar since the end of
the Holocaust.

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