Wednesday, April 23, 2003


Spiegel: US-Militär hält Kinder gefangen
Menschenrechtsgruppen sind empört: Die Amerikaner halten auf ihrem Stützpunkt Guantanamo Bay auf Kuba auch Jugendliche unter 16 Jahren gefangen.

ABC: Children Being Held At Guantanamo Terror Camp
The US military has revealed it is holding juveniles at its high-security prison for terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, known as Camp Xray.
The commander of the joint task force at Guantanamo, Major General Geoffrey Miller, says more than one child under the age of 16 is at the detention centre.
However, Maj Gen Miller has revealed little more about their welfare.
Maj Gen Miller says the US is holding "juvenile enemy combatants" at the centre, confirming rumours of children being held

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