Tuesday, July 22, 2003


Scoop: Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide
In the 48 hours since the death of UK WMD scientist David Kelly several key pieces of evidence concerning his final hours and frame of mind have now come to light. These are extracted from key articles and linked below.
Notably they do not point to a seemingly suicidal or internally tortured end for the scientist who has taken to the grave the truth about his relationship with the UK PM's office and the alleged "sexing up" of Iraqi WMD intelligence.

In the wake of some reports that the death has been "confirmed as suicide" it is important for news consumers to realise that legally neither the police, nor the media, have any power to make such a determination.

The cause of death will ultimately be determined legally by a coroner's inquest and that will probably be several weeks if not months away.

It is also important to realise that while the evidence that has been released about the death is consistent with suicide, it is also consistent with a murder made to look like suicide.

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