Aljazeera: Four killed as Gaza blast hits US convoy
Four American guards were killed and one was injured when a landmine exploded next to a US diplomatic convoy in the Gaza Strip
Shortly after the attack Israeli forces backed by combat helicopters invaded the northern Gaza Strip.
Saeb Erekat, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, sent his condolences to the families of the US guards killed.
Interviewed by Aljazeera, he condemned the explosion saying no Palestinian group would commit such an attack.
“The US convoy included a group of US observers, not CIA members, who were observing events happening on the ground in the area, such as the implementation of the road map and the Israeli and Palestinian commitment towards it,” he said.
“All Palestinian sides have sought the existence of international observation teams in the area. The Palestinian Authority presents a daily report to the observation teams on events happening on the ground.
Independent: Three Americans killed in diplomatic convoy blast
A huge explosion ripped through a diplomatic convoy in the Gaza Strip today, killing three Americans and wounding another in the first attack on a US target in three years of Israel-Palestinian fighting.
The attack was condemned by Palestinian officials who said those killed were members of a US monitoring team sent to the region to supervise implementation of a US-backed peace plan.
"Wer hat wohl am meisten von einem Anschlag auf die Amerikaner im Gaza Streifen? Bestimmt nicht die Palaestinenser. Ariel Sharon wird sich freuen"
Anmerkung vom Celsius233: Lustige details zum Konvoi-Blasting von heute morgen...
Das waere das erste mal, dass Palaestinenser mit Minen Fahrzeuge angreifen. Normalerweise schiessen sie aus den vielen Huegeln auf
Der Anschlag geschah neben einer Tankstelle nahe einem Kontrollpunkt. Wie vergraebt man dort eine Mine, ohne gesehen zu werden?
Ein Konvoi aus mehrern Fahrzeugen war unterwegs _ohne_ diplomatisches Personal an bord.
Der Golf von Tonkin laesst gruessen -- jetzt ist auch amerikanisches Blut geflossen, also werden die Israelis freie Hand, ja sogar aktive
Hilfe, kriegen... Just einen Tag nach der Vorstellung des Genfer Friedensplanes
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