Tuesday, May 27, 2003


Pakistan Dawn: Gen Tikriti was double agent, says report
PARIS, May 25: Gen Maher Soufiane al-Tikriti, head of Saddam Hussein's presidential guards, happened to be a double agent working for the CIA, a report on Sunday said.
French weekly newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche quoting sources said that the "a high-level Iraqi official with close links to the former regime," Gen Tikriti was paid several million dollars by the CIA and was sent with his family, probably to the United States, on April 8 on board a US C130 aircraft. At that time, the America had announced in an official communique that Gen Tikiriti had died on the day Iraqi capital was attacked.
The newspaper says that Gen Tikriti was convinced by the CIA to become a double agent a year ago in London through a relative who had fled to UK in 1995 with one of Saddam's sons-in-law

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