Monday, September 26, 2005


BBC: Basra warrant for two UK soldiers

A Basra judge has issued an arrest warrant for two British soldiers after an Iraqi civilian was reportedly killed and a police officer injured.

The two servicemen - believed to be undercover SAS officers - were detained after a confrontation on Monday.

UK troops later freed the soldiers from Iraqi custody after storming a police station in the southern Iraqi city.

Defence Secretary John Reid said no warrant had been received - and British personnel were immune from Iraqi laws.

"The MoD has not received any arrest warrant relating to any British personnel in Iraq," he said.

"Iraqi law is very clear: British forces remain subject to British jurisdiction.

"Even if such a warrant was issued, it would therefore be of no legal effect."

"It would be interesting to know who made such a deal with the Occupation Forces. Was ist Bremer, Occupation Puppet Allawi or the new Puppet Goverment? Under internation Law it is not allowed to change the Laws of an country under occupation. Im not a law proffesor but under these circumstances one could argue that in this case the special deal between the Puppet Goverment and the Occupation Forces is irrelavant."

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