Thursday, April 17, 2003


Globe and Mail: Syria's oil lifeline cut off
Washington - Turning the screws on Syria, the United States closed a
pipeline carrying Iraqi oil yesterday in a move that could cripple
already weak economy. After days of warnings and accusations that Syria
a terrorist-supporting rogue state harbouring fleeing leaders of
Iraqi president Saddam Hussein's regime - accusations that have been
rejected as false and baseless by Damascus - the White House moved to
up its tough talk, ordering U.S. Army engineers to shut the spigot that
fuelled one of the few healthy sectors of Syria's miserable economy.

ALSO: U.S. also denies Iraqi oil to Lebanon The United States has
the flow of Iraqi oil to Lebanon. Arab diplomatic sources said the
invasion forces in Iraq shut down the Iraqi-Syrian oil pipeline that
extended from Kirkuk to the Syrian port city of Banyas.
US denies Iraqi Oil to Lebanon

"The war is over - let the war begin"

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