Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Al-Jazeera: Report: Israel biased against non-Jews

A civil rights group has accused the Israeli interior ministry of grossly and systematically violating the rights of non-Jews in Israel in order to maintain the state's ethnic purity.

In its analysis, the ACR pointed out that the most discriminated-against group are Palestinians who are denied residential status in Israel even if they are married to an Israeli spouse.
Israel prevents some non-Jewish families from living together
The report said that ministry workers had made every conceivable effort to deny decent family life to Israeli citizens married to Palestinians. According to Arab Knesset member Muhammad Baraka, if an Israeli Arab male citizen marries a woman from the West Bank or Gaza Strip, he will either have to give up his Israeli citizenship, which means leaving the country, or get a speedy divorce.
The couple has a third choice, to stay apart, one living in Israel and the other living in the occupied territories. "Nothing like this happens anywhere in the world, and the reason is racism, sheer racism," said Baraka in a recent interview with Aljazeera.net.

"Remember that Israel is the only "Democracy" in the Middle East"

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