Wednesday, April 23, 2003


Tagesanzeiger: Powell droht Frankreich
«Wir müssen alle Aspekte unserer Beziehungen zu Frankreich überprüfen», sagte US-Aussenminister Colin Powell in einem Fernsehinterview mit Blick auf das Verhalten Frankreichs im Uno-Sicherheitsrat. Er drohte mit Konsequenzen.

BBC: Q&A: US-French relations on ice
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has warned France that there will be consequences following its refusal to support military action against Iraq.
BBC News Online world affairs correspondent Paul Reynolds looks at what those consequences might be and why

Ny Times: France Urging U.N. to Suspend Iraq Penalties
UNITED NATIONS, April 22 — The French ambassador to the United Nations called today for the immediate suspension of most United Nations sanctions against Iraq, allowing unrestricted nonmilitary trade to resume.

The move by the ambassador, Jean Marc de la Sablière, was intended to avert a new Security Council showdown over the role of the United Nations and could also be an attempt by France to avoid the possibility of being frozen out of plans for a postwar Iraq.

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