Tuesday, July 01, 2003


Rense/Asia Times: US Shooting In The Dark In Afghanistan
KARACHI (ANI) --Despite the best efforts of its military and intelligence apparatus and political manipulation in Pakistan, the U.S. and its allies have failed to break the Taliban and Al Qaida in Afghanistan.

Indeed, the resistance movement in Afghanistan has fully reorganised itself, even setting up offices, and despite official claims to the contrary, American forces are fighting in the dark.

Investigations carried out by Asia Times Online reveal the following:
-- The resistance movement has been named Saiful Muslameen (Sword of Muslims).
-- The central office is located in Asadabad, near the Pakistani border, while several training camps have been established in Parachinar and Miran Shah (both in Pakistan) and other places. These are mobile camps that can be moved quickly according to required needs.
-- The main military committee is headed by Mullah Omar, supported by his commanders, including Mullah Dadullah and Ahktar Usmani.
-- Under Saiful Muslameen, Afghanistan has been divided into five operational zones.

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