Friday, October 24, 2003


Codoh: Why we few criticize Israel by Joseph Sobran

WASHINGTON - People sometimes ask me why I'm so critical of Israel, as
if I should be devoting more of my attention to Sri Lanka, or perhaps Zaire.
But the question is always a little nervous, as it wouldn't be if I were
writing equally often about Sri Lanka or Zaire.

I could understand this curiosity if some other small, remote country
were one of the world's four or five military powers; if it received a
quarter of our foreign aid; if it were constantly on our front pages; and if
its sympathizers regularly occupied much of the op-ed space of The New York
Times and other major newspapers. But there is only one country of whom
these things are true, and that is Israel.

Nobody thinks it's odd that there should be 20 columnists who are
apologists for Israel; but apparently it is unfathomable that there
should be one or two who are critical of Israel.

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