Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Islamonline: Palestinian Factions Disclaim Gaza Blast

GAZA, October 15 ( – Palestinian factions immediately disclaimed responsibility for the road-side bombing attack on a U.S. diplomatic convoy that left at least three Americans dead in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, October 15.

Sheikh Adnan Asfour of the movement Hamas said the group's "unwavering position is against broadening the cycle of conflict or taking it outside the Palestinian territories.

"Resistance well understands that its main enemy is the one that had occupied Palestinian territories and killed Palestinians," he told

For its part, the Islamic Jihad resistance movement said it had no interests to carry out the bombing attack against the American convoy.

"The group is always keen not to switch the Palestinian resistance against foreign targets," said the group's leading figure Khaled Al-Batsh.

Speaking to IOL, he set it as plain that "our main enemy is the one who had usurped our land and killed our children."

The Jihad leader pointed a finger of accusation at the Israeli occupation forces "which might have planted the landmine which caused the blast during their daily incursions in the Gaza Strip".

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigares, the armed wing of Fatah movement, also rejected the attack in a statement carried by al-Jazeera

"Die Palaestinensichen Wiederstandsgruppen uebernehmen sonst bei jedem noch so kleinen Anschlag die Verantwortung"

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