Monday, March 24, 2003


Independent: Zoe Pilger: Generation Apathy has woken up
Of all the carnage to come from a war in Iraq, one positive element has emerged. Young people of my generation are becoming more and more politicised. You can see it around you. It is now normal for me to overhear 14-year-olds discussing the pros and cons of military intervention, on the bus on the way home from school. Badges carrying anti-war slogans, such as "Not In My Name" are appearing on the lapels of school blazers and ties. It is common to turn on the television and see students under the age of 18 defying their teachers, waving banners and megaphones, and protesting in Parliament Square.

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Bush, Blair blasted as war criminals at antiwar protests
- President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair were denounced as war criminals at a large rally in London's Hyde Park on Saturday, one of many protests held in cities worldwide.
War protesters also gathered in Indonesia, Japan, Greece, Bangladesh, New Zealand and other countries, as well as in numerous U.S. cities. Anti-American sentiment appeared to be rising in many parts of the world as U.S. and British troops pressed their assault on the regime of Saddam Hussein.

The Sunday Herald: Police hem in protesters
Ugly scenes as thousands take to the world's streets
Dozens of protesters hurled rocks and paint at police who used tear gas and dogs to stop them from reaching the US embassy in Oslo, Norway. Italian police also used tear gas to break up protesters who tossed paint at the British consulate in Venice and In France, McDonald's outlets were attacked in Strasbourg and Lyon. Forty thousand marched in both Bern, Switzerland, and Berlin, Germany.

TagesAnzeiger: Anti-Kriegsproteste weltweit
Millionen von Menschen haben am Wochenende gegen den Krieg in Irak protestiert.

Die Demonstrationen in Europa, Asien, den USA sowie im arabischen Raum verliefen meist friedlich. Vereinzelt gab es aber Zwischenfälle.
In Spanien gingen allein in Barcelona am Samstag eine halbe Million Menschen auf die Strasse. In der Hauptstadt Madrid verhinderte die Polizei einen Marsch von rund 250'000 Demonstranten zum Regierungspalast. Anschliessend lieferten sich die Beamte heftige Auseinandersetzungen mit rund 400 teils vermummten Jugendlichen. Dabei gab es 120 Verletzte, darunter 37 Polizisten.

Indymedia: MARCH 22 REPORTS
People around the world engaged in massive and peaceful marches today, demonstrating continued resistance to the invasion of Iraq.

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