Wednesday, February 12, 2003


Spiegel: Angeblicher Bin Laden ruft Muslime zum Kampf für den Irak
War es wirklich Osama Bin Laden? Der arabische Sender al-Dschasira hat am Abend ein Tonband veröffentlicht, in dem angeblich der Terrorführer alle Muslime zur Verteidigung des Irak auffordert. Die US-Regierung sieht darin eine Verbindung zwischen al-Qaida und Saddam Hussein.

Guardian: Bin Laden urges suicide attacks on US
Osama bin Laden last night returned to haunt America in the midst of preparations for a war in Iraq, when a new tape attributed to the al-Qaida leader was broadcast on the leading Arab television network, urging Iraqis to carry out suicide attacks against the United States.
Don't worry about the American lies and their smart bombs and laser ones, they look for only the clear obvious targets ... The most effective means to devoid the aerial force of its content is by digging large numbers of trenches and camouflage them."
Could it simply be an actor, hired by the CIA, addressing the world from Langley, Virginia?

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