Monday, October 13, 2003


Guardian: Regime change, the prequel

In 1983, the US 'pre-emptively' invaded Grenada. Sound familiar?

Spare a thought for Grenada. If the tiny Caribbean "spice island"
figures at all these days, it's as a last-minute holiday bargain in the travel
supplements. Even then, many people think it is in southern Spain.

The story was different 20 years ago. Grenada was catapulted on to the
front pages in October 1983 when troops from the world's most powerful
country invaded the nutmeg-exporting island in order to effect "regime
change". The White House sledgehammer was successful and US forces soon
withdrew, but claims that a minuscule place with no army and a
population of less than 100,000 could conceivably be a military threat prompted


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